Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, if one needs further proof that the people in charge of society are unfit for their jobs the current 'space race' is all one needs.

Our decided lack of unity is the primary piece of evidence and the global hijacking of the political process is the secondary piece of the puzzle. Most people think the 'leader of the free world' is a nitwit but the decidedly rigged electoral process globally [thanks oligarchs!] has made this crisis worldwide in nature.

Notice the 'pattern'? A semi-public figure who most people disregard as a joke starts babbling what could best be described as 'patriotic nonsense' and suddenly they win office...somehow.

It is that 'somehow' that concerns pretty much everyone [except the criminals themselves of course.]

With both China and India making it a priority to conquer the moon, suddenly the US has renewed interest in using the Moon as a staging area for colonizing Mars.

What happens when non-aligned political partisans gain the high ground on their opponents? They drop stuff on them, not by accident but because they can. [Naturally, they will claim it was an accident but everybody knows it was accidentally on purpose.]

Seems our former competitors are the only ones uninterested in securing a 'moon base' for 'research'. Were they ahead of us then and are they ahead of us now? [Near space offers zero opportunity, we NEED other earth-like worlds, everything else is a waste of time and effort...and the oligarch community knows that.

THEY went to the Moon to prove they could, found pretty much what they expected to find and left it in the rearview mirror.

The Chinese and the Indians are racing one another to the Moon and the US is returning to protect its 'squat' with their I was here first claim, not that anybody cares, you can only claim what you can protect. If an overwhelming force turns up on the Moon and you have no way to fight them off on Earth, that patch of dust is THEIRS no matter who you 'protest' to.

So the US is going to build a base despite earlier agreements the the moon would not be 'militarized'.

Naturally, the weapons will be called 'defensive' but who do they think they are fooling? Just like the nukes in Israel, they fool nobody and are the ONLY reason Israel is still here.

Yeah, our Christian leaders don't like to advertise this act of nuclear brinksmanship because it makes Murika a 'bad actor' to the rest of the world but so long as God forgives them, fuck what anyone else thinks.

Yet this is the root cause of all war because they may not do it much but the rest of the world does indeed have an opinion and it is damn near impossible to alter an opinion by force. Wars are fought to KILL opinions the aggrieved disagree with, talk about psycho!

But what do you want from a planet of psychopaths?

Not that is has to be this way. We know opinions are like assholes so we refrain from taking offense to every imagined slight because the job of survival demands cooperation over competition and deadly conflict.

Then there are those who think the conflicts are 'liberating' as well as 'useful' in keeping the herd culled.

Why hasn't the global war on terror ended? Because there are still Muslims walking around out there.

Bad seed, not bad humans.

If we are to free ourselves from the destructive path the psychopaths who lead us have laid out for us, we must put a stop to the falsehoods they teach that cast the other as the cause of our collective troubles.

It's the psychopaths fault and we all know it...It all starts when you wrap yourself in a piece of colored cloth and pretend that the cloth represents 'the good' when it is just a piece of cloth and you wouldn't know 'good' if it was pulling you out of a meat grinder!

Since the collective [and very much 'un-united] 'we' can't get along here on our 'one and only' home, we have zero business being in space and dragging our psychopathic hostilities along behind us.

Like Star Wars...

That shit needs to die if we are ever to venture into space and not invite the destruction of our species as a consequence.

The prime directive should read "Leave your shit at home" Your hostilities don't must not follow you into space. Once you leave Earth all you have is each other.

[That said, there is still a high likelihood that we will not find space not under Imperial control in the foreseeable future.] Worse, the 'politics' of the Empire will remain unknown to us until we are re-united with those who abandoned us.

Let me remind you once again that both good and bad are 'relative' terms...

Space, it's not for babies.

Thanks once again for opening your mind, Head.



  1. Bad seed, not bad humans.

    If we are to free ourselves from the destructive path the psychopaths who lead us have laid out for us, we must put a stop to the falsehoods they teach that cast the other as the cause of our collective troubles.

    You are literally taught hatred to prevent you from focusing on the real reason for your oppression, the people who taught you to hate!

  2. There isn't a cigarette paper's worth of difference between love, like and meh...

  3. Notice the 'pattern'? A semi-public figure who most people disregard as a joke starts babbling what could best be described as 'patriotic nonsense' and suddenly they win office...somehow.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...