Friday, November 6, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, in the previous post we addressed the self-serving, who view the world through a very narrow and decidedly selfish focus.

Since the criminals among us usurped the law and interpret it as it pleases them they pretend they are not 'criminals' but 'entrepreneurs'!

Adam Smith, the original Gordon Gecko (and author of The Wealth of Nations) was an idiot that couldn't see past his own self-interest.

The only way greed; personal 'works' is when resources are set to infinite [impossible on a single planet] and value is so narrowly defined that only a few benefit from its definition.

Remind you of anybody?

Bueller? Trumpsters? Anyone?

We allow the self-interested to dictate the teaching of nonsense to our children and expect those children to behave rationally for no rational reason, how's that for insane?

What's the most disturbing takeaway from the as yet undetermined election?

That it wasn't the blow-out it should have been.

How, in any sane world, did Republicans not lose the Senate after REFUSING TO HEAR EVIDENCE of criminal wrong-doing when the Flag Humping Pussygrabber coerced a foreign government to gin up evidence against one of his rivals?

How did Mitch Mc Connell retain his seat?

Can anyone say criminal skullduggery?

This voting thing isn't working because we don't vote for the right things. Voting to see who will decide for us has proven to be a scam from the beginning.

Everybody Knows and there isn't anything you can do about it short of revolt.

Conventional wisdom says, 'things aren't so bad' but your mind tells you otherwise. Our kids can't find jobs that pay them enough to move out of the house and numbnuts is crowing about the booming economy his boondoggle of a trillion-dollar tax cut DIDN'T create!

I truly hate to keep asking you this but how f'n DUMB are you? [Stupid is the belief in dumb things like MONEY and Spirit in the Sky (a.k.a God.)]

Who are the biggest supporters of both? Evangelical Republicans.

There is no evidence a 'supreme entity' exists (and if it does it is decidedly MALEVOLENT!) Ask any officer of the court and they will readily admit that money IN ANY FORM is a LEGAL FICTION.

We won't survive following swindlers and cheats.

ASP solves the problem of those who refuse to put humanity first.

Now it's YOUR TURN to choose a side. Will you chose humanity or individuality?

Exile proves that alone on your own you are DEAD. The collective we can only prosper as a team, there aren't enough hours in the day to perform all the tasks nature demands of us.

When are you going to reject the lie that you are on your own?

Chant the refrain, good citizen, 'How f'n dumb are you?'

Again with the abrupt ending but I have already laid too much on your feeble mind.

Find your solid ground and work toward building a team that will end leadership by the reckless individuals among us.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the vast majority of us are too busy putting one foot in front of the other to spare any time contemplating criminality and the poor job our (appointed, not elected) leaders have done dealing with it.

So yesterday was the national elections and again the same incompetents who have balled the whole situation up got re-elected despite their poor performance and we have to wonder why?

Who isn't amazed that Moscow Mitch kept his senate seat? Do you think there will be a Senate panel looking into this unseemly turn of events? Will anyone dig to the bottom of the question of what the hell is wrong with Kentucky?

We all know the answer, don't we?

Our government is run by criminals and we have no way to correct the situation.

[Ironically, the criminals dare us to try and correct it, which would be a huge mistake.]

Everybody has to sleep sometime, that card offers no advantage to either side.

They may have the authority and the courts on their side but we have numbers and legitimacy on ours... They chose to wear badges and robes, where we are all the same to them.

Nobody can watch their back 24/7, nobody.

So in any 'war of attrition', numbers win.

Nobody can be chief if they can't trust anyone long enough to blink. Thus what we call civilization crumbles to dust.

Without trust, we are just a collection of savages.

Why do you suppose the bought and paid for media insists we are 'evenly divided?' So no one can challenge the treachery.

To be avoided at all costs [if you serve the criminal cabal] is rooting out the traitors and bringing them to justice in an attempt to restore trust and some semblance of civilization.


What do you KNOW about criminality and civilization? It seems most of you forgot [or failed to grasp] that politics is a process and not a team sport.

Our prisons are bulging with criminals but are they really? Most of the inhabitants of the criminal justice system are there for committing victimless crimes, not against humanity but COMMERCE!

When criminals decide what is a crime the whole system gets warped. It stops being about justice and exists to exert control and enforce obedience to a system that routinely exploits them.

Is our justice system wrong? It gets criminals off the streets by handing them guns and badges and a paycheck. The armed thugs are NOT 'heroes', They just turned on their fellows in exchange for a pension and a pretty darn good one at your expense!

The idea of "I can pay half of you to kill the other half " isn't new nor is it unique. What you aren't aware of is it's the bargain early politicians stuck with the robbers terrorizing their villages.

Didn't take long for this arrangement to descend into 'organized crime' as the thugs saw as a win-win from working both sides of the proposition. The chieftains of old were swept aside by a more 'polished' set of scammers.

There are now billions of us and is 'criminality' a problem? Only in the most impoverished areas and that's because the criminals play King of the Hill' among one another on the lower rungs of the artificial 'worlds' they carved out for themselves.

Like the Royalty of old, the criminal 'families' set up their fiefdoms using the models they were familiar with. [Not a bunch of original thinkers these criminal types!]

Worse, they modeled their worlds on the Empires of old where commanders worked on 'commission' preying on one another...which is why our prisons a bulging with the criminal 'competitors'.

What you don't see is the 'long game'.

This is what the fourth or fifth consecutive 'dead heat' in a presidential election while the term republican became synonymous with criminally psychotic?

How does THAT happen, good citizen?

Pussy-Grabber the Flag Humper is in a dead heat with Joe Biden and the ONLY thing Joe has to do is not be TRUMP.


Trumpsters: Be VERY afraid, the world is watching YOU.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, no matter who you are or what ideology you subscribe to your continued survival relies on trust. If you can't trust yourself (to make rational decisions based on facts) how can you trust someone else to make those choices for you? 

Sounds dumb that anyone would admit to being that 'weak-willed/minded but many of you form your beliefs based on the rants of some shill paid to say what they themselves don't believe. They are reading a script.

Sounds sinister when you strip away the pretense but back to your inoperative Bull Shit meter, the one you don't trust because the nitwit on the radio sure sounds like HE believes it. [And it's almost always a he, only recently have females been recruited to provide 'depth' to their self-serving arguments.]

Who would do such a thing? 

The swindlers that rely on your not connecting the dots.

Naturally, they don't refer to themselves as criminals, they are life's 'winners' and if it takes a degree of deception to keep their swindle from being scrutinized there is plenty of pie ($) to share with the cooperative

The 'Rabbit Hole' is deep because they have been building on top of lie number one for a long time. Here's the rub; the lie all of this is based on is right under your nose and never far from your thoughts yet you don't see it for the fraud that it is.

Worse, because you have been trained to believe it doesn't even occur to you to question the greatest lie there is. Some of you [and only some, that's how deeply you rely on trust] have 'questioned' this substance and the multiple contradictions it presents daily but you keep your suspicions to yourself because this whole shit-show is glued together by 'go along to get along.'

That phrase was coined to protect the lie.

Why does nobody expose the lie? Because without trust society cannot exist.

I would say even the densest of you know which lie I'm talking about but no, that is not the case. A significant portion of the human population has discarded the ability to think for itself because they can't reconcile the lie or what life would be like if it were exposed.

What currently passes for 'civilization' would collapse if the truth were, um, 'recognized' which is why the simple-minded will refuse to believe the lie isn't true.

Not because the lie works but because their entire life is a lie.

Too many of you bet your daily survival on MONEY and MONEY is a LIE. It has no value nor does it have any meaning. 

The problem money solves is the one where (the illusion of) prosperity creates peace, a false peace but peace nonetheless

There are better answers than money but the fraudsters (desperately) adhere to the devil they worked so hard to promote. They (foolishly) tied their personal success to the success of the money fraud.

Where does this leave YOU, oh hapless one?

It leaves you sinking in a quagmire of lies. Worse since every lie needs a dozen more to prop it up your mind is so overwhelmed it shuts down and rationality is rendered moot, irrelevant.

Worse, since critical thinking skills are something you are born with most of you are scratching your head if you've read this far, dumb is a terrible thing. [Remember dumb is the belief in things that aren't true...and if you are forced to trust dumb people you're kind of skunked, aren't you?]

If you don't know what to make of the puzzle the fraud you're living presents and the people around you can't figure it out either well, who do you trust?

That would be the liars paid by the fraudsters, wouldn't it?

The lies are unraveling before you fearful eyes and the nitwit in chief can't put the genie back in the bottle. Will the fraudsters pull the plug and let civilization collapse in the chaos of contradictions they have woven?

The trouble with the 'crazy train' is you CAN'T get off.

