Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Midnight Special

Greetings constant reader, just as you have an insatiable appetite to read and expand your worldview, we authors suffer from itchy fingers. There are topics on our minds that we want to write about but it's not quite in step with what our audience expects from us [this post turned into exactly that, sorry] but we want to let it out into the open if only to get it where it can be seen and perhaps appreciated.

The funny thing about audiences is how two people can read the same piece and each will come away with a different take on what the writer is attempting to communicate. This is especially difficult for someone like myself who regards words as blunt axes only capable of conveying the broadest of notions. Perhaps the skill in writing comes from following the KISS rule but that leaves you hungry to express yourself more fully.

If there is one thing humans crave it is the desire to be understood. I suppose writers are the only ones foolish enough to actually try it. Writing instructors LOVE Hemingway..I'd rather read wallpaper, it is my opinion that Ernie's writing lacks depth. It is an emotionless description devoid of meaning. You may feel like you're there but his writing is devoid of warmth or depth.

Me, I can describe hell in exquisite detail but that's because we've all been there. The reader doesn't want you to tell them what they already know. They want a living breathing adventure and only the very best can deliver.

Poets use meter and rhyme to paint concepts the reader must be receptive to for them to be appreciated, bringing us full circle to my blunt ax analogy.

Depending on your perspective you find my work thought-provoking or 'whiny' but that's conditioning, we tend to be influenced heavily by our role models as we fashion our adult mindset...and we don't know what's correct, we just want to be accepted while we strive to be respected for our, er, refinement.

What am I attempting to cut here with these blunt axes?

I've been blogging for thirty years, partly to hone my skills as a writer but also to raise awareness that things aren't what they seem in the land of perpetual disappointment.

People like me make noise to raise awareness regarding needed corrections and to propose changes beneficial to society, a risky undertaking when the self-serving have decided we aren't capable of mustering enough unity to pull off a revolt.

If WE don't unify as a species we won't survive to see the end of the century. Most of you don't see it and the feckless aren't about to tell you, hey, we've got to start getting along and working on our sustainability.

Ain't gonna happen until things are too far gone to turn around.

That's why you have idiots like me on the 'front lines' of the battle to save humanity from the self-serving putzes trying to solve the problem by weaponizing viruses!

Some of you think I'm crazy to be worried about our lack of progress but if nobody does anything, nothing is going to get done.

Too many 'movements' with plenty of fire but no idea how to get a seat at the table. Worse, the bad guys have the Law on their side. Use our best weapon, people power and the shitheads show up with riot guns, tasers and pepper spray which they use indiscriminately.

Occupy SHOULD HAVE worked but it didn't have any LEVERAGE.

The law and this land belongs to those who rely on it, not for their wealth but for their SURVIVAL!

Please wake the fuck up.



Greetings headcount, as the New Normal begins we should examine our starting point before cabin fever wipes out even the memory of compassion.

Which is where we draw the first line in the sand...

Since Morning in America, the media has used Reagan's election as the jumping-off point in their ongoing campaign to divide the nation.

Reagan, more of a pitchman than an actor, had zero leadership skills. This suited his backers perfectly because all Ronnie had to do was stick to the script.

Don't be mistaken, the first time Reagan 'won' office it was a choice between a confident (albeit unqualified) carnival barker and a fumbling peanut farmer that somehow managed to become the head of the CIA before making his presidential bid. In a more disturbing pattern, W's father also sat in that seat.

[Since the military forms the backbone of the 'intelligence' community and Carter was an intelligence operative in the Navy, but the public doesn't remember this because it preceded his entry into public life. While people sometimes marvel at Bill Clintons popping up from behind a blade of grass and becoming president, Jimmy Carter was the original pop up out of nowhere and capturing national office almost inexplicably.

His near-magical appearance on the world stage to defeat Gerald Ford, the Stooge who pardoned Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew for their crimes against the nation was overshadowed by a nation rocked by scandal as the conservatives quietly consolidated their power behind the scenes.

What is it with Republicans and stupid? Now ask yourself HOW these morons kept winning elections...and the answer comes back treason! When you control the media, the President is whoever they tell you it is.

It has since come to light that the Iranians were paid to stonewall the Carter administration's efforts to free the hostages but the Iran Contra affair was ignored by those who decide what becomes 'news'. Oliver North, like John Hinckley, are both free men. Not that our modern audience remembers who either player was (again, thanks to an advertiser-supported media. Isn't capitalism GREAT?)

Understand, this is the same owner-controlled media that coined (and marketed) the phrase 'Democracy is messy' as cover for the stubbornly persistent 'justice deficit' that exists worldwide.

What is conservatism's hero best remembered for? Breaking the unions!

St. Ronnie should have been lynched on the White House lawn for TREASON! [But that's a personal opinion that most don't share.] Sadly, an unreliable media and a religion that won't tolerate not being able to dictate social norms were behind the hijacking of the political process.

Even the reasons the original revolution was fought have been swapped with lies as the Speakers for God attempt to weasel their way back into control. [What the 'devout' has done to the nation's educational system is a crime against humanity worthy of expulsion from society.]

Anyone else find it curious that you are expected to remember the sequence of wars fought and who fought who but with zero regards for WHY the conflict took place?

