Thursday, May 28, 2020


Greetings oh, malleable one! We are influenced by many factors as we are herded along the aisles of circumstance towards the chute that leads to the endless sleep. [Never hurts to be mindful that all of this is temporary.] The process makes us over yet we have no idea what the goal/purpose of this molding process is.

Still, here we are, kicking and screaming despite being unable to alter our circumstances. Existence itself is void of both meaning or purpose (which is not to say that we don't create our own meanings and purposes as we bump along, heedless of the chute.)

Whether we are cake batter or potters clay isn't worthy of debate. There is more than a little karmic retribution in the phrase, "Man plans and God laughs."

Being what we are, it is a human tendency to attach meaning that may or MAY NOT be there.

One thing is a given. We are being lied to, the question is by? (and yet again the word simply doesn't exist.) 

We lie to ourselves (again words fail. Even the verb constantly falls short of the mark.)

Is this why people refuse to 'think'? [Too many dead ends and no 'good' answers?] How many of you survive this squalid existence by reminding yourself that it will all be over soon?

Sadly, most of us are caught up in the need to make sense of it all. In this context, it becomes difficult (if not impossible) to know whether laughing or crying is the appropriate response.

It is this (omnipresent) 'futility' that drove me to create A Simple Plan, a formula for the equitable treatment of our fellow inmates in this otherworldly lock-up for the criminally insane.

Intuition tells me things won't improve until we improve them, even if that means creating (some) of our own answers.

This is no different than what the half-wits in charge regularly do (and each time they do it, something else goes horribly wrong!)

Can't build if you don't know how to use  ALL of the tools/materials. Our society is ruined because the self-professed chefs ignore the most crucial ingredients along with how to utilize them.

Did I mention the plan is simple because it involves easy to comprehend (and explain) concepts?

It ALL flows from Equality. While the authors of this shitshow pay lip service to equality, you can't find it anywhere in the mix and the divides this neglect creates are deadly.

Until a united we correct this flaw in the process the end result will remain garbage.

Shit is neither good nor bad, shit simply is.

Incompetence makes shit so the solution is to remove the incompetent.

Anyone need me to draw them a picture?

Peace, (another seriously neglected ingredient.)



  1. It ALL flows from Equality. While the authors of this shitshow pay lip service to equality, you can't find it anywhere in the mix and the divides this neglect creates are deadly.

    Until a united we correct this flaw in the process the end result will remain garbage.

  2. Sadly, most of us are caught up in the need to make sense of it all. In this context, it becomes difficult (if not impossible) to know whether laughing or crying is the appropriate response.

  3. Being what we are, it is a human tendency to attach meaning that may or MAY NOT be there.

  4. Can't build (effectively) if you don't know how to use ALL of the tools/materials. Our society is ruined because the self-professed chefs ignore the most crucial ingredients along with how to utilize them.

  5. [Never hurts to be mindful that all of this is temporary.] The process makes us over yet we have no idea what the goal/purpose of this molding process is.

  6. Whether we are cake batter or potters clay isn't worthy of debate. There is more than a little karmic retribution in the phrase, "Man plans and God laughs."

  7. Did I mention the plan is simple because it involves easy to comprehend (and explain) concepts?

  8. Shit is neither good nor bad, shit simply is.

    Incompetence makes shit so the solution is to remove the incompetent.

    Anyone need me to draw them a picture?

  9. Shit is neither good nor bad, shit simply is.

    Incompetence makes shit so the solution is to remove the incompetent.

    Anyone need me to draw them a picture?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...