Either you stop it or it crashes and burns (taking the dupes/stooges with it.)

Where do you begin? Starts with the lie and accepting the truth. One thing hasn't changed, job one is SURVIVAL and we all live better cooperating and sharing what there is [it would be much better if it were shared EQUITABLY but one trainwreck at a time, eh?]

You can only TRUST those who admit the fraud, that all money is 'funny'. [The concept is useful but misapplied!]

That's square one. If you can't admit we only have one planet that we all must share please move to the front of the train/as close as you can to the point of impact.

If you're not part of the solution it makes you part of the problem.

For those slow on the uptake, you might notice that the truth is closely interwoven with trust and who is worthy of such a gift.

If you trust fraudsters you will squander your future making them comfortable.

I will once again sign off with the declaration that I don't pen these missives for the dumb.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the deeper we are sucked into this quagmire of mindlessness it becomes increasingly apparent that we will fail to stop it because we have failed to identify the problem.

The strong survive and the weak perish [or at least that's how the dumb perceive it.] Being binary in a complex world marks you as a victim ripe to be exploited because you can't process complex systems and become suspicious at the wrong time about the wrong thing.

Temper that with Incorrect = Dead, [stupid kills.]

This is why your inability to analyze condemns you to perpetual victimhood. You think you are winning when you are actually being played for a chump.

Go, Galt! 

At the cornerstone of modern conservatism is the Randist version of the "Law of the Jungle" which dictates that the strong survive (mostly as slaves) and the weak perish.

What the followers of John Galt fail to realize is there can only be one Galt. Everyone and everything works for him. This is the teaching of the Christian Bible, everyone (including Eve) who isn't Adam is superfluous.

Go, Galt!

This is the truth but the binary, knowing they aren't the one, rejects this truth, preferring to believe every (good) man is 'John'.

Kill or be killed is the law of nature and nature favors the strong, it also favors the many against the individual but that doesn't stop the binary from choosing individualism.

Go, Galt!

All you rugged individual types who are sick of the weak parasites leeching you dry were going to leave them behind and build a paradise where the hard-working could build a life free from the tyranny of being forced to support those who couldn't take care of themselves.

But wait a minute? This isn't new, it's so old that Ayn Rand is dead and nobody ever did get around to Going Galt and we can only wonder...why?

Do you know 'why'?

We need to look no further than the Self-Promoter-in-Chief for the true reason why Going Galt never got off the ground. What does Fat Donny and John Galt have in common? They don't do anything. Most of the complaining morons out there are more concerned with feelings than reality because they, like Fat Donny, are FAILURES who don't DO anything!

All they know how to do is complain and blame others for opportunities they never had.

You live in a society run by thieves. The only thing the thieves have to do to keep you 'docile' is make certain the shelves of the grocery store don't go barren and the rest is all your fault.

The thieves TAKE, making is for chumps who have to punch a clock and work all day, you know, the Galts who do all the heavy lifting around here.

Worse, 'real jobs' that actually produce something are rare, most of capitalist society is comprised of 'make work' [like banking and insurance] Then there is the educational system and the entertainment sectors which both specialize in pedaling ignorance. Fat stupid and happy not to lift a finger.

What do you suppose is the fly in this crazy ointment? Why are these pampered parasites so worried? Well, if the people who actually DO the work start looking for fair treatment then the idle complainers will have to do something and they are good at nothing...

Then everyone will know how hollow their constant complaining really was.

Feeling is not thinking and you can't solve a problem by complaining about it considering all the complainer knows is they are unhappy with the choices life offered them.

The greatest irony is there is no lack of things that need doing! Everybody could have 'meaningful/useful' work if we made some elemental changes to the badly broken system.

But you can't fix anything until you agree on what is broken.

Sounds simple enough but the first barrier that derails all efforts at changing/challenging the status quo is the question the non-thinkers always have poised on the tips of their tongues...and that question is, "Who is paying for this? (and by extension, WHERE is that money coming from?)

Considering money is a 'legal fiction' and all money is 'willed' [Green Lantern-like] into existence the truly thick start objecting saying you can't pay for something with nothing when in fact they do it all the time. [Deficit spending, it's not just for governments!]

If the collective WE didn't will things into existence there would be NOTHING! We would still be chasing down our next meal with a stick and beating it to death, starvation would return as the leading cause of death. [This is the 'reality' the John Galt conservo-whackos routinely ignore and why nobody has EVER 'gone Galt' despite the concept having millions of disciples.]

Did I mention the high correlation between stupidity and death?

Stupid remains the number one cause of preventable death.

Don't believe dumb things and we all have to learn to get along, nobody but YOU and the lies of the thieving liars are holding you back.

Probably more 'truth' than you can handle. If you are looking for sunshine and lollipops read a child's book.

Reality is for adults.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the schism that divides societies around the globe is being driven by the corporate-owned media's reframing of the decision-making process into an 'us vs. them' equation

Thanks to the stupidity that is conservatism, the clueless that routinely fail to think or consider the facts. Under the current environment, those who disdain thinking for feeling would object to being characterized as incapable of deciding but it is this lack that is being exploited by the opportunists who routinely deceive those who dislike/have a limited capacity for either reason or logic, often falling back on that useful ruse 'common sense' which is whatever excuse the exploiters fed them to confuse their sensibilities.

That paragraph alone is too difficult for the typical conservative to parse, again shining a blinding white light on the root of the problem.

What root is that you might ask?

We let stupid people participate in the decision-making process. [full stop: this is not hatred, it is TRUTH!]

We would not allow the incompetent to perform complex medical procedures or repairs on critical equipment so it only stands to REASON that we shouldn't permit people who neither know (or care) what is important participate in the decision-making process.

While we all know people who are ardent (often vocal) Trump supporters, we also know, by observation, that those individuals are RARE. If you're THAT DUMB Darwin eliminates you, chronic stupidity is almost always fatal.]

The self-serving have no interest in living in a rational society because a rational society would modify the commerce system to reflect reality. [Can't recognize reality? Chances are you're simply misinformed and not fatally stupid although the feckless opportunists push the line as hard as they can!]

At some remote corner of your mind, you recognize that you are routinely fed ridiculous to make what you are forced to accept seem 'reasonable' or the least worse compromise.

Let's return to today's title, shall we?

What do sports have to do with politics?

Our DUMB conservatives believe [because they are INCAPABLE of 'thinking' (about ANYTHING!)] that the parties are 'teams' and all they care about is beating the other team!

People unable to register the difference between a 'party' and a 'team' are TOO STUPID to be allowed to VOTE!

Humanity can't afford the participation of the easily manipulated, our very survival hangs in the balance.

Thanks to the few who are still capable of rational thought for allowing me to visit and communicate with your mind (your feelings are the last thing anybody should be worried/concerned with given the circumstances.)


Saturday, August 22, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I opine that the main objective of ALL life is SURVIVAL.  One need not be particularly bright to understand that your need to survive is used to get you to cooperate with the ruling class's objectives.

An epiphany is an eye-opening experience. Some of you believe many dumb things and one of them is that Democracy is devoid of 'rulers'. This is a lie.

We seem to understand that the ones with the money have the guns and the ones with the guns make the rules. Everybody gets that.

What separates the kids from the adults is the fact that money is a legal construct with no basis in reality. You are being held hostage to a 'legal fiction' and the law won't 'help' you.

So we erase money from the equation, leaving the guns.

Ready to have your eyes opened wider? Of course not, your misunderstanding of how the WORLD works is entirely intentional. You have been spoonfed all of your prejudices and hatred so you will cooperate with your own endless sacrifice.

One planet, finite resources so you'd think the need to share what there is would be the only rational way forward but no, that is branded as foolish, even utopian!

Fighting is synonymous with survival. If you are to survive you MUST fight. In this reality, the ones with the guns have a decided advantage. A man with a gun can make short work of many unarmed men, women, or children.

So much so that we (our non-existent 'rulers') allocate a certain percentage of our population to defend the section of land the rulers have claimed as 'theirs'. [Don't care what you've been taught or what paper you hold, this land ain't your land, it's THEIRS!]

While it is foolish to believe we (as a species) can survive an all-out war, the foundation of the commerce system is the military and the para-military police force that utilizes military tactics and equipment to fight 'dissidence'. [Read  any resistance to the 'natural order of things']

The 'make work' military exists to support capitalism. Just as the make work police departments of the world are just an extension of this 'comply or die' squandering of resources.

Guess what else is a make-work program? Yup, education. It's not about making YOU smarter, it's all about compliance and teaching YOU NOT TO QUESTION!

The cesspool we call society is a self-serving lie crafted by those who pretend they don't exist [right under our noses no less!]

Whoever controls the media controls the majority's worldview.

