Thursday, October 19, 2017

The conservative

Greetings good citizen, the principle difference between the pragmatic liberal and the pretentious conservative is the liberal is willing to compromise, the conservative's credo is 'my way or the highway!'

The liberal will listen while the conservative will 'stonewall'. Everybody knows this but they still vote conservative because they feel they reflect their 'values'.

IF this is true then then Murika is definitely a good place to be FROM. It is the dark ages writ large...but the average conservative is fine with that, they detest having their values questioned [albeit conservatives are often surprised to learn they held most of those beliefs because a conservative is whatever their leader's tell them they are!]

Again, the single factor doesn't even begin to see the contradiction here but 'the bandwagon' was just made for 'go along to get long' conservatism.

Another 'badge of honor' for conservatives is they are NOT big on thinking...their 'ideals' are handed down to them from on high. [They like to pretend God is on their side but the reality is more stark, they follow their the clueless lemmings they are.]

Worse, they stick with 'em too but stupid is as stupid does.

Now we have a Supreme court that is decidedly 'conservative' and the greed heads are ruining the economy and society in one fell swoop!

[While the pea-brained conservative is fond of blaming the 'limousine liberal' for our social and economic woes, the situation we have today is the direct result of the Conservative Revolution and it's rapacious 'Morning in America' campaign to restore what the 'trust busting' Congress took away.

Many mistake the revenge of the conservatives with 'payback' for Roosevelt's New Deal but it goes deeper than that. After the bloodless coup of 1968 [when LBJ abdicated] they crowned the first 'Imperial President'...the one that would have taken office had JFK not beaten him in 1960 and paved the way for the resumption of their long paused game of Monopoly...using 'real assets'...and resulting in real war!

But the average conservo-whacko doesn't care about the facts [take slavery for a case in point.] If their leaders tell them they are doing 'God's Work' [murdering and stealing] then it's God's work and they have nothing more to say...or think about for that matter

What riles them up is people QUESTIONING God's work because YOU DON'T QUESTION GOD!

Which, naturally, brings us full circle to 'stupid is as stupid does.'

So as we are herded into the chute by the feckless media [and that's not really fair, don't do as the editor 'requests' and you don't work in the media anymore...anywhere [the lid on dissent is 'airtight', if you have a complaint, write a blog!]

And here YOU are, seeking what you won't find on the bought and paid for public forums.

Wise of you to seek dissenting know something ain't right and one of us has answers...which isn't what I'm, er, 'vending' here. I'm purveying 'solutions' to problems the talking heads are purposefully ignoring.

The 'prepared mind' can act, the unprepared mind first needs to determine what the source of the problem is. Here, that is done for you...the problem, after the BS is boiled away is LEGAL, criminals make and control the law...and because they control the law they also control the money...and whosoever controls your money controls YOU!

Like I said, not rhetoric, facts...and along with the facts come solutions.

Without a 'guiding principle' like the Human Anti-Exploitation Law (which prohibits any human from using another human as an 'income stream') [if paychecks are 'good enough' for 99% of us, they are good enough for EVERYBODY! END OF DISCUSSION.] economic slavery will eventually reassert itself and claim it is the 'natural order of things'...a decidedly CONSERVATIVE value!

Worse, most conservatives can't tell you what they hold dear because their values aren't their own...and that is the danger of being a member of a herd.

For all of their crowing about 'rugged individualism' none of 'em have any idea what 'conservatism' actually means until *someone else tells them!

People HATE the posers the .01% recruits to run against their stuffed shirt representatives who 'assumed' the role formerly held by the democrats
but those 'opportunists' don't care if their constituents 'like' them because the people really running things will ensure they don't lose their seat to someone who will actually takes the job seriously because if the money don't like you, you aren't getting in.

ANY sitting politician is a thrall of the money interests. Really pathetic considering all money is funny. It means these wannabes are selling us out for nothing...or next to it.

Albeit it IS a better deal than the average stiff gets and the bennies can't be beat, those oligarchs know the value of 'loyalty' especially the kind you BUY!

If you don't think you're being played you're probably a closeted conservative who is too stupid to know better but ignorance really is bliss!

Just to be CLEAR, those gay hugging libtards you so bitterly despise are really just actors hired to stir up resentment against the 'opposition'...if you had half a brain you'd figure that out for yourself but no...

[I will once again remind readers that the teeny-tiny conservative mind would implode moments into the second paragraph here so they aren't reading this. I provide these 'insights' so YOU can understand where the 'conservative mind' is coming from and how to combat conservative ideology!]

Welcome to my 'shop', please feel free to browse all you like...don't forget to take as many free samples as you can carry!


* The oligarchs have a stockpile of meaningless platitudes they can regurgitate on command whenever the 'flock/herd' starts to 'question'.

Why is it the average conservative has no problem being considered a 'member of the flock' but rankles when you question their non-existent 'individuality'...a trait we develop when we think for ourselves?

For a more 'zen' take on the same observation, you think it's coincidence 'yeah' rhymes with 'baa?'

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