Monday, May 4, 2020


Greeting misinformed and miseducated, the disinformation train keeps spewing confusion while the truly dumb do whatever they think is right.

Fear of being blamed has polluted the thinking of the Spin Doctors whose job it is to manage your expectations. Reality must be avoided at all costs! Since a vaccine is still a year away and effective testing remains a bad joke, the only litmus test we have is the only one we've ever had, the death rate.

Worrisome in our particular situation is how many of the vulnerable were (temporarily) spared by the shelter in place orders?

The inevitable spike in the death rate caused by this 'erring to caution' [mental masturbation] will put (cowardly) leadership in a negative light, causing the Spin Doctors to work overtime to convince a disgruntled public that their brainless tactics were driven by their heartfelt desire to save lives, regardless of how misguided.

The fear of losing face by appearing callous in the face of an attack they were never equipped to deal with in the first place has the maimed, crippled, and crazy terrified of resuming the activities that are vital to survival.

It seems everything capitalism touches is destroyed. Reaganomics and the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry, which was yet another failed attempt to 'save' capitalism, did nobody any favors.

YOU are being 'mislead' AND 'misinformed'. Both come at a steep cost. Society can not endure the loss of social cohesion without consequence...and the price paid in the past has been a heavy one indeed.

The cognizant know it is the endless spin that the dumb respond to without thinking [because they have been conditioned to obey without thinking!] is the reason we live in contempt of those who refuse to appreciate the consequences of their actions.

The prevailing attitude that the Golden Rule is for chumps has placed civilization at odds with itself. If you can't be trusted you are the problem.

The solution to that problem is to eliminate the untrustworthy.

Who decides? Can't let the dumb do it, they are the ones embracing the doctrine of may the Devil take the hindmost with both greedy hands!

What's the difference between the dumb and the cognizant? The Cognizant have points of view they can defend, the dumb can't explain why they believe what they do.

Can't explain yourself? You aren't a thinker. Not being able to think removes you from making choices.

And YOU thought this would be difficult/complicated!

Speaking of gullible, the same people that need a TV to change their mind also fell for the ruse that social distancing was practiced during past pandemics...when the vast majority of people didn't know how to read much less what a germ was! How f'n dumb are they?

Even the pandemic of 1918 there was only a dim recognition that people were what spread disease...and they DIDN'T social distance...they also didn't freak out over the discovery [which was once AGAIN dismissed as yet another of God's Judgments against the WICKED [who refused to tithe!]

Unfunny how it always circles back to money.

Last question for the much will they charge for an inoculation? The stupid will pay whatever they ask [so they will ask much because they can.]

Happy Monday, Head. Don't take any wooden nickels for any reason no matter what they tell you.



  1. Speaking of gullible, the same people that need a TV to change their mind also fell for the ruse that social distancing was practiced during past pandemics...when the vast majority of people didn't know how to read much less what a germ was! How f'n dumb are they?

    This exemplifies the magnitude of the media problem we are facing and also why there is no 'we', thanks to the same media brainwashing!

  2. Fear of being blamed has polluted the thinking of the Spin Doctors whose job it is to manage your expectations. Reality must be avoided at all costs! Since a vaccine is still a year away and effective testing remains a bad joke, the only litmus test we have is the only one we've ever had, the death rate.

  3. The cognizant know it is the endless spin that the dumb respond to without thinking [because they have been conditioned to obey without thinking!] is the reason we live in contempt of those who refuse to appreciate the consequences of their actions.

    The prevailing attitude that the Golden Rule is for chumps has placed civilization at odds with itself. If you can't be trusted you are the problem.

    The solution to that problem is to eliminate the untrustworthy.

  4. YOU are being 'mislead' AND 'misinformed'. Both come at a steep cost. Society can not endure the loss of social cohesion without consequence...and the price paid in the past has been a heavy one indeed.

  5. What's the difference between the dumb and the cognizant? The Cognizant have points of view they can defend, the dumb can't explain why they believe what they do.

    Can't explain yourself? You aren't a thinker. Not being able to think removes you from making choices.

    not just for yourself, for anybody.

  6. Speaking of gullible, the same people that need a TV to change their mind also fell for the ruse that social distancing was practiced during past pandemics...when the vast majority of people didn't know how to read much less what a germ was! How f'n dumb are they?
    Do you know what passed for medicine pre 1900? Prayer! If you were sick, they'd pray for you, sometimes it would work and most of the time it didn't.

  7. The inevitable spike in the death rate caused by this 'erring to caution' [mental masturbation] will put (cowardly) leadership in a negative light, causing the Spin Doctors to work overtime to convince a disgruntled public that their brainless tactics were driven by their heartfelt desire to save lives, regardless of how misguided.

  8. The cognizant know it is the endless spin that the dumb respond to without thinking [because they have been conditioned to obey without thinking!] is the reason we live in contempt of those who refuse to appreciate the consequences of their actions.


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