Those who have inherited' the planet's resources see no need to share or allow change. They tell themselves if they question their 'gifts' that they don't deserve them and that anyone else, put in the identical position, would NOT surrender what they have been given to preserve for future, more worthy generations.

This is the 'natural order of things' that they have been trained to never question.

This is a dangerous fiction that can't be permitted to continue. 

Knowledge is power. The more people that are aware of the fiction the quicker we can put a stop to the squandering of resources vital to the survival of 'our' species.

Those who put themselves first have already rejected their membership in the human race, self-dealing is the basest of crimes and the most common committed by the opportunistic mimics we (some of us) evolved from.

We have two tools that work to our advantage, without cooperation slavery is unworkable. The second is they have to sleep sometime. They're a paranoid bunch and live by the 'trust no-one' credo, worse they have no compunction about throwing those who resist them under a bus.

Know your friends and trust the one pointing the finger is a liar whose sole goal is to protect themselves.

Societies are built on trust. If you are proven untrustworthy you have rejected your membership in society and shall be banished/exiled and nobody wants that because alone we are all dead meat.

Epiphany A is the military is the 'crutch' of capitalism, it exists to prop up the most abusive 'jobs program' on the planet and B, the cops exist to protect capitalism by violently reminding anyone who doesn't toe the line the cost of questioning the predatory status quo.

They have to sleep sometime and people who chose self-preservation over the welfare of society deserve what's coming to them.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, August 10, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the distractions are both endless and relentless. No sooner do they wave a red flag to your left than before your astonished eyes appears another one on your right, resulting in a perpetual state of outrage over the incompetence that permits such events to persist.

The infamous 'They' are doing their level best to keep you so pissed off that you don't know where to begin.

The problem with that strategy is you eventually begin to notice it is a distraction, like children pounding on a percussion instrument randomly, it's all reduced to 'noise'.

Equally as disturbing is the plethora of 'theories' seeking to answer the question 'what went wrong?'

The culprits remain in control of the narrative. Automation and globalization are both held up as 'organic', so much so that they were inevitable and happened all by themselves.

You are a lunatic if you believe (or even suspect) there was a conspiracy to put billions of workers out of jobs.

You are equally deranged if you believe we can ignore the consequences of the collapse of the bankrupt capitalist system.

Hear/understand this, at its heart, capitalism ignores equity as well as the need to share the means of survival.

The primary goal of ALL life is survival. A system based on fake competition creates a handful of fake winners and hoards of very real losers.

Ownership, the basis of capitalism, is tyranny. It is a falsehood to state that ownership is freedom when the exact opposite is true, ownership is death.

The individual has no need to own anything, they merely need the use of common items as they journey through this existence.

The infamous 'they' insist ownership is freedom but their argument is empty because the law permits the owner to share or hoard things that cannot belong to anyone.

Like Kings, owners claim their right is divine, not that any of them can produce the supreme being that granted them such absolute control.

Most of you accept that SOMEBODY needs to control/defend the resources necessary for survival and who better than the end-users?  the owners say the users are irresponsible and incapable of shepherding the resources crucial to survival but that claim is just as empty as their claim of divine provenance.

The needs of survival are unchanging. We have bowed too long to fake masters. Time to level the playing field because the primary purpose of life is survival and absent cooperation, we, as a species. shall NOT survive.

You are enraged by Trivia while ignoring the true outrage, the raping of the planet for the feckless enjoyment of the self-interested few.

Paychecks all around! True profit is a harmonious society working together to ensure the survival of our species and the species we rely on.

Life is holistic, capitalism is myopic, all it cares about is more for me.

We shall all perish so a few can prosper, briefly.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Friday, July 24, 2020


Greetings good citizen, I recently read a disturbing indictment of the concept known as 'meritocracy' and, given how society's psychopaths twist everything to their personal advantage, the criticism is not without warrant. 

One of the fundamental principles behind A Simple Plan is not 'merit-based' reward but the competency-based reward system.

It is true that most 'meritocracies' use nebulous measures of 'worthiness' [many hereditary] that take no account of competency but if you have to explain/defend the tiniest detail of every proposal it becomes very frustrating/tedious indeed.

It is NOT possible to level the playing field by eliminating accountability or by ignoring outcomes yet the people responsible for the abject failure of the current system remain in control by doing both.

It is not a meaningless question to ask what percentage of the gun violence statistics are police related.

It is not possible to hand an individual a gun and a badge and instruct them to look out for trouble and for that individual not to be the one that causes the trouble they were sent to seek.

We often think we understand one another but that is an illusion. Communications have always been a major social stumbling block for humans because we are incapable of reading minds, much less seeing things from someone else's perspective. 

With that as a given, the job of law enforcement is foolhardy at best and disastrous most of the time.

The law belongs to the people who agree to abide by it. TECHNICALLY there is NO LAW. Society has CHOSEN to prohibit RANDOM VIOLENCE because of the endless nature of REVENGE, Killing one leads to the quest to bring the killer to justice with every individual killed screaming for the killer blood.

Your killing one of theirs because they killed one of yours does not lead to justice. It leads to dead bodies as far as the eye can see. The only way to stop a blood feud is to never start one.

I must be mindful of the feeble who easily lose the thread of a discussion. What does murder have to do with law enforcement and meritocracy?

The idiots running things defend their gross incompetence because they are 'uniquely qualified' to lead for a thousand reasons [sadly none of them rational.]

This is why MOST law enforcement gets on the force via nepotism while others literally brawl their way onto the force. [Fighting is the only thing they are good at and this is in direct conflict with the primary objective of a job that focuses on conflict resolution.]

So these incompetents who are instructed to keep an eye out for 'trouble', end up causing it instead.


When everybody is incompetent, nobody is 'right'. How's that for 'insoluble'? I once again point out that I don't pen these missives for dummies. The cognizant recognize that the problem is the endless shifting of the goalposts.

Anything goes is ever and always fatal.

A rudderless ship can't be steered [and will inevitably wreck.]

The befuddled are baffled but the competent know what needs to be done. The harrowing part of what lies ahead is that bravado can masquerade as loyalty and not show itself for what it is until it is too late.

The competent take notice. Education is key!

We can not permit the self-serving to continue to dictate what our children are taught because what you understand becomes what you believe!

If we are to rid ourselves of incompetent leadership we must demonstrate what competence can accomplish by sweeping aside the opposition and restoring justice.
Remember, without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without Justice there can be no PEACE!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head and letting me get this off my chest!


Friday, July 10, 2020

Common denominator

Greetings fellow humans, I belabor the obvious when I point out that the primary goal of all life is survival. Why you have been taught that this becomes secondary, [yes good citizen, the primary take away from the public educational system is not survival but OBEDIENCE.] Those ENTRUSTED with educating the public also ignore the primary axiom of communal living [TRUST]. Did your public education teach you that? Short answer, no. It is not a meaningless question to ask why you remain ignorant of this basic truth. TRUST is 'assumed' and we all know what happens when you 'ass u me'. We are trained to trust people in positions of authority but when those people prove untrustworthy, what happens? I'm not pointing at politicians or the criminally mis-educated brotherhood of the badge, I am pointing at educators who are constrained to follow a highly politicized syllabus, one that obliquely centers on the existence of an Almighty presence which no living being can prove exists. See a problem? If the basic focus of your program is a lie based on blind faith YOU are being DECEIVED. Somehow it is passed off that as long as everyone is being deceived equally that this is acceptable. This is acceptable (in the minds of the criminally insane) because the primary goal of the education system is OBEDIENCE. If the people 'running' society are 'untrustworty' it is in EVERYONE'S best interest to remove them from power/authority. Civilization CAN NOT 'survive' the self-interested. Is it possible to escape this circular trap? The ONLY way out is to break the circle and banish those who insist on maintaining it. Humanity has failed to watch its own back and now the exploiters dictate the terms of our existence. If we can't regain our common humanity and unite against the criminals among us, [those who pretend this world is THEIRS and theirs alone] we will exterminate ourselves. Thanks once again for letting me inside you head. Gegner

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Greetings faithful lurkers and web spiders, I am writing this to get it off my chest. Apparently the drive to be understood is unquenchable.

The media still gulls the confused with tales of racism when humanity has lost its center and no longer knows what is important.

I can only speak for myself when I opine that humanity needs to learn to cooperate or we will wipe ourselves and every other living thing that has become dependent on us out of existence.

Central to this debacle is how criminality was redefined by the criminals and nobody opposed it. Humans exploit other humans and somehow this is not a crime.

That 'something wrong' that you can't quite put your finger on...there it is. Crime DOES pay and NOBODY is lifting a finger to stop it.

The criminals know you know but defy you to do something, anything about it.

They control the system. The armed thugs work for them just as the political appointees who pretend to dispense justice for profit...human suffering be damned, defend their actions as just following orders.

