Sunday, October 1, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I've had some time to 'process' what I saw on Real Time the other night and (naturally) I arrived at a disturbing conclusion.

Best to give you a thumbnail of what caught my attention because a surprising number of people don't get HBO. Bill's last guest, an author who happens to share my surname, was pumping his latest book titled 'FantasyLand'.

Can't give it an honest critique, I don't have a copy to read so I can only examine his 'point' [and it's a good one!] and share where I think his 'pitch' (concept) falls short.

He retraces 'recent history' and arrives at the conclusion that the social break with the 'organizational man' led to an 'anything goes' mindset that has led to our current 'dissconnect' with reality. [Thus the title]

Lift that frame up and you will easily see that it fits neatly anywhere in history! We've always lived in 'Fantasy land', albeit a grim one.

Our current social system is a 'pack of lies' just as EVERY one before return to 'reality' we must rewind all the way back to individual hunter gatherer, who had zero 'illusions' [largely because he had fewer 'distractions', hell, he didn't even have a common language!]

We writers often lament the 'imprecision of speech' where even if we use precise wording it can still be (and usually is) misinterpreted.

Until we become a race of telepaths, capable of projecting precisely what we are trying to communicate directly to the mind of the receiver, we shall continue to suffer from 'that's not what I meant!' syndrome.

Even then, the target of our communication can still 'reject' what we are trying to communicate, nullifying the effort to share and broaden both of their horizons. [People are often perfectly happy living vicariously in 'their own little world'. Attempts to shake them back to reality are seldom well received.]

It is perceived that you are trying to force YOUR 'reality' on them (regardless of the evidence) leading to a multitude of 'fantasylands' that when combined create a 'living hell' of abject apathy.

Manipulating your 'fantasies' [what the media does, albeit less than 'expertly' but well enough for 'the single factor.'] is what's causing most of the 'division' in civil society...all so 'a few' can prosper.

If 'the game' is 99% mental you can readily see the disadvantage the single factor operates under...and how the less than bright's inability to detect they're being played is used against the rest of us.

Let me pause for a moment because the average individual can make out the 'outline' of what I'm saying, to the point of nodding in agreement, the media [at the behest of the weasels that OWN it!] have been deflecting the blame for the miserable economy on 'Un-American behavior' they themselves are directly responsible for!

They blame the unemployed for being unemployed, they blame crime on criminals whose only other choice is starvation and they blame destitution on the very people they pauperized by making them 'redundant'. [I'm looking at Mr. $400 M a year Limbaugh here, the richest 'finger pointer' in modern history.]

Change the 'narrative' and you change the fantasy!'

It really is 'that simple'...[or maybe its just me again. Since we'll never wrestle control of the media from the hands of the feckless, sort of makes it a 'moot point'.

Which is to say by the time anyone with two synapses still in communication with one another gets a 'live mic' to address humanity with, civilization (as we have come to understand it) will have ceased to exist.

[Here lie the stuff of nightmares, my pretty!]

Go ye not quietly into that long goodnight. [THINK or they'll do it FOR you (and not in a good way!)]


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