Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hope or fear?

Greetings good citizen, the public conversation has been muted by the media's focus on race/sex...and yes, it is the people who OWN the news that are responsible for squelching any and all dialog regarding the civilization ending forces facing mankind.

Today's missive was sparked by the observation that if we have returned to 'name calling' then the plutocrats are (once again) out of ammo.

The white man has always been a bit of a nitwit which makes drumming up sympathy for him nigh impossible, the well known fact he is a crybaby doesn't help matters either.

Ironically, returning to race baiting has muted the dialog over the fact that for the past fifty years, the Conservative revolution/return of the Robber Barons/oligarchs has turned back the clock of social progress a hundred years, not in the minds of the public but on the editorial desks of the planet.


As the long campaign season grinds on we have the two FAKE political opponents playing their appointed roles to a public that has heard it all before. Tax cuts for billionaires will 'supercharge' the (imaginary) economy while free college will pauperize the nation as it trains the young for jobs that don't exist.

Housing is a shambles and don't even ask about the now ancient 'affordability crisis' that has actually gotten worse rather than better since 'Morning in America'. [Se habla homelessness?]

How 'bout it Boomie Buddy, haven't things gotten worse our entire lives and suddenly it's OUR FAULT [for going along with it/not rising up ?]

Our kids know they are stuck in a vise that we did nothing about [because we were taught our politicians were 'good & true' no worries!

Turns out it wasn't the only lie.

NOBODY [it is now evident] is 'minding the store' (of freedom and liberty for the stupid among you) and the public good can go to hell if the public isn't smart enough to help itself.

I sometimes wonder what would happen if the infamous 'they' tripped the panic alarm and instructed their boobsie talking heads to warn the public that 'helter skelter' had begun, if you wanted your share NOW was the time to grab it before it was all gone!

How many of you are DUMB enough to join the pillaging at an already burning Walmart? [I'm looking at you Trump voters.]

Educating our youth for jobs that don't exist dovetails perfectly with a society that has no use for them...and THAT is the conversation we NEED to be having...but the feckless media is to busy stoking racial hatred to distract you from the fact our fuckin' house is on fire!

Decision 2020, do you want to make the rich, richer in hopes more 'crumbs' will fall off the table somewhere it might do you some good or do you want to raise wages and hand out diplomas to kids already labeled 'surplus'?

Wake the F up HEAD!


Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it's hard to tell what is more alarming, the growing number of the disaffected opening fire on strangers in perhaps one of the most bizarre forms of suicide.

What does mass murder say about society? [Could it be that religious zealotry is off the hook?]

Notice the feckless media never reveals the shooter's motive and you have to wonder if they aren't hiding something worse than the accessibility of firearms.

Is the public under assault thanks to 'religious freedom?'

Suicide bombers regularly sacrifice themselves for a 'seat of honor' next to their deity. Think Christians wouldn't do likewise. I haven't read the Bible so I can't say offhand how many passages are dedicated to girding your loins and fighting the 'good fight' for the 'Glory of God'.

A.S.P. takes this stance on religion. You can worship rocks if that's what it takes to get you through but you can NOT teach your faith to others and the job description of Clergy is wiped from the SIC codes.

You want to be a priest/minister/shaman? It's all you. You now live in a world where cash is illegal and professional liars are exiled. If you want to 'speak for god' you must first produce this entity to stand trial for its many crimes against humanity.

It will be 'heresy' to publicly profess your belief in imaginary beings.

If you want to worship god you must first produce him for all to see. [If only you can see him we have a different problem, you're cra-cra amigo!]

We live in a world of swindles and it is the basic lack of honesty that is driving ordinary people to arm themselves and attack the general public to send a message that nobody will comprehend.

The media won't tell us the shooters are Christian whack jobs because essential to the Oligarchs 'center' is their Christian/capitalist ethics...[who knew we had a new oxymoron on our hands? Could any two terms contradict one another more completely?]

God is on the Oligarchs side and you can't have the media telling the public that Christian Soldiers are walking the streets, gunning for the 'unbelievers'.

We'd have ambulances parked outside every church on Sunday to collect the whacked and intern them for treatment of their mental disorder(s).

Today's 'subcurrent' [think a issue created to provide the illusion that SOMETHING is being done about the problem] is to evaluate the standards for event promoters in their emergency planning.

Church attendance is plummeting BECAUSE 'god' is increasingly seen as a chimera and if he isn't, he's a 'bad actor' that is turning a blind eye to the suffering of billions.

Since the 'almighty' refuses to 'punish' the feckless it appears the mindless are willing to pick up a gun and go to schools, movie theaters and yes, Garlic festivals to cut them down some unbelievers to 'glorify' their god.

Are they singing 'closer I am to thee' in their broken little minds as they squeeze the trigger?

I have previous speculated that the 'random shooter' phenomenon was another symptom of the collapse of capitalism when, perhaps the problem is pulpits across the nation blaming the turning away from the church [which is how bonehead makes his money, empty collection plates means Bozo eats Chef Boyardee again this week.]

Could 'religious freedom' be behind the random attacks on the public?

The global insane asylum is dangerous enough without greedy zealots encouraging their desperate sycophants to hear the call of the lord to go forth and do 'his' work...

The rest of us have a different view of this behavior, we call it murder.

Is this the 'commonality' that links modern mass murderers? If it is and these 'killers for god' are dying with bibles in their pockets doesn't that leave the media with a dilemma on its hands?

84,000 THIS YEAR SO FAR...don't ya think somebody needs to come clean?

Just spitballing, Head...but if it waddles like a duck and it quacks like a duck, what else could it be?

Sort of redefines the consequences of lying, doesn't it?

Do you really want to go to 'heaven' to live with a serial killer?


Monday, July 29, 2019

Help Wanted

Greetings good citizen, they have been talking up the economy for so long no one alive remembers the prosperity that followed post world two when THE REST OF THE PLANET was a bombed out shell.

Today's headlines tell us the inevitable is about to occur again but the part that has most people who don't live in the fantasyland created by the media baffled is how the hell the longest economic expansion in history missed 99% of us entirely? [is somebody lying? Are you smart enough to tell?]

My entire adult life has been an exercise in belt-tightening. Would that it were my physical self was as skinny as my financial self.

Capitalism is the road to financial security for the oligarchs and NO ONE ELSE. That is why 'the rich' are so few. Worse, as the population grows the number of people required to keep the self serving in a lifestyle they have become accustomed to rises exponentially while automation and efficiency reduces the point all investment has stopped.

Save one.

Which leads us to today's title.

The armed thugs are hiring for their anticipated 'grand blow out, end of civilization extravaganza.'

Killers wanted.

Pay commensurate with experience. No experience, no problem we will train you!

We are offering free room & board, free clothing, laundry and *free medical. Job requires that you live on premises and be on duty 24/7 because the people you will be 'serving' demand excellence.

Must have successfully completed High School, 'freethinkers' need not apply!

All serious inquires answered, EOE

*must be able to pass a standard drug screen as we only give orders once. You may also become the subject of behavioral modification experiments as OBEDIENCE is they KEY to your success! .

Remove the must live on premise clause and you have the ad for 'law enforcement' who have kicked up the 'obedience requirement' to College degree req'd. Free thinkers are our most frequent target!

If you did neither, [graduate high school or college] you are already more than a little worried because the nightmare you wake up to on a daily basis is brought to you by the college educated MORONS who have never been troubled by an 'original thought'. People who regularly shit themselves because it doesn't occur to them to use the toilet without being told to.

Both institutions exist to promote obedience, not excellence. Why do you suppose the world is a gigantic cesspool that everybody in authority ignores?

Because school teaches you to NOT THINK. It teaches you to obey.

Don't marvel that we are neck deep in stupid, there is a reason for it and that reason is 'unthinking'. You weren't taught to think, you were taught to A.) listen and B.) OBEY.

That's what your High School diploma proves. That you weren't smart enough to escape the mental enslavement that is 'formalized education'.

[Sidebar] Not everyone who graduated either is an unthinking robot...but you did learn to play the game without drawing attention to yourself. Some of you found out 'the hard way' why certain managers are fond of parroting the line, 'I don't pay you to think' because initiative is seen as a threat.

Problem with such a rebuke is they are now 'watching you' as a potential source of future trouble.

Thinking is bad and questions are worse.

They can't afford people who think for themselves that's why the system is stacked against them.

The system exists to enforce 'comply or die'.

Don't blow a fuse trying to parse that, if you've got more than one neuron in contact with another one you already know it's true.

Mother's don't let your babies be soldiers (or cops!)

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, July 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, there are some things money can't buy and quality is one of them. A scan of today's headlines display Quality issues pretty much across the board.

Everywhere you look there is 'junk' passing itself off as top shelf...[I'm looking at you Orangutan Boy.]

Expose the problem and nothing gets done about it, which points to yet another issue with Humanity's Q.C. dept. that has been 'bought' by people who don't give a f...

The 'Search for Excellence' [remember that? It's the 'fig leaf' they tried to cover the global race to the bottom with!] has resulted in 'standards' you wouldn't let a pig wallow in.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that the planet's political standards have suffered the most, starting with the 'Rushification' of the planet's mouth-breathers. There's a symbiotic relationship that should have cost capitalist broadcasters planetwide their licenses instead of the 'free lunch' it was dressed up as.

How many of you caught the 'riot gear' the Russian police were sporting in today's headlines? Somebody appears to be 'anticipating' trouble.

Rhetorical question, good citizen, if 'preserving the peace' means heavy duty body armor for the 'Palace Guard' isn't that an indicator the political process is in the 'wrong hands'?

The collective 'we' have been listening to 'you will do it and like it' for so long it appears we have become a species whose dominant trait is cowardice because the automatic response to do it and like it is.... NO!