The morons won't stop until YOU stop them.

How can YOU stop them?

They get creative and it doesn't take a lot of imagination to use their 'creativity' against them.

You have to put the shoe on the other foot. You have to refuse to comply and make them break their own rules.

They can only ticket you if you stop so don't stop. And if they call for back up, you call for back up by stopping with anyone that gets pulled over. Strength in numbers ALWAYS wins.

When criminals wear badges and flaunt the law because their bosses refuse to hold them accountable, you need to demonstrate there are a LOT more of you than there are of them. If you refuse to resist humanity will not survive.

The people who OWN the media are not interested in YOUR (or society's) welfare. All they want is your OBEDIENCE.

You can't center if you keep trying to pacify the irrational.

They will continue to hammer you with the need to defend yourself against all manners of fakery and demagoguery when in reality it is them you need to defend yourself against.

The elite controls the message and for decades that message has been 'trust no one'. Humanity is a social creature that relies heavily on trust. If the people who place themselves at the head of society can't be trusted then they must be BANISHED, the future of mankind is at stake.

We are all human but some of us don't seem to care (about others) and those are the ones that have intentionally revoked their membership in 'civil society', the inclusive community that values ALL humans EQUALLY!

You can't find your center because the people who want you obedience keep you fearful of anyone or anything that might unite you.

We must eject those who pretend to own what belongs to us all from the bosom of society and send them into the wilderness to learn the value of civil society. The selfish are savages who pretend to be civilized. It is our sacred duty to disabuse them of their hubris!

Thank you for letting me speak my mind,


Friday, June 12, 2020

Executive Decision

Greetings good citizen, lend me your mind for I have news to share! After flogging the proverbial dead horse for three long decades I have decided to end my quest to single-handedly save humanity.

The Futurist is abandoning a future that nobody is willing to fight for.

The truth is even more frightening, nobody (at the moment) is in control. The sensation of free fall we have all been experiencing is real. The factions tug and tear at the fabric of society, futilely jockeying for supremacy while squandering the faith, hope, and trust of their hapless pawns.

Few things are more destructive than the ham-handed mishandling of the threads of power.

The factor I repeatedly failed to overcome is the apathy of the victims themselves.

You are being lied to. This is news to no-one.

You are being cheated. Yet you don't know what to do about it so you do nothing.

You are being MURDERED and the ONLY thing you do is keep your head down and avert your eyes.

They say jump and you ask 'how high'? [Whatever happened to no?]

Some dare to refuse but that seldom ends well. The brave perish quietly and their murders are never solved. Better to be thought incompetent than proven evil.

All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Bad enough there are too few men. Most males emulate their mothers because they don't know how to stand on their own.

Around the same time being a man became an expression of ridicule people were being turned on to their inner greed monster. The precept of mutual protection was abandoned for the new meme of looking out for number one.

Never mind the other guy, you watch YOUR back and everything will be fine. How many of the EST generation have since learned they were lied to?

Not many.

It turned what used to be a united society into a gigantic Mexican standoff where everybody stood frozen just waiting for the next guy to blink. Nobody wanted to draw first blood but they were all more than willing to pile in and grab whatever shook loose after the fact.

Behind the looking out for number one meme came the haunting reminder to 'trust no one'.

And now nobody does...surprised?

How does that Aussie MF [FOX] keep their charter?

How long do you let a known poisoner continue to undercut the values of society because nobody on Capitol Hill is willing to lift a finger to stop them?

Me, I'm done.

If you are too dumb to sort fact from fiction, you deserve what happens to you.


Thursday, June 11, 2020


Greetings Pilgrim, since the dawn of society it has been the objective of all cults to become the singular'truth that cannot be denied, made omnipotent by its dominance over all thought and belief.

The main goal of both religion and politics is to win the hearts and minds of all. Efforts to humanity under a single banner have often eclipsed man's efforts to survive!

The common path the cultists use is education, which is inseparable from indoctrination. Both politics and religion operate under the idea that what they preach is the truth when very little of what they offer is even modestly factual.

It is not possible to unite people with lies and religion is one big lie. Politics is likewise comprised of mostly falsehoods and misrepresentations. This has led to the repeated failure of all factions to achieve their mutual goal.

Lost upon the targets of these machinations is any recognition of the fact that they are being manipulated. The devout ignore the political as a test of their faith and the political distrust those who put their faith in what can best be described as a figment of their imagination.

Politicians are liars and God is fake.

Why isn't there a middle ground here where people unite for the ethical treatment of all life and the planet we all MUST share?

There is no 'third way' because the existing cults (of politics and religion) exist to prevent cooperation.

Why do the church and our self-proclaimed 'betters' work to prevent unity? United humanity would bring them both to justice.

Religion and politics are both lies and both claim to be reality-based [because admitting that they aren't would cost them their 'true believers'.]

The third way begins with calling bullshit on the bullshitters. Religions, to a one, are incapable of producing the entity they claim is responsible for everything, just as politicians are incapable of holding anyone accountable for anything [because democracy is messy!]

Their 'believers' have been trained to think in terms of abandoning democracy as abandoning freedom.

What we are really trying to accomplish is to abandon LYING.

This is where ASP comes in.

The LIE that money drives everything will be corrected because the truth is there are many things everyone does without being paid a red cent.

The very foundation of corruption has long been cash and carry. Without cash, corruption relies mostly on collusion although occasionally evil and malice lend a hand. [This is truth]

ASP eliminates cash and bans the transferability of funds between individuals. You can't buy anyone nor can they buy you. Given humanity's opportunistic nature, we are all better off being unable to sell one another our used junk. The resentment generated by pawning off lemons upon one another isn't worth the hate crimes spurred by ill feelings.

But I digress, peace is only possible through honesty. We must treat one another as equals and share the bounty of the planet with all life, sentient or not.

To put yourself first is to forfeit your membership in humanity, which owes you nothing. You, conversely owe it (society) everything. The planet's motto post 'Morning in America' is 'look out for number one!' This is anti-social in the extreme but it is music to the rabid opportunist's ears!

Without cooperation, your life would be an endless struggle culminating in an early grave. Only the insane take the fruits of civil society for granted.

Spreading the false message of endless prosperity (for a few) is not the path toward survival, nor is breeding for the sake of using those children as hostages a productive use of resources.

We have to stop the lies before the liars stop us. The politicians tell us all is as it should be (so long as we obey them in whatever they say) and the church tells us not to consider our lot in this life but to think only of the afterlife where we will serve (their petty) God in eternal glory, whatever that's supposed to mean.

We must start questioning these false assertions and hold those who pretend to lead accountable for their lies and misdeeds.

We can't wait for someone to avenge us, help isn't coming and God is a lie.

In honesty and truth lay peace, prosperity, and the path to survival.

Shut the liars down and take back our world.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Greetings disheveled and deceived, history/civics teachers used to inform students that the USA was NOT a 'democracy' in any sense of the word.

Who devised this 'tricky' method of candor remains unknown, even the teachers didn't offer a guess because much of what passes for educating the public consists of regurgitating what you've been taught right, wrong, or indifferent.

Indeed, much of what passes for education isn't reasoned, it's pure repetition and memory.

Why 'volunteer' that what is practiced in the USA isn't 'democracy'?

Because the broad strokes of democracy are taught in school and the theory is at odds with the practice.

One MAN, One vote has been reduced to one individual and only one 'choice'. You pick Red or Blue and may the 'best', er, 'team' win.

Under democracy the concept, the individual got to 'vote' on every aspect of society (accept/reject) and the 'majority' would have their way.

Under Democracy as practiced, you only get to chose which 'team' you feel is more Sympatico with your worldview. All of the 'minutia' is decided by party apparatchiks with no input by anyone outside party inner circles.

The individual is excluded from the decision-making process and that is precisely how 'the elite' like it. [It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission, human nature being what it is.]

Voting, as it is currently practiced, exists solely to provide the individual with the illusion of participation.

ALL of the choices have been removed from the process, you get to decide NOTHING.

Even the RED vs BLUE choice has been decided for you, your actual vote has been voided by the elite. [This is THEIR WORLD, Damn it!]

Probably a good thing the billions spent on the political campaigns are as fake as the parties themselves.

You are being railroaded using a system you don't understand and don't dare question.

The original 'hostage' is long dead but you are still paying ransom for something that was never going to work out in your favor, regardless.

Are you going to vote this November?

Why? Better than not Either way, you'll decide nothing.

Did you know your continued 'participation' in the political process only validates the effectiveness of the deception?

Voting is buying the lie.

You DO have a choice, don't vote.

Then you get to make another critical decision, don't obey.

Free yourself (no one else is going to.)

Thanks for letting me inside your head. It is high time you opened your mind to the way life should be!


Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Greetings fellow traveler, For the interlopers, I will restate that I don't pen these for the dumb.

If you are here it is because you expect a higher level of understanding on display than the lame-stream media provides the self-professed deplorables.

It's a given that your eye's roll involuntarily when some influencer waxes poetic about protesting when only the dumbest of the dumb believe protests accomplish anything.

In the entire history of the planet, nothing has changed as the result of protesting/demonstrating. Did the suffragettes 'win' the right to vote? Did the freedom marchers win their civil rights? Is that why no one on the 'wrong side' of the class divide has none? The answer to all of the above is NEGATIVE! Even the bloody fight for the 40-hour workweek wasn't won because today the typical worker is hard-pressed to land a job that provides a forty-hour paycheck. Only the insecure gig economy sucks up all your time for almost no pay.

There have been Zero 'wins' against those who (in fact) rule over us.

I have (and still do) council AGAINST marching in the street, your grievances are not a photo op.

That said, protests attract the media like flies on shit. The media isn't there to spotlight the cause du jour but to show the folks back home what will happen to the marchers after they pull a permit and tell the cops exactly when and where they'll be marching.


The people responsible for whatever 'cause' it is you are protesting are beyond SHAME and they won't be 'cowed' by chants and peaceful marches punctuated with fiery speeches.

Words change NOTHING and they never have. Why do you think 'protesting' is permitted [under the strictly enforced rules]

You can't 'take to the streets' without telling the authorities precisely what you plan on doing. If you did, they'd call out the army fearing they had an uprising on their hands...however, should such an event occur spontaneously they'd be hard-pressed to contain it! [Seattle and the WTO protest took police by surprise and all it took was a little advanced planning AND NO F'N PERMIT!]

The Terror was one such event but the lack of planning threw France into chaos for years. The public literally begged the monarchy to 'restore order' after thieves/criminals seized control of the situation from the rebels.

How unfortunate for humanity that courage and fair-mindedness are viewed as weaknesses by the predatory opportunists among us?

Thus the need to 'advertise' what change looks like BEFORE the predators pounce!

Key to ASP is the Human Anti-Exploitation Law, which forbids any human from turning any other into an income stream. It also forbids anyone from laying claim to that which belongs to all life on this planet and forcing the rest to pay for access to what is free to them.

[Where is modern banking without real estate?] How do you keep people impoverished so they will allow you to exploit them without banks and realtors?]

Land ownership is the greatest swindle ever (right behind the invention of money itself.)

Which brings us to change number two, your money is for YOU, commerce doesn't need it. We do what we do because it needs doing, don't do it and we all DIE!

Money is the 'regulator' INTENDED to 'level' the marketplace and keep hoarding to a minimum.

Why is civilization crippled? Because criminals helped themselves to the 'money-making' machinery (by chartering banks for themselves.) Since money is 'wished' into existence, bankers never run out, everybody else has to borrow what is free to the banker.

Did I mention swindle?

But I digress, we were talking about 'change'.

What causes change?

The dummies will tell you it's PROTEST but the cognizant know it is desperation.

It took a nation-dividing WAR to (symbolically) end the barbaric practice of Slavery and that war didn't 'end' shit! Mechanization allowed for mass financial enslavement of those who couldn't provide for themselves. [Before the civil war banking was the domain of the wealthy/merchant class. Post mechanization banking went 'mainstream' and life became debt-driven despite the money created by that debt being 'wished' into existence! [How f'n dumb are you?]

Society pretends slavery was abolished but humans are still 'trafficked' to this day. Only an idiot believes it's not slavery if they pay you.

Why do citizens have to protest for their 'civil rights'? Bush the lesser (W.) voided the Magna Carta at the outset of the war on Terra so technically none of you has any rights at all [not that anyone below the rank of robber baron ever did.]

Nothing changes without violence and violence is no guarantee of positive change!

The cognizant don't need to be told there is another violent confrontation looming in the not too distant future. This fissure has the potential to end life as we have come to know it.

The feckless will force you to choose between peaceful subjugation and extermination. You will forfeit your 'right to live' so they can continue to rule over all that remains.

A thing without a purpose will create its own and that is what the feckless fear above all else.

I call them the feckless for a reason. All of this, past and future, could be avoided if they shifted their focus towards sharing what there is.

The feckless lack the courage to deviate from the game plan. Capitalism (wage slavery) operates on hostages.

Nothing is being done about overpopulation because the biological imperative provides them with the leverage that keeps the wage-slave reporting to work!

Hoards of humans they have no 'leverage' over scare them senseless. These people aren't leaders, they are RULERS!

People believe dumb things then disastrous consequences ensue.

We have to remove the dumb from power. Humanity won't survive following stupid.


Monday, June 8, 2020


Greetings easily deluded, is it unreasonable to ask why our incompetent leadership continually puts the cart before the horse?

Minneapolis announced its plan to dismantle its police force...

If the cops retain their immunity from prosecution it does zero good. It belabors the obvious that the predator/prey relationship the Justice system created by immunizing cops from prosecution for crimes committed in the line of duty will not be resolved without first purging those who have seized control of the Justice system and process.


This is the obstacle that continues to stymie society's attempts at establishing a system that is 'just' to ALL.

There is zero irony that so long as the self-interested are permitted to oversee/interfere with this process, justice for all ceases to be the primary goal.

Thanks to the malfeasance of those in charge of JUSTICE, the average uniformed officer has become the 'perfect assassin' that those in control of the justice system can use to target their enemies.

We all know how dangerous 'a little power' is and how quickly an inch can turn into a mile. George Floyd is nobody's idea of an enemy of the State but his murderer might be privy to other extra-judicial killings which emboldened him.

None of this happens in a vacuum and it is this very fact that has the public pissing its pants!

The believer and the cognizant have already gone 'back to sleep'. The believers are buying the 'bad apple' argument while the cognizant recognize there is little they can do in the absence of the systemic changes that a new operating system like A Simple Plan would bring.

We'd like to think the abolition of cash would deal corruption a death blow. That being said, psychosis doesn't die easily. Taking away one tool will only force criminals to seek other solutions. A near-insane drive to hack the system is the reason why these people get out of bed in the morning.

It truly isn't about good or evil. It's about getting over on the other guy (regardless of who gets injured.] Psychopaths really don't give a shit, not about you and not about themselves. To them, this whole shitshow is a joke.

Where do 'History's Actors' come from?

I'm looking at YOU, Priesthood! [Who else couches all of its thinking in terms of 'forever and ever, amen?']

The seeds of psychosis are everywhere and the typical mind is particularly vulnerable to this avenue of attack.

Zero to f' it in a nano-second flat.

One of humanity's main failing is the general 'lack of concern' for outcomes.

NOTHING will change until enough people decide that doing nothing is more hazardous than putting a stop to those who serve themselves at everyone else's expense.

It's only a blip in an infinite ocean, but what if its ALL like this because we didn't care enough to stop it?

Then it is no longer a blip to be endured, is it?

If you can't bring yourself to care NOW this is EXACTLY what 'next time' is going to look like!

Never 'what to think' but always 'something to think about.'

We have to stop following 'stupid, the believer in dumb things' [but that's just MY opinion, who listens to me?]


Saturday, June 6, 2020


Greetings garbage, that's right, in the eyes of the righteous officer you are the human waste he does battle with every minute of every shift, then he or she goes home to their family where they are confronted with even more conflict because it's how humanity is 'wired'.

Humans are difficult to please and working for other humans makes everything more complicated because regardless of how you perform, it is never good enough!

Ask any given front line law enforcement officer what their 'job' is and you'll get a different answer depending on who they report to.

Add in the lies the media regularly feeds the public and nobody is more attuned to what the press has to say than politicians. Good bad or indifferent, the media can destroy the best administration when things intended to remain under radar draw the press's unwelcome attention.

We just passed the midyear mark and Minnesota (or perhaps Minneapolis alone) has had over 40 incidents of police using chokeholds on the public.

So where is your 'bad apple' defense now, Bill? [It's Friday night, you know which 'Bill' I'm referring to.]

This won't stop until we ABOLISH the job of being a police officer.

NOBODY is qualified.

Perhaps, more succinctly, nobody deserves that kind of abuse.

Turn the village into a bar, then hire a big lug to be its 'bouncer'. He doesn't get the job for his legal acumen, he gets it because he can intimidate and manhandle the village idiots.

See the 'problem'? No, YOU can't even begin to imagine it.

In our diagram there is only one, in reality, there are millions and all of them are sick of having to deal with thoughtlessness and inattentiveness all day, every day.

So it not without reason that I advocate for abolishing the job that not only does nobody qualify for but that nobody deserves. It goes beyond cruel and unusual.

