Monday, October 30, 2017

The good life

Greetings good citizen, first thing to comment on is I have zero personal experience with 'the good life'...not that my life hasn't been 'good' but I have lived it without the 'trappings' commonly associated with even mild success. I (barely) have a house a car and a couple of kids which is fairly 'typical', so much so that more of us 'identify' with The Hecks from the sitcom 'The Middle' than we do with most other TV families. [probably the reason the show is in it's final season...if Mike and Frankie get any more desperate they'll turn into the latest parody of 'fun with Dick & Jane'

So, disclaimer aside, the 'eye that never blinks' has provided us all with an idea of what 'the good life' would consist of. First is a 'fun job' that pays beyond real the CEO of an internet start up but without the off-putting techie jabber the reality would be immersed in.

How much money never comes up, the actors are always well dressed and eat [actually 'pretend to eat'] diets no real person would be able to afford.

Naturally, our 'good life model' vacations modestly...not at all like people who actually have the juice to not work if they don't feel like it.

We go on trips and enjoy ourselves but it's not like the people who can afford the very best...transportation, accommodations and the menu are nothing like any of us has ever experienced. Private jets, club memberships to exclusive resorts and private chefs that tailor gourmet meals, cooked to order are all taboo subjects that TV avoids because the feckless invest heavily in convincing you they are 'just plain folks'.

Follow the logic here: 'the money' puts what you watch on TV and they want to be, however inaccurately, portrayed as just 'plain folks' who live 'just like you and me' [sans the bill collectors.]

No mystery good citizen, we all know the best of the best doesn't even end up in our general vicinity, hell, most of us wouldn't recognize it if fell into a barrel of it!

Same as it ever was.

The best just isn't for you.

Even YOUR best isn't for's for the full of themselves A-hole that cuts your paycheck! Not your boss, you have likely never met this prima donna

[pri·ma don·na
ˌprēmə ˈdänə/Submit
noun: primadonna
the chief female singer in an opera or opera company.
synonyms: leading soprano, leading lady, diva, star, opera star, principal singer
"this scene was added to give the prima donna another aria"
a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
synonyms: ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princess, diva, pooh-bah; informaldrama queen
"a city council filled with prima donnas"]
From Google

Like the life they live, you aren't important enough to be bothered with because they are so much more important than you!

Beginning to see 'the true disconnect' here?

No, no you don't.

Life is best enjoyed with others of 'your kind'.

What is 'your kind'? Naturally that depends on what you do because it governs the 'level of success' you operate on.

Even if you 'do' nothing you still have something in common with other, er, 'lay-abouts'.

These are 'your people' because they live as you live and experience what you experience!

The, er, 'stupidly wealthy' abhor the company of the destitute because they have next to nothing in common [despite neither one having any direct experience with 'an honest day's work'. How's that for a paradox?

Again, matter of perspective here but the 'fortunate few' who have regular jobs that provide paychecks they can almost live on [a phenomenon experienced spectrum wide, regardless of where you are on the totem pole...if you work for a paycheck, you can barely live on it.]

NO ONE born after 1929 knows what 'prosperity' is.

You THINK you do but you're actually clueless...or you're one of the obscenely rich. [Even then there is a major difference between prosperity and gluttony!]

Why way back there?

It marks the point where population and technology merged to create the 'balance' I was referring to in yesterday's piece. Common diseases were in full retreat and modern handling/packaging finally made food insecurity a thing of the past...

So what happened?

Same thing that happened to television, the 'money' saw the defeat of humanity's natural enemies as a 'bad thing' so they took steps to withhold these benefits from their 'lessers'...

And here we are today.

How much more proof do you need that we can't continue to live under the rule of the 'simple minded'?

Many of these morons are waiting for 'divine intervention' to relieve them of the burden of deciding mankind's fate.

So the criminals among us have moved to the fore. A 'disease' we have yet to conquer, the feckless are grateful for them.

Just a tiny sidebar before I leave you to ponder [try and ponder for more than thirty seconds this time, eh?] and that would be the kerfuffle over 'inappropriate behavior'.


It's baked into the feckless lifestyle we had forced on us by the criminals after the morons with money stepped aside.

You want a more civil society you have to replace capitalism with a more socially aware template.

How unfortunate we are STILL using *the creators 'slaver template'?

Thanks for visiting, help yourself to as much free stuff as you like!


* in this context I am referring to the aliens that cloned themselves to mine for them...then abandoned us here.

Sounds nasty but have you really looked at mankind's attitude? The 'apple' doesn't fall far from the tree...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Balancing the books

Greetings good citizen, have I mentioned we handle money in the worst way possible? Might have brought it up once or twice but how much of what I've said sank in?

I didn't get around to pointing at the biggest elephant in the room yesterday because what the hey, it's an 'everybody knows' situation!

Know WHY the feckless treat us like imbeciles? BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT [short of REVOLT and they're 'reasonably confident' we won't interrupt The World Series just because they slap limits on your retirement account just so their fat friends can get a bigger tax break...]

You WANNA stop the nonsense...? Well let the REVOLT begin! Oh, Sorry, I didn't get the memo, no revolts until AFTER the World Series...

What was I thinking? Just because I don't follow sports doesn't mean the rest of you aren't obsessed with them!

But I digress...back to the money thing [and why they are going to get away with it...]

Despite the TRUTH that all money is 'funny' it is ALSO TRUE that there has to be some semblance of balance in the economy [between the amount of food available for consumption and the ability of the consumer to purchase that food...fuck that up and ALL BETS ARE OFF!

[Fiscal crises ANYWHERE on the planet are ALWAYS (in reality) food crises...usually too little with too much money chasing what there is.

That's the problem with money being 'funny' but you knew that...right?

Sandbagger! Until I pointed it out the relationship between food and money never occurred to you although you spend a bundle on chow every week!

Depending on how you're 'bent' most of us put food on the table first [at least enough to survive on. Can't work if your passing out from hunger!] Living on a fixed income and that 'challenge' changes...once the cost of living outstrips your monthly allowance you cut back as much as you can just to survive.

This is where heat or eat comes from. A problem made more severe if there are young mouths to feed.

It is here we encounter the bizarro factor of limits on how much we can sock away for retirement should we survive long enough to [voluntarily] stop working.

Yet another (gigantic) elephant in the room is most of us [boomers] get 'put out to pasture' [made redundant] long before we are eligible to collect anything in the way of 'retirement'. So limiting what we can 'stash' is really a non-issue. Probably gonna suck for you kids out there when the tide turns and like Japan, there aren't enough workers to support the retirees...resulting in shortages of EVERYTHING because our moronic 'betters' couldn't be bothered to plan accordingly.

Did I mention criminals?

It's all due to 'compensation plans' and who get paid how much by what metric...and the morons running things have no clue about the future because they can only plan for the next 90 days [and then only in theory!]

How did we get here? Beancounters.

Civilization has been brought to the brink of collapse by Marx's theory of 'surplus value'.

Which explains why moron capitalists squeeze as much as they can out of their workers so they can boost profits for share OWNERS...and where I come from, OWN is a dirty word.

This planet belongs to us ALL, equally.

It is thinking contrary to that central axiom that is responsible for destroying civilization. [part of the dilemma is the people who think the world is THEIRS consider the rest of us a 'disease'...despite being human themselves.

Wrap your head around that one while you're wondering if you could go through with 'rope and light pole time'..."I'm okay but YOU are vermin!"

Just because you have a heart [and foolishly believe they are 'redeemable'] doesn't alter the fact they AREN'T worth the powder to blow them to hell.

And because THEY are in charge, vital precautions aren't getting done.

Worse, they plan on walking away and letting the feeble deal with the problem however they can.

So we once again encounter man's legendary inhumanity to their fellow human.

Hooray for me and F- you writ large. [If you don't like it revolt! AND THEY KNOW YOU WON'T!]

The books will balance themselves but first we need to pry them from the criminals cold dead finger...and it's the only way!

Thanks for stopping by and opening our mind!


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Ugly situation

Greetings good citizen, any attempts to clarify the issues is branded 'fake news' so the swelling herds of the single factor question the validity of 'contradictory information'.

Worse, the doubters are also second guessing their original assumptions since so much contrary evidence is rising to the surface...totally unsurprising since we've all been treated like mushrooms for the past forty years.

[You know how they raise mushrooms don't you? They keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em BULLSHIT...and for forty years we've been a fed a steady diet of how the new service economy was going to make life SO MUCH BETTER yet there has never been ANY real evidence to support that spurious claim.]

SO what did El Trumpo run on? THE PROMISE HE would end the 'ruinous' trade deals and return JOBS to Murika...but he CAN'T because not only did the feckless ship the work overseas, they sent the equipment necessary to do the work overseas too!

But STUPID didn't know they voted for him anyway...cuz his 'heart' was in the right place!

Do ya think 'the base' has figured out that the jobs ain't coming back yet?

Not according to THE MEDIA [who sits at the very center of the 'fake news' maelstrom.]

People 'trust' the media because they have NO either get your information from the agenda driven capitalists or you pick your favorite yahoo on the internet to keep you...informed. [Let's not neglect satellite, where El Rushbo still preaches to the hopeless[ly stupid.]

Speaking of which, I belabor the obvious when I tell the non-single factor that there are only two sides to the battlefield we call politics and those two sides are RICH and POOR fighting over control of the LAWS the LOSERS have to live under.

