Monday, October 2, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as the scale of extra-judicial shootings rises, with it society's 'outliers' have taken to committing extreme acts then killing themselves to escape punishment/justice.

We are TOLD it's 'justice' but there is nothing 'just' about the current penal system.

Just saying because today's piece isn't about the badly broken, heavily political (in)justice system [and the lunatics who run/love it.]

The focus is back a step on the larger issue of why the 'fragile' among us take up arms and slaughter whoever will make a bigger 'splash' in the media without leaving behind a manifesto or something to explain their otherwise 'random' act.

Are our media conscious 'handlers' worried about 'copycats' if they were release these diatribes by those so driven by despair that they murder at random for sport?

The photos of some of these shooters are absolutely haunting!

Because that's what's behind all this, good citizen...'HAPPY PEOPLE' don't go around shooting up the neighborhood 'just for yucks!' [The local drunk might squeeze off a few every now and then but he's just being obnoxious, he's not REALLY trying to kill you. He just wants to shake things up a little!]

Most of us 'deal' but some people can' do we 'disarm' to prevent the crazies from using the rest of us for 'revenge'?

Bad idea. Remove the individual's ability to defend their freedom and our slave happy rulers will slap you in chains faster than you can blink.

Yeah, it's that bad. [It's what 'drives' gun sales.] Man has a 'treacherous' past and we're still paying for that 'duplicity' today.

Why would anyone shoot random strangers with no 'explanation'? Why not just cut to the chase and off YOURSELF?

They all do in the end. In fact mass shooting has that 'common denominator'. They all go into it knowing it's a one way trip. So they must leave a list of 'grievances' behind. [Is this what the governed mean when they insist they won't 'deal' with 'terrorists' [even (or would that be especially) the ones they themselves create?]

Are our RULERS so fearful that if the public learns of the shooter's pain it might spur copycats [or worse, legislative investigations?]

Did I mention man is basically 'treacherous' and untrustworthy due to his/her 'opportunist' nature?

So it is there will ALWAYS be arms and those arms WILL occasionally fall into the 'wrong hands' [on both ends of the spectrum.] (Massacres aren't always one sided, the 'righteous' have massacred too!)

Is the problem 'insoluable?' No, it takes a restoration of the foundations of civilization, not beauty, truth and wisdom that the ancients wrongly 'worshipped'[the same words the average idiot couldn't define with a stack of dictionaries in their lap!) but the vitues of Equality, Justice and the Prosperity only Peace can bring.

Criminals are first and foremost 'dispossessed'. Those that 'succeed' in 'enterprise' (often 'legitimate') are in fact legally ROBBING the rest of us. We must put an end to those who pay themselves first.

Paychecks all around is both 'equitable and honorable'. Why doesn't the public understand this? I think they do but the corrupt system that protects the rapacious prevents the restoration of EQUALITY.

So, we have no idea what the 'random shooter' wanted to draw our attention to...and given enough time the feckless media will concoct some bat-shit crazy story about religious fervor or some other mental illness that doesn't point an accusing finger at an unjust elite, just begging for more of the same! [because it keeps happening...if it isn't staged [it's the driving force behind disarmament] then there's something else driving people off the deep end...

Even in death we are muzzled by an elite that will protect THEIR INTERESTS AT ALL COSTS.

If you've had enough, just do what everybody else does and OD. Done is done but some desperate [and it is so obviously an act of 'desperation'] people are trying 'desperately' to share their pain.

We all know the internet is so full of garbage that a 'cry for help' or a plea for recognition is instantly 'drown'.

So I have built a readership that seeks me out [for which I am grateful.]

The truth is out there and answers shall be found by those who seek.

Thank you sincerely for letting me inside your head,


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