Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Process (still broken)

Greetings good citizen, as it become increasingly apparent the political process has been hijacked, start to finish by the criminals, here we are facing another election season and NOTHING has changed.

Naturally step one in 'repairing' politics is throwing the current corrupt system out and replacing it with one that is accountable. One of the greatest 'fallacies' foisted on humanity is that we NEED 'lawmakers'.

We don't because the rules governing society BELONG TO SOCIETY! [No special education required.] Zero irony that these same people pay themselves salaries most of us can only dream about...at our expense!

Yes good citizen your continued POVERTY is the DIRECT RESULT of those who 'make the laws' while doing NOTHING to succor you...although they do play you for a 'sucker' but that's not the same thing.

[In case you where wondering the very foundation of capitalism is 'desperation', it's what drives the go along to get along mindset that is the bleeding edge of the comply or die 'justice system'. In case you were wondering why justice is a ghost nobody seems able to find...]

Um, the Catalans are still clamoring for 'independence' but we have to wonder what, precisely, they are trying to 'escape'?

Taxation still isn't represented (our alleged excuse for succession.) In fact our entire political process seems to have forgotten why it exists!

Worse, the corporate owned media uses it for the single factor's 'info-tainment'!

With that as a given we MUST retake control of the justice system before the feckless drive society into its own septic system [which currently happens to be an open pit.]

Don't look down 'cuz you're soaking in it...

Now do you understand why no matter what you do, you can't get away from that punky smell?

First things first we need 'leaders', not law-makers but problem SOLVERS [unlike the current nitwit] who use the law as guidelines to how to solve problems equitably [and RESPONSIBLY!]

Leaders don't MAKE laws...they FOLLOW THEM!

We don't need a 'law library' to tell us not to kill or not to steal. Since 'stealing' is never acceptable, we don't need laws that justify it (like contracts and purchase orders.)

The H.A.E. pretty much eliminates the evil man does to his fellow man for personal gain

But I digress, back to the topic at hand: VOTING

Why vote?

All you do now is vote for who will make decisions in your name without ever consulting you...and we can see how that (hasn't) worked out. The feckless few get what they want while you get ignored.

So why should the sane individual drag themselves out [often in the bitter cold] to go cast a ballot [nobody counts anyway]?

Well, if you can't crack 100 on a standard I.Q. test you won't be voting at all. [It has NEVER BEEN 'one man, one vote' and our 'improved system' will be no different.]

In fact the founders originally wanted voting rights to be linked to land ownership and we already know they didn't allow slaves, the indentured or WOMEN to vote so insuring voters comprehend the language the law is written in is a minor safeguard indeed!

Besides 250 years of letting the single factor vote haven't produced such wonderful results!

What does it say about us that for 250 years NONE of you even realized you were voting for NOTHING!

So why bother?

Freedom! FREEDOM is the right to choose the laws under which you will live YOUR life! Reject the law and go live elsewhere with the like-minded...(and all that entails/implies.)

New laws will be rare because we only need the basic few. The 'business' of law making only insures the outcome will be satisfying to the highest bidder.

Justice for sale is no justice at all. Yet the single factor still puts their 'faith' in the law.

For Equality to be genuine, justice MUST reign.

That's why the new courts will be devoid of judges, the (randomly selected) jury 'interprets' the law because the law belongs to those who must live under it!


[Consolation prize for those who flunk the I.Q. test, you won't be seated on a jury either.]

Again, trials will be rare because cash will be outlawed, eliminating the primary driver of criminal activity. You won't steal because there is nobody to 'sell' stuff to.

That said, the single factor will still be sucked into to trading for stuff they could have gotten legally because we can't outlaw either stupidity or fecklessness.

But we CAN EXILE them!

I could go on but as November draws near the non-single factor realizes we are living under the rule of the feckless in a land devoid of justice, where equality is a bad joke.

Without Equality there can be no Justice and without justice there can be no PEACE...[and without peace there can be no prosperity!]

Ready to vote?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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