Stop and ponder that for a minute because it changes the complexion of an already ugly situation considerably.

For the sake of peace [without peace there can be NO PROSPERITY, even among the already wealthy, money is worthless without produce to buy!] they throw us the occasional bone...with a string attached to it. Should one of them need to violate a law they control the courts so the simply aren't prosecuted...leaving justice to become a 'by them, for us' sort of arrangement.

Zero irony that the ONLY thing mankind yearns for is JUSTICE...and as long as humans are in charge of dispensing it, it will ever elude us.

It is only under a just society that even 'relative freedom' is possible. Some would suffer injustice if it meant they could be free but their freedom should never enter into the equation. It's NOT a 'trade off'.

The feckless try to make it an issue but they just saying that so they can avoid the consequences of their actions...which they never give much thought surprise to anybody that they live their lives by the "what happens, happens" philosophy.

Bizarrely they'd prefer prison to exile...nothing scares them more than being on their own...for all of their bluster about rugged individualism they'd be the first to admit they'd rather a bullet to the brain than be forced to fend for themselves...especially in a 'hostile environment'.

But I preach to the choir. The non-single factor already knows what they are up against, it's the ones who aren't sure what they know that these exercises are for.

Here's a short list of what the non-single factor knows:

No homelessness

No unemployment

No hunger

No propaganda

No for profit healthcare

No tuition

No debt

No cash

No employers

The last three make me sound like a lunatic if you aren't knowledgeable regarding the [true] purpose of money.

You were raised to believe debt makes the world go chances are you'd be shocked to learn this wasn't always the case. In fact ancient societies often outlawed debt because of the trouble 'spending beyond your means' causes!

Did I mention we live in a society run by CRIMINALS?

A lot to absorb good citizen and it conflicts with much of the 'handed down wisdom' you were taught was true...even if you taught is increasingly the case!

Yessiree Bob, we live in a rudderless society because 'ignorance' is to be avoided at all costs and NOBODY DARES admit it if they are!

This is the place to get your ignorance 'fixed'. Albeit the truth is NOT how the criminals operate. They want you ignorant...if you aren't sure what is right you won't stop them when they rob you unjustly!

The numbers are against them but they travel in you must always watch your back.

The other 'danger' is false friends. They only want you around when they need your money or your muscles, otherwise the won't give you the time of day...and if they do tell you anything, it's a lie that serves THEM.

If your only friends are 'bad friends' lose 'em. Two can play the 'I'm busy' game and you be better off for it.

Trust your inner compass, it will guide you true.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, October 27, 2017

In your face!

Greetings good citizen, in today's post [REPENT] I, er, 'draw your attention to' the hijacking of civilization by the rapacious among us.

I just received this e-mail this afternoon...and I didn't edit a thing.

Sanders Institute


It’s no secret that millions of Americans are being left behind by an elite group of wealthy individuals who are exercising greater and greater control over our nation's economy, the media, and our political process.

People of all political stripes understand that our democracy is teetering on the brink of oligarchy. Too many Americans lack the jobs and the health care they need. They’re struggling to protect their kids and provide them with a decent education; and they have little, if anything, set aside for their own retirement. Life is precarious, and our changing climate is only adding to the misery as fires and hurricanes ravage homes and businesses and take the lives of loved ones.

However, there is a silver lining, and I’ve decided to be part of it. Millions of people are prepared to do the hard work necessary to transform America into a more democratic, just, and free society.

That transformation requires two things:

Millions of people getting organized, fighting for the power of the many over the few, and demanding a voice in the critical debates that will shape our nation’s future.
Bold policy ideas to fill the space opened up by social movements and base-building organizations on the ground.

The Sanders Institute is a place where these two goals come together and reinforce one another. Political, labor, and social movement leaders like Nina Turner, Ben Jealous and Michael Lighty are organizing and campaigning to build grassroots power and shift the political terrain. As a Professor of Public Policy & Economics, I’m dedicated to fighting inequality, poverty and economic stagnation.

Establishment economics won’t get us where we need to go. We need a bold policy agenda to take advantage of our vast capacity to build an economy that cares for our people and our planet in a way that makes us proud to call ourselves Americans.

We know that another world is possible. We know that millions upon millions of everyday Americans believe in a world where everyone has a right to a decent job, healthcare, and the college education they want and need. We know that it will take powerful movements and bold ideas, working together, to make that vision real. And we know that The Sanders Institute can be an important place for that vital work to happen.

That’s why I support The Sanders Institute, and why I hope you will too.

Dr. Stephanie Kelton, Sanders Institute Founding Fellow, 2017



The Sanders Institute is a pending 501(c)(3) organization.

131 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401

This email was sent to [deleted, if you're too lazy to use the comments section I'm not letting you have my e-mail!] We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to unsubscribe

Um, my opinion [for what it's worth...] ANY proposal NOT centered on the Human Anti-exploitation law is just a distraction by the same feckless crew that ABANDONED YOU in the last election!

Wanna send money to the same people who said 'I quit' at the DNC then try not to be too surprised when you end up holding a bag of empty promises.

The changes need to be genuine and sweeping!

First the H.A.E. which outlaws the employer/employee contract resulting in 'wage slavery'.

Second: The abolition of CASH. [Your money is for YOU and the ONLY WAY to get money is to WORK FOR IT! Your pension is from a grateful society you spent your productive years building and contribution to, yours for as long as you live!

(did I mention retirement eligibility is reduced to age 50?) No prohibition of 2nd careers but at fifty you must 'move on' from your primary occupation. You CAN work til you drop, the primary difference being it will be YOUR CHOICE!

Third, the establishment of the leadership testing program that will replace the current 'government'. If your I.Q. is above the median [and you aren't insane] you will be permitted to 'vote' DIRECTLY ON THE LAW!

EVERYONE WILL BE GUARANTEED A JOB THAT PAYS A LIVING WAGE for working 20 hours a week! DEPENDENT ON THE DIVISION [retail, hospitality and farming are 24/7] the focus will be on maintaining a 'normal' workweek with two or three day weekends.

[Since your new employer is society itself you will find the workplace a much 'kinder' environment than it was under the capitalists.]

Oh, and the justice system need to be COMPLETELY revamped. No more lawyers, no more judges and no more PRISONS!

Because the truth is, whosoever controls the law ALSO controls money and by extension, they control YOU!

The reason for instituting Direct democracy [where the citizen votes directly on the law] is to eliminate 'the rule of man' a.k.a the 'self-interested' also known as the criminals among us.

Really gets under my skin when those who control the political process start milking the public for crimes they are complicit in.

If you really want to contribution towards saving civilization, go on strike!


Thanks for your patience,



Greetings good citizen, while the corporate owned media waxes nostalgic over the assassination of JFK [no matter how many times you go over it the end result remains...] I'm using that cue as a opportunity to return to the 'roots' of the Futurist.

While we began with whatever happened to flying cars and ended with [yes, it's over good citizen.] Your dreams for a fabulous future as well as the hopes for a brighter AREN'T going to see them because the feckless are content with things just the way they are.

So instead of building a better tomorrow they want you to rake through the ashes of yesterday and search for where/when it all went 'wrong'.

Do you have any idea where to begin looking? Zero irony in the fact that it all went sideways shortly after Rothschild stated "I care not who rules a country so long as I control it's money!"

Isn't that the anchor that cements the notion that 'money is real' inside your head?

The thing to keep in mind here is this lunatic also believed the world was flat AND the center of the universe too!

Worse, gainsay this handed down wisdom and they would end you for the crime of 'heresy' [which is making a case you haven't noticed.] {stupid is as stupid does and for a long time, stupid reigned!}

Yes, part of the rationale behind this blog was to examine what derailed the 'whiz-bang' era, a time when change happened at such a rapid-fire pace that there was literally something new on the horizon at every given moment.

Instead our sensibilities are affronted minute by minute with people treating other people badly. (same as it ever was but now it has become the entire 'news cycle'...) [while, ironically, the media completely ignores those trapped in the cesspool we call the for profit prison industry.]

Remember life BEFORE 'privatization'? Of course you don't. If you're old enough to remember, you were too stoned!

Proof of theory here is nobody seems to remember why healthcare went sideways...and the Republicans got away with painting Reagan as a saint!

But yeah good citizen, seems we 'lost' the war on drugs around the same time the national interest got hijacked by the 'silent majority'. Where is the multi-billion dollar DEA today? Perhaps a better question would be Where is the feckless media?

How ironic those calling themselves 'the majority' are known today as 'the one percent'...and in reality are actually less than a tenth of that number!

What they are correct about is that they are in possession of MOST OF THE MONEY! [Money that should have been used to make your dreams come true but no, you squandered that on dope! Now it's sitting in the off-shore bank account of your old dealer back in the 'hood'.

Yup, innovation has all but stopped. No new jobs, no new products...bizarrely the only thing new is the Frankenfood!

Your dreams as well as the hopes of your parents are off the table because NONE OF YOU CAN AFFORD IT!

The soon to pass phase of the 'gig economy' hails the ragged end of 'globalization'. No longer will you be paid to specialize because they made a machine that does that, they don't need you.


What are we really looking at?


They don't care if machines don't buy their products, they've got theirs, you can go 'twist in the wind' [to borrow a phrase from a by-gone era.]

Your life and how it was supposed to go is GONE!

Ignore this at your own peril! [because you've already doomed your children!. If we reverse course RIGHT NOW we MIGHT save them from a world gone MAD.]