I haven't been to school in decades but as close as I can gather from my children, the 14 years long Vietnam conflict is barely a footnote in today's history books and there is no mention at all of Iran-Contra.

But I digress.

How can one learn the lessons of history if the feckless are permitted to edit history to their liking?

Is this what lies behind mankind's blood-drenched history? Who is with me in bringing back banishment as the penalty for being untrustworthy?

Civil society can't afford to extend membership to individuals that require constant monitoring. Never has and it never will. Your most precious asset will always be your reputation [Which is why the field of honor will also be welcomed back alongside exile/banishment.]

Sorry, can't seem to prevent myself from charging off the reservation but the old ways existed for reasons that haven't gone away. Society is meant to be self-policing.

I have a tendency to give history lessons when looking at the future because we seem unable to break with the past and repeating the same mistakes.

When I tell you we are returning to the Dark Ages you had best believe it's true...and that your ancestors would murder every one of you in your cribs if they saw what you have blinded yourselves to.

Naturally, some of you are dim enough to think the Dark ages were a time when the sun wasn't particularly bright, something they have in common with our hypothetical reference!

The 'watchword' of the Dark ages is 'heresy'. Dare to differ with handed down dogma and you were executed for being an 'agent of evil'.

Unthinkable in our modern technological era? [Cue the refrain, we have some live ones!]

It is not possible to 'police' the mind of the individual but it is possible to teach the individual boundaries as those who control the media have learned over the ages.

History teaches us that plagues are typically followed by famines although the famine in most places will be one of money as millions of jobs won't be brought back online quickly enough to save the people that are a single paycheck away from destitution.

The stage is being set for the streets to run with blood (right around the time of the election.)

How ironic the people behind predatory capitalism are the ones who will write history?

Until next time Head, don't take any wooden nickles.


Monday, March 30, 2020


Greetings Worm-bait, seems the flip-flopper in Chief has reversed course once again after being beaten mercilessly by the tiny fragment of the press that doesn't work as cheerleaders for movement conservatism.

Did the pundits finally realize that carrying water for a sleezebag could get them dead? Infectious disease is nothing to be trifled with.

Mass communication capability did nothing to head the virus off at the pass and the continued bumbling/massaging of the facts have left the public ignorant of the severity of the outbreak, which is slowly beginning to appear worse than initially reported.

Crisis management in an actual crisis takes a cool head and a practiced hand...and Pussygrabber the flag humper has neither despite being quite adept at CAUSING crises!

Who'd a thunk?

Are you still voting for Joe 'the empty suit', Blue Team? Same bootlicker as Pussygrabber, different label/brand.

Ya know what you find in the 'middle of the road' don't ya? Roadkill.

In the meantime, the morgues are filling up and our freshly minted 'Wartime President' (still) has no clue what to do, but that's the kind of 'non-leadership' conservatism produces. The Potus is trying to follow the lead of other conservative leaders who are following his lead so they are all sitting there with their thumbs up their backside hoping someone will take these hard decisions and make them go away [so they can later pretend that they solved the crisis, singlehandedly no less!]

Did I mention it is no longer safe to follow morons? The decision-making process needs to be restricted to people who can crack at least a hundred on a standard IQ test.

Do you suspect this is why so many people who have no idea what 'Middle Class' is self-identify as being Middle Class despite being nowhere even close? [We can thank 'Morning in America' and Hollywood for that as both movement conservatism and the film Rocky took a huge steaming dump on the Working Class when Apollo Creed chided his young fans to "Be a thinker, not a Stinker!" [Talk about cultural appropriation! The animals running the media have none of today's title topic.]

It is also the defining moment when Murika split into two warring camps. Suddenly people who had never thought for themselves ever were proudly making their own decisions (poorly) and declaring that they weren't 'stinkers'...[like they could tell.]

It is moments like this that enlighten you to the exercise in 'fake participation' the established electoral process actually is and how minimal our understanding of how the world works really is.

It's humbling. Speaking of which, I want to thank you not just for reading yesterday's post but liking it afterward! [You know who you are, (wink)] It is not often that I display my talent for fiction and the creative process I use.

I will close with a now time-worn admonition, NEVER 'what to think' but always 'something to think about!' It is, after all, YOUR head and I thank you sincerely for letting me inside it.


Sunday, March 29, 2020


Greetings Pone, gotta keep those hobby horses front of mind if we hope to make progress on the crisis facing our species....and no, it's worse than Corvid-19.

What's worse than a global pandemic (especially a highly politicized one?)

Divided we what? [Come on, you've got this!]

Yeah, it's the intentional divide of our species.

Humanity stands united is about as boldfaced a lie as claiming All MEN are created equal when there is zero evidence anyone outside Orwell's Animal Farm even pretends that is true.

There are more differences between the five races than can be accounted for using evolution unless we follow what the evidence suggests and that is we didn't evolve on the same planet and our species is BILLIONS of years old.

[The theme of my unpublished screenplay 'Space Cadet' is how humanity is so ancient and far-flung that humanity's clones can't find space that is not under Imperial control. Only a fool believes that our clones wouldn't crave humanity's basic instinct for Liberty but that's the same kind of fool that believes a clone would be 'their property'.]