In another telling headline, 70 Officers resigned from Buffalos' Emergency Response force because two officers were suspended for pushing a 75-year-old man to the ground violently enough to draw blood.

The old man in question was white and so was the racism still the verdict?

We are ALL psychopaths. Choosing to be a "Peace Officer" brings that character trait to the fore because of what's expected of you and regardless of the outcome, it will ALWAYS be 'your fault' for not handling it differently.

If we don't eliminate this abusive practice we shall never evolve into the kind of society that can pull together as a team.

Using the 'money crutch' to enforce your will and protect your interests from the people who want to bring you to justice [Yes Virginia, cops exist to protect the guilty and uphold a corrupt legal system.]

Can't arrest the criminals who have private armies at their command and the judges in their pockets.

It is impossible to solve a problem if you don't drill down to its root cause. Using others as a personal income stream is a crime. If paychecks are 'good enough' for workers/producers, they are good enough for EVERYBODY!

Most of you look at this and shake your head, we can't fix this, the corruption runs too deep [in your f'n head!]

The solution is a two-letter word that we all understand.

The answer is as simple as NO.

Blind ambition is NEVER a good thing yet it is precisely the kind of 'ballsiness' that the self-serving tend to reward, (albeit recklessly.)

Is it ironic that the 'madness' won't end until the rest of us grows a pair?

Thanks for playing, and maybe opening your mind a tiny fraction. If you fail to pry it open further the path you are on leads to destruction...but don't take my word for it.


Friday, June 5, 2020


Greetings cowed and confused, how many of you truly believe the problem is 'racism'? That's what the owners of the media tell us it is. [If the news anchors want to see their next paycheck they damn well better regurgitate what they are told while grinning like the village idiot they are paid to be!]

The 'great divide' humanity suffers from is NOT racism but ELITISM! There is zero irony that the elites demand you kneel to their majesty, prompting us to once again ask the daunting question of 'how f'n DUMB are you?

The 'problem' can't be fixed if we fail to identify its source.

You may hold a degree but you are miseducated and you aren't even aware that you paid (exorbitantly) for a head full of nonsense!

This is what happens when the truth is manipulated.

Increasingly you are living in the world according to them...and they have NOTHING 'in common' with you.

You are told an incredible number of lies to justify an existence that you have difficulty making any sense of. Increasingly you are confronted with LUCK being the dominant factor controlling your circumstances...largely because the thieves tell you luck is responsible for their 'good fortune' [mostly to avoid being prosecuted for theft.]

The life you are forced to live is pointless and confusing but protesting your circumstances could cost you your situation.

Thus the parable of if you are warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut!

Life as you have come to know it is precisely the aforementioned pile of excrement. Worse, it is impossible to extricate yourself from it because all of the escape routes have been exhausted.

Stranded is an understatement. If you fail to correct the problem at its root your chances for survival as a species dwindle to nil.

Again, the elitists are playing 'survival of the fittest' (read 'manipulative') as they exploit your ignorance and use it against you.

So we return to the question at hand, how f'n dumb are you?

How do you correct a problem you've been led to believe you have zero control over?

Start with recognizing the source of their power, it is YOU!

Your unquestioning OBEDIENCE is the source of their power.

NO goes a LONG way. Criminals have dictated the definition of criminal behavior unchallenged for generations!

You listen because everyone before you didn't dare to question (faux) authority.

Mr. Floyd didn't die because he was black, he died because cops honestly believe EVERYONE who isn't an officer of the court is SCUM.

They refer to themselves and the job they do as being GARBAGEMEN.

Did ANYONE see 'respectful public servants' during the televised coverage of the protests? Nope, what you saw was self-described APEX PREDATORS positively enraged at having their ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY challenged!

Wake the FUCK UP!


Thursday, June 4, 2020


Greetings NEZITIC, you should all be able to get this because the media has everything backward! Everywhere you look the media is playing the RACISM card when everybody watching this shitshow unfold is scared spitless of REDRUM!

It doesn't matter what COLOR you are, passing a fake twenty is no reason to EXECUTE anybody.

Worse, the media is telling us this is slipping into the rearview mirror, not that anyone will ever look in their rearview mirror and not have their guts twist themselves into knots if they spy a police vehicle behind them.

The TRUST is GONE for good even if Minnesota convicts all four murdering EX law enforcement officers.

IF Minnesota exonerates the felons, the riots we've just seen will pale in comparison, then Pussygrabber the Flag Humper will have his opportunity to break the law under the PRETENSE of preserving order by siccing the troops on the hapless public so they will comply with blatant lawlessness.

They can't have it both ways but the LAW is whatever they say it is.

Are YOU good with that?

Rhetorical question, the more pertinent one has always been, 'what (if anything) CAN you DO about it?'

What you want to do about it and what you're willing to do about it are two separate issues.

Protesting is futile at best because it ASSUMES individuals with the power to set things right are watching. This self-deception is very much akin to Mr. Floyd voluntarily lying down so his executioner could kneel on his neck, then having the f'n media make up malarky that he had a medical condition (that we all share) like the NEED to BREATHE!

How could the officer have known?

[How f'n DUMB are YOU?]

The thin veneer of TRUST is toast. Now you have to adopt the religion of avoiding badges like the plague [while avoiding that too!]

Did I mention 'what's next?'

The onion of lies is being peeled before your incredulous eyes. You want it to 'sort itself out' but that ain't gonna happen.

So the thing to remember here is you aren't choosing for are choosing for your children and theirs.

Remember why I end these where I do.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Greetings combatants, humans are opportunists so the criminals among us used the protests to loot downtown businesses considering the cops had their hands full watching the protestors. WTF?

Think for a moment about how 'effective' this highly-paid (and well-protected) public institution ISN'T and you have to ask why the armed thugs exist at all?

Does the locality need the fines they collect for petty incidents that desperately? [All money is funny so the answer is NOPE!]

The streets were swarming with cops yet businesses along the protest route were looted anyway...if we didn't know better you might be tempted to think the looters were off duty badge toters that would flash their badges should they be discovered...

Talk about 'ballsy' (but so is murdering a suspect on camera while your 'back-up' stands lookout.)

Why does this 'institution' exist?

Policing around the planet is out of control. The officials these rogues report to are too timid to act against them when they flaunt the very laws they swore to uphold.

Let's not forget the Mayor's first reaction, he 'fired' the murderers (instead of commanding they be arrested and jailed but stupid is as stupid does.)

What use is law enforcement that doesn't know (or care) what the law is?

Worse, the clock is ticking. If there isn't meaningful change before the news cycle exhausts this issue nothing will improve and the only takeaway from George Floyd's murder will be 'kill or be killed' when you see the thugs behind you with their blue lights on.

Why do cops exist? The looting proves they don't prevent crime and the relatively static crime rate shows they are ineffective at their 'stated purpose'.

By their own admission, it is better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.

While they are touted by politicians as the citizen's first line of defense, the victim is usually dead or burgled/raped/mugged by the time they show up to collect evidence NOBODY will follow up on or ever look at again after the (mock) trial.

In all seriousness, police around the planet is a 'patronage job' filled with political appointees who don't know the first thing about 'the law' [as evidenced by the moron Mayor's first act!]

What do you suppose the public's reaction will be when the prosecutor in Minnesota decides there is nothing to prosecute? That the officer in question was following protocol when the 'unfortunate incident' occurred?

REMEMBER NOBODY EVER HAS THE RIGHT TO TOUCH YOU much less strangle you into submission for no f'n reason.

This what happens when the men entrusted to enforce the law take it into their heads that those laws don't apply to them?

Can you say 'tyranny'? Good, because now you understand what tyranny is. Law by them, for you.

ASP abolishes the practice of hiring compliant thugs, handing them badges then turning them loose on the public with orders to protect your swindle.

Newsflash, cops exist to protect ownership rights and NOTHING else. ASP prohibits claiming ownership of what rightfully belongs to us all, is your mind blown?

Didn't think so but stupid is the belief of dumb Spirit in the Sky and how that genderless entity wholeheartedly supports a system that commits nine-tenths of creation to penury.

The cops 'work for' the capitalist and 2 + 2 is still 4.

Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head, Head.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Code

Greetings fellow human, it comes as no surprise that you are ignorant of the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight.

Naturally, your education is to blame for your ignorance, that, and the inevitable 'creep' driven by those who would use the law to exploit you.

It is here that the imprecision of speech is coupled with racist/elitist dogma which creates conflicts that nobody can resolve.

Part one of the code is touching. At no time is anyone permitted to touch anyone else WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT.

For reasons no legal moron can explain [beyond the somethings got to give argument] judges, frustrated at having to deal with morons day in and day out, have given the badge toting imbeciles immunity against this prohibition.