UNDERSTAND, when the current situation reaches it's 'natural outcome' [the whole 'economy' falls apart due to a severe lack of customers] we will be plunged into a new 'Dark Age' from which humanity will never recover...all so 'a few' could be rich.

You've already thrown your life away and been cheated out of your dreams...there is still a slim possibility that you can save your grandchildren.

Or are you too blind, deaf and stoned to care?



Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Empty Suit

Greetings good citizen, while I am 'a voice in the wilderness' it is not me that presents a 'clear and present danger' to society.

What YOU need to be mindful of is how Hitler was a product of the modern media.

Guess who else is the 'product' of our media driven culture?

[The 'guess' part is rhetorical...the answer is El Trumpo.]

We can speculate the germs of an idea that lead to Hitler's creation came from the panic inspired by Orson Welles broadcast of H.G. Wells War of the Worlds.

They didn't hesitate to use this new 'toy' to create a monster for Democracy to conquer!

25 million dead [mostly civilians] later and capitalists on BOTH in the West we hail WWII as a 'great victory' but was it?

The media tells us it was but it's the SAME MEDIA THAT CREATED THE MONSTER!

Um, perhaps I can bring it home for you. After turning BILLIONS in pension funds from YOURS to THEIRS and walking away without so much as a slap on the wrist...THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT CONTROL TODAY'S GLOBAL MEDIA!

The 'significance' of this? EVERYTHING you don't witness personally comes from where? [And guess where your cousin gets it from, A-hole?]

Wait a minute, I'm not done.

Whosoever cuts your paycheck gets to determine what 'acceptable performance' is...well they also get to put THEIR SPIN on what is or isn't NEWS.

More importantly, they get to decide what's NEWSWORTHY.

EVERYTHING YOU KNOW (or more accurately, think you know...) COMES FROM THE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR MEDIA!

Under A Simple Plan the media will be 'independent' and any incidents of reporting falsehoods will be dealt with harshly.

Chew on that as you consider all of the topics our overlords don't want YOU thinking those paychecks YOU CAN'T LIVE ON!

Today's offering is cautionary. The feckless are getting everything they what and attributing it to the 'empty suit' occupying the oval office the rest of their bought and paid for EMPLOYEES [we refer to as CONGRESS] sit on their hands and do nothing...just like the post WWI legislators in Germany [who were also the 'pawns of the feckless'.]

It's not like Hitler who single-handedly created an economic miracle virtually overnight [why aren't historians more intellectually curious as to how this came to be...could the answer be the same as the question of who is arming the terrorists] did it all on his own...but the single factor is left to believe what they want, the truth [that the capitalists did it] remains shrouded in mystery to protect the same murderers that want you to saddle us with obligatory military service! This from known a draft dodger!

WTF...there's stupid and there's this!

Did I mention the 'empty suit'? Where do you think this is really coming from?

Will we be able to stop the second coming of Hitler?

A lot to process but you'll [hopefully] wake up in time.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Greetings good citizen, SOME of you have served [in the traditional sense, done a hitch in the military] while others literally serve as part of their occupation while still others are serving sentences handed down by the, er, 'Justice System'.

Gen. Kelly [El Trumpo's chief of staff] believes more people should have "the honor of serving".

[From today's NY Times]

John Kelly Suggests More Americans Should Have the Honor of Serving. He's Right.

Requiring everyone to serve in some fashion would be a profoundly democratizing action.

Have I lamented the 'imprecision of speech' lately?

Not that any of you should be confused by the general's context. It's quite clear he means more of us should 'volunteer' to protect capitalist interests wherever they are. [but that's not how he'd put it. Generals (like politicians) use honor and glory to mask their true agenda.

What has me puzzled is reference to 'Democracy'?

There is nothing 'democratic' about the military [although they are rather fond of the phrase 'we can't MAKE you do it, we can only make you wish the F*** you had!"]

Which is to reiterate that there is nothing 'democratic' about being given a always have the choice to do or not do a thing.

But choosing to serve, how noble to be willing to sacrifice your future for the sake of king and country! Laying it all on the line to preserve a lifestyle you'll never know or even be the remotest part of.

Who thinks he's right? We may never know...that comment was already there in the headline when I copied it.

The military has long USED the tactic of defining military service as a privilege, the honor of having a chance to give back to a nation that has given you 'so much'.

[SLAM...the single factor just left the room...shrieking.]

It is here we encounter another legendary boundary between Conservatives, who have their beliefs handed to them and liberals, who understand that everything has an 'alternative' and that life itself is all about 'choices'.

[dumbdown] The multiple things conservatives count as 'gifts' have considerably worse 'alternatives'...[/dumbdown]

Most of you appreciate I'm 'simplifying' here. The issue is much more complex but the 'essence' remains the same. There are those who understand life and there are those who only do as they are told [bizarrely, the very definition of the general's job...his is NOT to reason why, his is but to do or die!

And that's what Johnny boy thinks would make us all better citizens...if we'd just shut up and follow orders everything would be all right...wouldn't it?

Arlington is full of soldiers who 'did as they were told'.

Isn't it around here that our politicians point to our 'freedom' [basically to breathe] and dare us to be 'ungrateful' to those who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could be 'free' [to breathe...and we're but a single court order away from losing that one thing too if our creditors thought for one second it would make us PAY!]


The military exists not to 'preserve YOUR freedom' but to ensure the resources of the world keep flowing to the privileged.

Just because we [temporarily] don't have to bow to them...or abase ourselves like the peasants were required to do in the old days doesn't, by any stretch of the imagination, mean the 'royals' are behind us. It takes but a single generation for royalty to reassert itself.

Only fools believe otherwise.

Worse, same as it ever was...

The politicians say 'no blood for oil' but that's precisely what the longest war in US history is all about.

And it's not like the people of the Middle East want to keep the oil for themselves. It's priced by the gallon/liter and sold the world over [just like dope only larger...a gram of gasoline won't even start your car!]

Um, part of my 'vision' for humanity is a world united, one where the military doesn't exist. There also isn't a 'palace guard' [commonly known as 'police'] because the people will be capable of defending themselves.

Commerce will exist to enable mankind to reach the stars [rather than affording a few the lifestyle of one, which most criminal enterprises exist to do today.]

In fact, the stars exist (solely) to distract you, something the non-single factor are acutely aware of.

Will our 'space navy' be devoid of warships? Hell No! Whoever marooned us here is just as militaristic and combative as we are. It would be foolish in the extreme to venture into the unknown (completely) 'unprepared'.

Potential is high that we were brought here to mine whatever makes starships go zip...and gold is just a useless 'by-product' of the refining process [or whoever marooned us would STILL BE HERE!]

How ironic that it won't be until the 'profit motive' is removed from our social system that localized renewable energy will become a reality and work can begin on maximizing it's potential?

One won't happen without the other but the terminally SINGLE FACTOR would have you believe otherwise!

Want a better world? It all starts with U!

Thanks for your 'service' of bringing the world as we have come to know it to the multitudes...even if few of us appreciate it [and even fewer realize it!]


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Process (still broken)

Greetings good citizen, as it become increasingly apparent the political process has been hijacked, start to finish by the criminals, here we are facing another election season and NOTHING has changed.

Naturally step one in 'repairing' politics is throwing the current corrupt system out and replacing it with one that is accountable. One of the greatest 'fallacies' foisted on humanity is that we NEED 'lawmakers'.

We don't because the rules governing society BELONG TO SOCIETY! [No special education required.] Zero irony that these same people pay themselves salaries most of us can only dream our expense!

Yes good citizen your continued POVERTY is the DIRECT RESULT of those who 'make the laws' while doing NOTHING to succor you...although they do play you for a 'sucker' but that's not the same thing.

[In case you where wondering the very foundation of capitalism is 'desperation', it's what drives the go along to get along mindset that is the bleeding edge of the comply or die 'justice system'. In case you were wondering why justice is a ghost nobody seems able to find...]

Um, the Catalans are still clamoring for 'independence' but we have to wonder what, precisely, they are trying to 'escape'?

Taxation still isn't represented (our alleged excuse for succession.) In fact our entire political process seems to have forgotten why it exists!

Worse, the corporate owned media uses it for the single factor's 'info-tainment'!

With that as a given we MUST retake control of the justice system before the feckless drive society into its own septic system [which currently happens to be an open pit.]

Don't look down 'cuz you're soaking in it...

Now do you understand why no matter what you do, you can't get away from that punky smell?

First things first we need 'leaders', not law-makers but problem SOLVERS [unlike the current nitwit] who use the law as guidelines to how to solve problems equitably [and RESPONSIBLY!]

Leaders don't MAKE laws...they FOLLOW THEM!

We don't need a 'law library' to tell us not to kill or not to steal. Since 'stealing' is never acceptable, we don't need laws that justify it (like contracts and purchase orders.)

The H.A.E. pretty much eliminates the evil man does to his fellow man for personal gain

But I digress, back to the topic at hand: VOTING

Why vote?

All you do now is vote for who will make decisions in your name without ever consulting you...and we can see how that (hasn't) worked out. The feckless few get what they want while you get ignored.

So why should the sane individual drag themselves out [often in the bitter cold] to go cast a ballot [nobody counts anyway]?

Well, if you can't crack 100 on a standard I.Q. test you won't be voting at all. [It has NEVER BEEN 'one man, one vote' and our 'improved system' will be no different.]