A clone is a drone and a drone on the frontier is the Empire's first line of defense...which might account for why humans are so individualistic and WARLIKE! [Sort of counter-intuitive that we present a greater threat to ourselves than anything that might spring up from the unconquered/unknown part of the cosmos.]

That said it is undeniably clever. Not only are we ignorant of the origins of the Empire but we have been taught by those who marooned us here that THIS is our 'HOME'. [The greatest threat to a pan-galactic society would be from within! Especially considering the way 'the Royals' treat the rest of us.]

In yet another unacknowledged ceiling we are constantly bumping our heads on, who the f are our self-professed 'betters'. It's a fairly safe bet that those who call themselves Emperor are as close to immortal as is possible for an accident-prone species to achieve. Nobody here resembles that remark but who, once gifted with extended life, would risk losing it on the frontier?

That's why we are here, Clyde. Who keeps the drones in line? Likely they are clones of clones. Given the fake nature of money and the huge deception of precious metals, we remain easily subjugated. [Whosoever controls your money, controls YOU.]

The individuals claiming to lead us follow the instructions of those who don't live here nor do they care about conditions here. Once picked clean an outpost is expendable. We (at best) are a water depot and given how common hydrogen is even that isn't likely.

Now, what are 'they' going to do about a rebellion? I think we're living it right now. How pathetic is it they are so 'out of touch' their feeble attempt to pacify the planet is being shrugged off by an abandoned outpost that has survived previous attempts to eradicate us?

Much to consider if you let your imagination wander while you examine the jigsaw that makes up life on this lonely hunk of debris.

Clones, slaves or even POW's, it doesn't change a thing. Under it all, we are still, first and foremost, human.

Happy Sunday Head. Those of you who eschewed visiting Spirit in the Sky might want to reflect on what you find here for this is the path towards unity.


Saturday, March 28, 2020


Greetings peasant, apparently giving you a title (then sneering at it behind your back) did little to alleviate class prejudices. Humans are such accomplished liars that if we delved into the origins of the prefixes 'Mister' and 'Madam' we'd likely encounter a brick wall of half-truths intended to confound the researcher.

The only thing humans are better at than lying is obfuscation.

Well, those chickens have certainly come home to roost in the pandemic currently sweeping the planet. Every decision to hinder the progress of the disease was first filtered by its potential to impact 'profitability'.

Most of you don't think holistically (or rationally) for that matter. You know what you are told and you run with that for a long as it works.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that capitalism is shredding the fabric of society but my warning falls on deaf ears. You get your next paycheck [which most of you can't live on] and brush the facts aside. Your paycheck clears THEIR bank and, huzzah the system isn't broken after all! (What's Gegner smoking and why isn't he sharing it?)

The problem is I'm not the one being a Dope.

What follows is not so much a thought experiment as it is a reality check.

Congress just passed a multi-trillion dollar 'stimulus bill' to keep (predatory) capitalism afloat [by digging the hole deeper for YOU!]

As the crisis deepens and shortages of everything suddenly appear what good are the one time payments going to do you? Don't care? You will next year when you can't live on your paycheck and your employer stiffs you for a raise because of what they 'lost' during the epidemic. Prices will rise, wages won't and you (once again) will be forced to tighten your belt.

[How many times are the infamous THEY going to get away with this?]

Rhetorical question, the answer is they will keep doing it until YOU put a stop to it.

It is time to wipe the slate clean and re-balance the playing field to keep the planet 'viable', it isn't going to happen by 'accident'. Act or be acted upon!

Your 'friendly' media personality won't once point at capitalism and publicly opine, "Hey this was ALL mismanagement that could have been avoided!"

Nope, not if they want to see their next paycheck they won't.

All so 'a few' can be rich, not just to have more than you but to live like 'royalty'. Where do you suppose THAT comes from?

It won't stop until YOU stop it [alone you can't but TOGETHER it will be a cinch! (and woe unto any who try and stop you.)]

The planet and its current occupants won't survive 'Me First' much longer but the me first crowd doesn't care about that...and you should be very concerned because of what this implies.

EVERY meat-puppet politician is a Royal wannabe.

The non-existent 'we' have to stop them while 'we' still have a chance.

No 'we' leaves YOU on your own...but that isn't news, is it?

Strange that your primary function is soldier yet you are tired of fighting [and getting nothing for it.]

I want to take this opportunity to thank the regular people out there who never wore a uniform for their tireless service in making this world a better place to live. [How sad is it the ingrates think they did it all by themselves?]

Time is short, don't let them rob you of your chance.


Friday, March 27, 2020


Greetings captive, you are being subjected to some of the most severe psychological torture known to our kind...and I use the pronoun 'our' in the broadest possible context.

Adding to the anxiety level is how we are raised to think in terms of individuality. 'We' or 'us' only exists in a crisis...reality be damned. [Where have 'we' heard that before? Oh, that's right, it's part of the capitalist credo!]

What? Are you confused? Let me rewind a step and ask what part of 'reality is whatever we tell you it is.' don't you understand?

You share this planet with 8 billion others, a fact that is routinely ignored.

Headlines IMPLY that medical professionals are dropping like flies, which does nothing to bolster confidence that our 'f-u pay me' management system has the situation under control.

IF YOU can pay, you (might) be saved, if you can't, good luck.

Terrorism, like corruption, relies on individuality.

