Saturday, October 21, 2017

Free Speech

Greetings good citizen, ever wonder why 'free speech' was 'amended' into the Constitution? We have always had the, er, 'freedom' to speak our minds but back in the day dissent was punishable by death and those who got to decide had broad latitude when it came to who was or was not a 'troublesome malcontent'.

The thinking was if you block the path to peaceful negotiation the public was left with only one alternative...revolt.

This is true. If you block the path to peaceful resolution all that's remains is violence.

Free Speech was a mechanism installed in the legislative framework to prevent unpredictable violent uprisings against the state.

Of course, 'free speech' is a two-edged sword. Allowing the public to voice their grievances also opens the door to people who like to hear themselves talk for the sake of spreading discord.

Which is to say there IS a difference between 'free speech' and 'hate speech'.

Worse, often your free speech protection is removed by the editors because it's detrimental to the media outlet's advertising efforts.

Leaving your 'right' to speak freely unfettered...but also unshared.

So it came to pass that the internet was to provide the voiceless with their forum...but that's not working either. The 'shelf life' of ideas presented online is so brief you had best strike a chord with your audience instantly or your message will be lost in the flood of banality that is the mainstream media.

What your overlords want you to be interested in.

I bring up [repeatedly] what can only be described as Elephants in the Room but the media regularly ignores them...not because everybody knows but because 'free speech' is for chumps.

Use your media outlet to draw attention to the injustices of the system and you'll get your license 'free' is that?

Rhetorical question good citizen, the non single factor has no illusions about either their 'rights' or their 'freedom'.

As the feckless continue to 'push the boundaries' [with their 'in your face' and 'what are you gonna do about it?' attitude] causing the Clueless [their minions] to clamp down harder [because there isn't a good way to tell when the dam is going to burst, today's youth is so used to being shit upon that they seem to believe it how things are supposed to go!

Yet another 'manifestation' of 'free speech' is the ability of our nominal leaders to lie with impunity...a factor nobody is for. If the government can't be trusted it's time to tear it down and install a new one!

Hello, Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Is this thing on?

If YOU don't put a stop to it, THEY will keep on doing it.

You know the stakes and you know what it takes to stop them, you just need to work up the resolve.

Stop hating our life and channel that into turning your life around by using that hatred for a positive outcome!

Because in the end, you're gonna end up fighting for your life anyway...

Now, later...inevitable.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head [and it's important that you never forget whose head it belongs to, it's your only possession.]


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