In fact the founders originally wanted voting rights to be linked to land ownership and we already know they didn't allow slaves, the indentured or WOMEN to vote so insuring voters comprehend the language the law is written in is a minor safeguard indeed!

Besides 250 years of letting the single factor vote haven't produced such wonderful results!

What does it say about us that for 250 years NONE of you even realized you were voting for NOTHING!

So why bother?

Freedom! FREEDOM is the right to choose the laws under which you will live YOUR life! Reject the law and go live elsewhere with the like-minded...(and all that entails/implies.)

New laws will be rare because we only need the basic few. The 'business' of law making only insures the outcome will be satisfying to the highest bidder.

Justice for sale is no justice at all. Yet the single factor still puts their 'faith' in the law.

For Equality to be genuine, justice MUST reign.

That's why the new courts will be devoid of judges, the (randomly selected) jury 'interprets' the law because the law belongs to those who must live under it!


[Consolation prize for those who flunk the I.Q. test, you won't be seated on a jury either.]

Again, trials will be rare because cash will be outlawed, eliminating the primary driver of criminal activity. You won't steal because there is nobody to 'sell' stuff to.

That said, the single factor will still be sucked into to trading for stuff they could have gotten legally because we can't outlaw either stupidity or fecklessness.

But we CAN EXILE them!

I could go on but as November draws near the non-single factor realizes we are living under the rule of the feckless in a land devoid of justice, where equality is a bad joke.

Without Equality there can be no Justice and without justice there can be no PEACE...[and without peace there can be no prosperity!]

Ready to vote?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, October 23, 2017

Teach the children

Greetings good citizen, today's NY Times ran a tale of a cub scout:

Cub Scout Is Exiled After Pressing Legislator on Guns and Race

Ames Mayfield, 11, was removed from his den after asking State Senator Vicki Marble of Colorado about gun control and her comments on race. He joined another den.

How hard did an 11 Y.O. press is difficult to quantify but is throwing him out of the program the 'appropriate action'?

[Again, my NY Times subscription is limited to ten articles a month so I didn't read the whole story but we're talking cub scouts]

Um, googling the story produced this video

Not for the last time will I ask 'where are the adults'? [Are the parents of these children still children themselves?] Worse, this is precisely what you get when you run 'popularity contests' to fill important political posts!

You KNOW this state senator tracked down somebody connected with this non-profit organization charged with providing youths an experience that teaches them the value of truth, equality and teamwork...and that knot-head had the kid booted from the organization!

Slip your 'R' hat on for a moment and look at it through their eyes...Kids don't ask questions like that, the mother must have told him what to ask and the cub scouts is no place to be raising such 'politically charged' topics.

If not us, who and if not now, when?

Let's suppose the kid DIDN'T think up these questions on is own, is the 'local council' justified in expelling him for asking pointed questions?

Were they trying to teach the parents a lesson by booting their kid from the organization?

IF the parents were of a mind, the ACLU would [and should be] be all over this case. Letting it go DOES NOT mean it's over. The pinheads who ban 11 years-old boy from children organizations will mark this kid for LIFE.

Like the Robber Barons, not prosecuting them is a mistake of the most grievous kind! [Because that poor kid is a 'marked man'.]

Letting this go does not insure the dust will settle and everybody will pretend it never happened, the kind of minds that would expel the kid from their organization are the type of predators unfit to be guiding anyone's children!

But the single factor keeps growing and it's the same shameful reason Wal-Marts everywhere are perpetually understaffed [because nobody under 50 can pass a pee test! Not that many OVER 50 could either.]

Apparently you DON'T have to pee in a cup to become a scout leader [or pass an IQ test for that matter!]

The temptation is, once again, to ask how you feel about living in a society RUN BY STUPID PEOPLE?

Seriously good citizen it is our REPEATED FAILURE TO 'RAISE THE BAR' that is driving civilization off a cliff.

In order to hold a 'position of authority' [starting with crossing guard] you MUST BE prepared to PROVE you are competent! We all slip up every once in a while, the difference is the single factor never realizes it on their own...

Was this cub scout thing 'mishandled'? You bet it was and it was mishandled by the type that was raised to think in terms of 'what are THEY going to do about it?'

My way or the highway is also an express ticket to exile [the revocation of your membership in society itself.] If YOU can't compromise it proves you are unfit to be a member of a cooperative's the 'serve in Heaven/rule in hell' thing.

I'd spell it out for you but I promised I'd stop 'dumbing it down' because the single factor are INCAPABLE of following me [regardless of how carefully I spell it out for them.]

The bigger picture here is what this teaches our youth...question 'authority' and be cast out?

It is a message that has been writ large across our society since the 60's [conform or be cast out...right next to comply or die.]

The dilemma this presents is apparent. Some people [raised to believe they are 'better' than the rest of us] persist in running roughshod over the values of equality and justice because it's 'their way or the highway'.

Those people need to be expelled because they don't value 'membership', all they care about is THEMSELVES and what THEY want.

The pronoun 'US' isn't part of their vocabulary because they never think in those terms.

This is how we get situations like this. What needs to be done is to track down WHO precisely did this senator complain to and to crucify everybody [including the senator] for their part in this CRIME. [Abuse of civic responsibility.]

Don't think that's a crime? How do you think we landed here?

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


How are our children EVER going to understand ANYTHING if the jerks running things will stop at nothing to silence them?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

NewSpeak (to prevent 'thoughtcrime')

Greetings good citizen, as the spectre of 'fake news' challenges our already overtaxed imaginations, one is reminded of Orwell's 1984 and just how eerily prescient it was. In 1948, when Orwell penned his dystopian novel there were no computers or 'smartphones' so TV became the omnipresent eye that watched your every move.

Going Orwell one better, the police state wired downtown [everywhere] so they could 'tune in' to the public square whenever they needed to.

The question remains what do we make of posts like this that directly attack opinion pieces like those people like myself write?

Is the next step a 'weeding out' of objectionable material...which ranges between psychotic babble to inconvenient truths? Who decides and who loses. Well that last one is no mystery. Muzzle the critics and you have an instant return to the dark ages where actually speaking what YOU think CAN GET YOU KILLED!

None of you 'understand' what the Dark Ages were about...or where the separation of Church & State comes from, do you?

[Once muzzling dissidents fails they will label them a terrorists and jail them, just like every other repressive regime in history! But not without first making 'an example' out of a few of them. Those unfortunate few will be publicly executed by the angry, mindless mob for crimes they had no part in. Yes Virginia, witch hunts still exist.]

Will I shut up? Nope!

The 'Sparks of Liberty' need to be tended [ideally by ALL OF US] but the COWARDS among us will shirk that duty just to save a life THAT ISN'T WORTH LIVING!

They'll continue to wear their loyalty emblems [currently flags on their lapels] without fully realizing what they are swearing fealty to.

WHO are you [through your silence] agreeing with? THE VERY SAME PEOPLE THAT KEEP 90% OF US LIVING IN SQUALOR (so THEY can live in luxury!)

Is that the 'kernel of truth' that momentarily resonates with the reader to convince/trick the mind into thinking there is SOME TRUTH to 'fake news'?

Understand what EVERY POLICE STATE is about...STATUS QUO! "I have all I want and want no more [choke] but I want no other to take what I have worked 'so hard for' [stole fair & square.] A direct quote from John Jay, the 'founder' of the US legal system.

They finally HAVE what they 'want' supine and helpless while their minions milk you for everything you're worth, then 'dispose' of you once you've outlived your 'brief' usefulness.

Who wants to call that 'fake news'?

Naturally, just saying that out loud (where others can read it) makes ME a terrorist.

So, just one more 'reminder'...

It is not my purpose to TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK, my mission has ALWAYS BEEN to provide you, the hoodwinked, with SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!

Thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR HEAD,


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Free Speech

Greetings good citizen, ever wonder why 'free speech' was 'amended' into the Constitution? We have always had the, er, 'freedom' to speak our minds but back in the day dissent was punishable by death and those who got to decide had broad latitude when it came to who was or was not a 'troublesome malcontent'.

The thinking was if you block the path to peaceful negotiation the public was left with only one alternative...revolt.

This is true. If you block the path to peaceful resolution all that's remains is violence.

Free Speech was a mechanism installed in the legislative framework to prevent unpredictable violent uprisings against the state.

Of course, 'free speech' is a two-edged sword. Allowing the public to voice their grievances also opens the door to people who like to hear themselves talk for the sake of spreading discord.

Which is to say there IS a difference between 'free speech' and 'hate speech'.

Worse, often your free speech protection is removed by the editors because it's detrimental to the media outlet's advertising efforts.

Leaving your 'right' to speak freely unfettered...but also unshared.

So it came to pass that the internet was to provide the voiceless with their forum...but that's not working either. The 'shelf life' of ideas presented online is so brief you had best strike a chord with your audience instantly or your message will be lost in the flood of banality that is the mainstream media.

What your overlords want you to be interested in.

I bring up [repeatedly] what can only be described as Elephants in the Room but the media regularly ignores them...not because everybody knows but because 'free speech' is for chumps.

Use your media outlet to draw attention to the injustices of the system and you'll get your license 'free' is that?

Rhetorical question good citizen, the non single factor has no illusions about either their 'rights' or their 'freedom'.

As the feckless continue to 'push the boundaries' [with their 'in your face' and 'what are you gonna do about it?' attitude] causing the Clueless [their minions] to clamp down harder [because there isn't a good way to tell when the dam is going to burst, today's youth is so used to being shit upon that they seem to believe it how things are supposed to go!

