Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the truth unfolds and criminal-in-chief, true to form, starts his 'denial dance' will our oligarch overlords remove the the insane POTUS from the stage THEY GAVE HIM or will they watch, bemused, as the Kabuki dance of 'will to power' [I AM the LAW] unfolds before the public's astonished eyes.

The 'Pretense' of elected government (that only serves the self-serving) is being handled with increasing 'ham handedness' and zero regard for subtlety but there isn't anything [short of revolt] you can do about it anyway.

Why don't you revolt? You are NOT 'smart enough'.

You have been taught to believe a revolt involves guns and battles with 'loyalists' and bloody struggle when the 'true revolt' starts when you decide to do NOTHING until circumstances change!

All you have to do is sit on your backside and do nothing [preferably while drawing a paycheck but failing that volunteering at a soup kitchen will do.]

STOP EVERYTHING and the revolution has begun!

DON'T FIGHT, but be damn sure you don't do anything else either.

The technique is called passive resistance and our puppet masters CAN'T combat it, short of enslaving everyone...and that ain't gonna end well regardless.

Naturally, defend yourself if the flag waving morons attack you but don't go looking for confrontation. Morons are easily backed down with defiance and reminders of who they are going to have to live with once the shit is over.

The feckless don't live among us for good reason, they can't risk it.

Ponder that for a moment, even the 'superficially rich' are removed from the general population because they fear the public's reaction to their 'conspicuous consumption'.

[They are convinced to move into gated communities by the threat that the destitute will make excuses to bring lawsuits against them.]

'Birds of a feather' in the worst possible context.

If you are sick and tired of being held hostage to a pension they were going to steal from you all along it's time to park your ass until you get what is 'rightfully yours' without the QE 2's mooring line attached to it!

Close the banks, shutter Wall Street (investment is all a hoax anyway) and cashier all the Insurance companies, then send the judges packing along with their 'wannabes' the lawyers because the 'LAW' belongs to those who agree to live under it...and if you think you are above the law we have a place where you can live any way you like with everything you were born with and nothing else.

Don't need people and their rules? You will learn quick how valuable, nay, precious society is.

Rule number 1? The world is NOT 'your' oyster, it belongs to ALL of us, EQUALLY!

You are NOT going to carve yourself off a piece and mold it to your liking because it belongs to ALL of us! Do what you like with your life but don't fuck up anyone else's!

Uncommon sense I know but look at the shitshow ownership has created!

Billions living in destitution because 'a few' have rewarded themselves far beyond their worth...and NOBODY will stop them.

Think it's time to sit on it until the few realize we aren't going to take it anymore?

Step lively now, the boss is looking for you...

I can lead you to water but it is up to YOU to make it happen.

Until next time, Head.



  1. Why don't you revolt? You are NOT 'smart enough'.

  2. DON'T FIGHT, but be damn sure you don't do anything else either.

  3. The feckless don't live among us for good reason, they can't risk it.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...