Saturday, July 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today marks the arrival in the northeast of a heat wave that has vexed the citizens of Western US for the past couple of weeks. Temps are expected to be in the triple digits for the next week but New Englanders are used to the weatherman being wrong.

Um, not to be a downer but if this 'keeps up' the morons with their finger on the button may start viewing nuclear winter as a 'double win'.

Problem is nuclear winter could last for a decade and once it begins there isn't a good way to tell how severe it will be. Like greenhouse gases and the flat earth, it is ALL 'guesswork'. [Same goes for the light being this universe's speed limit, there is no way to prove it is true.]

You can bet some whack job has scientists working out the details as we sit here, sweating.

Which brings us to a different, er, 'problem'. Humans are becoming 'hothouse plants', we can't tolerate the cold nor can we take the heat.

We are doubly scroomed if another Ice Age hits. 'We' have almost exhausted what fossil fuels there are in a relative wink of the eye.

But that is unlikely considering the likely cause of 'global warming' is the gradual build up of iron in the sun's core. This growing internal heat sink is projecting the heat further and further from the sun and even nuclear winter will only be a 'temporary' solution at best.

We originally 'theorized' we had 5 billion years before the sun burned us out of orbit, that the effects of an aging sun were far in our future when, surprise, like the earth being flat, we were wrong.

Now mother nature is correcting our ignorance yet our self professed betters are clinging tenaciously to predictions made in a time when we didn't know what we didn't terrifying is it that we still don't?

Last night I viewed the episode of Adam ruins everything on climate change, aired in 2015 when the US was one of the signatories of the Paris climate accord, the first thing Trump hit with his axe of hate.

The show implied even then (in 2015) that there may be little we can 'do' about climate change. It seems even slamming on the brakes could still result in a rapidly declining situation we have NO control over.

And that is the chimera we are being baited with. Did we do it or didn't we? Be mindful of 'flat earth'.

What if climate change isn't 'man-made'? Could we terraform Mars in time? [doubtful, it would take hundreds of years and technology we don't yet possess. In the meantime we'd have to re-ignite Mar's core, re-activating it's magnetosphere to protect us from cosmic radiation.

Worse it is the plankton of the ocean that provides earth with its oxygen rich atmosphere, how long will it have to rain liquid water until we can (hopefully) introduce plankton into Mar's non existent oceans.

Mar's average surface temperature is minus 250 degrees fahrenheit. It is going to be quite a feat get that chemical process started.

Part of earth's problem is 'greenhouse gases' and the other is an OOC fusion reactor that our home is parked unfortunately close to. [Goldilocks has done wore out her welcome!]

I suspect 'evidence to the contrary' is being suppressed by the feckless few who are championing the idiotic colonization of nearby space as our 'best alternative'.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who would torture you to death if you didn't agree the earth was FLAT (and at the center of God's creation, considering we were (officially) the ONLY ONES HERE!)

Yup, over population might be the least of our problems but that is not the part that frightens me. It's the fact that nobody is doing anything about any of it!

Global warming and every motor vehicle manufacturer is dropping passenger vehicles in favor of small trucks and 'crossovers'?

WTF is wrong with capitalism? [actually, wtf the wrong with the media...[rhetorical question, good citizen. We all know what is wrong with the media, it is run by psychopaths!

Which is a pretty fair assessment of your typical capitalist/flat earther.

What part of 'All your bases are belong to us! Resistance is futile!' don't you get?

Just something to ponder as you look at the thermometer and ask yourself what if it is 'natural' and there isn't anything anyone can 'do' about it (except 'leave!)

Can anyone direct me to the nearest stargate?

Until next time, Head.



  1. what if it is 'natural' and there isn't anything anyone can 'do' about it (except 'leave!)

  2. Now mother nature is correcting our ignorance yet our self professed betters are clinging tenaciously to predictions made in a time when we didn't know what we didn't terrifying is it that we still don't?

  3. Can anyone direct me to the nearest stargate?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...