Friday, October 20, 2017

Worker's Rights

Greetings good citizen, for time out of mind some have been 'doomed to lives of drudgery' while others have been [to hear them tell it] chosen by God to enjoy the fruits of that drudgery [and depending on how that twig was bent sometimes they chose to be the ONLY ONE to benefit... [but that seldom worked out well.] The truly feckless had 'strings attached' to every little reward so they could yank them back the moment things were less than optimal.

And the Rabble could be counted on to insure things were always 'less than perfect'.

Ever wonder where, "F 'em all and the dumb ones twice!" came from?

So it is that France's new president is attempting to dismantle France's strong labor laws to make France more 'competitive' with other EU nations.

Now that the politicians come exclusively from the MONEY side of the fence NOBODY has Labor's back...and that's where the trouble ALWAYS begins.

Not to say the problem hasn't been building [globally] since 'Morning in America' and the relentless pauperization of the western consumer base. by the feckless bankers and their partners in crime, the employer class.

How many of you [rhetorical question to my readers who completely] understand that the owners/employers are totally 'superfluous'?

How many of you cringe when they refer to themselves as 'job creators'...[rather than what they really are, job KILLERS!]

As we can see from the article, going into debt to pay your expenses is foolish in the extreme but since there is no government to protect the workers there is also no government to protect the consumer...[as the number of billionaires continues to rise.]

Guess where all of those billions are coming from?

I don't need to direct my readers to the closest mirror, they already know.

Can you say 'mismanagement'?

Where do YOUR politicians stand on this issue?

Don't say 'what issue?' like a moron, the issue of allowing the feckless few to own what doesn't belong to them in the first place!

How do you think they'd answer? Or is that even the question...maybe you could get an answer out of some of them as we are slipping the rope over their heads but by then it's too late; they've already answered.

It is important to point out that the French are using the Strike to let the young president know they won't be railroaded. It is the 'right way' to negotiate but a 'mini strike' hasn't stopped them in the past so they're going to have to leave skid marks if they want to demonstrate who is really 'in charge!' [The feckless will NEVER stop pushing for more with less, it's stupidity writ large!]

What we're really facing is the fact you can't argue/reason with a sick mind.

The feckless don't (and never will) appreciate the benefits of civil society. Their response to the question, "how will I live?" is "I don't give a shit!" [They've got theirs, F-YOU!]

We CAN'T survive in a world where the few own everything and the rest slaves for table scraps.

Anyone claiming that's the, "Natural order of things" is begging for an ounce of lead right between the eyes [since that ounce is usually delivered from the rear, it is more accurate to say 'where the eyes use to be'...]

If your 'lot in life' is to drudge for all of your natural days you're better off ending yourself now and telling the feckless's God to take his 'gift' and stuff it!

Better is to make the feckless pay 'appropriately' for their 'audacity'. NO ONE is any BETTER than anyone else [some of us are more intelligent than others but that doesn't make us even a single iota 'better'! If it did the intelligent would be leading this charge and not some tenth grade drop out!]

But I digress. As the abject morons we commonly refer to as the 1% continue to 'squeeze' society for everything they can [solely because they can, they OWN the f'n government/military!] YOU are left with the problem of being unable to live on what they pay you AND IT ISN'T EVEN PART OF THE POLITICAL DIALOG!



[how's that for 'potty mouth', which is precisely how the feckless will condemn my point.]

Such filthy talk! Just ignore the actions, which speak significantly louder than words.

Again, I know 'constant reader' is well aware of these precepts, I preach them until my fingers are numb.

We must make a stand and we could do a lot worse than to stand with the French as the curtain falls on the human race, thanks to the MORONS running things!


Until next time...Gegner

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