Sunday, July 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, there are some things money can't buy and quality is one of them. A scan of today's headlines display Quality issues pretty much across the board.

Everywhere you look there is 'junk' passing itself off as top shelf...[I'm looking at you Orangutan Boy.]

Expose the problem and nothing gets done about it, which points to yet another issue with Humanity's Q.C. dept. that has been 'bought' by people who don't give a f...

The 'Search for Excellence' [remember that? It's the 'fig leaf' they tried to cover the global race to the bottom with!] has resulted in 'standards' you wouldn't let a pig wallow in.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that the planet's political standards have suffered the most, starting with the 'Rushification' of the planet's mouth-breathers. There's a symbiotic relationship that should have cost capitalist broadcasters planetwide their licenses instead of the 'free lunch' it was dressed up as.

How many of you caught the 'riot gear' the Russian police were sporting in today's headlines? Somebody appears to be 'anticipating' trouble.

Rhetorical question, good citizen, if 'preserving the peace' means heavy duty body armor for the 'Palace Guard' isn't that an indicator the political process is in the 'wrong hands'?

The collective 'we' have been listening to 'you will do it and like it' for so long it appears we have become a species whose dominant trait is cowardice because the automatic response to do it and like it is.... NO!

I once again ask you to look around the world and see that the nations [all run by oligarchs] have armed and armored their police forces for rampant rioting. [The ones that can't afford expensive body armor cut to the chase and arm their police forces with automatic weapons...]

I know you don't think much but there is a message here if you aren't totally dumb.

Either the oligarchs are 'nervous' or they plan to so something that people around the world are going to be mighty upset about and apparently they chose the 'beat them into submission' option over 'let me explain' [usually because there isn't a way to phrase it without giving oneself a black eye.]

Or it is 'conditioned reflex', royals have always favored overwhelming force to justify freakishly selfish behavior they didn't feel the need to explain to anyone.

Don't look now dummy but YOU are standing in the middle of a crossfire that is going to burn this shitshow to the ground.

The plan is to hole up in their fortresses while sending captive commoners out into the countryside to spread infectious diseases. In the beginning it will be smallpox and typhoid which will send a certain percentage to the fortress seeking medical attention.

I'll stop there to let you fill in the rest because nothing goes 'as planned' and stupid isn't restricted to just one side of the equation...

We can save ourselves but it is going to be one tough slog, largely due to the persistent believe in that ancient chimera, 'common sense'.

Would that it were!

Until next time, Head.



  1. I know you don't think much but there is a message here if you aren't totally dumb.

  2. How many of you caught the 'riot gear' the Russian police were sporting in today's headlines? Somebody appears to be 'anticipating' trouble.

    Rhetorical question, good citizen, if 'preserving the peace' means heavy duty body armor for the 'Palace Guard' isn't that an indicator the political process is in the 'wrong hands'?

  3. The 'Search for Excellence' [remember that? It's the 'fig leaf' they tried to cover the global race to the bottom with!] has resulted in 'standards' you wouldn't let a pig wallow in.

    Since then they have asked us repeatedly 'what are YOU gonna do about it?

    We're waiting....


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...