Constant reader knows I'm famous for belaboring the obvious but you don't suppose anyone has tumbled to the fact that our heavily politicized education system is woefully inadequate to the task of raising competent, aware members of TEAM humanity? [Why DOESN'T the comply or die education system center on the fact we must cooperate with one another if we are to stand the slightest chance of surviving? Don't suppose our educators are DUMB, do you?]

In a nation with 300 million working-aged adults, what are you supposed to make of 3 million new claims for unemployment?

Um, we hear that the nation's largest employers [the ride-sharing services] are both in denial that with the planet on lockdown most of it's 'members' have nothing to do. How can that be their problem? Working for either is a crapshoot at best. If the work is there then you get paid, no work isn't THEIR problem.

How many of you geniuses 'deduced' that since EVERYBODY is on lockdown the 3 million claim figure speaks to another problem entirely.

What problem is that? I don't pen these for Dummies. Did you arrive at the obvious yet? [Of course you didn't because you wouldn't recognize reality if it WAS biting you on the ass!] (Remember, reality is whatever we TELL YOU IT IS!)

The 'answer' (genius) is 'FAKE NEWS'.

Is the 3 million unemployed figure a lie or is it the booming economy there is absolutely zero evidence of a falsehood?

Perhaps (like victory in the Middle East) we should be asking ourselves what Great was supposed to look like?

How damning is it that most of you are panicked but for the WRONG reasons?

All I can do is point at the conundrums the liars create, it's up to YOU to do the heavy lifting.

Happy Friday, Head!


The first step in solving any crisis is admitting that a situation exists. [Followed by agreeing on the cause so a course of action can be laid.]

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Greetings Chicken Little, today's topic is intended to hit you right where you live, I'm still paying dearly for not standing up when I should have.

Life is faith, especially communal life. Without faith life is empty. How treacherous is it to teach that faith belongs to the 'supernatural' [because 'dog' ain't nuthin' if not 'unnatural'.] Without the imaginary ubermensch, all that's left is hope & faith in mankind.

Thanks to the feckless among us we 'hope' for the best while preparing for the worst...and if that's not a crime we aren't defining the concept right!

Gegner isn't known for his forbearance or his lofty opinion of humanity so once again I will reiterate that I don't pen these for the dumb who will 'never' get it. [Even never is optimistic!]

The cognizant know the knife's edge between courage and cowardice, better a live chicken than a dead moron but the feckless know this distinction too.

So we dance with each trying to push the other's buttons without setting off a bloodbath.

The adults know how to talk things out but the adults lost control of the situation when banishment was replaced by prison.

Ironic the 'What are you going to do about it' crowd removed the only effective deterrent to their anti-social mindset and replaced with cruel captivity...and death, don't forget the 'hooray for me and f-you' are all about capital punishment.

Under ASP prisons and the armed-thugs, both vanish and are replaced with the one-way naked nature walk. Don't want to obey the rules everyone else agrees to? Good luck making it on your own without ANY of the benefits of civil society, clothing being chief among them!

Before anyone panics, the proverbial 'bar' is set at the laws shall be few and easy to understand. No one will get exiled for worshiping the wrong dog or loving anything that isn't anyone's business.

The Human Anti-Exploitation law makes it illegal to profit off anyone else's sweat or to use the law to gain an advantage over anyone else. [Under this rubric the job of police person is illegal...and WILL be abolished.]

See, no bloodshed and society's problems solved in a few sentences.

What's standing between humanity and global prosperity?


Time to nut up people!


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Cognitive dissonance

Um, uncertain whether to Baa or Moo this morning's greeting so you can pick which one suits you and we'll just get on with it.

There is a phenomenon that affects herd animals where if the lead animals don't panic the rest just sort of go along and pretend to be calm. The TP hoarders are on high alert but the rest of us are ignoring a crisis that it is impossible to run away from.

Too bad you can't fix stupid.

Shouldn't do that because now you are confused as to who needs a good dope slap when it is still (obviously) the hoarders.

What about the rest of us? It is in our nature to conform to the behavior of the herd, it's what keeps us safe (at least instinctively.)

Zero irony that herd behavior is useless when the threat is biological.

So we wait, some of us patiently, for the cure to be developed while our leaders, panicked themselves, take action for the sake of not appearing clueless...(like Pussygrabber the flag humper.)

As we watch in horror the clueless leaders, rather than suspend capitalism, take the worst possible action and throw a feeding frenzy for the fucktards that already have with more money than they know what to do with. Will our fellow sheep/cattle show compassion and let the stimulus act as intended or will they behave like they have repeatedly in the past and raise prices so they can capture as much as they can, the 'herd' be damned?

Time once again for a history lesson. Only the greybeards remember how YOYO became the watchword of the Reagan years. Grandpa, who claims he voted for Reagan (because everybody else says they did) knows YOYO is short for 'You're On Your Own!

So when Pussygrabber 'proclaims' that he wants to 're-open' the economy in a few weeks, it's not public safety he has foremost on his mind, it's his electability.

Still conspicuously absent from the headlines ANYWHERE is how the current mortality rate differs from a 'normal' flu season.

If it is identical then this whole shitshow is a politicized media circus intended to remove organized opposition to the prevailing (and failing) socio-economic system, capitalism.

