Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen as the media circus of lies and misinformation descends to the level of Anime [with its focus on drama over substance,] at least some of us question the 'validity' of those pretending to act in the 'best interests' of our species...using themselves as the 'baseline'.

How many of you became billionaires on Trump's watch? [because that was 'the plan' right? Suck up to Donny and he's make you rich like him to demonstrate he was indeed making Murika 'Great' again one, er, 'success story' at a time.]

Must be thousands of 'em by now (or is poor Kylie Jenner all alone?)

Reasonably certain Trump had nothing to do K.J.'s success, she was well on her way long before the self serving attention whore was dumped in the White House to continue to tear down the last vestiges of small 'd' democracy.

Zero irony Trump IS everything little 'd' democracy set out to prevent.

Because they are our masters it must amuse them to have the caricature that exemplifies the worst aspects of oligarchy trashing the world stage for all to see.

Trump isn't here to 'save' us, quite the opposite. [What do you want from a guy that needs to look up what FDR represents to the public because he is NONE of those things...although it might amuse the oligarchs to tease the rabble and make him a 3 termer just because they can.]

It is already clear that Trump will get a second term because the 'faux opposition' has nothing, none of them are offering 'real change', just as the prior election was about not being Hillary [and whose jodhpurs better filled out the Commander-in-chief britches.]

Nothing like an exaggerated ass to make one appear 'more presidential'.

Surprised numbnuts hasn't incorporated them into his carefully crafted look. Mental image alert, now imagine that oversized ass humping Old Glory!

We'd all wet ourselves we'd be laughing so hard!

Not that his current image isn't cause for considerable mirth! Not a particularly funny man but you can't take funny looking away from him!

Alas, the time for merriment and savage amusement has come to an end.

We must stop following the clueless and concentrate on the many issues driving society to a pointless civil war, just so the well situated can watch the less fortunate kill one another off (so they don't have to do it themselves.)

Who 'wins' in a famine? The rich. The poor wipe themselves out fighting over the crumbs the rich threw out specifically for that purpose.

The 'rich' are not like you and me by any stretch of the imagination...most can't fathom just how 'different' they truly are.

Good news/Bad news. The rich will immediately cease to exist post A.S.P. [because EVERYBODY'S bank account will be ZEROED.] So we will be 'unable' to use the formerly wealthy's bank data to send them on the 'one-way naked nature walk' but if they fail to find employment before the deadline it is 'forward march' and some might think themselves clever by volunteering for Lord of the Flies Island [what part of 'desert' don't you get?] the 'privileged' are unlikely to embrace a life in cooperative society and they may even earn themselves a one-way ticket for sedition.

But I ask you, how successful will a campaign to return to paying for everything be against a society that provides you all of those things for FREE, thereby making YOU 'free'?

Don't be a chooch, Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register. Use your head for more than a hatrack!

Until next time, Head.



  1. How many of you became billionaires on Trump's watch? [because that was 'the plan' right? Suck up to Donny and he's make you rich like him to demonstrate he was indeed making Murika 'Great' again one, er, 'success story' at a time.]

  2. Nothing like an exaggerated ass to make one appear 'more presidential'.


  3. "We tried to warn you, with Occupy. We understood that people were sick of the political system, which is fundamentally corrupt. People want something radically different."


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...