I once again ask you to look around the world and see that the nations [all run by oligarchs] have armed and armored their police forces for rampant rioting. [The ones that can't afford expensive body armor cut to the chase and arm their police forces with automatic weapons...]

I know you don't think much but there is a message here if you aren't totally dumb.

Either the oligarchs are 'nervous' or they plan to so something that people around the world are going to be mighty upset about and apparently they chose the 'beat them into submission' option over 'let me explain' [usually because there isn't a way to phrase it without giving oneself a black eye.]

Or it is 'conditioned reflex', royals have always favored overwhelming force to justify freakishly selfish behavior they didn't feel the need to explain to anyone.

Don't look now dummy but YOU are standing in the middle of a crossfire that is going to burn this shitshow to the ground.

The plan is to hole up in their fortresses while sending captive commoners out into the countryside to spread infectious diseases. In the beginning it will be smallpox and typhoid which will send a certain percentage to the fortress seeking medical attention.

I'll stop there to let you fill in the rest because nothing goes 'as planned' and stupid isn't restricted to just one side of the equation...

We can save ourselves but it is going to be one tough slog, largely due to the persistent believe in that ancient chimera, 'common sense'.

Would that it were!

Until next time, Head.


Saturday, July 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, how difficult would it be to sell YOU 'freedom'? Not just the idea but the genuine article.

Adding to the depth of this puzzle is the notion (and it's only a notion) that you are already 'free' and doing, er, 'well' or as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.

A good salesman could sell refrigerators to Eskimos [not having to thaw EVERYTHING is a convenience most of us fail to consider or appreciate.]

Revolutionaires pedal 'freedom' even if they can't successfully convey what they are vending.

A certain percentage of readers are already sold because they realize they are only free to go to work and (if they are lucky) get paid enough to stay alive until tomorrow.

The only way you are 'free' is because they haven't made you live in a cage [yet.]

So that 'prospect' is interested in hearing about my 'product' which will indeed eliminate the people whose job it is the put people in cages!

Don't worry, we are going to 'fix' the people who keep finding themselves in cages too by taking away their poverty AND their destitution! Hey, did you just perk up or are you thinking bullshit, he can't do that.

Don't underestimate me, knowledge is a powerful weapon.

Flip that rock over and you don't even know how ignorant you are or how big a chump you've been played for...and I'm gonna fix THAT too!

Now the guy that lives in a cardboard box is shaking his head in disappointment, it's another scam.

Don't touch that dial, there's more!

Well, just lost half of them because they don't want to hear that they have been living a lie.

What about you chum, still interested?

Ouch! There was no need for that, a simple f-off would do.

Now you're gonna hear it anyway because I'm just as big a prick as any of you!

Let's return to the rat without a cage, doing its level best not to draw unwanted attention to itself, mostly because the legal community can find something offensive in a free lunch...and put the boots to you for accepting it...or refusing it because 'The Law' belongs to them, not you.

To 'liberate' you from injustice we would put an end to rule by the 'unjust', top to bottom. The Fire department can stay but the cops need to make a neat pile of their guns on one table and their badges and uniforms on the other...and report to the employment office first thing on monday...where they will be handed a broom to see if they are as good at keeping the town clean as they bragged.

Hey, it's a paycheck, okay?

The guys & gals guarding prisoners get to keep their jobs until the 'dangerous' criminals are sorted from the desperate. the people who put them behind bars will be falling in line with the ones deemed ineligible to return to civil society.

So there is your first taste of 'freedom', there is no longer anyone waiting to slap a fine on you for some bullshit violation of a code intended to milk you for everything you are worth.

There is also nobody coming to haul you off to the pokey if you backhand the bitch for burning dinner (again.) Freedom ain't free and a word to the wise here. A.) shit happens. B.) treat others as you would have them treat you or be damn sure you know where all of the knives are or you might be the one that doesn't see the sun rise tomorrow.

Knowing no one is coming to 'intervene' does strange things to people, you'll play nice or walk the f away while you still can.

[That whole arrangement is scheduled for an overhaul too but that's for later. Freedom first.]

ALL Judges and a good number of attorneys will be joining the exile que but not all. EVERYONE connected to the corrupt 'law enforcement' system will be evaluated and if there is ANY questionable activity, they WILL be exiled for their crimes.

Much of what you were told was your job actually qualify as 'crimes against humanity'.

You valued your job ahead of your humanity and now it will be time to pay the piper. [Both the judge and the mayor were summarily exiled for FAILING to protect the innocent. We should treat you differently?]

So we, er, banish the oligarchs oppressive institutions and replace them with just and equitable systems that are accountable and whose leadership is accountable to the public.

That's half of the freedom proposition, the other half comes from the Human Anti-exploitation law and the prohibition against ownership that is the primary tool used to exploit the majority.

Nobody 'owns' anything because we all need to share what there is, 'equitably'. Can't do that with someone irrationally screaming 'it's mine and you have to pay me for it!

In LOCKSTEP with the prohibition against ownership [it will be replaced with registered usership that carries a degree of liability for what you are given custody of.] It also protects your right to privacy from the ignorant who think if you don't own a thing then anyone can just take it.

NO ONE will take what isn't assigned to them because that is an exile offense and nobody even wants to stand trial for such a thing nevermind be convicted and face the death sentence that is exile.

Standing trial for exile, regardless of why remains on your record...just in case you harbor any fear that your freedom is going to cost you 'too much'.

Um, the next thing to do is outlaw cash and flush the banks and the insurance companies down the toilet because neither one has a legitimate reason for existing.

ALL MONEY IS 'FUNNY' and not 'ha-ha' funny but fake funny. [Certain degree of irony that you have been getting mugged 'for nothing' by people too dumb to know better. The 'rich' howl with laughter whenever the learn of 'fake thefts'...

That's right. You have been the victim of the greatest swindle that has lasted for centuries...because the people who ran the justice system kept it like that, talk about crimes against humanity!

ALL CRIME IS CASH AND CARRY so they made sure you had cash? What is wrong with these morons? (Don't hurt yourself with the pointy end of that...)

Nobody owns your employer...and technically never did. You do what you do because it needs doing.

Most of you never thought much about how the world is brought to your doorstep by the dedicated souls who got their backsides out of bed and did what THEY WERE PAID TO DO [unaware they were being paid in PAPER!]

It is how 'the rich' got that way. They simply traded paper for whatever they wanted and everybody [except the destitute] was, er, 'happy'.

What you really were was swindled! You traded your children's future for a relatively tiny pile of paper.

Stop and savor that for a moment, this is what dumb feels like.

Bad news, it won't stop until YOU put a stop to it. [Hint: start with the politician and be ready to take out the armed thugs pretending to be law enforcement officers that` show up to 'protect' them. They are criminals too and the ones primarily responsible for this shitshow in the first place.

Perhaps the brotherhood of the badge would like to stand up and take a bow for their part in the greatest swindle this side of yeah, it's not the only time YOU have been played for a CHUMP!

How foolish of the oligarchs to make their patsies live among us?

It's a mistake that is going to cost them.

So yeah, if you want your freedom, there is a payment that needs making.

Only the wise will be stripping off their uniforms, hiding their sidearms and planning to exit the country at the earliest opportunity...the only ones that will make it will take just the clothes on their backs and a new identity in their hip pocket.

Not the first time the swindle has been exposed but the public's tolerance for it is wearing thinner by the moment.

Tick-tock, you can run but you can't hide. Enjoy your 'freedom' while it lasts because there is a reckoning awaiting when you encounter anyone who knew you when.

Sorry everyone but I had to include that extra drop of venom for those who lived by the sword and thought they'd get away with it.

Until next time, Head.


Freedom for all! Any takers?

Friday, July 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most of you are familiar with the axiom that posits the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result.

Voting anyone?

Here's another one. How many of you raised your eyebrows when you read the Federal Government was going to resume executing prisoners? How many of you knew they had stopped?

Trick question since they reportedly stopped during W.'s watch, the guy responsible for bringing back torture AND mercenaries.

Forgot about that, didn't ya?

How could you forget about the, er, 'return' of 'the professional soldier'?

Can anyone tell me WHY we need such a thing?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

Bad question? You're right!

WHO needs such a creature is the question that needs answering.

If we discover that we can breathe a collective sigh of relief that the government has restored capital punishment because that is on group of a-holes that threatens the very safety of all humanity!

Don't have to search too hard because there aren't a lot of psychopaths around with THAT KIND OF MONEY...

Cat got your tongue? Sure the U.S. military uses mercs but is Eric Prince really responsible for the Pentagon's reckless decision?

Can our fixation on military superiority be traced back to 'Morning in America' or to Ike's warning about the M.I.C. do we need to dig deeper and look into who is responsible for the Pentagon itself?

It is not meaningless conjecture to ask if WWII ever ended and it is beginning to look like WHOEVER was behind the Nazis are not only still among us but they are 'winning'.

You only think 'the good guys' won but how can you tell? The 'peace' that should have followed the defeat of, whatever that was, let's call it 'the big bad' for lack of a more definitive label. That peace was overshadowed by the mushroom cloud that ended the armed conflict portion of the ongoing campaign to bring the planet to heel under a military dictatorship. [This is the feckless's answer to unions and the threat a 'united humanity' poses to their privileged existence...for those of you too dumb to figure 'why', these A-hole don't know the meaning of 'over the top'.]

If we look at the 'results' we would see that none of the responsible parties were brought to we can only assume they are still at large and what do you suppose those human despising animals have been up to over the past 80 years? [Discounting the 250 years before that when they were united with the church and ruled mankind with an iron grip...yeah, those guys. None of them were ever 'brought to justice' either, coincidence?]

What you believe and what you know are two separate things...but you knew that. The whole damn picture is skewed and the facts just don't sit right but you ignore that and a whole boatload of other things as you get on with life the best you can.

Food in belly? Check! Roof over head? Check! All is well, stop think.

