Sunday, July 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while the subject is ever present in the news cycle and is never far from the paycheck to paycheck worker's mind. Most people curse their povertywhile convincing themselves there are many who are worse off than they are, all the while knowing they are one major catastrophe away from joining them.

That said, most of us don't give much thought to poverty and that is, er, disturbing.

Most don't care what causes poverty because 'conventional wisdom' says that poverty is a 'self-inflicted wound'...when increasingly it is not nor has it ever been [hows that for laughing in the face of conventional wisdom, which like it's cousin, common sense is a chimera, a false strawman.]

There is certainly plenty of money floating around...but most of it is in the hands of criminals who use cash to ply their trade [keeping the corrupt legal system greased and pliable.] The balance buys off the watchdog 4th Estate so it turns a blind eye to the degradation the criminal culture fosters to wallow in.

Yes good citizen, peel the scales from your eyes and take a good look at why the criminals prosper as the majority suffers. The feckless few have more than they can spend and demurely pretend they are 'good at business' when the true name of the game is stick 'em up. If you can't afford my price, sucks being you.

If you can't make it in the 'greatest country in the world' it's not America that is to blame but more that 50% of the population has all they can do keep their head above the artificially high poverty line.

The FACT that 50% of the population qualifies for some form of food aide is telling indeed and completely out of step with the evangelical/conservatism that refuses to condemn, nevermind curtail the corruption.

To 'love god' is to deny your humanity...which is treason.

God does not exist, it was fabricated by the feckless to blind you to their predation.

Manifest dynasty is completely based on 'god's will' when god is actually some guy named Fred who likes getting over on anyone dumb enough to listen to him.

The feckless know this but since Fred is on their payroll they let him do as he likes.

So, poverty in the land where those who own the land, rule the land. The only difference between you and the boss is the boss doesn't have to spend every penny he makes to keep his head above water.

The criminals pay you with one hand and take it back with the other, which is why THEY never run out of money [unless the run afoul of a banker...]

Rent, buy, it's all the same to the feckless. The price of 'property' is set so the average individual can't afford it without a bank loan, which means you aren't selling it to anyone who isn't going to the bank to hold the paper [because you don't want to 'tie your money up' when it could be 'working' for you.

People believe dumb things and those dumb things are taught to them by people we assume know what they are talking about.


These are the same people who pedal the difference between the Euro and the Dollar and the Yen...when the items purchased with those currencies are identical.

If you can't afford Bobo's prices, thank a bankster.

In banking you can buy 8 Chinese yuan for a dollar yet one Chinese yuan will buy four times what a US dollar will buy!

Who is screwing whom?

The bankster should be hung for their treachery but the criminal government protects him.

Millions living on the street because there are no jobs, again, the bankster is to blame because of one impossible yet widely, er, pedaled belief, the money can make money!

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing! Money IS nothing. The banking model is nonsense [yet the wealthiest people on the planet are banksters!]

There is poverty explained in a single sentence.

It is true because it is and not because I say so...and YOU know it.

Until we free our precious genitals from this bear trap the banksters have caught us in civilization cannot move beyond where it is now, which, simply put is thralldom to those who pretend they own the planet.

It is time to outlaw ownership. You don't need to 'own' anything, you just need the use of things while you are here.

If you don't see the truth in that statement then you are dumb beyond hope and have revoked your membership in human society.

Might be why you live like you don't need anybody or anything but your own rugged ass and that is your first mistake.

Your 'myopia' is complete and blinds you to the fact you are working against yourself when you should be helping your fellow humans bring the feckless to justice.

Poverty exists because the oligarchs abandoned Equality and without equality there can be no justice...and without justice there can be no (true) peace.

Poverty is the result of the 'I got mine, sucks being you' mindset that pervades the current operating system.

So when you are dreading your eventual encounter with poverty:personal just keep in mind why poverty exists in the first place and what is going to happen when the bottom drops out.

Don't listen to the mouth breathers, they don't have a clue and have been hoodwinked by the feckless and their lies. Same goes for the paid schills you see on network media. They don't get paid to report the truth.

Poverty ain't gonna get fixed until we fix it, then it will vanish virtually overnight and people will marvel over why it took so long.

In fact, that is something to ponder right this minute, got something 'better' to do? [Nope.]

Thanks for letting me inside your Head,



  1. Poverty ain't gonna get fixed until we fix it, then it will vanish virtually overnight and people will marvel over why it took so long.

  2. here is certainly plenty of money floating around...but most of it is in the hands of criminals who use cash to ply their trade [keeping the corrupt legal system greased and pliable.] The balance buys off the watchdog 4th Estate so it turns a blind eye to the degradation the criminal culture fosters to wallow in.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...