Sunday, October 8, 2017

'Calm before the storm'

Greetings good citizen, The child the feckless installed in the White house [STOP: IT doesn't matter if you voted for him for not, what YOU did had no impact on the outcome of the election and hasn't since the beginning.]

What The Founders WANTED was a MONARCHY but they couldn't agree on who so they settled on rule by meat puppet, an ever changing 'representative' of THEIR choosing that would faithfully execute the will of the founders. [Who are now entrenched oligarchs in every sense of the term.]

Of the SIXTEEN candidates fielded by the Republicans, none of them were 'electable' because they were all seen for what they are, LAPDOGS!

Zero effort was put into the 'token resistance side'. Hillary would have run 'unopposed' but Bernie stepped up to legitimize' her candidacy. How pathetic the ONLY reason she was ALLOWED TO RUN is 'name recognition!' [She too is an obvious LAPDOG.]

Which left 'clown-boy', the playground bully who made a name for himself shooting his mouth off on national television.

WHO AMONG YOU VOTED FOR PRESIDENT 'PUSSYGRABBER'? Stand and be counted because the few that did pushed that fact to the back of their mind when selecting who would be THEIR PRESIDENT.

Got news for you good citizen, 55% of the electorate is FEMALE...anyone care to speculate how he won?

Or did he? Voter turnout was abysmal, the choice was too odious to make.

How are you going to vote in the next election when your choices will be Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz [running as a Dem] Will you still think all is well with the process designed to 'entertain' you?

Doesn't matter who sits in the Oval Office if they ALL take their marching orders from K-Street!

So what 'storm' do you suppose will strike first? Do you think the child was referring to Huricaine Nate? Or was he flipping coins over North Korea and Iran?


The REVOLT won't happen so it won't be televised.

[Your best bet is still the strike.] Think about that when you report to work tomorrow morning. How every day when you show up you are 'voting' for 'more of the same'...which ALWAYS gets gradually worse, incrementally. More work, same pay. Less time off [or if you take the time you have coming, you had best hope you like your next job better!]

There's never any money to hand out raises and despite the company 'doing great', most of the 'profits' go to the stock buy back program that makes bonuses for upper mis-management, so there is none for you.

You are caught in a trap and there is no way out!

Sit there and be shit upon or just sit there with your umbrella and let it pool around you because there is only one way to stop the useless shit and that's to stop 'putting out'.

If you can't 'live' on your paycheck [we're talking enjoy life a little, not just 'survive'] well NOTHING is going to change if you do nothing about it, right?

You only have two modes, stop and go...if you go you get what you get...if you stop you get noticed, then you get to ask the hard questions like 'what about us?'

If their answer is, "I can pay half of you to kill the other half!" Then it's time for Larry to have a little 'accident' with the nearest lightpole.

You can't argue with those who refuse to recognize your humanity...[some people will never acknowledge their actions have consequences] hence, you sure as hell can bring their mortality front and center!

How tragic it is that then and only then can they truly 'appreciate' just how monumentally they have f'd up!

Yup. Can't argue with a 'sick mind'; especially one that has already written YOU off as a waste of perfectly good butt-wipe.

That's what you're up against and that's what it's going to take to prove you mean business. How sad for the palace guard that knows no other way to be and doubly tragic for their children who will be exiled as punishment for their parents treachery!

If only the feckless had embraced the Human Anti-Exploitation law sooner...none of this would be 'necessary'.

Equals FIRST!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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