Is it even conceivable to you that some people may be using those two things to keep you at bay and prevent you from questioning things you need to know if you want your children to live?

That's where we are at in the 'War' that started in 1914 and has yet to end. 1914 marks the year the Robber Barons went 'international'.

They own the media and you only know what the media tells you. Why do you thing the kids today are ignorant of the propaganda that made WWII a nightmare? Because the SAME PEOPLE who owned the press then own it to this day!

Nutzy conspiracy theory? How would you know...where did you get your information and can that source be 'trusted'.

There's a reason 'treason' is a capital crime. [Yeah, I'll wait while you look that up...duh!]

You only know what you are told and I am telling you to suspect your less than pure source.

Is Murika 'divided'? Not as much as the media tells us it is...and in that the election results are beyond 'suspect'.

What are the chances a nation with 80% of the population lives below the 'true' poverty level that we'd be almost exactly divided equally? How about zero to none.

Would you recognize propaganda if you were slapped in the face with it?

The answer is no, you wouldn't. How's that for 'fair and balanced'...did you notice that statement says nothing about 'true'? Didn't did ya?

One lie at a time and it is a loooooooooong road. The lie machine has been cranked to 'overload' for the past forty years. Look at the POTUS, he can't spit 'em out fast enough!

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, July 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I once again stand behind my opinion that the political process itself is whacked. If we didn't have the narcissistic boy child we'd be saddled with the do-nothing, don't rock the boat socialist or the scandal ridden administration of Wall Street's lapdog, which would likely result in more of the same.

Would Billary have 'tackled' Obama/Romneycare and spent 4 years 'perfecting' it?

It is not an idle question. Civilization is falling apart and NOT ONE of our leadership hopefuls has a SINGLE practical suggestion to deal with the unrelenting obsolescence faced by the average worker.

PROFIT is NOT dollars in an owner's pocket, PROFIT is the benefit MANKIND reaps from a given activity.

We don't grow food to make some asshole rockstar rich, we grow it so all have enough to eat. We build machines to relieve humans from drudgery, not to reduce overhead for some fucktard pretending to be a 'job creator' when they are actually job destroyers.

Um, flipping through the catalog of human activities it is frightening just how many of them are either superfluous or just downright hateful, done because they can rather than out of necessity.

Green Lantern got nothing on the capitalist, especially if we do the shorthand and write it like it is: Will = Ego.

Why do the feckless crave 'notoriety' when most are unable to discern between fame and infamy?

Do you suppose the current moron-in-chief idolizes J.C.? [Most of them do despite his being murdered by the Senate...not Jesus Christ but Julius Caesar! What's wrong with you?]

The glaring deficit in the humanist agenda is cognitive. The typical human is so adverse to thinking that they are unable to visualize the future beyond tomorrow's breakfast and how it is going to get there.

A problem exacerbated by youth who either skip breakfast or morning altogether...

We tend to deceive ourselves with the mistaken notion that things would be dramatically different if we had taken the path we didn't when we all know that is a lie.

We have no way to hold the feckless accountable and that is the 'crux' of the problem you refuse to waste time on.

Well, soon you won't be allowed to ignore the problem because the people you let seize the reins have driven the whole edifice off a cliff, laughing maniacally at their 'cupidity'!

"I'll be Fuckin' Famous now!"

I know you can't keep a lot in your head but if you have to make space for just one thing it should be the fact you are surrounded by psychopaths who you can't afford to turn your back on even for a heartbeat.

Is that why most of us find ourselves humming that old Doris Day tune, "Que sera, sera" without us being conscious we're doing it most of the time.

If we don't hold the feckless accountable, nothing will change and one of a zillion assholes is going to grab the brass ring of infamy and push us all to our deaths, totally heedless if the fact that if nobody survives there won't be anyone to 'write history'.

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the truth unfolds and criminal-in-chief, true to form, starts his 'denial dance' will our oligarch overlords remove the the insane POTUS from the stage THEY GAVE HIM or will they watch, bemused, as the Kabuki dance of 'will to power' [I AM the LAW] unfolds before the public's astonished eyes.

The 'Pretense' of elected government (that only serves the self-serving) is being handled with increasing 'ham handedness' and zero regard for subtlety but there isn't anything [short of revolt] you can do about it anyway.

Why don't you revolt? You are NOT 'smart enough'.

You have been taught to believe a revolt involves guns and battles with 'loyalists' and bloody struggle when the 'true revolt' starts when you decide to do NOTHING until circumstances change!

All you have to do is sit on your backside and do nothing [preferably while drawing a paycheck but failing that volunteering at a soup kitchen will do.]

STOP EVERYTHING and the revolution has begun!

DON'T FIGHT, but be damn sure you don't do anything else either.

The technique is called passive resistance and our puppet masters CAN'T combat it, short of enslaving everyone...and that ain't gonna end well regardless.

Naturally, defend yourself if the flag waving morons attack you but don't go looking for confrontation. Morons are easily backed down with defiance and reminders of who they are going to have to live with once the shit is over.

The feckless don't live among us for good reason, they can't risk it.

Ponder that for a moment, even the 'superficially rich' are removed from the general population because they fear the public's reaction to their 'conspicuous consumption'.

[They are convinced to move into gated communities by the threat that the destitute will make excuses to bring lawsuits against them.]

'Birds of a feather' in the worst possible context.

If you are sick and tired of being held hostage to a pension they were going to steal from you all along it's time to park your ass until you get what is 'rightfully yours' without the QE 2's mooring line attached to it!

Close the banks, shutter Wall Street (investment is all a hoax anyway) and cashier all the Insurance companies, then send the judges packing along with their 'wannabes' the lawyers because the 'LAW' belongs to those who agree to live under it...and if you think you are above the law we have a place where you can live any way you like with everything you were born with and nothing else.

Don't need people and their rules? You will learn quick how valuable, nay, precious society is.

Rule number 1? The world is NOT 'your' oyster, it belongs to ALL of us, EQUALLY!

You are NOT going to carve yourself off a piece and mold it to your liking because it belongs to ALL of us! Do what you like with your life but don't fuck up anyone else's!

Uncommon sense I know but look at the shitshow ownership has created!

Billions living in destitution because 'a few' have rewarded themselves far beyond their worth...and NOBODY will stop them.

Think it's time to sit on it until the few realize we aren't going to take it anymore?

Step lively now, the boss is looking for you...

I can lead you to water but it is up to YOU to make it happen.

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, if one needs further proof that the people in charge of society are unfit for their jobs the current 'space race' is all one needs.

Our decided lack of unity is the primary piece of evidence and the global hijacking of the political process is the secondary piece of the puzzle. Most people think the 'leader of the free world' is a nitwit but the decidedly rigged electoral process globally [thanks oligarchs!] has made this crisis worldwide in nature.

Notice the 'pattern'? A semi-public figure who most people disregard as a joke starts babbling what could best be described as 'patriotic nonsense' and suddenly they win office...somehow.

It is that 'somehow' that concerns pretty much everyone [except the criminals themselves of course.]

With both China and India making it a priority to conquer the moon, suddenly the US has renewed interest in using the Moon as a staging area for colonizing Mars.

What happens when non-aligned political partisans gain the high ground on their opponents? They drop stuff on them, not by accident but because they can. [Naturally, they will claim it was an accident but everybody knows it was accidentally on purpose.]

Seems our former competitors are the only ones uninterested in securing a 'moon base' for 'research'. Were they ahead of us then and are they ahead of us now? [Near space offers zero opportunity, we NEED other earth-like worlds, everything else is a waste of time and effort...and the oligarch community knows that.

THEY went to the Moon to prove they could, found pretty much what they expected to find and left it in the rearview mirror.

The Chinese and the Indians are racing one another to the Moon and the US is returning to protect its 'squat' with their I was here first claim, not that anybody cares, you can only claim what you can protect. If an overwhelming force turns up on the Moon and you have no way to fight them off on Earth, that patch of dust is THEIRS no matter who you 'protest' to.

So the US is going to build a base despite earlier agreements the the moon would not be 'militarized'.

Naturally, the weapons will be called 'defensive' but who do they think they are fooling? Just like the nukes in Israel, they fool nobody and are the ONLY reason Israel is still here.

Yeah, our Christian leaders don't like to advertise this act of nuclear brinksmanship because it makes Murika a 'bad actor' to the rest of the world but so long as God forgives them, fuck what anyone else thinks.

Yet this is the root cause of all war because they may not do it much but the rest of the world does indeed have an opinion and it is damn near impossible to alter an opinion by force. Wars are fought to KILL opinions the aggrieved disagree with, talk about psycho!

But what do you want from a planet of psychopaths?

Not that is has to be this way. We know opinions are like assholes so we refrain from taking offense to every imagined slight because the job of survival demands cooperation over competition and deadly conflict.

Then there are those who think the conflicts are 'liberating' as well as 'useful' in keeping the herd culled.

Why hasn't the global war on terror ended? Because there are still Muslims walking around out there.

Bad seed, not bad humans.

If we are to free ourselves from the destructive path the psychopaths who lead us have laid out for us, we must put a stop to the falsehoods they teach that cast the other as the cause of our collective troubles.

It's the psychopaths fault and we all know it...It all starts when you wrap yourself in a piece of colored cloth and pretend that the cloth represents 'the good' when it is just a piece of cloth and you wouldn't know 'good' if it was pulling you out of a meat grinder!

Since the collective [and very much 'un-united] 'we' can't get along here on our 'one and only' home, we have zero business being in space and dragging our psychopathic hostilities along behind us.

Like Star Wars...

That shit needs to die if we are ever to venture into space and not invite the destruction of our species as a consequence.

The prime directive should read "Leave your shit at home" Your hostilities don't must not follow you into space. Once you leave Earth all you have is each other.

[That said, there is still a high likelihood that we will not find space not under Imperial control in the foreseeable future.] Worse, the 'politics' of the Empire will remain unknown to us until we are re-united with those who abandoned us.

