Greetings good citizen, adding to the list that has you googling the word I use because you aren't sure what the dictionary says is another word we all 'believe' we know the meaning of but have we really been taught the true definition of the word?
Nope, almost nobody has bothered to look up the 'textbook' definition of most common terms and would be alarmed at what they found if they did.
Many words you use regularly don't mean what you think they do at all. You never bother to look up a words definition because the people you respected provided you with real life examples of what the word meant and you attached the label without any 'context'. It is why most of you don't understand that dumb and stupid are two different things.
Much of the anger and division we encounter in our increasingly turbulent society is due to 'ignorance' coupled with stupidity, thinking we 'know' a thing when we really don't have a clue.
The feckless honestly believe we are just like they are only dumber but that isn't 'true' either so who is the 'dummy' now? [Dumb is ignorance, plain and simple, stupid is pretending you aren't ignorant.]
Push come to shove all humanity needs to step up it's game regarding VOCABULARY!
Not to paint with too broad a brush but given the 'reverence' the people trying to sell YOU shit give it you'd think the textbook definition of Marriage was handed down directly from the angels, quoting God.
Has any female ever read the textbook definition?
Worlds apart and the equally as 'ignorant' guys don't have a clue until they are sitting across from their wives lawyers being read the terms of the divorce since, first and foremost, 'marriage' is a CONTRACT!
Being married 'in the eyes of God' is all fine and well, it even conveys 'society's blessing' but that is only until it comes time to divide the 'assets', then God has ZERO to do with it.
Now society demands the parent(s) step up and take responsibility for the children born into the 'union'.
Would ANYBODY be married having read that definition FIRST?
Nope, because it is here we encounter the title term and you'd have to be all that and a bag of chips to commit your future to that merciless meat grinder.
Bizarrely it is this variety of 'ignorance' that is driving the deep social schisms that are tearing civilization apart.
You think you are buying into one thing and it turns out to be another proposition altogether!
Men think they are getting 'love, honor and obey' when the textbook definition includes NONE of those words.
From google, here is the current definition of Crazy within its two contexts: adverb NORTH AMERICAN
"I've been crazy busy"
a mentally deranged person.
Wait, it gets worse. If we substitute 'insane' for mentally deranged we arrive at this definition:
adjective: insane a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.
"he had gone insane" synonyms: mentally ill, severely mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable, psychotic, schizophrenic; More
Wait! We're not done because in the end what is crazy must be compared to 'normal' :adjective 1.conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
synonyms: usual, standard, typical, stock, common, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted, everyday, regular, routine, day-to-day, daily, established, settled, set, fixed, traditional, quotidian, prevailing More.
Between the lines here is the disturbing fact that normal is 'relative' just like truth and justice. It relies upon the general agreement of the majority of the population, that, whatever it is, is 'normal'.
Don't need to remind anyone that as a society we can barely agree on day and night let alone anything more 'nuanced'.
So what is this thing they tell us is 'normal' and how do we know?
Crazy yet?
Until next time, Head.
We are 'neck deep in stupid'.
Nope, almost nobody has bothered to look up the 'textbook' definition of most common terms and would be alarmed at what they found if they did.
Many words you use regularly don't mean what you think they do at all. You never bother to look up a words definition because the people you respected provided you with real life examples of what the word meant and you attached the label without any 'context'. It is why most of you don't understand that dumb and stupid are two different things.
Much of the anger and division we encounter in our increasingly turbulent society is due to 'ignorance' coupled with stupidity, thinking we 'know' a thing when we really don't have a clue.
The feckless honestly believe we are just like they are only dumber but that isn't 'true' either so who is the 'dummy' now? [Dumb is ignorance, plain and simple, stupid is pretending you aren't ignorant.]
Push come to shove all humanity needs to step up it's game regarding VOCABULARY!
Not to paint with too broad a brush but given the 'reverence' the people trying to sell YOU shit give it you'd think the textbook definition of Marriage was handed down directly from the angels, quoting God.
Has any female ever read the textbook definition?
Worlds apart and the equally as 'ignorant' guys don't have a clue until they are sitting across from their wives lawyers being read the terms of the divorce since, first and foremost, 'marriage' is a CONTRACT!
Being married 'in the eyes of God' is all fine and well, it even conveys 'society's blessing' but that is only until it comes time to divide the 'assets', then God has ZERO to do with it.
Now society demands the parent(s) step up and take responsibility for the children born into the 'union'.
Would ANYBODY be married having read that definition FIRST?
Nope, because it is here we encounter the title term and you'd have to be all that and a bag of chips to commit your future to that merciless meat grinder.
Bizarrely it is this variety of 'ignorance' that is driving the deep social schisms that are tearing civilization apart.
You think you are buying into one thing and it turns out to be another proposition altogether!
Men think they are getting 'love, honor and obey' when the textbook definition includes NONE of those words.
From google, here is the current definition of Crazy within its two contexts: adverb NORTH AMERICAN
"I've been crazy busy"
a mentally deranged person.
Wait, it gets worse. If we substitute 'insane' for mentally deranged we arrive at this definition:
adjective: insane a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.
"he had gone insane" synonyms: mentally ill, severely mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable, psychotic, schizophrenic; More
Wait! We're not done because in the end what is crazy must be compared to 'normal' :adjective 1.conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
synonyms: usual, standard, typical, stock, common, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted, everyday, regular, routine, day-to-day, daily, established, settled, set, fixed, traditional, quotidian, prevailing More.
Between the lines here is the disturbing fact that normal is 'relative' just like truth and justice. It relies upon the general agreement of the majority of the population, that, whatever it is, is 'normal'.
Don't need to remind anyone that as a society we can barely agree on day and night let alone anything more 'nuanced'.
So what is this thing they tell us is 'normal' and how do we know?
Crazy yet?
Until next time, Head.
We are 'neck deep in stupid'.
Don't need to remind anyone that as a society we can barely agree on day and night let alone anything more 'nuanced'.
ReplyDeleteMuch of the anger and division we encounter in our increasingly turbulent society is due to 'ignorance' coupled with stupidity, thinking we 'know' a thing when we really don't have a clue.
ReplyDeleteMany words you use regularly don't mean what you think they do at all. You never bother to look up a words definition because the people you respected provided you with real life examples of what the word meant and you attached the label without any 'context'. It is why most of you don't understand that dumb and stupid are two different things.