Sunday, October 15, 2017


Greetings good citizen, rampant mismanagement [spurred by 'profits before people'] is turning the world/physical environment (as well as society) 'toxic'.

The 'single factor' is puzzling over whether the world and society are the same thing, leading us full circle to the 'heart' of the problem.

Like I pointed out yesterday, the biggest problem facing us is 'inertia', we keep doing the same thing and wonder why we are getting different results.

In some cases the things we do were broken to begin with. Anyone want to hazard a guess to what was broken right out of the box but we've been using it so long now we're stuck with it?

Yeah, one trick ponies are bad things [especially when you're 'stuck' with them.]

In yet another 'one trick pony' phenomenon, of all the issues facing civilization why do our 'one trick politicians' posit that if tax cuts don't fix it then the answer is 'education'?

Looks like two tricks to the single factor but 'the point' is neither is 'the problem' and if the problem [overpopulation] isn't even on the table, how can we 'fix it'?

Even the single factor knows the answer to that one...we won't.

So the 'toxicity' increases because the 'real problems' go unaddressed.

Worse, the gnarliest of the problems remain 'unacknowledged' by the feckless few because they don't want the public scrutinizing how they're dealing with these crises! [A crisis to you becomes 'an opportunity' for case your wondering why things keep getting worse.]

Ever wonder HOW so many opiods end up on the streets? Or WHO keeps arming those without the facilities to make their own weapons?

Big hint is how there is NOTHING to invest in these days...interest rates are zero or thereabouts...unless you need money to survive then rates are ridiculous! [and our politicians (W. in particular) do nothing!] Too busy dealing with Iranian nuclear reactors...dimwits!]

So the money they steal from the consumers gets invested in the 'sins' of drugs, arms and sex...[all so the already so rich they don't know what to do with it, get even richer!]

Worse, the 'head turning' [the willfull blindness to wrongdoing] breeds more opportunists who perpetuate the schemes destroying the fabric of society.]

Are any of you wondering where 'Spirit in the Sky is during all this? How many of you believe he's taking names and scrutinizing every detail so he can 'punish' the wrong doers when they arrive at the Pearly Gates [leave it to the crown wearing morons to make Heaven 'a gated community'! Ever wonder how stiff the H.O.A. fee is?]

The longer we 'neglect' the problems facing civilization, the worse the problems become.

Naturally, conservatives like to believe everything will work itself out...they don't know where to begin and they don't want to know.

They have FAITH that God will make everything fine.

Pray hard enough and even the gay will go away...[WTF?]

So, how long have our leaders been suffering from these 'delusions'?

What do you mean 'not at all'...what part of 'they're only telling you what YOU want to hear' don't you understand?

The feckless know full well about the problems facing civilization and it's likely they dread the coming reckoning more than you do.

Fixing what's broken means they can be prosecuted for their crimes...better to push society into its own cesspool and escape in the ensuing confusion.

In case you haven't figured out where all of this is headed, there it is.

It is also the answer to WHO is arming the 'terrorists' and who is channeling all of the drugs and trafficking in humans...the feckless who already have MORE THAN THEY CAN SPEND, while 90 % of the world 'wallows in squalor.'

Sort of redefines the reaction 'don't touch that, you don't know where it's been!'

I have faithfully been laying out what needs to be fixed and how to fix it here in my humble blog.

Our problems are LEGAL, JUSTICE is absent from our civilization! [but you ALL know that! just don't know what to DO about it; despite my telling you repeatedly that the Strike is your first, best answer!]

MONEY needs to be made intangible and DEBT needs to become an exile offense!

The other crucial change is our leaders cease to be our 'lawmakers'. Only those who live under the law can make law. [Those who refuse to live under the law will be exiled.]

You'd think that one is a no brainer but look at today's politicians who REGULARLY exempt themselves from legislation they pass!

[You look at things like this, happening right before your eyes and you marvel why nobody is doing/saying anything about it.]

It is here we DAMN the CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA. [There is no such thing as a 'free press'!]

We have 'free speech but the Palace Guard will still crack your skull if they don't like what you have to say...knowing THE JUDGE will forgive them. [It's the 'criminal's code']

So your targets are defined, now all we need to do is break the tiny amount of inertia holding you back...

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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