Monday, July 1, 2019


Greetings good citizen, recent comments by so-called 'world leaders' have shifted the focus of the global refugee crisis that is the 'collapse of capitalism' [the cupboard is bare] from one of concern for our fellow humans to one of I've got mine, buzz off and find 'someone else' to help you.

With the population clock perilously close to 8 billion (weren't we six billion twenty years ago?) do you really want to get into a 'food fight' now?

Because that is where this is going...if the feckless don't decide the surplus population is to dangerous to let live and for 'humanitarian purposes' they will launch nuclear attacks to cut them down to size.

It was either them or us and it wasn't going to be 'us'...[not now, not ever.]

Bad news good citizen, like the preamble of the Declaration, YOU ARE NOT INCLUDED in any statement starting with We the People...

They are the People, you are the hired help, completely subservient and EXPENDABLE.

This is also the 'mindset' behind the media promoted patriotic tribalism, them Tarzan, you cannon fodder!

They beat their chest, you DIE. {And still a large percentage fail to get the point but there is no accounting for stupid, which is a choice and not a condition.}

When compassion ends so does civilization. It is here that personal philosophy is challenged, where is the line between tribe and humanity?

Isn't 'the other' just like you?

Apparently not and it doesn't have to be a real quibble to set humans apart. Whoever rallies to your 'flag' is your ally and in this fight for survival this is wronger than wrong because we are all human, don't make a damn bit of difference what is in their minds because that is what they needed to do to get along with the freak-shows that ran the place they were born.

See the problem with 'flags'? Why do you suppose pussygrabber makes it a point to hump the damn thing in public?

Flags create divisions that DON'T EXIST! [Yet like pavlov's dogs we have been trained to attack flags that aren't ours as a matter of 'self-preservation' and 'team pride'.

People who put their flag before their humanity aren't human at all and forfeit their membership is society.

Society/civilization is a decidedly human venture that exists apart from flags or tribes for that matter.

The tribes and the flags are the exclusive domain of those who would exploit you for their own personal benefit.

Remember, members of my tribe won't starve (or at least that's what they tell you, they don't know that for a fact because the food you gathered is for them first, if there is any left over [and you've got enough moola] they MIGHT let you buy some.)

Tribalism is about ME first then it is about 'us' with a little 'u' because it's doesn't include people I don't like and that is a long list, just so you know where the 'patriotic tribalist' is coming from.

Still here? Good on you! Most twinks tuned out when I started ripping apart their reason for existing, to defend their flag!

Think we got us an 'identity crisis' here, Head? Just something to ponder.



  1. The tribes and the flags are the exclusive domain of those who would exploit you for their own personal benefit.

    What can you believe from people that grant 'honorary whiteness' to the leaders of non-white nations?

  2. Can't help myself, my mind is screaming 'how dumb are you?' or, more succinctly, what's the difference between a patriot and a moron?

  3. Bad news good citizen, like the preamble of the Declaration, YOU ARE NOT INCLUDED in any statement starting with We the People...

    They are the People, you are the hired help, completely subservient and EXPENDABLE.

    Disagree? Is America GREAT yet?

  4. People who put their flag before their humanity aren't human at all and forfeit their membership is society.

    That goes double for the flaghumper in chief...

  5. When compassion ends so does civilization. It is here that personal philosophy is challenged, where is the line between tribe and humanity?

  6. With the population clock perilously close to 8 billion (weren't we six billion twenty years ago?) do you really want to get into a 'food fight' now?

    Don't say anything but it looks like somebody is getting nervous.

  7. Bad news good citizen, like the preamble of the Declaration, YOU ARE NOT INCLUDED in any statement starting with We the People...

  8. This is also the 'mindset' behind the media promoted patriotic tribalism, them Tarzan, you cannon fodder!

    They beat their chest, you DIE. {And still a large percentage fail to get the point but there is no accounting for stupid, which is a choice and not a condition.}

  9. People who put their flag before their humanity aren't human at all and forfeit their membership is society.

    Thanks 'wanderer' for dredging this relic back up when we need to re-examine the motives of those who would waste us than look, much less share with us.

  10. Still here? Good on you! Most twinks tuned out when I started ripping apart their reason for existing, to defend their flag!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...