Saturday, June 3, 2017


Greetings good citizen, watched HBO's M last night and all he had was 'we need to get more democrats elected.'

What dummy doesn't appreciate is first he needs to FIND some Democrats, the opportunists running with a D after their name have no clue who they are nevermind what they stand for.

Worse, Two parties or six the 'base problem' remains the same, the whole process runs on control of the media and we all know who controls that.

Why do these 'bloviating morons' think the public has 'checked out' of the political marketplace? (where all you can find are the same ideas painted different colors.)

Obviously electing Republicans changes nothing. Electing Democrats accomplishes the same thing as electing Republicans because THE MONEY ALL COMES FROM THE SAME PLACE!

Even if the much vilified Left were able to 'grassroots' funding on the same scale the deep-pocketed [self-styled] 'patriots' regularly do, it's who owns the media that makes the difference.

So real issues like rampant inequity and injustice never enter the political arena nevermind the discussion.

This results in the dangerous situation of blocking the path to peaceful conflict resolution. If only 'one sides' issues are on the table, the rest is ignored.

Guess who 'has the floor'? The democracy hijacking One Percent.

THey own the media [and pump the airwaves full of unwatchable dreck, simply because they can] they own the 'political process' hand picking who runs on what issues across the nation [ON BOTH SIDES of the political divide.] So by extension they own the political process...through the gross mismanagement guessed it, MONEY!

How do we solve this crisis?

Good thing 'money' is a 'legal construct' because it's structure and purpose are subject to 'legal interpretation'.

Since the CRIMINALS control money, they also control the Courts/Justice system.

Last night Mr. Mahar had a republican guest on that argued the 'economic impact' of climate change legislation.


It's EXACTLY this 'profits before people' BULLSHIT that has fueled the 'political divide'...with the (monied) Powerful on one side of the fence and the rest of us standing there baffled because there is no way to effectively combat the money interests.

HOW FORTUNATE for our children that money is 'funny'?

When will we wake up to the fact we can NO LONGER TOLERATE the 'Self-Interested FEW' to act upon the environment in their own ECONOMIC INTERESTS, leaving the mess for the hapless/clueless public to clean up [when clean up is even possible...many times it isn't.]

Crimes are committed all the time but the guilty aren't held responsible because MONEY makes those charged with upholding the laws turn 'dumb'.

Time for one more 'reality check'. All it takes to alter this crapfest is WILL.


It is OUR WILL TO CHANGE that will result in an end to the criminal behavior that dominates our society.

It [naturally] will require some 'physical' changes as well, like exiling the miscreants that allowed the cesspool to form under their well as those who did nothing or turned a blind eye to the situation.

They won't stop because we holler STOP, it will stop when we frog-march them up the scaffold to the gallows [because the public needs the closure these executions will bring regardless of how you feel about 'public spectacles'.]

But I digress, step one is recognizing the scope and depth of the problem, can't fix the problem if we can't agree on what's wrong!

For that reason alone we can't rely on the corporate owned media, the same institution that failed to report a single whisper regarding the coup of 1967 when LBJ 'abdicated'.

We have to roll it all the way back to the beginning to figure out where it all went wrong or how our 'experiment in democracy' turned into an abject failure.

We need to place the law beyond the reach of the self-interested...and the only way to do that is make the justice system self-policing. No more Lawyers, no more judges and no more COPS!

Who will protect us?

From what? the 'criminals' are GONE! No cash means no CRIME! Nobody can hold you up, you couldn't give ANYBODY money even if you desperately wanted to...and understand, anybody STUPID ENOUGH to commit criminal assault for financial gain will be 'paid back in kind'.

We don't need cops, we never have.

THE CRIMINALS NEED COPS! To protect them from US!

Just another thing (or three) to think about as you go about what passes for your 'weekend' [not sure weekends exist anymore. If you don't have a gig it's just one day stretching into the next and if you do have a gig, time off is almost never on the weekend so, are there still 'weekends'?]

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


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