Let me remind you once again that both good and bad are 'relative' terms...

Space, it's not for babies.

Thanks once again for opening your mind, Head.


Monday, July 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, seems humans have a long tradition of calling a certain kind of behavior one thing when it is really something much worse.

Our vigilant media has labeled the Potus's screeds as racism when what he is really doing is classist.

We are taught that America is 'egalitarian' and pretends class distinctions have vanished from our 'great democracy' [where publicly humping the symbol of the nation is considered 'patriotic' instead of perverted] we are left to ponder if the 'resurgence' of flagrant racism by the proxies for the 1% isn't really classism in disguise?

While the self-important have always barely concealed their contempt for all 'mud people' does calling them out by their skin tone alter this dynamic?

Nope, same thing and same dynamic.

The difference is we are taught not to hate the rich, we are instead taught to admire and aspire to join them in their lofty god given social position of being 'monied' no matter how bloody that money is or how it got that way.

Rich is good so what is 'bad'?

Is the answer really color?

Does it disturb anybody else that the John Wick movies highlight what we already knew, that Babba Yaga is white? Is the part they want to gloss over is how the 'boogey-man' is ever and always a 'rich' white man?

There is racism and then there is this.

While the rich regularly attribute their circumstances to a mix of God's will and keen business acumen the truth is somewhat less 'glamorous'. The rich are rich because they steal what isn't theirs.

That's the conversation the rich don't want to have because what kind of God victimizes 99% of his 'beloved' creation?

Were 'we' to take all of the money and divide it equally between the living humans...and then abolish ownership, NOBODY would get their money 'back'.

Even the rich don't 'own' anything because if they did it would vanish with them when they died and everything would be long gone.

Sounds stupid because it is. If someone 'owns' a thing it literally doesn't exist if he doesn't want to share it.

That's f'n Capitalism baby, it's mine so stick 'em f'n up!

Mind you none of it 'belongs' to them in the first place, it belongs to us all!

This is yet another stunning example where the media tells us it is 'racism' it is actually something else altogether.

They are more comfortable with you thinking people of color are sub-human than they are with discussing how the classist stole what belongs to all of us!

Like I said yesterday, correcting stupid one lie at a time [and the f'n media ain't helping!]

We done, enjoy your week the best you can, Head.


Sunday, July 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is natural to be at odds with one another because we are all coming at the situation from different perspectives.

Worse, the only one that ''counts' is yours. Not exactly the model for success nevermind unity.

I point to the collapse of capitalism and you think anything from trade war to the huge number of 'lazy bastards' who won't go out and accept whatever work they can find...because there is still a disturbing number of you that don't understand the difference between being able to live on what you are paid and spending your time doing a temporary, menial job so you can eat today when your time would be better invested searching for a more stable situation.

The gig economy is capitalist utopia, you only pay for what you use and people are getting 'used' left, right and center.

Where are our 'for the people' populists against the gig economy?

Must be those invisible folks that can't find enough people to support them.

The last election was about a female presidency, the f'n media is doubling down with a 'gay' presidency this time around with the assumption being the assurance of Trump's second term as his cognitive powers collapse entirely before our astonished eyes.

Understand we are one command away from the mouth-breathing followers of Pussygrabber lynching people of color because 'their leader' said, My country, love it or leave it!

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A COUNTRY and the only thing that demands 'blind obedience' is ROYALTY!

The MY COUNTRY crowd is actually telling you ALL HAIL THE KING!

It all 'fits'. The non-existent 'we' are in a state of perpetual senseless war because we live among far too many SENSELESS people!

You know it, I know it and the feckless media knows it. Why they don't censor/take away the stage from the kind of people [and you know it is only a few] who would mindlessly chant whatever sound bite the moron in chief's handlers fed him...and you can bet there are also 'plants' in the crowd 'leading' these racist jeers in a ploy as old as the medieval witch hunts.

Those crowds had 'plants' in them too. Few were as worried about their immortal soul than your typical slow witted, superstitious peasant. How dumb do you have to be to believe chanting 'burn the witch' was a way to grease the skids for your own soul to enter a place you were likely going to hate if you ever got there?

I had this discussion with a born again once and his responses to my questions grew increasingly more disturbing.

Okay, as a youth you live a relatively pain free life, sleep on something the wrong way and maybe you'd suffer needles and pins until circulation was restored, a headache here or a nosebleed there but nothing you couldn't handle.

Perhaps I am in the minority, having a meatsuit that functions pretty much trouble free even into old being 'born anew' with a 'perfect body' that doesn't feel pain wasn't a big, er, incentive/worthwhile enough trade-off to want to spend eternity singing the praises of the almighty. Sounds like torture if you ask me...but I guess if it is the only thing to do, you'd pretty much make the best of it, pointless as it might be...

But my born again 'counselor' had an answer for that too, your mind would be 'made over' as well so all you'd desire was to 'glorify god'.

Which made the term 'better off dead' even more appealing.

So...lock her up and send her back leads to Hey-sanna, ho-sanna, sanna-sanna ho! Sanna-hey, sanna-ho...for fucking EVER. But the people who would chant such mindless racist screed are people who regularly get lost in thought because they don't go ever. [So chanting tunes akin to wheels on the bus in perpetuity is actually an attractive idea to these low wattage types.

This lends credence to the idea that we were 'bred' for mindless labor in mines that played out long ago. Only some of us cultivated our mental facilities after Master abandoned us to our own devices and those cursed with, er, 'poorly developed cognitive abilities' have been used as cannon fodder in the Us vs. Them game that broke out moments after the last contrail disappeared into the endless horizon.

Why are 'some' of us more 'capable' than others? Numbers. There had to be proxies, in prison they call them 'trustees'. there are too many prisoners for the guards to handle alone so they enlist 'influential' inmates to aid them in keeping the rest in line.

Well, in your typical labor intensive operation, there are a LOT of 'indians' and a few 'chiefs'. We can only assume that the 'chiefs' had different ideas regarding what to do once the overlords left us leaderless.

Some chose to take over for the overlords and some chose to live 'free from tyranny' which brings us to today. A caste of self-styled 'tyrants' that believe in 'the natural order of things' (so long as it all flows to them) and those who think we should 'share' the fruits of society equitably.

Ironically, those who can't decide which is which are the morons that will likely never develop their cognitive abilities.

Call it what you like but if the material is lacking, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Again only the cognizant can see that the 'blissfully ignorant' are likely to remain that way. You can count all of their epiphanies on one hand and still have fingers left over...sometimes all of them.

These are the people chanting 'lock her up' and 'send her back' the same way they chanted 'Wheels on the bus', it is all meaningless to them!

What this says about those who 'sympathize' with the flag humping perverts er, I mean 'patriots' tells us that some people abandoned the idea of improving their minds feeling their free public education gave them all the tools they needed to be a functioning member of the society...(of idiots.)

Um, it is natural to feel confused after reading one of my posts [my kingdom for an editor! Few things are more miserable than editing your own work!] since I commonly deal in 'unfamiliar perspectives' and offer non-traditional viewpoints.

YOU have a mind filled with what makes the grass grow green and I am trying to use it to grow your cognitive powers [the hope is the removal of the manure will aid your mind to function more smoothly rather than hoping the fertilizer will sprout 'smarts' in your otherwise 'vegetative' cranium.

Correcting 'stupid' one lie at a time means we have a long road ahead so until next time, Head.


Saturday, July 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today marks the arrival in the northeast of a heat wave that has vexed the citizens of Western US for the past couple of weeks. Temps are expected to be in the triple digits for the next week but New Englanders are used to the weatherman being wrong.

Um, not to be a downer but if this 'keeps up' the morons with their finger on the button may start viewing nuclear winter as a 'double win'.

Problem is nuclear winter could last for a decade and once it begins there isn't a good way to tell how severe it will be. Like greenhouse gases and the flat earth, it is ALL 'guesswork'. [Same goes for the light being this universe's speed limit, there is no way to prove it is true.]

You can bet some whack job has scientists working out the details as we sit here, sweating.

Which brings us to a different, er, 'problem'. Humans are becoming 'hothouse plants', we can't tolerate the cold nor can we take the heat.

We are doubly scroomed if another Ice Age hits. 'We' have almost exhausted what fossil fuels there are in a relative wink of the eye.

But that is unlikely considering the likely cause of 'global warming' is the gradual build up of iron in the sun's core. This growing internal heat sink is projecting the heat further and further from the sun and even nuclear winter will only be a 'temporary' solution at best.

We originally 'theorized' we had 5 billion years before the sun burned us out of orbit, that the effects of an aging sun were far in our future when, surprise, like the earth being flat, we were wrong.

Now mother nature is correcting our ignorance yet our self professed betters are clinging tenaciously to predictions made in a time when we didn't know what we didn't terrifying is it that we still don't?

Last night I viewed the episode of Adam ruins everything on climate change, aired in 2015 when the US was one of the signatories of the Paris climate accord, the first thing Trump hit with his axe of hate.

The show implied even then (in 2015) that there may be little we can 'do' about climate change. It seems even slamming on the brakes could still result in a rapidly declining situation we have NO control over.

And that is the chimera we are being baited with. Did we do it or didn't we? Be mindful of 'flat earth'.

What if climate change isn't 'man-made'? Could we terraform Mars in time? [doubtful, it would take hundreds of years and technology we don't yet possess. In the meantime we'd have to re-ignite Mar's core, re-activating it's magnetosphere to protect us from cosmic radiation.

Worse it is the plankton of the ocean that provides earth with its oxygen rich atmosphere, how long will it have to rain liquid water until we can (hopefully) introduce plankton into Mar's non existent oceans.

Mar's average surface temperature is minus 250 degrees fahrenheit. It is going to be quite a feat get that chemical process started.

