Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What's driving the stock market?

Greetings good citizen, Just a quickie post [an idea I've toyed with considerably in the past. I frequently stumble on newsworthy data during my daily browsing.] to point to a fresh headline that probably baffles most of you.

Um, I usually don't because it strikes me as belaboring the obvious...but the feckless media does it all the time (so what the hey.)

What couldn't wait for tomorrow?

The F'n stock market hit a new high on record trading.

We live in a society fraught with FRAUD. What's driving the stock market? Remember the other day when I pointed to companies posting record profits but there was nothing to give you come review time because all the 'profits' were being spent to buy back the shares [so the executives could cash in on their 'performance based' compensation packages?]

Now there's a loop that has illegal written all over it but our clueless legislators don't even raise a jaded eyebrow. [WTF!]

Isn't THAT what's troubling you?

Just saw the headline and wanted to be sure you UNDERSTOOD what's going on!

Keep Smilin'


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