Greetings good citizen, the 'illusion of choice' persists and now El Trumpo is rolling back funding intended to combat overpopulation.
Somewhat ironic considering the feckless would sooner sterilize us ALL at birth, then clone what they like from what's left...
Naturally they point to 'cost' despite the growing awareness that 'money is meaningless' [especially YOURS!]
Some folks have received pay bumps that have been rapidly wiped out by price increases...those of us who scrape by in the gig economy didn't see a pay bump because the price is the price...we don't get to negotiate.
Once again one of the major factors plaguing society is the one where if your job doesn't pay you enough to survive on it's not your employer's problem, it's YOUR'S!
More disturbingly is the media, which doesn't report on half of the issues facing society suddenly being put on the defensive over allegations of Fake News.
People distrust the media because they [the media] have ignored issues like whether or not healthcare should be 'for profit' [it shouldn't] or why we, er, 'pretend' to be the planet's police force, defending the feckless's relentless pursuit of profits!
THIS is why the public 'distrusts' the media. It's also why the public distrusts the corporate controlled government...or ANY of their bought and paid for Politicians.
The situation is out of control and will soon culminate in blood in the streets...problem is NOBODY will know what they're fighting for [because United' we AREN'T!] It will start AND END in a 'tit for tat' thing that solves nothing...but in the background the feckless will 'restore order' with an iron fist and the Dark ages will return once more.
Question Authority and pay the price. Literally 'comply or die' writ large.
This is the government the feckless think YOU deserve.
While we outnumber them we have a chance of turning the tide but that 'advantage' won't last long considering they have 'superior firepower' on their side. [firepower YOU paid for! Isn't voting for someone to make decisions in your name without EVER consulting you GREAT?
It has been the 'primrose path' of all primrose paths and you fell for it hook, line and sinker!
How bizarre your BEST DEFENSE is to DO NOTHING!
[You are only 'suffered' by the feckless to do THEIR heavy lifting, otherwise they'd slaughter us ALL on sight!]
For all of their whining about the 'lazy' they win the prize for being so lazy they don't want to do anything that even smacks of work!
Before you go pick up a gun to shoot your neighbors ask yourself WHY these same assholes gave YOU a gun?
Just something to think about before you watch as your children are slaughtered before your eyes...[that's the price of treason by the way...]
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
Somewhat ironic considering the feckless would sooner sterilize us ALL at birth, then clone what they like from what's left...
Naturally they point to 'cost' despite the growing awareness that 'money is meaningless' [especially YOURS!]
Some folks have received pay bumps that have been rapidly wiped out by price increases...those of us who scrape by in the gig economy didn't see a pay bump because the price is the price...we don't get to negotiate.
Once again one of the major factors plaguing society is the one where if your job doesn't pay you enough to survive on it's not your employer's problem, it's YOUR'S!
More disturbingly is the media, which doesn't report on half of the issues facing society suddenly being put on the defensive over allegations of Fake News.
People distrust the media because they [the media] have ignored issues like whether or not healthcare should be 'for profit' [it shouldn't] or why we, er, 'pretend' to be the planet's police force, defending the feckless's relentless pursuit of profits!
THIS is why the public 'distrusts' the media. It's also why the public distrusts the corporate controlled government...or ANY of their bought and paid for Politicians.
The situation is out of control and will soon culminate in blood in the streets...problem is NOBODY will know what they're fighting for [because United' we AREN'T!] It will start AND END in a 'tit for tat' thing that solves nothing...but in the background the feckless will 'restore order' with an iron fist and the Dark ages will return once more.
Question Authority and pay the price. Literally 'comply or die' writ large.
This is the government the feckless think YOU deserve.
While we outnumber them we have a chance of turning the tide but that 'advantage' won't last long considering they have 'superior firepower' on their side. [firepower YOU paid for! Isn't voting for someone to make decisions in your name without EVER consulting you GREAT?
It has been the 'primrose path' of all primrose paths and you fell for it hook, line and sinker!
How bizarre your BEST DEFENSE is to DO NOTHING!
[You are only 'suffered' by the feckless to do THEIR heavy lifting, otherwise they'd slaughter us ALL on sight!]
For all of their whining about the 'lazy' they win the prize for being so lazy they don't want to do anything that even smacks of work!
Before you go pick up a gun to shoot your neighbors ask yourself WHY these same assholes gave YOU a gun?
Just something to think about before you watch as your children are slaughtered before your eyes...[that's the price of treason by the way...]
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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