Part of earth's problem is 'greenhouse gases' and the other is an OOC fusion reactor that our home is parked unfortunately close to. [Goldilocks has done wore out her welcome!]

I suspect 'evidence to the contrary' is being suppressed by the feckless few who are championing the idiotic colonization of nearby space as our 'best alternative'.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who would torture you to death if you didn't agree the earth was FLAT (and at the center of God's creation, considering we were (officially) the ONLY ONES HERE!)

Yup, over population might be the least of our problems but that is not the part that frightens me. It's the fact that nobody is doing anything about any of it!

Global warming and every motor vehicle manufacturer is dropping passenger vehicles in favor of small trucks and 'crossovers'?

WTF is wrong with capitalism? [actually, wtf the wrong with the media...[rhetorical question, good citizen. We all know what is wrong with the media, it is run by psychopaths!

Which is a pretty fair assessment of your typical capitalist/flat earther.

What part of 'All your bases are belong to us! Resistance is futile!' don't you get?

Just something to ponder as you look at the thermometer and ask yourself what if it is 'natural' and there isn't anything anyone can 'do' about it (except 'leave!)

Can anyone direct me to the nearest stargate?

Until next time, Head.


Friday, July 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like many lies littering the post 'Morning in America' landscape the term 'compassionate Conservatism still rings hollow in our ears: From today's NY Times

A Playlist to Deter the Homeless: ‘Baby Shark’ and ‘Raining Tacos’

The city of West Palm Beach, Fla., is blaring two maddeningly catchy children’s songs on a loop each night to prevent people from sleeping near an event center.

West Palm Beach has begun playing children’s songs at an event center in Nancy M. Graham Centennial Square Park to deter homeless people from sleeping or convening there. Credit Saul Martinez for The New York Times Image

First alligators, then pythons and now this? Apparently it sucks being homeless and ignored in America despite this story being lifted from the global media's most recent poster child for southern bigotry, the conservative dominated 'Sunshine State'.

Would Jesus approve? How lucky for the posers that God in all his guises is fake, making God's boogeyman equally non-existent.

If you are looking for the Devil you can find him in the flesh wearing a badge, sitting on the bench in any courtroom or behind the manager's desk of any bank/insurance company.

Zero coincidence that evil is live spelled backwards. [Remember that the next time someone asks you if you want to live.]

Also no irony lost on the fact that you are unable to recognize evil even when it is played out right in front of your disbelieving eyes.

Makes you wonder if the cylons might be a real thing...although Saberhagen's berserkers hated life so completely that they would nuke microbes making the cosmos' floating ice balls sterile for machine-kind's 'safety'.

Worse, it would only take one. Humans, being so gullible would qualify as 'goodlife'.

Seriously, does anything hate humans more than our self-professed 'betters'?

It's not a meaningless question Head and you'd be wise not to ignore it the way the politicians ignore the problems facing our culture.

You will literally 'party 'til you drop...or at least that's the plan.

Until next time Head...and yeah, I am ending this here. The cognizant you?


Thursday, July 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, everybody knows people come before the dictionary. Tarzan probably just passed his morning coffee through his nose when he read this but that only highlights that context is vital to 'understanding'.

Um, in yet another yellow stripe painted down the back of the Faux opposition the FAKE democrats defeated a resolution to impeach Pussygrabber as the media scores another coup in psychological perception management.

The wife of a BILLIONAIRE offers the democratic party nothing that Trump doesn't give with a hey, nonny, nonny and a cheery 'up your bucket' while he's at it!

[Not fuck me, fuck YOU!]

Your perception is being groomed by a feckless media using the [heavily varnished] 'truth' that the bought and paid for 'opposition' is incapable of defying their defacto 'owners'.

Where does this leave YOU, good citizen?

What part of tyranny don't you comprehend?

Zero irony that the same crowd that believes work is for chumps also believes voting is for chumps too!

[How do you like me now?]

Ever wonder how your self-professed betters regard many times do I have to tell you, chump?

[Need a fat lip to go with those two black eyes?]

Crude but it does make the point. [IF they talk about you at all it is after they point and laugh!]

Remember, this is the same crowd that has displayed zero regard for sustainability [although they oddly think of little else, reminding us that 'context is king!']

They don't give a fig about your survival. [It is theirs they are obsessed with! A.I. anyone?]

That and today's title, they can't escape fretting about the day when they are forced to flee surrounded by armed bodyguards with weapons drawn, barking terse orders because you paid them to keep YOU alive.

That order doesn't preclude giving you a knuckle sandwich if you don't shut up and step lively!


How frightening is it to realize that you live under a 'comply or die' culture?

Increasingly the oligarchs are displaying their intolerance for 'disobedience'.

It is NOT about what YOU want, it's about what THEY want.

Probably a little late but you should take a minute to consider your position and make plans on what you are going to do when the wheels come flying off...

Until next time, Head.


Maybe somebody will come up with a way that eliminates the freakishly selfish, providing our children with a ray of hope!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen as the media circus of lies and misinformation descends to the level of Anime [with its focus on drama over substance,] at least some of us question the 'validity' of those pretending to act in the 'best interests' of our species...using themselves as the 'baseline'.

How many of you became billionaires on Trump's watch? [because that was 'the plan' right? Suck up to Donny and he's make you rich like him to demonstrate he was indeed making Murika 'Great' again one, er, 'success story' at a time.]

Must be thousands of 'em by now (or is poor Kylie Jenner all alone?)

Reasonably certain Trump had nothing to do K.J.'s success, she was well on her way long before the self serving attention whore was dumped in the White House to continue to tear down the last vestiges of small 'd' democracy.

Zero irony Trump IS everything little 'd' democracy set out to prevent.

Because they are our masters it must amuse them to have the caricature that exemplifies the worst aspects of oligarchy trashing the world stage for all to see.

Trump isn't here to 'save' us, quite the opposite. [What do you want from a guy that needs to look up what FDR represents to the public because he is NONE of those things...although it might amuse the oligarchs to tease the rabble and make him a 3 termer just because they can.]

It is already clear that Trump will get a second term because the 'faux opposition' has nothing, none of them are offering 'real change', just as the prior election was about not being Hillary [and whose jodhpurs better filled out the Commander-in-chief britches.]

Nothing like an exaggerated ass to make one appear 'more presidential'.

Surprised numbnuts hasn't incorporated them into his carefully crafted look. Mental image alert, now imagine that oversized ass humping Old Glory!

We'd all wet ourselves we'd be laughing so hard!

Not that his current image isn't cause for considerable mirth! Not a particularly funny man but you can't take funny looking away from him!

Alas, the time for merriment and savage amusement has come to an end.

We must stop following the clueless and concentrate on the many issues driving society to a pointless civil war, just so the well situated can watch the less fortunate kill one another off (so they don't have to do it themselves.)

Who 'wins' in a famine? The rich. The poor wipe themselves out fighting over the crumbs the rich threw out specifically for that purpose.

The 'rich' are not like you and me by any stretch of the imagination...most can't fathom just how 'different' they truly are.

Good news/Bad news. The rich will immediately cease to exist post A.S.P. [because EVERYBODY'S bank account will be ZEROED.] So we will be 'unable' to use the formerly wealthy's bank data to send them on the 'one-way naked nature walk' but if they fail to find employment before the deadline it is 'forward march' and some might think themselves clever by volunteering for Lord of the Flies Island [what part of 'desert' don't you get?] the 'privileged' are unlikely to embrace a life in cooperative society and they may even earn themselves a one-way ticket for sedition.

But I ask you, how successful will a campaign to return to paying for everything be against a society that provides you all of those things for FREE, thereby making YOU 'free'?

Don't be a chooch, Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register. Use your head for more than a hatrack!

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while today asks the question of 'who' will rescue us from this nightmare we are likely better off asking 'what' coupled with 'how'.

Time isn't a factor because it needed to happen yesterday and it is driving the whole shitshow to boil over.

Like the collapse of capitalism, which the media so blithely ignores little 'd' Democracy crashed and burned in 1968 and has never recovered.

While we all like to think 'nothing can save him now' after each public display of 'hoof in mouth' disease we are ignoring the thing that put him in office in the first place, the 'appearance of electability' which his challengers lack because they appear incapable of distancing themselves from the repugnant incumbent.

He has zero ideas but neither do his opponents, leaving the electorate wondering, 'where's the 'win' here?'

Our ever-lowering expectation reached the basement after FDR died, leaving us with another electoral beauty, Truman, the father of the 'surveillance State'.

Yeah, the world hasn't been the same since the CIA was created and immediately took cover under the impenetrable veil that they like to call 'national security'...which literally means 'Don't even try holding ME accountable, YOU let me do it in the first place!'

Leaving us to wonder what the latest electoral boondoggle will 'gift' us with? [My guess is mushroom clouds, but that is just a guess.]

You see, even the feckless don't know how to 'fix' capitalism, making the prospects of an attempt to hit the 'reset button' in the high probability zone.

Conventional wisdom dictates the capitalism is failing because there are 'too many players'. [This is the same conventional wisdom that gave us both a 'flat' earth and that earth was the center of the universe (which some still believe because they are here...)]

Has it occurred to anyone to ask who the fuck gave the moon landing tapes to Sotheby's for $218? Don't you think that S.O.B. should be tracked down and stand trial for grand larceny because those 'records' are priceless artifacts that don't belong in private hands.

I know this shit happens all the time and there isn't anything you can do about it...

Oh, wait a minute, you're wrong.

There IS something you can do about it and you can do it right now.

The shitshow won't stop until YOU stop it.

Clear enough?

Leaders need vision, not strings that tie their hands.

The oligarchs need a long naked nature walk because they fail to appreciate the benefits of 'membership' in the tribe of humanity where all are valued and none are neglected or forced to beg for what is rightfully theirs!

You know what to do. [No you don't but some have it figured out, just do what you always do and follow them!] The sooner you get started the quicker your kids will be able to start building a better life for themselves.

