Sunday, October 29, 2017

Balancing the books

Greetings good citizen, have I mentioned we handle money in the worst way possible? Might have brought it up once or twice but how much of what I've said sank in?

I didn't get around to pointing at the biggest elephant in the room yesterday because what the hey, it's an 'everybody knows' situation!

Know WHY the feckless treat us like imbeciles? BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT [short of REVOLT and they're 'reasonably confident' we won't interrupt The World Series just because they slap limits on your retirement account just so their fat friends can get a bigger tax break...]

You WANNA stop the nonsense...? Well let the REVOLT begin! Oh, Sorry, I didn't get the memo, no revolts until AFTER the World Series...

What was I thinking? Just because I don't follow sports doesn't mean the rest of you aren't obsessed with them!

But I digress...back to the money thing [and why they are going to get away with it...]

Despite the TRUTH that all money is 'funny' it is ALSO TRUE that there has to be some semblance of balance in the economy [between the amount of food available for consumption and the ability of the consumer to purchase that food...fuck that up and ALL BETS ARE OFF!

[Fiscal crises ANYWHERE on the planet are ALWAYS (in reality) food crises...usually too little with too much money chasing what there is.

That's the problem with money being 'funny' but you knew that...right?

Sandbagger! Until I pointed it out the relationship between food and money never occurred to you although you spend a bundle on chow every week!

Depending on how you're 'bent' most of us put food on the table first [at least enough to survive on. Can't work if your passing out from hunger!] Living on a fixed income and that 'challenge' changes...once the cost of living outstrips your monthly allowance you cut back as much as you can just to survive.

This is where heat or eat comes from. A problem made more severe if there are young mouths to feed.

It is here we encounter the bizarro factor of limits on how much we can sock away for retirement should we survive long enough to [voluntarily] stop working.

Yet another (gigantic) elephant in the room is most of us [boomers] get 'put out to pasture' [made redundant] long before we are eligible to collect anything in the way of 'retirement'. So limiting what we can 'stash' is really a non-issue. Probably gonna suck for you kids out there when the tide turns and like Japan, there aren't enough workers to support the retirees...resulting in shortages of EVERYTHING because our moronic 'betters' couldn't be bothered to plan accordingly.

Did I mention criminals?

It's all due to 'compensation plans' and who get paid how much by what metric...and the morons running things have no clue about the future because they can only plan for the next 90 days [and then only in theory!]

How did we get here? Beancounters.

Civilization has been brought to the brink of collapse by Marx's theory of 'surplus value'.

Which explains why moron capitalists squeeze as much as they can out of their workers so they can boost profits for share OWNERS...and where I come from, OWN is a dirty word.

This planet belongs to us ALL, equally.

It is thinking contrary to that central axiom that is responsible for destroying civilization. [part of the dilemma is the people who think the world is THEIRS consider the rest of us a 'disease'...despite being human themselves.

Wrap your head around that one while you're wondering if you could go through with 'rope and light pole time'..."I'm okay but YOU are vermin!"

Just because you have a heart [and foolishly believe they are 'redeemable'] doesn't alter the fact they AREN'T worth the powder to blow them to hell.

And because THEY are in charge, vital precautions aren't getting done.

Worse, they plan on walking away and letting the feeble deal with the problem however they can.

So we once again encounter man's legendary inhumanity to their fellow human.

Hooray for me and F- you writ large. [If you don't like it revolt! AND THEY KNOW YOU WON'T!]

The books will balance themselves but first we need to pry them from the criminals cold dead finger...and it's the only way!

Thanks for stopping by and opening our mind!


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