Friday, October 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, while the corporate owned media waxes nostalgic over the assassination of JFK [no matter how many times you go over it the end result remains...] I'm using that cue as a opportunity to return to the 'roots' of the Futurist.

While we began with whatever happened to flying cars and ended with [yes, it's over good citizen.] Your dreams for a fabulous future as well as the hopes for a brighter AREN'T going to see them because the feckless are content with things just the way they are.

So instead of building a better tomorrow they want you to rake through the ashes of yesterday and search for where/when it all went 'wrong'.

Do you have any idea where to begin looking? Zero irony in the fact that it all went sideways shortly after Rothschild stated "I care not who rules a country so long as I control it's money!"

Isn't that the anchor that cements the notion that 'money is real' inside your head?

The thing to keep in mind here is this lunatic also believed the world was flat AND the center of the universe too!

Worse, gainsay this handed down wisdom and they would end you for the crime of 'heresy' [which is making a case you haven't noticed.] {stupid is as stupid does and for a long time, stupid reigned!}

Yes, part of the rationale behind this blog was to examine what derailed the 'whiz-bang' era, a time when change happened at such a rapid-fire pace that there was literally something new on the horizon at every given moment.

Instead our sensibilities are affronted minute by minute with people treating other people badly. (same as it ever was but now it has become the entire 'news cycle'...) [while, ironically, the media completely ignores those trapped in the cesspool we call the for profit prison industry.]

Remember life BEFORE 'privatization'? Of course you don't. If you're old enough to remember, you were too stoned!

Proof of theory here is nobody seems to remember why healthcare went sideways...and the Republicans got away with painting Reagan as a saint!

But yeah good citizen, seems we 'lost' the war on drugs around the same time the national interest got hijacked by the 'silent majority'. Where is the multi-billion dollar DEA today? Perhaps a better question would be Where is the feckless media?

How ironic those calling themselves 'the majority' are known today as 'the one percent'...and in reality are actually less than a tenth of that number!

What they are correct about is that they are in possession of MOST OF THE MONEY! [Money that should have been used to make your dreams come true but no, you squandered that on dope! Now it's sitting in the off-shore bank account of your old dealer back in the 'hood'.

Yup, innovation has all but stopped. No new jobs, no new products...bizarrely the only thing new is the Frankenfood!

Your dreams as well as the hopes of your parents are off the table because NONE OF YOU CAN AFFORD IT!

The soon to pass phase of the 'gig economy' hails the ragged end of 'globalization'. No longer will you be paid to specialize because they made a machine that does that, they don't need you.


What are we really looking at?


They don't care if machines don't buy their products, they've got theirs, you can go 'twist in the wind' [to borrow a phrase from a by-gone era.]

Your life and how it was supposed to go is GONE!

Ignore this at your own peril! [because you've already doomed your children!. If we reverse course RIGHT NOW we MIGHT save them from a world gone MAD.]

UNDERSTAND, when the current situation reaches it's 'natural outcome' [the whole 'economy' falls apart due to a severe lack of customers] we will be plunged into a new 'Dark Age' from which humanity will never recover...all so 'a few' could be rich.

You've already thrown your life away and been cheated out of your dreams...there is still a slim possibility that you can save your grandchildren.

Or are you too blind, deaf and stoned to care?



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