The crux of the problem is the job itself. Again the imprecision of speech and the multiple interpretations it yields leaves too much room for misunderstanding.

Rewind to the beginning, NOBODY can TOUCH ANYBODY without their consent.

This is news to most citizens. Add to that the practice of 'neck kneeling' has become 'accepted' in law enforcement circles.

Speculation has it that neck kneeling originated in MILITARY police circles that routinely deal with rowdy, reasonably fit youngsters who instinctively resist physical restraint.

The CODE is in your genes, alongside the instinct to protect yourself.

No legislation can override the basic instinct to preserve one's life.

The actual code that forms the basis of the convention is clear: you TOUCH me (without my permission) and I WILL fuck you up!

Does anyone know what being touched without permission is legally known as? Battery. [How many of you answered Assualt, which is the act of threatening to touch somebody without their permission?.


If 'the law' can't get this simple concept right, how can we expect them to handle the more complex things?

They can't.

Your basic right not to be 'touched' [actually manhandled] is absolute. It is more than just POLITE to apologize when you accidentally bump into somebody. You are literally begging that individual not to exercise their right to KILL you.

You do this instinctually because the code has existed for time out of mind and was born from the primordial fact that to be 'touched' is to be eaten...or raped.

The prohibition against unwanted touching exists at the cellular level. NOBODY is ignorant of this BUT life's exploiters don't care. The prohibition against touching blocks their desire to bend you to their will and they have already decided they will KILL YOU if you don't COMPLY.

The CODE has long been ignored by those who feel a knee on the neck is permissible to insure, not safety but COMPLIANCE which the feckless equate with SAFETY, not for the individual but for THEM.

Flaunting the prohibition against unpermitted touching is a violation of the code that prevents us from killing one another on sight...and it is the legal community that has created this situation.

That is why what passes for 'law enforcement' is under siege.

A legal system that imitates/encourages criminal behavior isn't the 'necessary evil' they pretend it is.

Preventing the individual from defending themselves is a violation of their most basic right.

NOBODY can be trusted to break the convention and walk away unmolested.


This is why ASP resurrects the field of honor so uninterested parties aren't placed in harm's way.

Cops and judges' understanding of the law is not the same as everyone else's.

NOBODY EVER has permission to touch you without your consent...and that consent granted at the threat of mortal peril is still a violation of an individual's rights.

Society is built on TRUST. If you can't trust the people running things it is incumbent on you to flee and seek out the like-minded to establish a community that respects the rights of others.

When that fundamental trust is ignored you are living under the rule of criminals.

Seize the criminals or stand aside as they destroy your life for personal gain.

Flaws exist and they are only being made worse thanks to the self-serving who could care less about 'the code'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR Head.


Monday, June 1, 2020


Greetings sisters and brothers, while the feckless media continues to tell its viewers that the continued violence sparked by extra-judicial murder is 'race-related' when the underlying truth is that any one of us could be the next Floyd George.

Adding to the disintegration of the fabric of society is the collapse of the social institutions that kept us circumspect. An isolated society quickly goes to war with itself as EVERYONE becomes 'the other'.

Do you see the problem here?

Insulate yourself in your private mental dungeon then strip your victim of their humanity and suddenly the victim loses their right to civil treatment. This is what 'the blue wall' does.

Let's finish that thought by pointing out that those who routinely catagorize others as 'savages' are themselves no better.

All humans are savages that barely repress their instinct to slay others on sight for the benefits of social interaction. If not for the 'biological imperative' humanity would have no use for 'society'.

Acknowledging the savagery of a job that shouldn't exist in the first place does nothing to re-establish the trust that is vital to a functioning society. [This is where 'History's Actors' consistently miscalculate!]

This isn't over yet.

The angry/frightened public has been TOLD that the Officer in question has been charged (with manslaughter) but nobody knows if he is free on personal recognizance or if he is safely behind bars [where any one of us would be.]

Initial reports tell us ALL four officers involved were fired by an angry Mayor but this must have quickly been reversed by...wait for it, the policeman's union.

[Is anyone else disturbed that the Mayor's first reaction wasn't to have these rogue civil servants arrested and jailed but to instead terminate their employment?]

Few things are more distressing than witnessing 'nothing go up top' occur at the top of any chain of command.

Understand brethren, the gun-toting human refuse handlers are mace/pepper-spraying children in the vicinity of the protestors. Even disinterested passersby got caught in the crossfire of POLICE OVERREACTION!

It seems our public servants default to their military training when confronted and the millions of civilians dead at the hands of soldiers points to precisely why you don't want to put soldiers in charge of disciplining the public.

It seems incompetence is everywhere and if you disapprove, tough!

Since Morning in America, the paradigm of My way or the Highway has been coupled with Talk to the Hand up and down the power structure.

In this respect putting oneself in harm's way to 'protest' makes the dangerous assumption that someone higher up the chain of command would take notice and buck the tide.

Like prayer, nobody is listening.

Where does that leave the basic building block of society?

The conservatives told us when they took over, we simply didn't believe them but it is slowly dawning on the mass consciousness that they were deadly earnest.

You (and by extension yours) are on your own. This is NOT the place you want to learn that the institutions established to protect you have failed.

This is a bitter pill for those of my peer group, to have arrived at the end of our journey only to learn we have been misled the entire trip.

NOTHING is as represented.

What shall we do to save our grandchildren from our fate?

They have to sleep sometime.

Chant the refrain until a solution presents itself to you...


Sunday, May 31, 2020


Greetings peasant, while the primary victims of extra-judicial murder (to date) have been minorities, the message sent by this practice is how any one of us could be the next George Floyd. 

The fact that prosecutors have repeatedly REFUSED to prosecute these murderers highlights how institutionalized the practice has become.

If you aren't a 'friend of the court' you have zero protection from the local murder posse more colloquially known as the cops.

The protestors at Black Lives Matter rallies are increasingly white as the public recognizes where the failure to prosecute ANY murder leads.

That said, the 'us' vs. 'them' game has come full circle, it's seldom about white versus black, it's always about peasants versus royals.

If you aren't 'a friend of the court' then you are 'human garbage'. This is exactly how the cops regard those who struggle to survive on the scraps life's owners toss at them.

It's all about mindset folks and the cops have been taught that they are society's 'garbage men'.

The lying media has worked diligently to make this a color issue and the believers of dumb things have bought this explanation until the facts surrounding the latest execution came to light and a pattern was revealed.

Any one of us could be the next George Floyd.

Nobody is safe when the brotherhood of the badge declares themselves exempt from prosecution and metes out their own brand of justice however and whenever they see fit (because 'fit' is the one thing they aren't!) 

If you aren't part of the 'master class', you risk your life and liberty every time you venture from home's relative safety.

Mommas, don't let your babies be cops. [In a civil future, the job won't exist.]

While the lying media lionizes them as heroes they remain what they started out as, thugs with jobs.

The cops do NOT exist to protect YOU. They do, however, protect life/society's criminal class who pretend to OWN what belongs to us all.

The truth has finally been revealed, these people and the people they work for CAN'T BE TRUSTED.

The 'protests' that have in many cases devolved into riots will soon become civil war as the peasants fight for their lives against those who put themselves ABOVE THE LAW.

What's at stake?

Your future peace and prosperity.

Those who control money have decided they don't need you anymore and they are using their control of finance to pay half of us to murder the other half.

Don't suppose we have a 'criminal problem' here, do ya?

You're not imagining this, things are getting real.

Lead, follow, or run for cover!


Saturday, May 30, 2020


Greetings headcount, yesterday's post ran afoul of the community standards rule and was blocked by Facebook.

As riots spread across the nation censorship becomes a moot point as the 'above the law' crowd exempts itself from the laws the rest of us agree to abide by in the fake pursuit of 'maintaining order'.

Pillars, good citizen. Without Equality, there can be No JUSTICE and without Justice, there can be no PEACE (as evidenced by the rioting and the arrest of news crews covering the riots sparked by the latest miscarriage of justice.)

The 'Above the Law' crowd doesn't want you to know that the law-abiding public is united against the miscarriage of justice. If we hold the unjust accountable, where does it stop?

No justice for one is no justice for all.

You, constant reader, will be obliged to fill in your own blanks here because we are already treading dangerously close to the edge of 'community standards' which may have already been rolled back to the banality that has dominated the 'Trumped up' pandemic.

The clear and present danger is one we have been slipping backwards into for quite some time. As 'talk to the hand' has dominated the complaint response system usurped by the conservatives after 'Morning in America' the public has grown accustomed to the 'what are YOU gonna do about it?' attitude displayed when those empowered to act in the public interest overreach their mandate.

The media informs us that the murdering EX, (had to get that part in there, they want you to believe he was fired when he murdered a civilian for no legitimate reason!) Policeman has been arrested.

