Friday, May 1, 2020


Greetings victim, the public face of the idiocracy has lifted the shelter in place 'advisory' which will result in the virus finishing the job it was designed to do.

Left to our imagination is if another 'mutation' will be released on an unsuspecting public?

Some states have terminated their shelter in place orders [Massachusetts remains on lockdown until 5/18.] Replacing the lockdown are orders mandating that face masks be worn in public.

The virus, a MICROBE, doesn't even see your mask but the idiocracy knows you'll do whatever they order you to, and what the heck, Can't hurt, right? Who needs to see?

Yup, folks who wear glasses have to choose between seeing and breathing. Put the mask on and take the glasses off...or drop the mask below your nose and defeat the purpose of wearing it.

How many of you watched the Coronavirus video on NetFlix? Ya don't suppose Trump's sudden rebranding of the pandemic as a 'lab accident' is a coincidence, do you?

The video watches like a recipe for genocide! Will the 'follow up' mutation be the more deadly variety and will it appear in the overcrowded third world or in the dangerous to despots western democracies?

Who remembers their history? The virus hit Italy hard. Rome conquered much of the ancient world and a majority of modern Europeans have a percentage of 'Latin' DNA in them.

The Romans DIDN'T conquer China but they did conquer (and rape) all of what eventually became 'the West'.

This is shit you can't see unless you look at life's layers/dimensions!

YOU need to break out of the 'mold' they placed your mind in and start seeing what's happening. Evil flourishes best when it goes 'unobserved'. You assume authority is protecting your interests and that your ability to 'vote' serves as your insurance policy.

Wake the F up!

The self-serving view you as a clear and present danger to their continued existence. A threat on par with organic plutonium. Too dangerous to handle safely and best buried under a concrete overcoat.

If you don't go on the offensive it will be too late, the fucktarded will 'win' and our species will perish!

You will freak out when you see someone without a mask but you won't lift a finger to stop the self-serving from murdering your entire family while PRETENDING to protect them from a disease THEY MADE!

How F'n DUMB are YOU?

Rhetorical question...everybody knows.

Y.O.Y.O, Head!


I can guide you but I can't make you act, that choice remains yours and yours alone.


  1. I can guide you but I can't make you act, that choice remains yours and yours alone.

  2. Some states have terminated their shelter in place orders [Massachusetts remains on lockdown until 5/18.] Replacing the lockdown are orders mandating that face masks be worn in public.

  3. Left to our imagination is if another 'mutation' will be released on an unsuspecting public?

  4. The virus, a MICROBE, doesn't even see your mask but the idiocracy knows you'll do whatever they order you to, and what the heck, Can't hurt, right? Who needs to see?

    Yup, folks who wear glasses have to choose between seeing and breathing. Put the mask on and take the glasses off...or drop the mask below your nose and defeat the purpose of wearing it.

  5. The Romans DIDN'T conquer China but they did conquer (and rape) all of what eventually became 'the West'.

    This is shit you can't see unless you look at life's layers/dimensions!

  6. The video watches like a recipe for genocide! Will the 'follow up' mutation be the more deadly variety and will it appear in the overcrowded third world or in the dangerous to despots western democracies?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...