Wednesday, June 14, 2017

That river in Egypt...

Greetings good citizen, every thief knows never admit wrongdoing even if you're caught red-handed. Whatever the situation always DENY!

Well, extenuating circumstances provide a 'reasonable (ish)' explanation for just about any action so, given enough time to grasp at straws, you can pretty much lie your way out of anything. [If you don't like lying, the alternative is 'justifying your actions' with the 'because I could' defense.]

Or the other clever ploy of claiming 'you have no proof' [Which is where the 'innocent until PROVEN guilty' defense comes from.]

What you can't DENY is the end result. It can be proven that SOMETHING HAPPENED and the accused had a hand in it, the 'doubt' enters when the suspect denies their responsibility.

Isn't 'fair' [but it often happens] that the circumstances dictate the outcome regardless of the evidence. [Mind you, this only happens when YOU screw one of THEM over!] Why this aspect of 'justice' is often, er, 'ignored' if the suspect is 'connected' (has the funds to bribe others to look away) remains one of the principle reasons the opportunists among us justify their actions.

That said, lies require other lies to plug the holes that would cause the original lie to be exposed, thus do we encounter the slippery slopes along the banks of De-Ni-al.

In order for the lies to 'hold' the questions must cease...and unanswered questions means justice wasn't served.

The question to YOU, my opportunist friend, is could you live/survive in a world/society centered on Justice?

As far as ANY of us knows, EVERYTHING is WRONG until somebody else gets away with it [now do you see/recognize the downside of living amidst the hopelessly STUPID?]

For every argument there is a 'counter-argument'...EVERYTHING, ad infinitum! [This is the basis of Lawyerdom, the ability to successfully argue ANY issue to it's ultimate conclusion and win [not justice] but 'THE DESIRED OUTCOME!'

When pressed, lawyers will shift the focus from 'justice' to 'the quality of justice' (arguing, when it suits them, that there is no such thing as 'absolute justice'.)

Take a look at the performance put on [under oath no less, you can bet that whole shit show started off with a VOW to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!] by the US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who proceeded to refuse to answer, often citing 'executive privilege' (a power apparently 'borrowed' from the man he was defending, Donald Trump.) and where did his 'testimony' end? On the banks of that mighty river we all call Denial!

The feckless will NEVER ADMIT their crimes because they justify them using the 'If I didn't do it someone else would have' argument. You also know how to parse that statement, 'I only did what any other person in my position would have done' [despite knowing full well I was screwing millions out of what they justly deserved in the process.]

But no, the kid in a candy store excuse works every time so long as the argument remains focused on the idea that the kid didn't know any better!

Back to the question, do you have what it takes to live in a world where JUSTICE reigns?

Understand you are born with a highly attuned sense of 'right & wrong' [a sense that gets warped beyond recognition by the multiple injustices you are exposed to before you reach puberty...but that in-born ability is NEVER wiped out. [It is possible to 'condition' someone into accepting wrong as 'normal' but it breaks them and makes them incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts.]

The ability to ignore wrongdoing is a highly developed trait that is cultivated in us from birth. We can detect wrongdoing when others do it almost instantly...but we have the uncanny ability to 'overlook it' when we indulge our 'baser instincts'.

Gegner is NOT a 'headshrinker' but any discussion about why our society is 'like it is' [and why it is 'salvageable'] involves shedding light upon the issues not only facing individuals but society as a whole...we sit still for this crap when we should be busting those who claim to serve 'justice' with frightening regularity.

If forced to do their job [no, not hand out more tickets, that's meaningless busywork that solves NOTHING!] they'd all QUIT!

Our 'politicians' are supposed to 'police themselves' but since there is NOTHING we can do about it if they don''s become that 'wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse' situation, they pretend not to see the cesspool they are standing in and wax wealthy because of it.

Which leads to the other 'legal problem' we face regarding the properties of 'legal tender'.

The corruption WON'T STOP until we outlaw 'hard, untraceable money'. [Beginning to sound like a broken record here, isn't it?]

90% of all of the lying and cheating is done to get their greedy hands on the 'grease that makes the world go round'...but it don't, not really.

The world runs on sweat and human goodness. Without either, nothing would get done.

And that's where this one ends.

Thank you for letting me inside [while you still can!]


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