Under ASP NONE of this would be happening. Society pays you directly to do what needs doing and when disease threatens public safety the last problem anyone faces is the need to fight off the self-preservation nuts.

Does anyone else need 'unhealthy competition' spelled out for them? [The criminals won't stop until WE stop them, none of us can do it on our own! (obviously.)]

So their 'job' is to prevent you from uniting. [Again, for those of you slow on the uptake.]

We really have to start exploiting their need to sleep. The cognizant don't need that one parsed for them.

You have your instructions, give it hell!


Remember, you make your choices then you live with them. Don't act, the result remains the same.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Greetings fellow sexagenarians, took 'advantage' of my status as a senior this morning and went to the grocery store when it opened for the over Sixty crowd at 5:30 AM. Not only were they out of toilet paper by 5:35 but I stood in line for an hour waiting to check out.

Let me tell you right now, none of this ends well.

I'm not going to repeat the mistake of shopping exclusively with the most vulnerable segment of the population (except to hit and run before the official 5:30 AM opening to tap the scant supply of toilet paper before we personally run out.)

I'm not the only one that learned a hard lesson this morning. That said, the wife speculates that some of the crowding may have been driven by the looming shelter in place order effective at noon today.

Are there better options here?

Naturally, we shouldn't be experiencing shortages at all but capitalism encourages hoarding! If basics were rationed we could legitimately question shortages but this I got here first BS sucks, always has and always will.

Once again the helpless (and pretty much non-existent) 'we' run headfirst into the gross incompetence of the freakishly selfish.

Don't like how things work, tough! Don't bother complaining because freaks don't care. What do you think this is, a Democracy?

Is that what's got you down, Bunky?

Things aren't going to change until there is a 'WE' to change them.

The real dickslap here is the fact that we can no longer afford to be 'complacent'.

Remember; the agenda here is genocide and it is your continued membership in the future gene pool that is on the line.

If you don't start questioning the motives of those who claim to be protecting society you might find yourself marked for deletion. This Us vs. Them shit has already gone too far.

You can't win a war if you remain ignorant one exists...

Better wake up, Head while you still have an ass to save...


Monday, March 23, 2020


Greetings casualty/collateral damage, as today's title suggests this post is for the record books should anyone come looking to learn what happened to the hostile, ill-tempered race that once flourished (well, some of them did.) on this once verdant rock orbiting an insignificant star at the outer edge of the Milky Way.

As of this moment, the general public remains ignorant of the 'true source' of the virus sweeping the planet but there is a growing consensus, right, wrong or indifferent that CRISPR was involved somewhere along the line.

Let's state FOR THE RECORD that even if it is eventually learned that Corovid-19 was an 'oopsie' caused by some moron with more money than brains it doesn't alter the end result.

What will be learned from the gross incompetence that this outbreak has unmasked? Will CRISPR technology be seized and access to it be severely restricted in the future?

Again the 'problem' here is more money than brains, how do you 'fix' that? What constitutes a 'responsible parent'?

[No such thing as a responsible parent so the question is unanswerable.]

Again, these are the same IMBECILES in hot pursuit of AI that also want to colonize Mars as the solution to the over-population problem that is causing the social system to collapse.

Did I mention our leaders are IMBECILES?

Again, FOR THE RECORD the infamous THEY are proposing a multi-trillion-dollar bailout of predatory capitalism. This is like trying to extinguish a fire with gasoline!

The capitalists tried to bolster their failing system by inflating the Real Estate market but it caused inflation to go haywire and Hello Reagan administration. Once they seized the government [Morning in America] they proceeded to seize control of the financial system so when they tried to inflate the Real Estate markets again it caused massive 'deflation' resulting in money becoming totally disconnected from 'value', a phenomenon you are too dumb to comprehend until a wheelbarrow filled with cash isn't enough to buy water with.

These are the 'geniuses' you haven't lifted a finger to remove from power.

We go on 'lockdown' at noon tomorrow and make no mistake about it, this time it will be T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.

What comes out of what will eventually become a 'global lockdown' won't even remotely resemble what went in.

Now would be a prudent time to ask yourself if you are okay with being a 'slave' in exchange for the 'safety' of the human race?

How f'n DUMB are you?


PS. It's not 'your' safety they are interested in. They are using the crisis to ensure THEIR continued supremacy, if you starve to death in the process it's just 'collateral damage'.

Have I mentioned that our leaders are boot-licking empty suits? F'n tough thing to have to learn on your own.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Greetings headcount, as the f'n media writes Bernie's epitaph they are also preparing us for the bleak outlook left to us by the Service economy [better known as the dependent economy but that reality has 'bad optics'] where the further you are from the spigot, the less you are going to get/have to work with.

How did the 'Land of Opportunity' become the big empty? There is literally NOTHING here...but you are too, er, deluded to realize that, proud 'patriot' that you pretend to be.

We all WANT TO support the greatest nation on the planet but that claim is as empty as the heads that pretend it is true.

How many of you understand/appreciate that 'jaw-boning' is lying?

You know but what are you going to do? You are a 'captive audience' with a media that isn't constrained to report 'responsibly'.

Is money mismanaged? [Dumb question.]

Think the wish fairy will bring us a new, reliable social structure and implement it while we sleep?

