Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sympathy for the feckless

Greetings good citizen, like many, er, 'opinionated blowhards' I like citing those who [even left-handedly] reinforce my point of view

So what’s behind this priority? Follow the money. Big donors are furious at missing out on the $700 billion in tax cuts that were supposed to come out of Obamacare repeal. If they don’t get big bucks out of tax “reform,” they might close their pocketbooks for the 2018 midterm elections.

Beyond that, modern conservatism is a sort of ecosystem of media outlets, think tanks, lobbying outfits and more that offers many lucrative niches — so-called wingnut welfare — for the ideologically reliable. And that means being reliable to the interests of the wealthy.

But how can an administration that pretends to be populist, to stand up for ordinary (white) working people, sell such elitist policies?

Seems a majority of my generation didn't get the memo: The Democrats (they choose to hate) are actually EXTINCT, driven out of the political sphere by 'the money' [who prefer a 'one note song'....Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me...]

They don't even call themselves Democrats anymore!. [How big of a hint do you need?] There's STUPID then there's THIS!

Is this level of stupidity the reason why nobody remembers the Republican Revolution and the ensuing 'Morning in America'? [The privatization/offshoring of EVERYTHING!]

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller? (is this thing on?)

One more time, slow and in English [with all due defference for my overseas readers...English is my first AND my second language!]

The ONLY thing protecting Democracy [as it has been sold to us] is Men both good and true, remove that solitary safeguard and all bets are off.

Let's take a few moments to FULLY APPRECIATE exactly where this leaves us.

Even under the kindest of interpretations the whole process is 'flawed'...and those same flaws prevent us from repairing the process.

Naturally this doesn't occur to those who idolize men that only completed the third grade as 'the wisest man they ever knew'.

Ya think Bobo need to broaden their circle of friends and perhaps re-evaluate who they, er, 'put on a pedastal'?

THe 'idol' of a moron is by extension, a moron. Mind you this moron claimed to have 4 degrees, but the non-single factor already knows the value of 'sheepskin'...[especially when 'garbage in = garbage out]

But no, the single factor blindly accepts these 'platitudes' as emblems of pride as they thump their chests and proclaim 'Murika, the way it should be!'

Nothing wrong with being 'the best you can be' but it's who you're being your best FOR, THAT should trouble you a lot more than it does.

Most of you have no problem being stupid as long as you're doing it on 'your terms'...

How sad that you are so easily mislead? [by the same people that would cheat their own mother out of whatever was worth taking?]

So how much 'sympathy' can you muster for the feckless? [Because they are forever crying about how heavily 'taxed and over-regulated' they are, Murika would be great again if only the government would get off their backs!

Are you genuinely that STUPID?

Rhetorical question, good citizen. At ease.

Rhetorical in the sense that we all know the 'blind' are incapable of comprehending what I lay out for those who already appreciate the magnitude of the situation. [A long way of opining that we are neck deep in stupid around here!]

We have to take a page from their 'playbook'...teach the teachable and herd the rest.

Somewhat telling that the question on most people's lips is 'I don't know what went wrong but I wish SOMEBODY would fix it (quick!)

Pretty much sums up our predicament.

Those incapable of breaking out of the mold the education system traps us in are the anchor that is dragging our species to the bottom of the food chain.

Hear all their delicate little minds snapping with incomprehension?

Pretty gruesome, isn't it? It's okay, there wasn't anything worthwhile there in the first place.

Teach the teachable and herd the rest...in fact we should be devising a way to STAMPEDE the rest!

With a small amount of noodling the solution will present itself. After all, humans are 'herd animals' subject to 'panics'.

Thanks once again for letting me wave red flags in your face!


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