Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Freedom Train

Greetings good citizen, as usual, one news story is overshadowing another in the public arena. The 'largest' mass shooting on US soil has backburnered the tale of Catalan's vote/legal bid to separate from Spain...while the Iraqi Kurds have also made a similar move to form their own state in the oil rich North, not unlike 'Project Freestate', the (ongoing) Libertarian 'takeover' of New Hampshire.

Google that if you've got nothing better to do, it's a curious read...but Libertarianism itself is an exercise in 'tortured logic' so it is what it is.

Me, I try to keep my distance from people who confuse my need to breathe with my 'desire' to keep doing so...

When you start turning 'needs into wants' you begin to understand how a psychopath smuggled 18 long rifles into a hotel room and housekeeping never saw nothin'. [Curiosity is a killer so I just looked up the room rate [a bit south of $500 a night. Not exactly a 'fleabag' but apparently the customer reviews say the place is overdue for a facelift.]

All in what you're used to, I guess. Never been to Vegas myself so I remain ignorant. Oh well.

I'll refrain from pointing out 'I'm doing it again' and just snap us back 'on topic'.

Why do you suppose, er, 'tribes of humans' are seeking their independance from the rest of us?

What is the 'dream' of a New State all about?

Don't think there is a definative answer to that question but it does reflect poorly on the states that already exist.

As I opined yesterday, even if a 'state of perfection' existed there would still be 'malcontents'...largely due to the wide variety of nonsense people cling to as though their very identity depended on it! [I'm looking at YOU religous fruit cakes...]

Let's not discount the troublemakers...your pain/discomfort is their joy...just because they're sick that way!

Which is to say, the point of this entry is 'what are people seeking?' Freedom to be themselves? For that to happen you MUST first allow others to be themselves...and likewise with them.

Seems like such a simple thing, to the point where we all want the same thing...but then somebody adds the proviso that those who don't believe as I believe are an evil that needs to be wiped out...and the global fuckaree begins!

Why is this? Same reason Bobo turned a gun on thousands of country music affectionados, something seriously wrong up top, yet he prospered as a real estate investor...go figure?

[Apparently you don't need to be insane to succeed under F.U. Pay me (but it helps...)]

Is this what the freedom seekers are after, a place to escape the psychopaths that can't distinguish right from wrong?

For all it's simplicity, we really should start the testing with that one simple concept, the test of 'mores' [keyboard doesn't have the punctuation to turn 'more' into 'moray', the psyche term for 'values']...because the buffoons running things don't want YOU looking at what THEY 'hold dear'.

How sad is it that this is the very rock blocking the path forward? [without consensus there IS NO ROAD FORWARD!]

Either remove the rock or suffer the consequences...[Vegas in case you're suddenly mystified]

Again, not telling you what to think, just giving you something to think about!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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