Sunday, October 22, 2017

NewSpeak (to prevent 'thoughtcrime')

Greetings good citizen, as the spectre of 'fake news' challenges our already overtaxed imaginations, one is reminded of Orwell's 1984 and just how eerily prescient it was. In 1948, when Orwell penned his dystopian novel there were no computers or 'smartphones' so TV became the omnipresent eye that watched your every move.

Going Orwell one better, the police state wired downtown [everywhere] so they could 'tune in' to the public square whenever they needed to.

The question remains what do we make of posts like this that directly attack opinion pieces like those people like myself write?

Is the next step a 'weeding out' of objectionable material...which ranges between psychotic babble to inconvenient truths? Who decides and who loses. Well that last one is no mystery. Muzzle the critics and you have an instant return to the dark ages where actually speaking what YOU think CAN GET YOU KILLED!

None of you 'understand' what the Dark Ages were about...or where the separation of Church & State comes from, do you?

[Once muzzling dissidents fails they will label them a terrorists and jail them, just like every other repressive regime in history! But not without first making 'an example' out of a few of them. Those unfortunate few will be publicly executed by the angry, mindless mob for crimes they had no part in. Yes Virginia, witch hunts still exist.]

Will I shut up? Nope!

The 'Sparks of Liberty' need to be tended [ideally by ALL OF US] but the COWARDS among us will shirk that duty just to save a life THAT ISN'T WORTH LIVING!

They'll continue to wear their loyalty emblems [currently flags on their lapels] without fully realizing what they are swearing fealty to.

WHO are you [through your silence] agreeing with? THE VERY SAME PEOPLE THAT KEEP 90% OF US LIVING IN SQUALOR (so THEY can live in luxury!)

Is that the 'kernel of truth' that momentarily resonates with the reader to convince/trick the mind into thinking there is SOME TRUTH to 'fake news'?

Understand what EVERY POLICE STATE is about...STATUS QUO! "I have all I want and want no more [choke] but I want no other to take what I have worked 'so hard for' [stole fair & square.] A direct quote from John Jay, the 'founder' of the US legal system.

They finally HAVE what they 'want' supine and helpless while their minions milk you for everything you're worth, then 'dispose' of you once you've outlived your 'brief' usefulness.

Who wants to call that 'fake news'?

Naturally, just saying that out loud (where others can read it) makes ME a terrorist.

So, just one more 'reminder'...

It is not my purpose to TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK, my mission has ALWAYS BEEN to provide you, the hoodwinked, with SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!

Thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR HEAD,


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