Monday, July 29, 2019

Help Wanted

Greetings good citizen, they have been talking up the economy for so long no one alive remembers the prosperity that followed post world two when THE REST OF THE PLANET was a bombed out shell.

Today's headlines tell us the inevitable is about to occur again but the part that has most people who don't live in the fantasyland created by the media baffled is how the hell the longest economic expansion in history missed 99% of us entirely? [is somebody lying? Are you smart enough to tell?]

My entire adult life has been an exercise in belt-tightening. Would that it were my physical self was as skinny as my financial self.

Capitalism is the road to financial security for the oligarchs and NO ONE ELSE. That is why 'the rich' are so few. Worse, as the population grows the number of people required to keep the self serving in a lifestyle they have become accustomed to rises exponentially while automation and efficiency reduces the point all investment has stopped.

Save one.

Which leads us to today's title.

The armed thugs are hiring for their anticipated 'grand blow out, end of civilization extravaganza.'

Killers wanted.

Pay commensurate with experience. No experience, no problem we will train you!

We are offering free room & board, free clothing, laundry and *free medical. Job requires that you live on premises and be on duty 24/7 because the people you will be 'serving' demand excellence.

Must have successfully completed High School, 'freethinkers' need not apply!

All serious inquires answered, EOE

*must be able to pass a standard drug screen as we only give orders once. You may also become the subject of behavioral modification experiments as OBEDIENCE is they KEY to your success! .

Remove the must live on premise clause and you have the ad for 'law enforcement' who have kicked up the 'obedience requirement' to College degree req'd. Free thinkers are our most frequent target!

If you did neither, [graduate high school or college] you are already more than a little worried because the nightmare you wake up to on a daily basis is brought to you by the college educated MORONS who have never been troubled by an 'original thought'. People who regularly shit themselves because it doesn't occur to them to use the toilet without being told to.

Both institutions exist to promote obedience, not excellence. Why do you suppose the world is a gigantic cesspool that everybody in authority ignores?

Because school teaches you to NOT THINK. It teaches you to obey.

Don't marvel that we are neck deep in stupid, there is a reason for it and that reason is 'unthinking'. You weren't taught to think, you were taught to A.) listen and B.) OBEY.

That's what your High School diploma proves. That you weren't smart enough to escape the mental enslavement that is 'formalized education'.

[Sidebar] Not everyone who graduated either is an unthinking robot...but you did learn to play the game without drawing attention to yourself. Some of you found out 'the hard way' why certain managers are fond of parroting the line, 'I don't pay you to think' because initiative is seen as a threat.

Problem with such a rebuke is they are now 'watching you' as a potential source of future trouble.

Thinking is bad and questions are worse.

They can't afford people who think for themselves that's why the system is stacked against them.

The system exists to enforce 'comply or die'.

Don't blow a fuse trying to parse that, if you've got more than one neuron in contact with another one you already know it's true.

Mother's don't let your babies be soldiers (or cops!)

Until next time, Head.



  1. That's what your High School diploma proves. That you weren't smart enough to escape the mental enslavement that is 'formalized education'.

  2. they have been talking up the economy for so long no one alive remembers the prosperity that followed post world two when THE REST OF THE PLANET was a bombed out shell.

  3. Killers wanted.

    Pay commensurate with experience. No experience, no problem we will train you!

    We are offering free room & board, free clothing, laundry and *free medical. Job requires that you live on premises and be on duty 24/7 because the people you will be 'serving' demand excellence.

    Must have successfully completed High School, 'freethinkers' need not apply!

  4. Killers wanted.

    Pay commensurate with experience. No experience, no problem we will train you!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...