ASP is posted here and on the wix page under 'more' so you can keep the chisler's in check.

I will soon be releasing a new book that provides my vision for the future, based on equality and sharing so necessary for the preservation of this, our only home.

Um, sort of hit 'autopilot' there, sorry.

Until next time Head,


Monday, July 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today we explore the other term for 'change' we are taught is necessary for survival and that is the ability to 'evolve'.

As capitalists eliminate entire industries from the landscape, invoking the necessity to evolve (while lying about all the jobs this process would create) [Remember, stupid is believing your own lies.]

Remember, if you can't afford the 'alternatives' capitalism, er, 'presents' then it is not their problem, it is YOURS.

One suspects the growing unease with off the leash 'profit maximization' is the realization that once the 'capitalists' purchased the justice system there was nobody to stop them from pushing the economy into a permanent hole where only the 'precious few' prosper at the expense of the survivors.

[Trouble with the 'Rabble Game' is the bar keeps inching upwards until the wannabes are up to their ass in alligators, it is only then that they realize they have been played for fools by people who only care about themselves.]

Sometimes you can 'jumpstart' the evolutionary process by pointing this out but most times it falls on deaf ears.

While you were laughing at the Electoral Abomination known as Pussygrabber, all of the gates/escape routes have quietly been locked...for YOUR safety, of course.

Understand, sustainability means different things to different individuals and Pussygrabber means every word of his hate speech because he is NOT 'one of us' [who among your 'friends' makes you wear booties so you won't scratch their marble floors?] Socially speaking the banishment of high heels from hardwood flooring is only a recent development, people value their friends more than their replaceable possessions...and I have been quite clear on how I feel about 'possessions' [nobody owns ANYTHING! we are just users, and the capitalist turns that into an insult!]

Next thing you know the psychos are parsing your 'desire' to keep breathing from your 'need' to continue doing's fucking autonomic you moron! you do it unconsciously UNTIL YOU CAN'T, which has zero to do with what you WANT.

Did I mention our 'owner class' is a bunch of class 'A' sickos? [Did I need to?]

This whole shitshow is being driven by 'ownership' and will continue until one seriously sick individual destroys it all because they can't have it all to themselves.

That's ownership baby, warts, wrinkles and all!

So if we 'evolve' to survive, how many of you think [I should probably stop there because the answer is 'not too many', right?] it is time we abandon the ownership model for a designated user model?

We will NOT enjoy the 'universal prosperity' capitalism [you want to say 'promises' but capitalism only 'implies'] we will EVENTUALLY achieve.

Abandon the ownership model and prosperity starts TOMORROW, your 'share' is waiting for you!

Viva Evolution!

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, July 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, adding to the list that has you googling the word I use because you aren't sure what the dictionary says is another word we all 'believe' we know the meaning of but have we really been taught the true definition of the word?

Nope, almost nobody has bothered to look up the 'textbook' definition of most common terms and would be alarmed at what they found if they did.

Many words you use regularly don't mean what you think they do at all. You never bother to look up a words definition because the people you respected provided you with real life examples of what the word meant and you attached the label without any 'context'. It is why most of you don't understand that dumb and stupid are two different things.

Much of the anger and division we encounter in our increasingly turbulent society is due to 'ignorance' coupled with stupidity, thinking we 'know' a thing when we really don't have a clue.

The feckless honestly believe we are just like they are only dumber but that isn't 'true' either so who is the 'dummy' now? [Dumb is ignorance, plain and simple, stupid is pretending you aren't ignorant.]

Push come to shove all humanity needs to step up it's game regarding VOCABULARY!

Not to paint with too broad a brush but given the 'reverence' the people trying to sell YOU shit give it you'd think the textbook definition of Marriage was handed down directly from the angels, quoting God.

Has any female ever read the textbook definition?

Worlds apart and the equally as 'ignorant' guys don't have a clue until they are sitting across from their wives lawyers being read the terms of the divorce since, first and foremost, 'marriage' is a CONTRACT!

Being married 'in the eyes of God' is all fine and well, it even conveys 'society's blessing' but that is only until it comes time to divide the 'assets', then God has ZERO to do with it.

Now society demands the parent(s) step up and take responsibility for the children born into the 'union'.

Would ANYBODY be married having read that definition FIRST?

Nope, because it is here we encounter the title term and you'd have to be all that and a bag of chips to commit your future to that merciless meat grinder.

Bizarrely it is this variety of 'ignorance' that is driving the deep social schisms that are tearing civilization apart.

You think you are buying into one thing and it turns out to be another proposition altogether!

Men think they are getting 'love, honor and obey' when the textbook definition includes NONE of those words.

From google, here is the current definition of Crazy within its two contexts: adverb NORTH AMERICAN

"I've been crazy busy"

a mentally deranged person.

Wait, it gets worse. If we substitute 'insane' for mentally deranged we arrive at this definition:
adjective: insane a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.

"he had gone insane" synonyms: mentally ill, severely mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable, psychotic, schizophrenic; More

Wait! We're not done because in the end what is crazy must be compared to 'normal' :adjective 1.conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"

synonyms: usual, standard, typical, stock, common, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted, everyday, regular, routine, day-to-day, daily, established, settled, set, fixed, traditional, quotidian, prevailing More.

Between the lines here is the disturbing fact that normal is 'relative' just like truth and justice. It relies upon the general agreement of the majority of the population, that, whatever it is, is 'normal'.

Don't need to remind anyone that as a society we can barely agree on day and night let alone anything more 'nuanced'.

So what is this thing they tell us is 'normal' and how do we know?

Crazy yet?

Until next time, Head.


We are 'neck deep in stupid'.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most wouldn't know sustainable if it bit them on the nethers so it comes as no surprise that none of the candidates for national leadership think sustainability is an issue the public is 'concerned' with.

That said the (Faux) Dems just approved a $ 775 Billion dollar defense budget that the nitwit in chief is threatening to veto [left to your imagination is if the veto is because the Dems approved it or if the moron thinks it need to be higher, can't be 'weak on defense' won't win the cup that way!

Where were we? Oh yeah, sustainability. How many of you think the Dems 'short-sheeted' the Pentagon? How many of you comprehend what 'sustainable' means?

For a nation that makes pelletized gerbil food and (weaponized/exploding) financial products we sure seem to spend a lot more than the ubiquitous 'we' earn. [Did I mention money is a lie?]

How many of you are sharp enough to spot a Ponzi scheme [or, more succinctly, can name the elements of one] when you see one?

The whole employer/employee relationship is a ponzi scheme but YOU are too stupid to realize it!

You get paid enough to keep you reporting for work and the 'owner' walks off with all of the proceeds...which is more than his wife can spend, making at least two human males in history 'successful'.

Why do major industries keep 'imploding'? (Insider 'looting' often by the 'disgruntled partner' of one of the founders and her predatory legal team.)

Justice, what justice? This is what allowing an individual to claim what belongs to us all comes to. It is also the product of allowing CRIMINALS to interpret your laws for you.

Were I to point out that the current ratfuckery that passes for the 'management' of our society was 'unsustainable' how many of you would quip "No shit Sherlock!

You can leave off the 'what was your first clue' because the pillaging has gotten out of control and the feckless are making no efforts to mask it...because we will soon have, er, 'bigger' problems to deal with, especially those of us not fortunate enough to die in the initial strike.

The Emperor is naked and its high time we throw the brigands who pretend otherwise out of society.

Time to stop following idiots and blaze a new sustainable course for ALL humanity.

Or you can just keep listening to the idiots who think revoking Citizen's United will solve everything...

Can't get Wall Street out of Washington, Wall Street IS Washington!

Can I get a 'no shit Sherlock?'

Until next time, Head.


Friday, July 12, 2019

No where

Greetings good citizen, once again we get to mutter T.G.I.F. as the weekend finally crawls into view. [Admittedly time sort of just sails right by when you are not waiting for anything, in particular the clock itself, perhaps the only 'good' thing to be said about getting old.]

Ironic this also means there isn't a lot of sand left in the top of the hourglass...and fewer people get that reference just as fewer people remain that can read an analog clock or have to pause to mentally process terms like Quarter 'til or half past when a digital timepiece makes no such distinction.

Makes us oldsters wonder what it is like not to think of time as being 'round'...we can't imagine time being, er, linear.

How long will it be before barking the order, "watch your Six" is lost on the digital recruit? [TV is written by old people for old people...just saying.]

But that is only part of today's exercise in 'you can run but you can't hide.'

How many of you find it disturbing that sustainability is nowhere to be seen in the upcoming Presidential contest? [although it is, er, 'refreshing' that neither the Democrats nor the Progressives are running for Commander-in-Chief like the last Republican centric election.]

With the, er, 'acceptance' of the need to put the brakes on our wildly unsustainable commercial practices would come the drive towards 'equality' which many profess (publicly) to desire but privately they don't want equality at their expense.

We are all good with equality so long as it doesn't cost us personally.

Um, did you know that sustainability is a non-starter because it means 'life's, er, winners' would have to get by on less?

This concept is as alien to the feckless as linear time is to those of us born before the digital age.

They can't conceive of a system where ALL of the money doesn't flow back to them.

It is truly 'unthinkable'. They can't spend that money but to them money is meaningless, it exists ONLY to keep the rabble at bay and in thrall.

What is money to the feckless? First Dibs.

Is THIS 'sustainable'? Who gives a fuck...they sure don't.

Let's put a pin in that and circle back to the title of today's piece with that nowhere being just what you thought it was, there is nowhere to run, we are stuck here on a planet that is RAPIDLY being overrun by the TERMINALLY STUPID.

This is where 'I got mine, f-u' smacks face first into that hard, immovable object at terminal velocity.

How are you going to 'vote' for sustainability when it isn't even on the ballot?

Short answer, you AREN'T.