Sadly the feckless are on the job and your 'new' social system will be a repeat of the Dark Ages when we played Comply or Die with Spirit in the Sky.

This is what the 'devout' are hoping you will forget after 300 years of pretending 'God is love.' God doesn't want your praise, God demands your OBEDIENCE!

Something the 'modern church' downplays.

Is anyone else wondering why the liars who will say anything for a paycheck aren't offering how this pandemic differs from a 'normal' flu season? [The true curse here is how they lie with numbers all the time (unemployment that excludes the 'not in the workforce' population.) worse, with the right 'spin' your perceptions are easily manipulated. In the end, it's all about 'compliance'.

Thousands dead but thousands dead is 'typical' during the outbreak of any flu season. WHERE ARE WE as compared to previous flu seasons? It seems nobody is interested in FACTS, they want you shitting your pants because YOU DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER!

This pandemic is economically devastating but SO IS CAPITALISM!

Any system totally reliant upon 'trust' is easily gamed.

Here reality meets 'what are YOU going to DO about it?'

Zero irony they already know what you will do, it's the same thing you always do.

What's the 'take away'?

As the media writes Bernie Sanders's epitaph, remember why things are the way they are, including this pandemic of stupendous proportions that has no facts to back it up.

Chant the refrain, good citizen to truly appreciate just what 'our betters' think of you.

How f'n dumb are you?

Later Head,


Saturday, March 21, 2020


Greetings luckless passerby, Had to perform the title function today so thus the lateness of the post, not than many of you missed it.

Again given the lateness of the hour, I'll keep today's missive brief. The Trumpster is claiming he's 'reluctant' to commandeer manufacturing capacity to produce needed medical supplies when the truth is there isn't any DOMESTIC manufacturing capacity to commandeer.

Starting from scratch (in some third world hell hole) will take months (at best) and cost a fortune but need is need and there are few things the feckless capitalist likes LOVES more than need!

So the truth is there isn't any 'manufacturing capacity' to commandeer and it is going to take a considerable while for someone to start from scratch. Considering there is already a formidable amount of foreign capacity dedicated to precisely what they will be making we can also be assured that 'quality' will suffer proportionately.

The stupid will buy the excuse but the cognizant know the capacity doesn't exist and hasn't for quite a while.

So we once again confront the other lie the capitalist keeps repeating, that the economy is smoking hot when there is zero evidence to corroborate such a feckless claim.

They only need to 'fool' you 50% of the time, your own feeble mind will do the rest.

Leading us to ask (rhetorically of course) how f'n dumb are you?

Naturally, everybody knows.

Try not to accept too many wooden nickles.


Friday, March 20, 2020


Hola Lugdush, ready for the 'new normal'? We are actually quite a ways into it already if you count the 'war without end' and Morning in America but, sadly, few possess that 'clarity of vision' to fully appreciate the connection that can be traced all the way back to the 'Owners of All.'

How many of you are thinking Crispr considering Covid isn't 'new', merely 'mutated'? [Assuming any of you remember what Crispr is or the threat it presents. Anyone care to guess how lucky we are that the rhinovirus has (to date) resisted being 'weaponized'.] (Bone for the Dumb, the rhinovirus is the 'common cold'.)

Um, some will skip this post for correctly determining that central to this essay is the question that put the miracle of modern marketing in the 'Driver's seat' of mankind's destiny when he pledged to make Murika 'Great Again'.

If the non-existent 'we' continues to ignore the reckless/feckless few, the 'pandemic' will just be the tip of the iceberg. The media isn't alone in turning a blind eye to the global genocide labeled 'ethnic cleansing' which is actually thinly disguised 'class war'.

Also largely ignored by a media that is paid to sow complacency while covering up the gross mismanagement that serves to keep the masses in grinding poverty...but you aren't worried about the masses, you have enough on your plate worrying about you.

What part of United we stand don't you get?

I know, who is this 'we' and what do they have to do with 'me'...

Cue the refrain, what does it take to make you realize humanity sinks or swims TOGETHER?

Maybe a personal opinion but Murika has been a cesspool from the get-go and NOBODY is trying to make it better nevermind 'Great'. Since it never was 'again' is also a non-starter.

Bought the MAGA cap, might as well wear it but that begs another question; if you buy Depends does that make it okay to shit yourself?

Now we need to ask how much DUMB is 'fatal'?

Keep telling yourself it's okay, it will all work out while completely ignoring who this is going to work out for...

Thinking, it's the 'Anti-Dope'.

Happy Friday, Head.


Thursday, March 19, 2020


Greetings doomed ones, if you continue to follow the dictates of those who act only in THEIR best interests you are already as good as dead. [Someone has definitely screwed with the 'tone' setting on this edition of Grammarly! Either it's an elitist fuck genuinely happy that you're all goners or sarcasm isn't part of its repertoire.]

Not up for debate is the regular demonstrations of gross ineptitude repeatedly on display from those all too quick to assert their authority regardless of how it is derived.

[Given: SOMEBODY has to be 'in charge' but shouldn't they first be required to demonstrate a minimum degree of competence?] Pussygrabber regularly picks names out of...well, we can't prove they come from there but the evidence is a bit damning. Sort of pushing the bar of reasonableness when loyalty outweighs intelligence.

