Greetings good citizen, as the, er, 'morons' who don't understand the purpose of money continue to worship at the altar of 'more for ME' often their 'customers' become the victims of their unchecked greed.
Let's revisit the precepts of capitalist commerce for a moment and have a look at what's REALLY driving 'the obesity epidemic'.
Food is almost universally sold 'by the pound'. Since the dawn of capitalism, the less scruplous vendors would use 'fillers' to provide them with added 'profits' [how fortunate for most of us, pigs and goats don't have an exclusive on being able to eat almost anything?]
In the meantime, unchecked, the 'profit driven capitalist' has stretched baby formula with melamine just to 'add volume' to the legitimate components [leading to the deaths of dozens of not farm animal babies...all so the vendor could literally put their thumb on the scale and charge for what wasn't there.]
But I'm talking 'old school' cheats. Today's cheats are 'legitimate' as much as the chemical 'modifications' made to Frankenfood are done to make the products you buy naturally 'fatter'.
When a rancher sells their cows to the slaughterhouse, he's paid by the pound. Doesn't matter to him if the cow is full of cement as long as he gets paid.
And THAT, dear children is why the FDA exists! [Not that it works, we are lucky most 'front line' sources intimately understand the consequences of 'blatantly' tampering with their wares. (Lynching isn't JUST for horse thieves!)]
But if you add GMO to animal feed it fattens them up 'organically', increasing profits as well as prices.
Food lot animals are more expensive BUT they fetch more because they're 'fatter'...same story with vegetables. The 'larger' you can make the yeild, the more profit there of the consumer be DAMNED!
The other FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE of Western Capitalism is...BUYER BEWARE! [Our food doesn't have to be Kosher or Halal, god has been kicked out of the food protection business Christiandom wide.
So in case you're wondering why you keep getting fatter despite cutting down what you eat and stepping up the exerise's NOT 'just' your's the feckless getting over on you ONCE AGAIN in a way you can't protect yourself.
And you thought you were 'overeating'.
It's the crap put into the stuff we eat to make them more profitable that is making YOU fatter!
Worse, the people making 'diet food' don't go to their own sources, their inputs come form the same place the stuff making you fat comes from so you're paying extra for the same poison!
Oh how the feckless laugh at us! They're so smart [read sneaky] and we're so stupid! [read trusting...the government is supposed to be 'regulating' this shit...but wait! The people our 'bought and paid for' politicians are supposed to be regulating receive the bulk of their campaign donations from the very people they are supposed to protect us from!
Now for the final 'elephant in the room'.
How 'wise' is it to allow the greedy to use 'any means possible' to boost profits?
Forty years ago, Free Trade spread around the world like wildfire, toppling the 'company man' and replacing him with the 'team player' [who fervently (albeit stupidly) believed if the company prospered, so would they!]
But once the markets were 'consolidated' it became rigid middle finger time. [And we all learned about YO-YO's! (I got mine, sucks being YOU!)]
All that was left to do is eliminate the bothersome regulations that prevented profits from reaching the stratosphere, people just needed to be 'smart' about what they buy!
Let the 'risk takers' [read criminals] take their chances. The 'market' would police itself!
Do I need to remind anyone that these people honestlythink BELIEVE the rest of us are STUPID?
Their 'proof'? We listen to them.
Not only are we supposed to lynch them where they stand but they aren't supposed to get word one out of their mouth because we all should KNOW they are EVIL INCARNATE [and DAMN PROUD OF IT!]
But we listen because we are all taught it is the 'polite' thing to do.
How unfortunate for the honest among us that the opportunists will sell us all out in a heartbeat for a 'sweetheart deal'?
Which brings us full circle to the hugest elephant of them all, MONEY: we're doing it ALL WRONG!
Now you KNOW. Do you simply surrender or do you keep letting the feckless turn you into blimp with all of the associated health problems just so they can keep playing 'more for ME'?
Demanding the watchdogs be given more teeth does zero.
Have to hit this one at the source.
Your money is for YOU. You can't give it to anyone even if you were desperate to. THAT IS THE ANSWER!
The WHOLE enterprise runs on illicit funds [trying to make more illicit funds...and society pays the price.]
Can't wait for God to bust the evil doers because ol' spirit in the sky is no more real than the object of our sorrows...think about that as you sit there baffled over WHY you keep gaining weight.
{If you're still baffled, please re-read until it sinks in...profits before people, consequences be damned!]