Yet another 'manifestation' of 'free speech' is the ability of our nominal leaders to lie with impunity...a factor nobody is for. If the government can't be trusted it's time to tear it down and install a new one!

Hello, Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Is this thing on?

If YOU don't put a stop to it, THEY will keep on doing it.

You know the stakes and you know what it takes to stop them, you just need to work up the resolve.

Stop hating our life and channel that into turning your life around by using that hatred for a positive outcome!

Because in the end, you're gonna end up fighting for your life anyway...

Now, later...inevitable.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head [and it's important that you never forget whose head it belongs to, it's your only possession.]


Friday, October 20, 2017

Worker's Rights

Greetings good citizen, for time out of mind some have been 'doomed to lives of drudgery' while others have been [to hear them tell it] chosen by God to enjoy the fruits of that drudgery [and depending on how that twig was bent sometimes they chose to be the ONLY ONE to benefit... [but that seldom worked out well.] The truly feckless had 'strings attached' to every little reward so they could yank them back the moment things were less than optimal.

And the Rabble could be counted on to insure things were always 'less than perfect'.

Ever wonder where, "F 'em all and the dumb ones twice!" came from?

So it is that France's new president is attempting to dismantle France's strong labor laws to make France more 'competitive' with other EU nations.

Now that the politicians come exclusively from the MONEY side of the fence NOBODY has Labor's back...and that's where the trouble ALWAYS begins.

Not to say the problem hasn't been building [globally] since 'Morning in America' and the relentless pauperization of the western consumer base. by the feckless bankers and their partners in crime, the employer class.

How many of you [rhetorical question to my readers who completely] understand that the owners/employers are totally 'superfluous'?

How many of you cringe when they refer to themselves as 'job creators'...[rather than what they really are, job KILLERS!]

As we can see from the article, going into debt to pay your expenses is foolish in the extreme but since there is no government to protect the workers there is also no government to protect the consumer...[as the number of billionaires continues to rise.]

Guess where all of those billions are coming from?

I don't need to direct my readers to the closest mirror, they already know.

Can you say 'mismanagement'?

Where do YOUR politicians stand on this issue?

Don't say 'what issue?' like a moron, the issue of allowing the feckless few to own what doesn't belong to them in the first place!

How do you think they'd answer? Or is that even the question...maybe you could get an answer out of some of them as we are slipping the rope over their heads but by then it's too late; they've already answered.

It is important to point out that the French are using the Strike to let the young president know they won't be railroaded. It is the 'right way' to negotiate but a 'mini strike' hasn't stopped them in the past so they're going to have to leave skid marks if they want to demonstrate who is really 'in charge!' [The feckless will NEVER stop pushing for more with less, it's stupidity writ large!]

What we're really facing is the fact you can't argue/reason with a sick mind.

The feckless don't (and never will) appreciate the benefits of civil society. Their response to the question, "how will I live?" is "I don't give a shit!" [They've got theirs, F-YOU!]

We CAN'T survive in a world where the few own everything and the rest slaves for table scraps.

Anyone claiming that's the, "Natural order of things" is begging for an ounce of lead right between the eyes [since that ounce is usually delivered from the rear, it is more accurate to say 'where the eyes use to be'...]

If your 'lot in life' is to drudge for all of your natural days you're better off ending yourself now and telling the feckless's God to take his 'gift' and stuff it!

Better is to make the feckless pay 'appropriately' for their 'audacity'. NO ONE is any BETTER than anyone else [some of us are more intelligent than others but that doesn't make us even a single iota 'better'! If it did the intelligent would be leading this charge and not some tenth grade drop out!]

But I digress. As the abject morons we commonly refer to as the 1% continue to 'squeeze' society for everything they can [solely because they can, they OWN the f'n government/military!] YOU are left with the problem of being unable to live on what they pay you AND IT ISN'T EVEN PART OF THE POLITICAL DIALOG!



[how's that for 'potty mouth', which is precisely how the feckless will condemn my point.]

Such filthy talk! Just ignore the actions, which speak significantly louder than words.

Again, I know 'constant reader' is well aware of these precepts, I preach them until my fingers are numb.

We must make a stand and we could do a lot worse than to stand with the French as the curtain falls on the human race, thanks to the MORONS running things!


Until next time...Gegner

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The conservative

Greetings good citizen, the principle difference between the pragmatic liberal and the pretentious conservative is the liberal is willing to compromise, the conservative's credo is 'my way or the highway!'

The liberal will listen while the conservative will 'stonewall'. Everybody knows this but they still vote conservative because they feel they reflect their 'values'.

IF this is true then then Murika is definitely a good place to be FROM. It is the dark ages writ large...but the average conservative is fine with that, they detest having their values questioned [albeit conservatives are often surprised to learn they held most of those beliefs because a conservative is whatever their leader's tell them they are!]

Again, the single factor doesn't even begin to see the contradiction here but 'the bandwagon' was just made for 'go along to get long' conservatism.

Another 'badge of honor' for conservatives is they are NOT big on thinking...their 'ideals' are handed down to them from on high. [They like to pretend God is on their side but the reality is more stark, they follow their the clueless lemmings they are.]

Worse, they stick with 'em too but stupid is as stupid does.

Now we have a Supreme court that is decidedly 'conservative' and the greed heads are ruining the economy and society in one fell swoop!

[While the pea-brained conservative is fond of blaming the 'limousine liberal' for our social and economic woes, the situation we have today is the direct result of the Conservative Revolution and it's rapacious 'Morning in America' campaign to restore what the 'trust busting' Congress took away.

Many mistake the revenge of the conservatives with 'payback' for Roosevelt's New Deal but it goes deeper than that. After the bloodless coup of 1968 [when LBJ abdicated] they crowned the first 'Imperial President'...the one that would have taken office had JFK not beaten him in 1960 and paved the way for the resumption of their long paused game of Monopoly...using 'real assets'...and resulting in real war!

But the average conservo-whacko doesn't care about the facts [take slavery for a case in point.] If their leaders tell them they are doing 'God's Work' [murdering and stealing] then it's God's work and they have nothing more to say...or think about for that matter

What riles them up is people QUESTIONING God's work because YOU DON'T QUESTION GOD!

Which, naturally, brings us full circle to 'stupid is as stupid does.'

So as we are herded into the chute by the feckless media [and that's not really fair, don't do as the editor 'requests' and you don't work in the media anymore...anywhere [the lid on dissent is 'airtight', if you have a complaint, write a blog!]

And here YOU are, seeking what you won't find on the bought and paid for public forums.

Wise of you to seek dissenting know something ain't right and one of us has answers...which isn't what I'm, er, 'vending' here. I'm purveying 'solutions' to problems the talking heads are purposefully ignoring.

The 'prepared mind' can act, the unprepared mind first needs to determine what the source of the problem is. Here, that is done for you...the problem, after the BS is boiled away is LEGAL, criminals make and control the law...and because they control the law they also control the money...and whosoever controls your money controls YOU!

Like I said, not rhetoric, facts...and along with the facts come solutions.

Without a 'guiding principle' like the Human Anti-Exploitation Law (which prohibits any human from using another human as an 'income stream') [if paychecks are 'good enough' for 99% of us, they are good enough for EVERYBODY! END OF DISCUSSION.] economic slavery will eventually reassert itself and claim it is the 'natural order of things'...a decidedly CONSERVATIVE value!

Worse, most conservatives can't tell you what they hold dear because their values aren't their own...and that is the danger of being a member of a herd.

For all of their crowing about 'rugged individualism' none of 'em have any idea what 'conservatism' actually means until *someone else tells them!

People HATE the posers the .01% recruits to run against their stuffed shirt representatives who 'assumed' the role formerly held by the democrats
but those 'opportunists' don't care if their constituents 'like' them because the people really running things will ensure they don't lose their seat to someone who will actually takes the job seriously because if the money don't like you, you aren't getting in.

ANY sitting politician is a thrall of the money interests. Really pathetic considering all money is funny. It means these wannabes are selling us out for nothing...or next to it.

Albeit it IS a better deal than the average stiff gets and the bennies can't be beat, those oligarchs know the value of 'loyalty' especially the kind you BUY!

If you don't think you're being played you're probably a closeted conservative who is too stupid to know better but ignorance really is bliss!

Just to be CLEAR, those gay hugging libtards you so bitterly despise are really just actors hired to stir up resentment against the 'opposition'...if you had half a brain you'd figure that out for yourself but no...

[I will once again remind readers that the teeny-tiny conservative mind would implode moments into the second paragraph here so they aren't reading this. I provide these 'insights' so YOU can understand where the 'conservative mind' is coming from and how to combat conservative ideology!]

Welcome to my 'shop', please feel free to browse all you like...don't forget to take as many free samples as you can carry!


* The oligarchs have a stockpile of meaningless platitudes they can regurgitate on command whenever the 'flock/herd' starts to 'question'.

Why is it the average conservative has no problem being considered a 'member of the flock' but rankles when you question their non-existent 'individuality'...a trait we develop when we think for ourselves?

For a more 'zen' take on the same observation, you think it's coincidence 'yeah' rhymes with 'baa?'

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

One for the Ladies

Greetings good citizen, it stuck me since politics is loaded with 'double standards' if any of the fairer sex thought ASP meant equality among men...a la the ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL (when it really meant monied white men ONLY...)

