Saturday, October 14, 2017

Oh Well...

Greetings good citizen, one of the most difficult forces to over come is 'inertia'...and the only thing missing from A Simple Plan is the added incentive to ACT.

Most can see it is an improvement over the way things are currently done and the changes to monetary policy would make EVERYONE better off than they are now but EVERYONE isn't getting off their dead ass!

Remember that 'uh-oh squad' I've been telling you about? Well, folks who 'qualify' [the self motivated] will be among some of the most powerful individuals in our new society.

Not only will they enjoy anonimity but they will also operate largely on their own volition. [Think 007]

This has its dangers but the individuals that accept this assignment aren't afraid of danger, fear of betrayal is higher on their list.

We all know the feckless's media will demonize anyone with the courage to act against them, even the smallest acts will he held up as attrocities while their own remain ignored on the back burner.

If we are to end the 'for profit prison' system they've built for the 'surplus population' there are going to be murders a plenty on both sides of the fence.

It's unavoidable.

Thus will your 'primary targets' be anything in a robe, along with anything headed for a robe.

The single factor will interpret this to include clergy but those intelligent enough to follow my reasoning know EXACTLY who I mean.

Zero irony that the ONLY people who WANT TO stand before a judge are COPS.

Our problem isn't monetary, it's legal...bigtime.

THose who control the law control YOU [Which is why A Simple Plan returns control of the law EXCLUSIVELY to THOSE WHO MUST LIVE UNDER IT!

Leaders will no longer be legislators. YOU will make the laws together.

It is time we unite humanity and place our laws beyond the reach of the feckless.

Just something to ponder as you watch the daily shit show unfold...

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


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