Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I am not focused on knocking down the Trump administration and I make no secret of my disgust with the entire 'political process' [if you can call it that; more closely resembles a hokey dog & pony act.]

So yesterday I did a double take when I saw El Trumpo on TV telling the public that he was 'working hard' to get them the tax cut they were know, the same one the average Trump voter won't see a penny of?

NOBODY is crying for tax relief yet here is Mr. Clueless 'reassuring' the public that he's hard at work making the republic safe for the people that truly 'Make America Great'...the already wealthy!

Since taxes are like the stock markets, [absolutely useless] under ASP there won't be either because both are cons designed to enrich the already wealthy.

[If you're serious about draining the swamp, Wall Street is the place to start!] End the malfeasance and EVERYBODY can retire in comfort and security [not just your broker!]

End the theft of cash after it's been 'used' and instantly end the drug trade, human trafficking and the arms industries which can only exist in a world run by CRIMINALS.

[Not only is 'investment' a chimera but the entire justice [for a price] system is a 'racket' as well!]

Again, I'm not telling the 'cognizant' anything they don't know...the problem here appears to be the confusion surrounding how many know...and it's a lot larger number than anyone thinks.

If everybody knows, why does it keep happening?

Fear...of upsetting an already fragile apple cart.

Crush that cart and chaos ensues [for a short while, then order will be restored and the new rules will be enforced.]

It's that brief period of instablility everyone is afraid that first plunge into the know it's cold but you also know you will get used to it fairly quickly!

And the proposed 'changes' brought about by ASP are easier than what we do now [because they're 'organic', the part that's going to take some getting used to is they also 'make sense'.

[When you live in a society filled with nonsense and picayune BS it's because you're being ripped off!]

Thus do we have a neverending 'war on intelligence'.

First they insult your intelligence then they tell you that even thinking of yourself as intelligent only proves how stupid you are.

It's the old 'heads I win and tails you lose' ruse writ large...and it's EVERYWHERE!

It must do you stop it? Same way you stop 'why'...with a firm 'because'. [After the first couple of repititions, it stops being a question and starts being a recital of the next to the last letter in the alphabet as they giggle with delight over their victims growing frustration and rage!]

The feckless really are a simple lot and they take endless delight in being 'difficult'.

You just have to be aware of what you're dealing with and be constantly 'on guard' because the Old Ones are no better than those 'too young to appreciate' their actions.

It's all a game to them and the object of the game is 'getting over' on YOU!

All fine and well until you find yourself in the victim's shoes!

Do I need to break out that mystical 'golden ruler'? [Probably what gave birth to it...the 'I'm so clever and you're so dumb' BS everybody pulls when the opportunity presents itself.

[Which is to point out 'the problem' is hardly 'new'....but few realize that.]

This is the pickle we find ourselves in, our so called 'leader' is doing exactly what he promised NOT to do...and we are frustrated/surprised because we were duped again?

It hasn't changed and it isn't going to so long as you keep letting them get away with it.

Nothing you can do about it?

Now you're getting the idea!

DO NOTHING [and mean it!]

Better, do nothing on the clock and get paid for it! (They do it all the time!) [They already accuse you of it so you might as well. Not nice to make a liar out of your self-professed superiors!]

Shameless is a two edged sword...don't ya think it's about time you started using your side?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head!


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