What about the other three who stood there watching while their teammate murdered a piece of 'human garbage'? 

This is the prevailing opinion that most badge-wearing officials have of the people they allege to 'serve'.

You, good citizen, are human garbage in the eyes of the people that wear badges for a paycheck. [Is that too much truth for you, censor?]

Can't speak for ALL cops but more than a few of them have expressed this sentiment to each other when they drop their guard or feel the need to flex their muscles and let the rest of us know who has the POWER.

Maybe our community standards moron is a cop...albeit of a different stripe. 

This is where the line between protecting the community and protecting yourself crosses.

Can YOU handle the truth? Not if somebody else gets to decide for you.

Let's see if this post gets blocked too.

The worst part is there is nobody to protest to. The cop that cites you has already made up their mind that you are guilty.

The truth doesn't matter because the Judge will only see you once or twice but he has to deal with the gun toter regularly. Despite being a judge, he still needs 'the team' to back him up when shit gets real like it is right now in Minneapolis.

This is why there will be no 'above the law' badge toting morons under ASP. Civil society is 'self-policing' from top to bottom because NOBODY is Above the Law and that includes you, you censoring bastard.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Friday, May 29, 2020


Greetings fearful and anxious, like the tale of the boy who cried wolf, the public is learning the hard way about the consequences of trusting too much.

Under Monarchy, the 'guard' was employed by the crown and operated with 'impunity' thanks to the quid pro quo of, We protect the king so the king protects Us.

Modern 'civilian' police forces are still comprised of patronage and 'legacy'. If your ancestor was a member of the Brotherhood, then you got made.

Disturbing how closely the (alleged) forces of justice resemble the criminal organizations they blame the courts for continuing to thrive.

It is these fundamental flaws in the justice system that leads society to question the competence of the people PRETENDING to manage our affairs.

The point of today's post is not the corrupt core of capitalism but the crucial trust deficit Institutionalized Corruption fosters society-wide.

Difficult to determine which is more disturbing, a cop that was ignorant of the fact that killing a suspect in custody was a violation of the very laws the officer is SWORN to uphold or the Chief's decision to 'fire' the officers involved rather than having them arrested for the MURDER they just committed?

Does ANYONE know what happened to the 'fake twenty' that initiated the senseless strangulation of a man denied a trial by a moron with a gun and a badge? A man with an unshakable belief that he wouldn't be prosecuted for the murder he committed?

Just as disturbing is why NOBODY moved to stop this. That is how far the glue of society has eroded. No-one even attempted to stop the murderer because they feared being killed and having it 'officially ignored'.


How far is TOO FAR?

Civilization operates on TRUST. The only reason we don't kill one another on sight is a tacit agreement to 'trust' each other.

When that 'trust' devolves into a quid pro quo arrangement between the branches of the justice system that places the public on the outside looking in, the system is WORTHLESS.

In case any of you were wondering, these are precisely the circumstances the Founders forewarned us of when a society is 'overdue' for a revolt.

COVID be damned, when those who pretend to protect the public's interests unleash murder upon the populace, the time has come to 'purge' the corrupt power structure.

The key flaw in any 'system of government' is allowing the self-interested to control the justice system.

The law, to be 'just', MUST treat all who agree to live under it 'equally'.

It is only since Morning in America that Cops have become 'immunized' against murder, something NOBODY voted for.

What was the Chief thinking? [Probably quick, get this idiot out of here before I lose MY job!] 

What 'brick wall' has the public run into? There is NOTHING they can do about the mayor/governor [Who sic'd the Guard on the rioters last night.]

Can't remove THEIR incompetent asses until the next election and neither one of them can be prosecuted for crimes committed under their watch!

Says a lot about a system when the politicians start using the publicly funded police force as their personal guard.

What's the 'take away' here, Headcount?

Time to play shoot first and ask questions later. That badge has officially become a target. Aim for the head because the bastards clipped us for body armor.

Good hunting! [Kill or BE killed is the law of the jungle. The next victim of police violence could be YOU or someone you love!]


Thursday, May 28, 2020


Greetings oh, malleable one! We are influenced by many factors as we are herded along the aisles of circumstance towards the chute that leads to the endless sleep. [Never hurts to be mindful that all of this is temporary.] The process makes us over yet we have no idea what the goal/purpose of this molding process is.

Still, here we are, kicking and screaming despite being unable to alter our circumstances. Existence itself is void of both meaning or purpose (which is not to say that we don't create our own meanings and purposes as we bump along, heedless of the chute.)

Whether we are cake batter or potters clay isn't worthy of debate. There is more than a little karmic retribution in the phrase, "Man plans and God laughs."

Being what we are, it is a human tendency to attach meaning that may or MAY NOT be there.

One thing is a given. We are being lied to, the question is by? (and yet again the word simply doesn't exist.) 

We lie to ourselves (again words fail. Even the verb constantly falls short of the mark.)

Is this why people refuse to 'think'? [Too many dead ends and no 'good' answers?] How many of you survive this squalid existence by reminding yourself that it will all be over soon?

Sadly, most of us are caught up in the need to make sense of it all. In this context, it becomes difficult (if not impossible) to know whether laughing or crying is the appropriate response.

It is this (omnipresent) 'futility' that drove me to create A Simple Plan, a formula for the equitable treatment of our fellow inmates in this otherworldly lock-up for the criminally insane.

Intuition tells me things won't improve until we improve them, even if that means creating (some) of our own answers.

This is no different than what the half-wits in charge regularly do (and each time they do it, something else goes horribly wrong!)

Can't build if you don't know how to use  ALL of the tools/materials. Our society is ruined because the self-professed chefs ignore the most crucial ingredients along with how to utilize them.

Did I mention the plan is simple because it involves easy to comprehend (and explain) concepts?

It ALL flows from Equality. While the authors of this shitshow pay lip service to equality, you can't find it anywhere in the mix and the divides this neglect creates are deadly.

Until a united we correct this flaw in the process the end result will remain garbage.

Shit is neither good nor bad, shit simply is.

Incompetence makes shit so the solution is to remove the incompetent.

Anyone need me to draw them a picture?

Peace, (another seriously neglected ingredient.)


Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Greetings citizen warrior, twenty years ago the (impoverished) United States launched an invasion of the Graveyard of Empires to, er, 'punish' those in control for providing 'aid & comfort' to Osama Bin Laden for Al-Quieda's open attack on US soil.

The Taliban, unremarkably enough, is still there and we are negotiating with them so we can exit, er, peacefully.

Why weren't the Talibs declared criminals and practicing Talibanism a crime? Too logical? (Chant the refrain.)

The invasion and its aftermath have ushered in miraculous innovations in battlefield medicine and cost the US and its allies an entire generation [because donning a uniform and picking up a gun became the 'only game in town'.]

It wasn't supposed to end like this. The original plan was to 'grow' the conflict into another global 'brushfire' war where attrition wiped out useless civilian populations that would be written off as 'collateral damage' in the global war on Terra!

Turns out that plan had to be aborted because it was poorly planned. It would eventually be revealed that the attackers [Global Evangelical Protestantism] were just making shit up to invade and murder people that resisted their tyrannical worldview.

Just because they refuse to acknowledge American Exceptionalism as tyranny doesn't mean the rest of the world is blind. That and the Chinese and the Hindus are both non-Christian AND nuclear-armed.

See what I mean by 'not well thought out?'

Who is the boogeyman here? All in how you 'judge', isn't it?

Under ASP religion becomes a 'personal' commitment. If ANY individual ATTEMPTS to convert others [via ANY method] it becomes grounds for exile. You (along with everyone else) are HUMAN FIRST. You are free to worship anything you like ON YOUR OWN (in ways that don't harm or influence others) and you will be left to seek spiritual completion in your own peaceful way.

Start dictating to others right from wrong and forfeit your membership in civil society.

Religion is how the criminals keep the law on a short leash.

Thou shalt not kill. [Even if the SOB richly deserves it?] Under ASP you can 'invite' whoever is callous enough to offend you to settle your differences upon the field of honor, a remedy currently denied to you because justice has been usurped by the criminals.

Yes, Virginia, there is a very clear line where YOU stop and WE begin.

None of us are here alone. This will never be, 'The world according to me.' Unity is the only way forward and anything or anyone that causes division shall be banished for their rejection of a united humanity.

Religion forms the foundation of 'groupthink' [You know, "I believe what I believe because I believe it, end of story."] Groupthink (or allowing others to think FOR YOU) is where war comes from because it is how the 'non-believer' gets demonized.

The criminals LOVE groupthink...until it turns on THEM.

Again, not what to think but certainly something to think about, eh?

Not that anyone has ever asked you (but I will.)

What do YOU think?