I had intended to title today's piece 'Moron' but that is too specific a word and implies I am critiquing the acts of an individual, which nets us nothing.

Our flag-humping POTUS labels Bernie Sanders a socialist for advocating the same healthcare EVERY OTHER ADVANCED NATION ON THE PLANET ALREADY UTILIZES! Dumbo also mocked the candidate Andy Yang for advocating 'guaranteed minimum income' another reckless idea dreamt up by the feckless capitalists to save their failing economic system!

Did I mention your chances of survival decline considerably if you continue to listen to Idiots?

YOU don't need 'more money'...you need FEWER EXPENSES!

Yet the Capitalist Doodle Dandy proposes to deal with the economic fallout created by the (fake) pandemic by kiting everyone a check! We don't have it but hey, it's the, er, 'thought' that counts, right?

As supplies dwindle, prices will rise [humans are nothing if not 'opportunists'] and the paltry check the government sends you won't even dent the cost increases that also WON'T GO AWAY after the (fake) crisis is past. [Like victory in the Middle East, no one knows what that looks like nevermind if it will ever be achieved.]

Under ASP most things that keep you perpetually broke will be given to you free, including continuing education. For-profit education will be, er, abandoned and most continuing ed will be conducted the old fashioned way, ON THE FREAKIN' JOB! Colleges will still exist but like the originals, they will be dedicated to conducting research and advancing knowledge.

Once 'profit' is redefined as the benefit of all life on this planet and not to making the freakazoids among us demi-gods because they command outrageous sums be paid to them based on claims of ownership that have NO MERIT!

["I stole it fair and square." is never a valid argument, neither is "I got there first!"]

Takes an insane amount of chutzpah to claim that objecting to someone's frivolous claim is mere 'jealousy'.

I end today's missive by repeating an 'assertion' most of you seem hell-bent on proving wrong.

You KNOW 'right from wrong'. It is your 'unwillingness' to stand up to the corrupt and bring them to justice that is causing the global pandemic of misery and undermining the very foundation of civilization, a body you have been deceived into thinking you aren't worthy of.

The media teaches that if you aren't a 'valued member' of society then you are part of the problem but that is a lie. Society and Justice are yours by birthright...but only if you are willing to fight for them!

If you are going to sit there and stare at your navel, asking the imaginary almighty why 'he' hates you, maybe you need to take a moment to focus on the REAL PROBLEM and FIND A FUCKIN MIRROR!

Happy Humpday, Head!


Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Greetings survivor wannabe, What are you planning on doing with all that toilet paper? Planning on using it to barter with after things turn to shit?

Wanna chant the refrain now or are you good with later? [Rhetorical question, doesn't matter.]

Your, er, 'inability to prioritize' is going to eliminate you from the future gene pool.

Like those pretending to lead this planet, their repeated failure to foresee the consequences of their actions is once again inviting disaster.

How unfortunate is it that humans tend to learn via observing? [You are observing idiots doing everything WRONG!]

Worse, this is how the successful have succeeded in fooling you into believing this is the way things should be.

Now we observe the cunning behind the 'baffle 'em with bullshit' part of the feckless's credo.

Why would they lie?

[Why indeed.]

Success, like luck, comes down to 'faith' (the blinder the better!)

Hundred of millions of you think/believe that you are living some approximation of 'the dream'. Many of these same people have a hoard of toilet paper just waiting for T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. to kick in.

How F'N dumb are you? [Sadly asked AND answered.]

There IS NO PLAGUE, Cold-Ezee is the cure for ALL viral infections and the shelves have been cleared of it so only those who blew their money on huge stashes of toilet paper are going to die.

Stupid fixes itself, albeit too slowly for it to do humanity much good.

So when the meat-puppet government uses its extraordinary powers to stretch the fake crisis out way past its credible span are you going to sit there on your hands then walk into your private booth to vote for more of the same because you are too stupid to realize that you are screwing yourself?

Why doesn't anything change? Because the only tool you have is just a pacifier, the illusion of doing something.

So...what do you think you should do now?

How many of you remember why I end these where I do?

Good 'luck' Head.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Happy St. Patty's Day survivor wannabes! Today is a celebration of the rich Celtic culture more so than a religious 'holy' day. {Anyone who kicks Spirit in the Sky in the shins as often as I do has to be clear that he is celebrating his heritage rather than any imaginary chimera.}

Many of these celebrations existed long before the current king of religions murdered its way to the top and they shall remain long after the principal justification for capitalism is laid to rest in the graveyard of broken ideas.

Make no mistake about it, good citizen. Capitalism is collapsing globally and YOU will live to see what replaces it.

Do nothing and it will be replaced with a more obvious/unvarnished variety of slavery [accompanied by widespread civil unrest driven by the dire need to reduce the 'surplus population' as quickly as possible.

Many will be horrified to find themselves among the surplus when they were raised to believe they were vital/special.

What you think and what is are often two entirely different things.

Civil society cannot exist without trust...and that's a fact, Jack.

But I digress, what does Luck have to do with, er, anything?

Often what passes for 'good fortune' is actually not being the victim of evil intent, which isn't necessarily 'luck'. Man plans and fate laughs. Not being the target is correctable so how 'lucky' are you feeling now? If the second try takes you out your original luck is negated.