Well, under A Simple Plan EVERYBODY [adults, for the feckless quibblers out there] is EQUAL in ALL things. Marriage, work and under the law, including the rights/expectation of personal dignity.

I'm not dealing from the bottom of the deck here like the feckless capitalist regularly does (for example, treating the minimum wage as the ONLY wage!)

Few things will get you exiled faster than attempting to twist the law to your advantage.

With Equality in mind the 'marriage contract' will be completely overhauled. Problem with partnerships is 'expectations'. For some reason neither partner has 'realistic expectations' when they enter the union.

That is going to change...and if you can't abide by it, then don't do it!

Certain things will 'disappear' [starting with Real Estate] A domicile will be provided for free to EVERY adult suitable to their familial situation. No more 'house hostages'...and no more bankruptcy by proxy...your money is for YOU...s/he doesn't have credit cards and you can't ruin the other's credit in spite...because we're ALL nasty pieces of work when things don't go our way.

Who pays for the kids? Society is also why society gets to dictate how many you can have [and violating that regulation is not just a 'whoopsie!' You and your partner WILL BE EXILED.]

[Understand the 'leveling' of the living process produces a situation that rewards 'baby factories'...and humanity can't afford that.]

RAPE will NOT be an exile offense but it is 'duel worthy'. Rape someone and you'd best hope he/she isn't a crack shot or it will be the last person you force yourself upon.

Feelin' lucky punk? Get caught in the act and it's summary execution!

Attack somebody at your own risk...if they find your corpse with your privates cut off it will be assumed you got what you asked for.

Turn up in subsequent videos as the victim and that will also get you executed. [Remember, there is no 'cash or cash substitutes' in Division Society so there is zero motivation to rob anyone...sadly, money isn't the only reason the twisted kill.]

If members of the opposite sex are tussling and one of them is screaming, it's rape...or attempted murder, can't outlaw crazy but you CAN put 'em down like the dogs they are!

That said, be EXTREMELY CAREFUL of who you kill, their family might take it into their heads to seek revenge and nobody wants that because nobody 'wins'.

Um, UNDER ASP you ladies will enjoy the, er, 'burden of equality'. You will be treated the same as men and subjected to the same standards all members of society are expected to live up to. Some things can't be 'leveled out'. Men won't have to endure child birth or monthly cramps and there is nothing 'the law' can do about that.

That said you ladies won't suffer baldness or erectile dysfunction so it's the creator's idea of 'cosmic justice'.

Remove the financial motivations and Justice largely takes care of itself...until you give the feckless and inch...then watch out!

Needless to say that is the Primary Source of all of our problems, the self-interested few doing as they please then intimidating anyone that complains.

A just society is forever a 'work in progress'.

We just have to get started, there are a lot of meatheads out there to bring to justice!

Thanks for opening our mind!


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sympathy for the feckless

Greetings good citizen, like many, er, 'opinionated blowhards' I like citing those who [even left-handedly] reinforce my point of view

So what’s behind this priority? Follow the money. Big donors are furious at missing out on the $700 billion in tax cuts that were supposed to come out of Obamacare repeal. If they don’t get big bucks out of tax “reform,” they might close their pocketbooks for the 2018 midterm elections.

Beyond that, modern conservatism is a sort of ecosystem of media outlets, think tanks, lobbying outfits and more that offers many lucrative niches — so-called wingnut welfare — for the ideologically reliable. And that means being reliable to the interests of the wealthy.

But how can an administration that pretends to be populist, to stand up for ordinary (white) working people, sell such elitist policies?

Seems a majority of my generation didn't get the memo: The Democrats (they choose to hate) are actually EXTINCT, driven out of the political sphere by 'the money' [who prefer a 'one note song'....Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me...]

They don't even call themselves Democrats anymore!. [How big of a hint do you need?] There's STUPID then there's THIS!

Is this level of stupidity the reason why nobody remembers the Republican Revolution and the ensuing 'Morning in America'? [The privatization/offshoring of EVERYTHING!]

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller? (is this thing on?)

One more time, slow and in English [with all due defference for my overseas readers...English is my first AND my second language!]

The ONLY thing protecting Democracy [as it has been sold to us] is Men both good and true, remove that solitary safeguard and all bets are off.

Let's take a few moments to FULLY APPRECIATE exactly where this leaves us.

Even under the kindest of interpretations the whole process is 'flawed'...and those same flaws prevent us from repairing the process.

Naturally this doesn't occur to those who idolize men that only completed the third grade as 'the wisest man they ever knew'.

Ya think Bobo need to broaden their circle of friends and perhaps re-evaluate who they, er, 'put on a pedastal'?

THe 'idol' of a moron is by extension, a moron. Mind you this moron claimed to have 4 degrees, but the non-single factor already knows the value of 'sheepskin'...[especially when 'garbage in = garbage out]

But no, the single factor blindly accepts these 'platitudes' as emblems of pride as they thump their chests and proclaim 'Murika, the way it should be!'

Nothing wrong with being 'the best you can be' but it's who you're being your best FOR, THAT should trouble you a lot more than it does.

Most of you have no problem being stupid as long as you're doing it on 'your terms'...

How sad that you are so easily mislead? [by the same people that would cheat their own mother out of whatever was worth taking?]

So how much 'sympathy' can you muster for the feckless? [Because they are forever crying about how heavily 'taxed and over-regulated' they are, Murika would be great again if only the government would get off their backs!

Are you genuinely that STUPID?

Rhetorical question, good citizen. At ease.

Rhetorical in the sense that we all know the 'blind' are incapable of comprehending what I lay out for those who already appreciate the magnitude of the situation. [A long way of opining that we are neck deep in stupid around here!]

We have to take a page from their 'playbook'...teach the teachable and herd the rest.

Somewhat telling that the question on most people's lips is 'I don't know what went wrong but I wish SOMEBODY would fix it (quick!)

Pretty much sums up our predicament.

Those incapable of breaking out of the mold the education system traps us in are the anchor that is dragging our species to the bottom of the food chain.

Hear all their delicate little minds snapping with incomprehension?

Pretty gruesome, isn't it? It's okay, there wasn't anything worthwhile there in the first place.

Teach the teachable and herd the fact we should be devising a way to STAMPEDE the rest!

With a small amount of noodling the solution will present itself. After all, humans are 'herd animals' subject to 'panics'.

Thanks once again for letting me wave red flags in your face!


Monday, October 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as 'connectedness' leads to unexpected vulnerabilities the need for a 'united planet' becomes more apparent.

How do we unite a tribe of 'cats'?

Short answer, we don't.

Only humans can unite and live under one banner, that of humanity [as frightening as that might be, considering what we are 'legendary' for...]

I drafted ASP as a 'universal'/holostic/global system. With the future rushing towards us, the window of opportunity is 'tiny', we don't have a lot of time to kick the tires here.

Never has it been more clear that we are facing a 'do or die' decision.

Largely because our decision-making process has been derailed by those who would butter their bread on both sides [using our share of the butter in the process!]

For those you confused/distracted by the current political climate, let me elaborate:

Take our current, er, 'leader' as an example. He has spent his life listening to the lies spewed by the conservative 'echo chamber' so he is genuinely bewildered as to why things he's been hearing all his life aren't what he was told they were.

He 'thinks' he understands what the public wants but like a child exposed to his parents constant bickering, he has it all wrong!

Things are not as he believed them to be. Worse, he won election by reading a script that was totally alien to him. [Not everybody in politics is 'out of touch'.]

He is emblematic of the crisis of 'Two America's' brought on by 'the Reagan Revolution'.

[While conservatives routinely view the world in terms of 'right and wrong' they also view it from a 'rich or poor' lens...with 'rich' = good and poor = bad. Where are you on this spectrum and do you REALLY want to live there if you're not RICH?]

The single factor is its own reward!

Why do I refer to the Republican party as the 'conservo-whackos?' Because people fed up with the failure of the democratic party to accomplish anything turned to the only other alternative WITH ZERO APPRECIATION FOR WHAT THEY WERE DOING!

In the US there are only two parties...and with 'capitalism' as our nation's 'political rudder' the INEVITABLE finally happened. 'The money' defunded the opposition. Leaving 'faux democrats' to pretend to oppose 'the party of the wealthy'.

Yes sir, Reagan ushered in the government of our nightmares, 'gold rules'.

Of course that's just 'slang' because 'money' is a 'legal construct' with NO FOUNDATION IN REALITY!

We literally went 'bankrupt' a long time ago...thanks to the feckless .01% and their callous disregard for population dynamics.

So our current, er, meat puppet is bewildered that his long held beliefs are not what the common man wants [despite hearing the exact opposite all of his sheltered life.

In the meantime the rest of us are bewildered that ANYONE could be that OUT OF TOUCH!

Proving once again F. Scott Fitzgerald's straght-forward opening statement: "The rich aren't like you or me..."

But he talked such a good game when he was running for office! [That's because his 'handlers' during the race were telling him what to say and how to say it! Those handlers are gone, he has new ones now with an entirely different agenda.]

Naturally there is a problem with electing someone that doesn't fully appreciate their role as 'Meat Puppet in Chief'; He keeps going 'off script'!

You'd think by now they'd have turned off his 'twitter' acct but it's all about image and his 'tweets' are part of what got him elected [again handlers telling him what to say, when.] Now they have a loaded gun running around on the global stage and to yank it out of his hands would cause chaos in 'the base'!

