Saturday, July 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, how difficult would it be to sell YOU 'freedom'? Not just the idea but the genuine article.

Adding to the depth of this puzzle is the notion (and it's only a notion) that you are already 'free' and doing, er, 'well' or as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.

A good salesman could sell refrigerators to Eskimos [not having to thaw EVERYTHING is a convenience most of us fail to consider or appreciate.]

Revolutionaires pedal 'freedom' even if they can't successfully convey what they are vending.

A certain percentage of readers are already sold because they realize they are only free to go to work and (if they are lucky) get paid enough to stay alive until tomorrow.

The only way you are 'free' is because they haven't made you live in a cage [yet.]

So that 'prospect' is interested in hearing about my 'product' which will indeed eliminate the people whose job it is the put people in cages!

Don't worry, we are going to 'fix' the people who keep finding themselves in cages too by taking away their poverty AND their destitution! Hey, did you just perk up or are you thinking bullshit, he can't do that.

Don't underestimate me, knowledge is a powerful weapon.

Flip that rock over and you don't even know how ignorant you are or how big a chump you've been played for...and I'm gonna fix THAT too!

Now the guy that lives in a cardboard box is shaking his head in disappointment, it's another scam.

Don't touch that dial, there's more!

Well, just lost half of them because they don't want to hear that they have been living a lie.

What about you chum, still interested?

Ouch! There was no need for that, a simple f-off would do.

Now you're gonna hear it anyway because I'm just as big a prick as any of you!

Let's return to the rat without a cage, doing its level best not to draw unwanted attention to itself, mostly because the legal community can find something offensive in a free lunch...and put the boots to you for accepting it...or refusing it because 'The Law' belongs to them, not you.

To 'liberate' you from injustice we would put an end to rule by the 'unjust', top to bottom. The Fire department can stay but the cops need to make a neat pile of their guns on one table and their badges and uniforms on the other...and report to the employment office first thing on monday...where they will be handed a broom to see if they are as good at keeping the town clean as they bragged.

Hey, it's a paycheck, okay?

The guys & gals guarding prisoners get to keep their jobs until the 'dangerous' criminals are sorted from the desperate. the people who put them behind bars will be falling in line with the ones deemed ineligible to return to civil society.

So there is your first taste of 'freedom', there is no longer anyone waiting to slap a fine on you for some bullshit violation of a code intended to milk you for everything you are worth.

There is also nobody coming to haul you off to the pokey if you backhand the bitch for burning dinner (again.) Freedom ain't free and a word to the wise here. A.) shit happens. B.) treat others as you would have them treat you or be damn sure you know where all of the knives are or you might be the one that doesn't see the sun rise tomorrow.

Knowing no one is coming to 'intervene' does strange things to people, you'll play nice or walk the f away while you still can.

[That whole arrangement is scheduled for an overhaul too but that's for later. Freedom first.]

ALL Judges and a good number of attorneys will be joining the exile que but not all. EVERYONE connected to the corrupt 'law enforcement' system will be evaluated and if there is ANY questionable activity, they WILL be exiled for their crimes.

Much of what you were told was your job actually qualify as 'crimes against humanity'.

You valued your job ahead of your humanity and now it will be time to pay the piper. [Both the judge and the mayor were summarily exiled for FAILING to protect the innocent. We should treat you differently?]

So we, er, banish the oligarchs oppressive institutions and replace them with just and equitable systems that are accountable and whose leadership is accountable to the public.

That's half of the freedom proposition, the other half comes from the Human Anti-exploitation law and the prohibition against ownership that is the primary tool used to exploit the majority.

Nobody 'owns' anything because we all need to share what there is, 'equitably'. Can't do that with someone irrationally screaming 'it's mine and you have to pay me for it!

In LOCKSTEP with the prohibition against ownership [it will be replaced with registered usership that carries a degree of liability for what you are given custody of.] It also protects your right to privacy from the ignorant who think if you don't own a thing then anyone can just take it.

NO ONE will take what isn't assigned to them because that is an exile offense and nobody even wants to stand trial for such a thing nevermind be convicted and face the death sentence that is exile.

Standing trial for exile, regardless of why remains on your record...just in case you harbor any fear that your freedom is going to cost you 'too much'.

Um, the next thing to do is outlaw cash and flush the banks and the insurance companies down the toilet because neither one has a legitimate reason for existing.

ALL MONEY IS 'FUNNY' and not 'ha-ha' funny but fake funny. [Certain degree of irony that you have been getting mugged 'for nothing' by people too dumb to know better. The 'rich' howl with laughter whenever the learn of 'fake thefts'...

That's right. You have been the victim of the greatest swindle that has lasted for centuries...because the people who ran the justice system kept it like that, talk about crimes against humanity!

ALL CRIME IS CASH AND CARRY so they made sure you had cash? What is wrong with these morons? (Don't hurt yourself with the pointy end of that...)

Nobody owns your employer...and technically never did. You do what you do because it needs doing.

Most of you never thought much about how the world is brought to your doorstep by the dedicated souls who got their backsides out of bed and did what THEY WERE PAID TO DO [unaware they were being paid in PAPER!]

It is how 'the rich' got that way. They simply traded paper for whatever they wanted and everybody [except the destitute] was, er, 'happy'.

What you really were was swindled! You traded your children's future for a relatively tiny pile of paper.

Stop and savor that for a moment, this is what dumb feels like.

Bad news, it won't stop until YOU put a stop to it. [Hint: start with the politician and be ready to take out the armed thugs pretending to be law enforcement officers that` show up to 'protect' them. They are criminals too and the ones primarily responsible for this shitshow in the first place.

Perhaps the brotherhood of the badge would like to stand up and take a bow for their part in the greatest swindle this side of yeah, it's not the only time YOU have been played for a CHUMP!

How foolish of the oligarchs to make their patsies live among us?

It's a mistake that is going to cost them.

So yeah, if you want your freedom, there is a payment that needs making.

Only the wise will be stripping off their uniforms, hiding their sidearms and planning to exit the country at the earliest opportunity...the only ones that will make it will take just the clothes on their backs and a new identity in their hip pocket.

Not the first time the swindle has been exposed but the public's tolerance for it is wearing thinner by the moment.

Tick-tock, you can run but you can't hide. Enjoy your 'freedom' while it lasts because there is a reckoning awaiting when you encounter anyone who knew you when.

Sorry everyone but I had to include that extra drop of venom for those who lived by the sword and thought they'd get away with it.

Until next time, Head.


Freedom for all! Any takers?


  1. A certain percentage of readers are already sold because they realize they are only free to go to work and (if they are lucky) get paid enough to stay alive until tomorrow.

  2. Some posts were meant to go viral and this is one of them.

  3. Knowing no one is coming to 'intervene' does strange things to people, you'll play nice or walk the f away while you still can.

  4. Now the guy that lives in a cardboard box is shaking his head in disappointment, it's another scam.

    Don't touch that dial, there's more!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...