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head...does this post make me look slim? [Trust me, I'm fluffy, too many decades of eating regularly 'on a budget'.
Let's revisit the precepts of capitalist commerce for a moment and have a look at what's REALLY driving 'the obesity epidemic'.
Food is almost universally sold 'by the pound'. Since the dawn of capitalism, the less scruplous vendors would use 'fillers' to provide them with added 'profits' [how fortunate for most of us, pigs and goats don't have an exclusive on being able to eat almost anything?]
In the meantime, unchecked, the 'profit driven capitalist' has stretched baby formula with melamine just to 'add volume' to the legitimate components [leading to the deaths of dozens of not farm animal babies...all so the vendor could literally put their thumb on the scale and charge for what wasn't there.]
But I'm talking 'old school' cheats. Today's cheats are 'legitimate' as much as the chemical 'modifications' made to Frankenfood are done to make the products you buy naturally 'fatter'.
When a rancher sells their cows to the slaughterhouse, he's paid by the pound. Doesn't matter to him if the cow is full of cement as long as he gets paid.
And THAT, dear children is why the FDA exists! [Not that it works, we are lucky most 'front line' sources intimately understand the consequences of 'blatantly' tampering with their wares. (Lynching isn't JUST for horse thieves!)]
But if you add GMO to animal feed it fattens them up 'organically', increasing profits as well as prices.
Food lot animals are more expensive BUT they fetch more because they're 'fatter'...same story with vegetables. The 'larger' you can make the yeild, the more profit there of the consumer be DAMNED!
The other FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE of Western Capitalism is...BUYER BEWARE! [Our food doesn't have to be Kosher or Halal, god has been kicked out of the food protection business Christiandom wide.
So in case you're wondering why you keep getting fatter despite cutting down what you eat and stepping up the exerise's NOT 'just' your's the feckless getting over on you ONCE AGAIN in a way you can't protect yourself.
And you thought you were 'overeating'.
It's the crap put into the stuff we eat to make them more profitable that is making YOU fatter!
Worse, the people making 'diet food' don't go to their own sources, their inputs come form the same place the stuff making you fat comes from so you're paying extra for the same poison!
Oh how the feckless laugh at us! They're so smart [read sneaky] and we're so stupid! [read trusting...the government is supposed to be 'regulating' this shit...but wait! The people our 'bought and paid for' politicians are supposed to be regulating receive the bulk of their campaign donations from the very people they are supposed to protect us from!
Now for the final 'elephant in the room'.
How 'wise' is it to allow the greedy to use 'any means possible' to boost profits?
Forty years ago, Free Trade spread around the world like wildfire, toppling the 'company man' and replacing him with the 'team player' [who fervently (albeit stupidly) believed if the company prospered, so would they!]
But once the markets were 'consolidated' it became rigid middle finger time. [And we all learned about YO-YO's! (I got mine, sucks being YOU!)]
All that was left to do is eliminate the bothersome regulations that prevented profits from reaching the stratosphere, people just needed to be 'smart' about what they buy!
Let the 'risk takers' [read criminals] take their chances. The 'market' would police itself!
Do I need to remind anyone that these people honestly
Their 'proof'? We listen to them.
Not only are we supposed to lynch them where they stand but they aren't supposed to get word one out of their mouth because we all should KNOW they are EVIL INCARNATE [and DAMN PROUD OF IT!]
But we listen because we are all taught it is the 'polite' thing to do.
How unfortunate for the honest among us that the opportunists will sell us all out in a heartbeat for a 'sweetheart deal'?
Which brings us full circle to the hugest elephant of them all, MONEY: we're doing it ALL WRONG!
Now you KNOW. Do you simply surrender or do you keep letting the feckless turn you into blimp with all of the associated health problems just so they can keep playing 'more for ME'?
Demanding the watchdogs be given more teeth does zero.
Have to hit this one at the source.
Your money is for YOU. You can't give it to anyone even if you were desperate to. THAT IS THE ANSWER!
The WHOLE enterprise runs on illicit funds [trying to make more illicit funds...and society pays the price.]
Can't wait for God to bust the evil doers because ol' spirit in the sky is no more real than the object of our sorrows...think about that as you sit there baffled over WHY you keep gaining weight.
{If you're still baffled, please re-read until it sinks in...profits before people, consequences be damned!]
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head...does this post make me look slim? [Trust me, I'm fluffy, too many decades of eating regularly 'on a budget'.
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