Not to put too fine a point on it but the 'single factor' is tuned in to the President that 'speaks' directly to them via his twitter feed when nobody else pays any attention to them at ALL.

If El Trumpo actually met any of these morons he'd be mortified to learn 'this is your base'.

Even he fails to appreciate what our 'two party system' REALLY 'represents'.

The two oldest sides of the world's first coin...the RICH and the POOR.

What, you can't find the 'poor side' anymore? That's because the rich side cut them off. It takes money to play politics and if you don't have any your seat at the table is forfeit!

W. Said it right, his constituents ARE the 'HAVES' and the 'HAVE MORES'!

The rest are just 'surplus baggage' [that they haven't yet figured out how to legally 'justifably' exterminate! For Profit Prisons (secretly referred to as 'concentration camps') and criminalizing the surplus are the first steps towards solving the overpopulation problem.]

How many of you have calculated where you sit on 'the expendable's' totem pole? You're definitely 'redundant', the question reflects more on the how much good has your brown-nosing done? In the end it really is dowwn to what your boss thinks of you and what his boss thinks of him.

Hard to be loyal in a culture that places zero value on that 'ancient virtue' [yet your loyalty/gullibility is being measured all the time!]

The fact that President Pussygrabber PARDONED the CRIMINAL Joe Arapio [for feeding prisoners poisoned spoiled food tells us where HE stands on the issue but YOU just sit there drooling into your lap as you pay with your 'fidget spinner' [it's a ball-bearing, get over it already!]

How much clearer does it have to be? Time to burn this pop stand down and turn its supporters 'free' [away from the rest of us.]

The 'single factor' is part of the problem so they aren't even being addressed. Everyone else KNOWs what I'm talking about. They've been 'dream/fantascizing' about doing it for years!

While most of those fantasies are tainted by being personally involved in doling out 'payback', the non-single factor will be quite satified with not having to put up with useless BS at every critical juncture/bullet point of EVERY PROCESS.

We have endured cenuries of 'rule by the criminally insane', time to end that and embark on future where equality and justice are the law of the land/people/planet and all of it's inhabitants.

[Maybe not mosquitoes...]

Thanks for opening your mind,


Sunday, October 15, 2017


Greetings good citizen, rampant mismanagement [spurred by 'profits before people'] is turning the world/physical environment (as well as society) 'toxic'.

The 'single factor' is puzzling over whether the world and society are the same thing, leading us full circle to the 'heart' of the problem.

Like I pointed out yesterday, the biggest problem facing us is 'inertia', we keep doing the same thing and wonder why we are getting different results.

In some cases the things we do were broken to begin with. Anyone want to hazard a guess to what was broken right out of the box but we've been using it so long now we're stuck with it?

Yeah, one trick ponies are bad things [especially when you're 'stuck' with them.]

In yet another 'one trick pony' phenomenon, of all the issues facing civilization why do our 'one trick politicians' posit that if tax cuts don't fix it then the answer is 'education'?

Looks like two tricks to the single factor but 'the point' is neither is 'the problem' and if the problem [overpopulation] isn't even on the table, how can we 'fix it'?

Even the single factor knows the answer to that one...we won't.

So the 'toxicity' increases because the 'real problems' go unaddressed.

Worse, the gnarliest of the problems remain 'unacknowledged' by the feckless few because they don't want the public scrutinizing how they're dealing with these crises! [A crisis to you becomes 'an opportunity' for case your wondering why things keep getting worse.]

Ever wonder HOW so many opiods end up on the streets? Or WHO keeps arming those without the facilities to make their own weapons?

Big hint is how there is NOTHING to invest in these days...interest rates are zero or thereabouts...unless you need money to survive then rates are ridiculous! [and our politicians (W. in particular) do nothing!] Too busy dealing with Iranian nuclear reactors...dimwits!]

So the money they steal from the consumers gets invested in the 'sins' of drugs, arms and sex...[all so the already so rich they don't know what to do with it, get even richer!]

Worse, the 'head turning' [the willfull blindness to wrongdoing] breeds more opportunists who perpetuate the schemes destroying the fabric of society.]

Are any of you wondering where 'Spirit in the Sky is during all this? How many of you believe he's taking names and scrutinizing every detail so he can 'punish' the wrong doers when they arrive at the Pearly Gates [leave it to the crown wearing morons to make Heaven 'a gated community'! Ever wonder how stiff the H.O.A. fee is?]

The longer we 'neglect' the problems facing civilization, the worse the problems become.

Naturally, conservatives like to believe everything will work itself out...they don't know where to begin and they don't want to know.

They have FAITH that God will make everything fine.

Pray hard enough and even the gay will go away...[WTF?]

So, how long have our leaders been suffering from these 'delusions'?

What do you mean 'not at all'...what part of 'they're only telling you what YOU want to hear' don't you understand?

The feckless know full well about the problems facing civilization and it's likely they dread the coming reckoning more than you do.

Fixing what's broken means they can be prosecuted for their crimes...better to push society into its own cesspool and escape in the ensuing confusion.

In case you haven't figured out where all of this is headed, there it is.

It is also the answer to WHO is arming the 'terrorists' and who is channeling all of the drugs and trafficking in humans...the feckless who already have MORE THAN THEY CAN SPEND, while 90 % of the world 'wallows in squalor.'

Sort of redefines the reaction 'don't touch that, you don't know where it's been!'

I have faithfully been laying out what needs to be fixed and how to fix it here in my humble blog.

Our problems are LEGAL, JUSTICE is absent from our civilization! [but you ALL know that! just don't know what to DO about it; despite my telling you repeatedly that the Strike is your first, best answer!]

MONEY needs to be made intangible and DEBT needs to become an exile offense!

The other crucial change is our leaders cease to be our 'lawmakers'. Only those who live under the law can make law. [Those who refuse to live under the law will be exiled.]

You'd think that one is a no brainer but look at today's politicians who REGULARLY exempt themselves from legislation they pass!

[You look at things like this, happening right before your eyes and you marvel why nobody is doing/saying anything about it.]

It is here we DAMN the CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA. [There is no such thing as a 'free press'!]

We have 'free speech but the Palace Guard will still crack your skull if they don't like what you have to say...knowing THE JUDGE will forgive them. [It's the 'criminal's code']

So your targets are defined, now all we need to do is break the tiny amount of inertia holding you back...

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Oh Well...

Greetings good citizen, one of the most difficult forces to over come is 'inertia'...and the only thing missing from A Simple Plan is the added incentive to ACT.

Most can see it is an improvement over the way things are currently done and the changes to monetary policy would make EVERYONE better off than they are now but EVERYONE isn't getting off their dead ass!

Remember that 'uh-oh squad' I've been telling you about? Well, folks who 'qualify' [the self motivated] will be among some of the most powerful individuals in our new society.

Not only will they enjoy anonimity but they will also operate largely on their own volition. [Think 007]

This has its dangers but the individuals that accept this assignment aren't afraid of danger, fear of betrayal is higher on their list.

We all know the feckless's media will demonize anyone with the courage to act against them, even the smallest acts will he held up as attrocities while their own remain ignored on the back burner.

If we are to end the 'for profit prison' system they've built for the 'surplus population' there are going to be murders a plenty on both sides of the fence.

It's unavoidable.

Thus will your 'primary targets' be anything in a robe, along with anything headed for a robe.

The single factor will interpret this to include clergy but those intelligent enough to follow my reasoning know EXACTLY who I mean.

Zero irony that the ONLY people who WANT TO stand before a judge are COPS.

Our problem isn't monetary, it's legal...bigtime.

THose who control the law control YOU [Which is why A Simple Plan returns control of the law EXCLUSIVELY to THOSE WHO MUST LIVE UNDER IT!

Leaders will no longer be legislators. YOU will make the laws together.

It is time we unite humanity and place our laws beyond the reach of the feckless.

Just something to ponder as you watch the daily shit show unfold...

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Friday, October 13, 2017


Greetings good citizen, so much going on it's difficult to choose which direction to go, which made the choice for me.

Remember when 'frack' was a thinly veiled F-Bomb on Battlestar Galactica [the original], then it morphed into a process used to release natural gas trapped in rock formations [resulting in a wide variety of unintended consequences...]

Well, today it is being used in the context of the media's endless campaign to divide society into ever smaller blocks with even more malleable mindbending. Today's episode is brought to us by Madison Avenue

A car is a car, right? Apparently advertisers believe you have to reach your audience one ethnic group/age bracket at a time. [What the hell, they get paid by the ad, why make one when seven is, expensive?]

Kids these days don't care what they ride in [in fact they hate to travel but that doesn't stop advertisers from using this indifference to their advantage.] Will a Toyota 'set you free' or show the world 'you have arrived'?

Kids use their clothing choices to express themselves so car makers are out in the cold...but that doesn't change the need to move vehicles to people who view them as environmental monsters [and major drains on the wallet, if your not pouring money into the gas tank, your bringing it in for repairs everytime you blink!]

As suburbia morphs into megalopolous the 'need' for personal transportation diminishes.

Nowhere is this more disturbingly apparent than on HGTV's home improvement shows where the customers are increasingly millionaires!

Not a category most youngsters fit into...many of them are 'trapped' in their parent's basement [if they have a home at all.]

Speaking of which, another story caught my eye about how the homeless are still being jailed in the south for 'trespassing'.

Really says something about a society that criminalizes those it impoverishes...

