Monday, July 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today we explore the other term for 'change' we are taught is necessary for survival and that is the ability to 'evolve'.

As capitalists eliminate entire industries from the landscape, invoking the necessity to evolve (while lying about all the jobs this process would create) [Remember, stupid is believing your own lies.]

Remember, if you can't afford the 'alternatives' capitalism, er, 'presents' then it is not their problem, it is YOURS.

One suspects the growing unease with off the leash 'profit maximization' is the realization that once the 'capitalists' purchased the justice system there was nobody to stop them from pushing the economy into a permanent hole where only the 'precious few' prosper at the expense of the survivors.

[Trouble with the 'Rabble Game' is the bar keeps inching upwards until the wannabes are up to their ass in alligators, it is only then that they realize they have been played for fools by people who only care about themselves.]

Sometimes you can 'jumpstart' the evolutionary process by pointing this out but most times it falls on deaf ears.

While you were laughing at the Electoral Abomination known as Pussygrabber, all of the gates/escape routes have quietly been locked...for YOUR safety, of course.

Understand, sustainability means different things to different individuals and Pussygrabber means every word of his hate speech because he is NOT 'one of us' [who among your 'friends' makes you wear booties so you won't scratch their marble floors?] Socially speaking the banishment of high heels from hardwood flooring is only a recent development, people value their friends more than their replaceable possessions...and I have been quite clear on how I feel about 'possessions' [nobody owns ANYTHING! we are just users, and the capitalist turns that into an insult!]

Next thing you know the psychos are parsing your 'desire' to keep breathing from your 'need' to continue doing's fucking autonomic you moron! you do it unconsciously UNTIL YOU CAN'T, which has zero to do with what you WANT.

Did I mention our 'owner class' is a bunch of class 'A' sickos? [Did I need to?]

This whole shitshow is being driven by 'ownership' and will continue until one seriously sick individual destroys it all because they can't have it all to themselves.

That's ownership baby, warts, wrinkles and all!

So if we 'evolve' to survive, how many of you think [I should probably stop there because the answer is 'not too many', right?] it is time we abandon the ownership model for a designated user model?

We will NOT enjoy the 'universal prosperity' capitalism [you want to say 'promises' but capitalism only 'implies'] we will EVENTUALLY achieve.

Abandon the ownership model and prosperity starts TOMORROW, your 'share' is waiting for you!

Viva Evolution!

Until next time, Head.


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