Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while today asks the question of 'who' will rescue us from this nightmare we are likely better off asking 'what' coupled with 'how'.

Time isn't a factor because it needed to happen yesterday and it is driving the whole shitshow to boil over.

Like the collapse of capitalism, which the media so blithely ignores little 'd' Democracy crashed and burned in 1968 and has never recovered.

While we all like to think 'nothing can save him now' after each public display of 'hoof in mouth' disease we are ignoring the thing that put him in office in the first place, the 'appearance of electability' which his challengers lack because they appear incapable of distancing themselves from the repugnant incumbent.

He has zero ideas but neither do his opponents, leaving the electorate wondering, 'where's the 'win' here?'

Our ever-lowering expectation reached the basement after FDR died, leaving us with another electoral beauty, Truman, the father of the 'surveillance State'.

Yeah, the world hasn't been the same since the CIA was created and immediately took cover under the impenetrable veil that they like to call 'national security'...which literally means 'Don't even try holding ME accountable, YOU let me do it in the first place!'

Leaving us to wonder what the latest electoral boondoggle will 'gift' us with? [My guess is mushroom clouds, but that is just a guess.]

You see, even the feckless don't know how to 'fix' capitalism, making the prospects of an attempt to hit the 'reset button' in the high probability zone.

Conventional wisdom dictates the capitalism is failing because there are 'too many players'. [This is the same conventional wisdom that gave us both a 'flat' earth and that earth was the center of the universe (which some still believe because they are here...)]

Has it occurred to anyone to ask who the fuck gave the moon landing tapes to Sotheby's for $218? Don't you think that S.O.B. should be tracked down and stand trial for grand larceny because those 'records' are priceless artifacts that don't belong in private hands.

I know this shit happens all the time and there isn't anything you can do about it...

Oh, wait a minute, you're wrong.

There IS something you can do about it and you can do it right now.

The shitshow won't stop until YOU stop it.

Clear enough?

Leaders need vision, not strings that tie their hands.

The oligarchs need a long naked nature walk because they fail to appreciate the benefits of 'membership' in the tribe of humanity where all are valued and none are neglected or forced to beg for what is rightfully theirs!

You know what to do. [No you don't but some have it figured out, just do what you always do and follow them!] The sooner you get started the quicker your kids will be able to start building a better life for themselves.

ASP is posted here and on the wix page under 'more' so you can keep the chisler's in check.

I will soon be releasing a new book that provides my vision for the future, based on equality and sharing so necessary for the preservation of this, our only home.

Um, sort of hit 'autopilot' there, sorry.

Until next time Head,



  1. I know this shit happens all the time and there isn't anything you can do about it...

    Oh, wait a minute, you're wrong.

    There IS something you can do about it and you can do it right now.

    The shitshow won't stop until YOU stop it.

    Clear enough?

  2. You see, even the feckless don't know how to 'fix' capitalism, making the prospects of an attempt to hit the 'reset button' in the high probability zone.

  3. He has zero ideas but neither do his opponents, leaving the electorate wondering, 'where's the 'win' here?'


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...