In the meantime 'the single factor' continues to use their food assistance cards [becaue all three of their jobs don't pay enough to keep a roof over their heads AND food on the table] while considering themselves 'better' then those less fortunate because Wally Mart only has so many openings for greeters.

This in the age of 'for profit' prisons! [Who said slavery was dead? You may be getting three squares and a roof over your head but you work for nothing!]

This 'Morning in America' stuff has really gotten out of hand...but neither the media or our politicians acknowledge any wrongdoing...[and they won't until the streets run with blood! (probably YOURS)]

Sing the refrain children...[Hard to believe we need a place called hell!]


Thanks once again for taking the time and opening your mind!


Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Commune

Greetings good citizen, today's add-on post is driven by my just completed mission to find that now rarest of all beasts, 'free air'.

Naturally when anything goes wrong with the car, it's my problem...for two reasons. 1.) It's going to cost money and 2.) you will likely get dirty if you don't know what you're doing...[that's why it's 'Honey Do'!]

The mind is a funny thing and mine is funnier than most...but I digress.

Naturally, after being alerted she had a problem I was tasked with IMMEDIATELY going out and remedying the problem. The ONLY known free air anywhere near my house is a service station she drives right past twice a day...

So I take her car there and lo and behold, no hose.

Undaunted, I inquire inside if this is due to neglect or design...and I'm informed, the hose is 'broken'.

Apparently the dollar a vend air dispensers aren't free [which is why Bobo isn't making money off of those driven by their dashboard sensors to buy air AND can you believe the ingrates using their 'free air' was abusing this resource by using the air hose then not buying their gas there! [Horrors!]

How many of you think this is 'reasonable'?

Quick guess is ALL of you but like I mention above, my mind is 'funnier' than most. [Are you getting curious about the title of this post is yet?]

How much SHIT do you think is in your head? None?

Try again.

How many of you see yourself as an individual, trying the best you can to get by in this world?

Again, the answer is like the one I got about the missing air hose...[and the guy got downright onery about it too, like I had nerve for even asking where it was! many of you think of yourselves as members of a 'community' [the very origins of the word 'commune']

Again, most of you [somewhat insanely] see yourself as BOTH.

Now, [show of hands] How many of you have a problem with Communism?

Are you beginning to see my point or are you just too confused to even deal with these 'head games'? Most of you CAN'T see where this is going and like the dude who withheld the air hose, are angered that I'm even questioning how YOU think of's personal and nobody's business [that you choose to be STUPID!]

A full half of you stopped reading. You don't care where this is going...and you don't think you need to know.

But some of you are enraged enough to keep going and a few even have a glimmer of what I'm attempting to communicate!

The 'non-empathetic' have a tough time of thinking about themselves 'comparatively'...guys are guys and gals are gals and dogs are dogs and pigs are pigs yet money is whatever they tell me it is...

The slick just LOVE the stupid...and the stupid are oh so embarrassed to admit they are indeed 'ignorant'.

So, we are members of a community...and if we weren't MOST OF US would be DEAD!

Yet we have a 'problem' with 'communists'[a subset of 'commune']...and we also have this, er, 'confusion' surrounding MONEY.

EVERY decision in business revolves around MONEY, yet money ONLY EXISTS so people can specialize!

This, naturally, is in direct opposition to the 'purpose of money'.

Without 'specialists' you have to do EVERYTHING yourself...

Just an observation but we can readily see how successfully most of you have 'educated yourself'. [NOT]

Imagine having to do your own dental work [or worse...taking turns doing it for each other!]

Without surgeons many of us would be dead and without teachers...well, sort of a coin toss there because it's not like they didn't TRY to teach you (the failure [to comprehend] is yours, own it!)

Conversely, we have a two edged sword here, they aren't allowed to 'educate' you, they must follow the mandated cirriculumn. They are taught what to teach and teaching beyond their mandate is grounds for termination!

Private schools are different but only the rich can send their kids to private schools.

Oh, and guess who mandates what YOU and your children get 'taught'? The same criminals that our politicians have to beg money from.

So don't be surprised that you were never taught what money is or that it has a purpose BESIDES being WORSHIPPED!

Stupid only takes you so far, use your head for more than a hat rack/fist magnet!

Your lack of innate curiosity does you a serious disservice. How tragic most of your wounds are 'self-inflicted'?

Like a virus, we 'depend' on each other to survive. The feckless keep repeating the lie of the 'rugged individual when they, themselves know full well left to their own devices [and only each other for company] they'd all be dead in a week.

So desperate is this fixation of money for money's sake that it threatens our species with extinction...because the MORONS [running society] don't know how to live if they actually had to make stuff for themselves!

If the only thing you can do is buy, the 'lack of knowledge' can be fatal.

Know and embrace your 'commune'!

Without them you are doomed.

How pathetic is it that most of you don't want to face that fact. You'd rather break you neck tripping over your dick than admit you NEED the things others do to make life worth living.

A pox on ye Scrooge!

Take due notice and conduct yourselves accordingly!


Everything has a price and the price of stinginess is death! All of the money in the world isn't worth the help of a single friend.


Greetings good citizen, as the, er, 'morons' who don't understand the purpose of money continue to worship at the altar of 'more for ME' often their 'customers' become the victims of their unchecked greed.

Let's revisit the precepts of capitalist commerce for a moment and have a look at what's REALLY driving 'the obesity epidemic'.

Food is almost universally sold 'by the pound'. Since the dawn of capitalism, the less scruplous vendors would use 'fillers' to provide them with added 'profits' [how fortunate for most of us, pigs and goats don't have an exclusive on being able to eat almost anything?]

In the meantime, unchecked, the 'profit driven capitalist' has stretched baby formula with melamine just to 'add volume' to the legitimate components [leading to the deaths of dozens of not farm animal babies...all so the vendor could literally put their thumb on the scale and charge for what wasn't there.]

But I'm talking 'old school' cheats. Today's cheats are 'legitimate' as much as the chemical 'modifications' made to Frankenfood are done to make the products you buy naturally 'fatter'.

When a rancher sells their cows to the slaughterhouse, he's paid by the pound. Doesn't matter to him if the cow is full of cement as long as he gets paid.

And THAT, dear children is why the FDA exists! [Not that it works, we are lucky most 'front line' sources intimately understand the consequences of 'blatantly' tampering with their wares. (Lynching isn't JUST for horse thieves!)]

But if you add GMO to animal feed it fattens them up 'organically', increasing profits as well as prices.

Food lot animals are more expensive BUT they fetch more because they're 'fatter'...same story with vegetables. The 'larger' you can make the yeild, the more profit there of the consumer be DAMNED!

The other FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE of Western Capitalism is...BUYER BEWARE! [Our food doesn't have to be Kosher or Halal, god has been kicked out of the food protection business Christiandom wide.

So in case you're wondering why you keep getting fatter despite cutting down what you eat and stepping up the exerise's NOT 'just' your's the feckless getting over on you ONCE AGAIN in a way you can't protect yourself.

And you thought you were 'overeating'.

It's the crap put into the stuff we eat to make them more profitable that is making YOU fatter!

Worse, the people making 'diet food' don't go to their own sources, their inputs come form the same place the stuff making you fat comes from so you're paying extra for the same poison!

Oh how the feckless laugh at us! They're so smart [read sneaky] and we're so stupid! [read trusting...the government is supposed to be 'regulating' this shit...but wait! The people our 'bought and paid for' politicians are supposed to be regulating receive the bulk of their campaign donations from the very people they are supposed to protect us from!


Now for the final 'elephant in the room'.

How 'wise' is it to allow the greedy to use 'any means possible' to boost profits?

Forty years ago, Free Trade spread around the world like wildfire, toppling the 'company man' and replacing him with the 'team player' [who fervently (albeit stupidly) believed if the company prospered, so would they!]

But once the markets were 'consolidated' it became rigid middle finger time. [And we all learned about YO-YO's! (I got mine, sucks being YOU!)]

All that was left to do is eliminate the bothersome regulations that prevented profits from reaching the stratosphere, people just needed to be 'smart' about what they buy!

Let the 'risk takers' [read criminals] take their chances. The 'market' would police itself!

Do I need to remind anyone that these people honestly think BELIEVE the rest of us are STUPID?

Their 'proof'? We listen to them.

Not only are we supposed to lynch them where they stand but they aren't supposed to get word one out of their mouth because we all should KNOW they are EVIL INCARNATE [and DAMN PROUD OF IT!]

But we listen because we are all taught it is the 'polite' thing to do.

How unfortunate for the honest among us that the opportunists will sell us all out in a heartbeat for a 'sweetheart deal'?

Which brings us full circle to the hugest elephant of them all, MONEY: we're doing it ALL WRONG!

Now you KNOW. Do you simply surrender or do you keep letting the feckless turn you into blimp with all of the associated health problems just so they can keep playing 'more for ME'?

Demanding the watchdogs be given more teeth does zero.

Have to hit this one at the source.

Your money is for YOU. You can't give it to anyone even if you were desperate to. THAT IS THE ANSWER!

The WHOLE enterprise runs on illicit funds [trying to make more illicit funds...and society pays the price.]

Can't wait for God to bust the evil doers because ol' spirit in the sky is no more real than the object of our sorrows...think about that as you sit there baffled over WHY you keep gaining weight.

{If you're still baffled, please re-read until it sinks in...profits before people, consequences be damned!]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head...does this post make me look slim? [Trust me, I'm fluffy, too many decades of eating regularly 'on a budget'.