By the time the media is forced to bring this long ignored problem to your attention the ensuing panic will kill millions, just as the death toll of the GLOBAL refugee crisis [wake the fuck up, damn it!] is starting to take it's toll on the 'surplus population'.

Here's a sobering thought, if you could be replaced by AI, you're part of the 'surplus'...and nobody besides YOU are counting all of the 'nice things' you do for the people in your life, the feckless are called that for a reason, they truly don't give, feck.

We are truly barreling towards 'the final solution' at ludicrous speed [because stupid doesn't have any other.]

Zero irony that the people who put their 'faith' in a being their great-great grandparents invented don't realize this isn't going to go the way they 'pray' it is going to.

The morons are already (or perhaps still) wrestling with how to keep the guards from laying siege to the storeroom and everyone starving to's that for dumb, eh?

Problem with the criminals is you don't get to vote them out of what they have stolen, that's what Justice is supposed to be on top of.

Time is nigh we will be presented with the tab for allowing the 'Robber Barons' to hijack the justice system.

Exile still too harsh for your blood?

It's this 'reluctance' that brought us to this impasse...if YOU refuse to fix it, it won't get fixed.

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, July 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we all have boundaries and violating those boundaries have consequences if the offender is within striking range but most of the time they are not [and this (obviously) leads to frustration.]

The majority of us avoid confrontation because one is never certain just how close your antagonist is to Zack. Zack will murder you rather than look (nevermind listen) to you and tell the prosecutor to refuse to investigate your extra judicial murder.

So it is we tread carefully in these (increasingly) 'intolerant' times.

I have watched my circle of 'acquaintances' dwindle to almost nothing because of my reckless disregard for the boundaries Zack has set forth.

If only more had the courage to accept that they can only kill me once and it is impossible to kill my ideas so I 'win' either way. When taken from the viewpoint of death being 'inevitable' it stops being a matter of courage and becomes one of conscience.

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

In a shocking realization, most boundaries are personal, we intellectually understand the prohibition against wanton murder and how the feckless have robbed us of our revenge in the case of 'justifiable homicide' [more out of 'self preservation' than any feint at being merciful.]

Bizarrely, 'he pissed me off' doesn't make it justifiable by itself.

If you were to establish a hard and fast boundary, what issue would you chose?

Got nuthin, huh? Not even 'don't insult my mother?' (Poor Ma!)

Does that mean your sister is fair game?

Can't be your intelligence, no only do they insult what little you possess CONSTANTLY but you even EMBRACE many of the insults!

Damn right I'm PROUD to be a redneck! [WTF is WRONG with people?]

Don't get me started on my FAITH either, God ain't the only one serving up knuckle sammiches for the disrespectful! [Coincidentally he also isn't handing out flying wedgies for the terminally stupid either...]

Stepping away from the obvious spectacle created by the first boundary most of us set [I avoid STUPID people! (and it's not just my personal cardinal boundary) The merely dumb can't help their plight and must be, er, 'tolerated'.]

Remember, stupid is clinging to the self-serving justifications of others without processing the facts for yourself.

Nothing DUMBER than being angry but not being able to articulate why!

So, have you decided where you would set your 'primary' boundary? [I know most of you will not put anything ahead of the well-being of a loved one (regardless of how misguided) and you would certainly disregard ANY boundary that threatens your 'personal safety'...again when the alternative is often far worse. [Live as a slave or die as a free individual...most of you choose enslavement and the tyranny that accompanies that choice.]

Remember, that choice is made with the proviso that you would 'someday' make the cheating bastard pay for putting you in that position in the first place but it seems we tend to forget that 'humiliation' no matter how many times they remind us, albeit obliquely.

Not that you are even curious [largely because most of us consider boundaries to be 'personal'] I will share MY priority boundary, the one that gives us the H.A.E.

I have zero tolerance for turning my fellow humans into 'income streams', it is not just the epitome of evil but the apex of laziness!

I don't need to work/contribute, I have hundreds of assholes doing that for me!

The central flaw of capitalism is that it places a (monetary) value on the very object we cooperate to protect, survival!

The ONLY difference between capitalism and (non-existent) Communism [who are capitalists in disguise] are the 'ideals' the criminals who run the whole shitshow profess to believe in.

Exploitation is exploitation, calling it something else changes nothing. It is also the perfect illustration between dumb and stupid.

People too dumb to figure out they are being exploited tend to be stupid enough to believe they live under 'the better' of the two virtually identical systems.

Thus the H.A.E. the operates on the 'paychecks all around' principle and a fixed payscale that is completely transparent.

The system will be so 'transparent' that ANYONE will be able to 'see' what you have in the bank [They can't touch it and neither can YOU.]

Even the 'perqs' you accumulate on your journey to the top of the ladder will be a matter of public record. Here we find you can spend your earnings any way you like but your finances will be an 'open book'.

[And the 'uh-oh squad' will have their hands full tracking down stolen merchandise and exiling the perps, no trial involved, you will simply 'disappear' with an E next to your name in the social register and a link to the evidence that supported the 'summary judgement' against you.]

Being 'in the presence' of stolen merchandise is an automatic exile so if things don't look 'kosher' to you, RUN, don't walk away! [Price tags will be the 'giveaway'. All goods will be priced on the day of shipment with their current market value, which will redefine the meaning of 'bargain hunting' because the price WILL still fluctuate with demand!

It will be up to the thieves to work out payment methods for their stolen property. If cash substitutes aren't involved it is up to the individual to weigh the value of what they trade to possess good that CAN'T BE registered to them.

Instead of 'ownership' everything you 'need' will be registered to you. If you are in possession of an unregistered item you WILL be arrested and stand trial EVEN IF IT WAS GIFTED TO YOU! There is a process for gifting things and it must be followed. The 'giver' must first prove legitimate possession of the item to be gifted then 'transfer' the registration to the giftee.

(See, Boundaries EVERYWHERE but ASP's boundaries are to prevent the criminals from enslaving society for their own savage amusement.)

Believe it or not good citizen, the criminals think this whole shitshow they control is 'amusing', tragic but still it 'amuses' them to make YOU suffer...and that is the kind of ANIMALS the collective 'we' are dealing with.

Likely your plate has been piled a touch too high in this serving but there is little for it.

I'm almost tempted to say que sera, sera...but I won't.

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we are of two minds when it comes to our complaints. In our typical bi-polar mindset we don't want to hear others bitch yet advise all in earshot that if we stop complaining call 911 because we are dead.

You don't want to hear it and yet you won't shut up.

In fact the media hoses you with a endless stream of 'complaints' ranging from your own backyard to issues halfway around the planet. [Is it still 'news' if it is somebody else's bitch?]

Um, not to put too fine a point on it but if we aren't bitchin' we'd have nothing to say...and since it has never happened no one knows if this would be a good thing [blessed silence or the sound of profound loneliness.]

To, er, express our opinion (more or less constantly) is part of the 'human condition'. Look at social media and all the mimics scrolling endlessly for something to...bitch about.

IF the censors online would allow the rigid middle finger emoji we would have to wade through a forest of f-u's pretty much constantly.

Ever wish for a thumbs down option? [Or perhaps something a little stronger...]

Wanna break the public's addiction with social media...let people readily express their displeasure and people would stop looking because social media would no longer be the weather vane of social consciousness it currently is.

Like yesterday's post regarding dumb. It don't take a lot to encourage the, um, low wattage types, which is how Rush Limbaugh radicalized the Bible Belt and turned them into Trump supporters. [The empty mind seizes eagerly upon new ideas. It doesn't care if these ideas are shunned because they are loaded with consequences, Bobo is just looking for a new piece of crap to play with.]

Just sparked an the 'rings of hell' my idea of sorting society into 'enclaves' of the like-minded [major obstacle is humans are incredibly fickle. What if our biker can't decide if they like butterflies more than they embrace their homosexuality? Having everybody in their own individual box sort of defeats the idea of unifying the like-minded and building stronger communities.]

If we were to 'sort' people by...'mental horsepower' and provide them with their own community, it would serve to restore our forward social momentum by giving people an objective...and also providing them with a mirror, that they aren't alone in the world.

The social cohesion achieved in the 50's was done via the 'keeping up with the Joneses' ladder [although the kids of the Sixties rejected that idea...(as kids) They 'grew' into their parents once they lost their youthful rebelliousness.]

Don't suppose it is why the media is forever 'splitting hairs'?

Common ground is kryptonite for the swindlers among us, confusion is goal and they do a damn fine job of stoking it at every opportunity.

Now, if we were to step back and gaze at the larger picture, what would we see?

A species that divided itself to specialize, conquered and then forgot they got there via cooperation...because the swindlers shifted the focus of society from cooperation to competition. If we can't 'unite' we can't prosecute them for their crimes against humanity.

The Zacks of the world are indeed 'united' and defend their control of the justice system/murder machine with every fiber of their essence because failure is not an option.

For the moment they have the upper hand and they have succeeded largely because they have cultivated the collapse of critical thinking skills so vital to Liberty.

Some would argue you can't lose what you never had but you also can't develop abilities that remain overlooked and even actively discouraged.

If you have a nickel for every time you heard 'I don't pay you to think' we'd all be quite well off, wouldn't we?

Is a complaint still a complaint if you do it articulately?

[Rhetorical question, of course it is.]

Thanks for letting me ride your mind,


Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like the poor, the less intelligent have always been with us.

It is a fact of life that our society has filters to prevent the, er, incompetent from positions of responsibility...

[How 'bout that Electoral College nobody seems able to dump, eh?]

(Y'all think we might need better filters?) Yeah, some filters suck on purpose, ain't that right Jeff?

Don't mean to point fingers but this is all Zack's fault, not that Zack is the sharpest tool in the shed either. Zack is also the origin of the term SNAFU. (Ironically, that was one of Zack's intentional accomplishments...)

His survival often hinged on his ability to confuse the none too swift.

(Y'all think we might need better filters?)

Again it is 'assumed' the effectiveness issue was addressed by the people that designed the system...but no, just look at the sloppy workmanship of the current system...but how much can you expect from men whose first unverifiable qualification was being both 'good & true'?

This lead to the assumption that God was their system operator, that the almighty would 'filter' the unworthy from positions they were either too incompetent to handle or too untrustworthy to be left unsupervised with, ain't that right Jeff?

ASP outlaws cash and cash substitutes, your money is for you and there is no mechanism for transferring money between individuals. [in fact money is NEVER transferred between anybody!]

You work and your 'pay' is added to your account, when you spend, it is erased, nobody 'gets' it...because MN doesn't have a cash register! [Only Zack the swindler believes otherwise.]

Why 'bother' with money if nobody gets it? Why work if all you have to do is hang out at the store and demand your share...and if nobody works your 'share' will be precisely zero. That's why.

Zack is the original 'work is for chumps' guy. This makes Zack a criminal for helping himself to what doesn't belong to him but it seems the justice system is unable to parse the difference between Zack and their bosses, the owners of all, who only claim to own what belongs to all of us.

In this Zack made himself the feckless'es leader. He made himself one of them because they couldn't prove their claim was and stronger than Zacks...and Zack promised to kill anyone that tried what he himself had successfully pulled off, giving him a 'use' to the original thieves.

Criminals all.

How ironic that only the 'undumb' know this? It is one of 'life's filters' which is both a blessing and a curse. Don't need to be 'real smart' to figure this one out so it's curious why so many pretend it's not true...probably that Spirit in the Sky thing that keeps belief in magical thinking alive.

[Are you there God? It's Jeff!]

Um, I'm sure you are wondering where this is headed because it is already all over the map and we are into the what, 7th paragraph?

Look at it as the demarcation line. People under the 'dumb' line don't know they are there and they also don't (fully) appreciate just how dumb they are.

Conversely, there are many who are bright enough to be aware the puzzle is 'as presented'. Of the 'aware' only a small percentage has any clue at all what is amiss...Zack isn't particularly forthcoming that way.

[The 'crux' of Zack's swindle is centered on the 'purpose of money', if you KNEW what money was for YOU wouldn't be getting swindled...or be impoverished for that matter!]

Yeah, unfortunate a majority of you flunk the 'what's the purpose of money' test, but it is one of life's filters...and most are on the wrong side of it.

What does this tell us about those who know but don't don't do anything?

Remember why I end these where I do, Head.


Monday, July 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, who is in the mood for a modern parable?

What is the foundation of modern society? Truth? Beauty? Justice?

Nope, the foundation of our current social model is the ownership of property. ALL rights convey from ownership [but don't be deceived, there is an equally strong element of collusion hidden behind the illusion of equity.] It is this 'unity' that makes their confederation so difficult to expose.

Worse, under the mask of propriety is the mechanics of swindling the public out of their ambitions. Their goal is to defeat you by keeping you indebted and therefore subservient.

Have you EVER wondered why, regardless of how diligently you look, you can't find a 'concrete' definition of money?

Money, like freedom, is described in the vaguest of terms whether it be a legal construct or the 'medium of exchange' and you aren't taught this until you reach college, before that you are considered too young to understand the 'intricacies' of money.

So your first encounter with money is the decimal system which dollars and cents are measured in. This is usually coupled with 'fractions' and that is because money is divided to stretch it out.

Most of you won't deny being a 'slave to money' but most of you fail to make the connection until you encounter your first 'financial jam' that money has become vital to your survival...and you still don't know 'what it is', do you?

More importantly, you don't know 'why' it is and this is what is causing the fabric of society to be shredded. In a society that can't provide you with a path to relative security the benefit of belonging to that society loses its value to the individual and it is here that you realize the only game in town has been hijacked by people that could care less about you or your future.

Lucky you, the thing Smilin' Zack forgot is the rigid middle finger this cabal extends to the rest of the planet outnumbers them significantly [roughly ten million to one.]

What keeps Zack smiling and flipping us his middle finger is there isn't an alternative to the swindle that he has captured you in. You are trapped like a rat. You can drop out but that road puts you on a collision course with Zack's armed thugs. [What you were also mis-informed about is both sides of the criminal enterprise work for Zack.] Can't justify a police force to 'protect you' when there isn't anything to 'protect you' from.

Zack is playing a dangerous game and he knows it, he can get popped at any time and this too he, er, 'takes in stride'. The cabal is airtight and voids are for the most part self-sealing. Zack and his partners have contingencies in place for just about any eventuality but focus on covering the 'most likely' ones.

Zack thrives in anonymity. People 'know' Zack but what they don't know is just how involved he is in the swindle. Zack has a 'cover' that provides him with the comfortable life of a successful individual but Zack isn't a legitimate success. Zack is a thief and a swindler...and perhaps above all else, Zack is a practiced, efficient liar.

Zack's greatest disappointment is your failure to catch him. All he has to do is get you to doubt your own eyes and Zack stalks off into the sunset muttering about crazy people with dangerous conspiracy theories...insisting to nobody in particular that he is f'n nobody.

There is a name for individuals like Zack and they aren't limited to the male gender, in fact some of the most successful 'cons' are females and that name is Confidence players.

At the heart of ALL human interaction is a delicate mechanism called 'trust'.

Since my thrusting Zack onto the stage that is your life I am sure you have asked yourself even if it isn't bullshit, how did they pull this off?

The answer was right under your nose the whole time. We 'trusted' them into the positions of power they control.

Humans have the tendency to believe the people in positions of authority have been vetted when the truth is they have NOT...their loyalty isn't to their office or the 'greater good', their 'loyalty' is to Zack, then the badge and the flag...or the flag and the badge but Zack always comes first because Zack got them the job!

One of Zack's favorite sayings is 'ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies'...which is a lie itself. Zack never explains himself because his whole 'thing' is he's the 'trustworthy one' his motives are never to be suspect much less questioned.

Remember, Zack's whole thing is 'and anybody that looks like you! Carlin fans know this phrase is preceded by Fuck you.

Zack knows he can't pull the swindle off by himself so there are people Zack has to 'trust' which leaves him 'vulnerable' so there are usually 'insurance policies' that prevent treachery. Yeah, Zack's cohorts have dirt on him too but Zack knows they won't turn on him because they can't without scuttling their own scam.

Um, the part that most of you will have difficulty accepting is this cabal has been around for centuries, since the very beginning of civilization.

Think about the sheer number of revolutions there have been all across the planet.

What is the one thing ALL of them have in common?

NONE of them were successful.

Every time the criminals responsible for fostering the conditions that led to revolt, their confederates assumed power, in most cases before the revolt ended!

NOTHING (of consequence) changed.

The cons keep 'the trains running' [getting stuff where it needs to be when it needs to be there] and the banks open [preventing 'panic'.]

Another interesting point about revolts is the people who got the revolt started usually die during the ensuing conflict and this too is NO ACCIDENT. The revolt doesn't end until its leadership has been decapitated.

The 'illusion of change' is not lost on the Cons. It is another tool of their treacherous trade.

This is why politics are so 'incoherent', there can only be one leader and that leader is them.

Which is to point out that Zack's associates are a lean and effective operation with its fingers into everything but the wheels come flying off if a few critical positions are taken out of play.

Especially if they lose their grip on 'Justice', it is their Achilles heel.

Not putting too fine a point on it, it is the reason our civilization is becoming a cesspool.

Those of us in the United States are overdue for a revolt if only to maintain the 'illusion' that justice has been 'preserved'. [Revolts provide the illusion that corruption has been swept away.]

Although most don't stand up to scrutiny, especially when we meet the new boss, same as the old boss...because there can only be ONE Boss.

The Law belongs to us all, except you need a license to 'practice law'...which flies in the face of the intent of law.

The Royals used their divinely given position to claim unique provenience over the law when they had none. Humanity lost justice when it allowed the feckless to claim dominion over what belongs to all who agree to live under it...(the law) and those usurpers also chose to mask the laws in double talk, making them purposefully vague so they could be interpreted as the feckless desired.

This prevents justice and robs society of the ability to protect itself from the self-serving. [cops, lawyers, judges who ALL work for politicians...that coincidentally work for Zack.

Zack & company are not pols themselves, they are 'kingmakers', the straw that stirs the drink as well as money that makes it all happen.

Truth be told Zack is in the 'opinion' business. Zack tells YOU what to think. What safer space is there? From his perch he exempts himself from blame because Zack never mis-speaks, it is you the mis-heard/understood what Zack told you to think.

We need to, er, eliminate Zack and restore the media to 'responsible hands'. [Zack currently goes by the name Rupert in the English speaking sphere and his principle accomplishment is establishing a 'global' media 'empire'.

Zack doesn't claim to 'tell the truth' and readily admits he is sometimes 'mis-informed' but swears he has the best intentions and the best, most reliable sources [because he makes them himself!]

Don't bother thinking, Zack has that covered...which explains why you are up to your ass in alligators wondering when your neighborhood turned into a swamp?

Zack's blithe explanation is this is a combination of 'illegal immigrants' and terrorists who are both here because they want what YOU have.

This is where you wrack your brain and think Zack probably doesn't mean YOU in particular so he must be talking about your 'more prosperous' neighbors, you have nuthin anybody wants. People around the world, even (or perhaps especially) the modestly successful believe everyone around them is doing better than they are, if not overall then in at least one metric...we are all 'fractured' that way and Zack exploits this weakness in us all.

We'd all be shocked if we ever heard the 'assumptions' our neighbors make about us. Zack likes to lend a hand where he can.

If it can be spun, Zack will spin it to his advantage.

Zack is a very dangerous individual and he routinely commits 'treason' but he will never be prosecuted for his crimes because he is the 'kingmaker' that nobody can deny.

So until next time, Head.