When taken in the context of Spirit in the Sky, luck isn't much different than 'faith'. If you believe you are lucky then you're lucky, believe you are unlucky and that becomes your truth.

You don't suppose this fact is behind the sentiment that you make your own luck?

How ironic that the feckless call their good fortune 'luck' while defending the notion that they are 'self-made men' with their very next breath. Pussygrabber is proud to claim he's a self-made man but like luck, saying it is so doesn't make it true.

Is it luck or irony that you can fill an individual's head to the brim with nonsense and they are still capable of functioning adequately [So long as you don't expect much!]

A cursory glance at Irish history makes one wonder where the oath 'Luck of the Irish' came from for anyone that knows Irish history knows the term is dripping with sarcasm, before the 'discovery' of the black man, the Irishman was the white races' 'nigga'.

That said, I am proud to claim them as my people.

Erin go bragh, Head!


Monday, March 16, 2020


Greetings fellow fungi, what do you do when your news source can't be trusted? The governments of the planet are shutting down and, perhaps, fortunately, I don't know of anyone who is sick (although I do have two family members 'voluntarily self quarantining' because they have the sniffles.)

Worse, news out of the fanatic right is calling the pandemic a 2nd attempt to impeach Chief Babbling bullshit.

Only the fanatic right would deny the existence of a contagion to paint the opposition as vengeful after the right dominated Senate acquitted Pussygrabber the Flag-humper with zero deliberation.

While the entire situation is the embodiment of what would happen if the faith-based community 'politicized' a catastrophe to seize power via martial law, is it paranoia to express this opinion when all the indicators tell us the danger is real?

The scariest words in ANY language? In GOD 'we' TRUST!

For millennia the church has repressed liberty and freedom in the name of a standard of 'holiness' God itself couldn't achieve.

History shows there are none more deceitful than those who claim to speak for (any) God.

Somehow Grammarly has labeled today's post as 'optimistic'...

Whose side is it on?

Um, with the state of education being what it is, [we thought we were kept in the dark but woo-hoo, they aren't telling the kids nothing anymore!] the masses are largely ignorant of the fact that the war between religion and freedom is ongoing.

This land, in particular, was founded on the premise of religious freedom with a DELIBERATE separation between church and state...but from the beginning, the church has been creeping in via gradualism until the right crisis came along, even if they had to politicize one.

We are a heartbeat away from martial law and most don't appreciate what, precisely that means.

The 'difference' between martial law and ordinary law is under martial law there is no investigation ever, it is just assumed that the officer was justified in their actions.

You only have one defense against being murdered, shoot first.

In a 'post-truth' world, nothing matters or has any credibility. You must rely on your judgment and your judgment alone. Considering how many have their heads lodged permanently in their anus the road ahead is rocky indeed.


Something else for your consideration.

NOTHING prevents conservative-leaning independents from drawing ballots for the Democratic primary and voting for who they think Trump could beat the easiest, literally keeping their powder dry and voting Republican in the actual election. (Talk about a 'flawed system'). Trump isn't running 'unopposed' but the media ignores Bill Weld like the man who wasn't there...

Do you suppose this is what happened to Bernie the first time?

Your liberty is at stake, most of you believe things couldn't get any worse but like I keep repeating, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Look alive if you want to stay that way, Head!


Sunday, March 15, 2020


Greetings good citizen, the Christian sabbath is here and many of you are shunning the guiding force of your life out of fear for your own well-being. We'd like to think the plagues of centuries past have taught us the folly of gathering to worship when religion teaches that your conversations with the Almighty are both personal and private.

Naturally, when the church WAS USED to propagandize the public, attendance was mandatory. Even the slavers appreciated the power of blind fear. While there is much rich turf here to explore, especially along the lines of 'what have you done for me lately' in the politically red south, it is on the front page of today's NY Times that we encounter a positively reckless headline that 'implies' that the death rate of the Coronavirus is 50% [the headline teases further by telling how two young healthcare workers were infected and only one of them survived, wtf?

Let's not discount the 'better than you' aspects of 'devotion'. The churches are NOT Empty this Sunday Morning and the poor minister/priest/rabbi/Imam will still have to endure close contact with people he would rather not get closer to than his pulpit/alter. Depending on denomination these Holy men and women will err to caution regarding the portions of the service where communion is practiced.

Some of the devout arrived early at church this morning to demonstrate their 'faith' was stronger than their fear, even in light of headlines implying a 50% mortality rate. This isn't about 'self-preservation', it's about defending a belief system that teaches hatred and superiority.

Difficult to call which is more 'reckless', the headlines or the headstrong who don't have enough going on upstairs to even wear hats.

Blind faith can be more dangerous than a loaded gun, which we shall witness as the virus makes its rounds.

The 'recklessness' of abandoning the teaching of how the political process works to the nation's/planet's youth has come home to roost. Instead of being an avenue of debate, the media has reduced politics to Team Sports where the emphasis is more on winners and losers rather than the critical element of 'compromise' the process is intended to foster.

If you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

You can't teach stupid anything because they already know so the situation becomes one of 'what do we 'do' about stupid?'

Short answer, stupid refuses to compromise and in doing so has revoked their membership in civil society.

If you can't bring yourself to cooperate then you don't belong here. Making 'your team' number one loses sight of the larger picture. [None of this is about YOU!]

My way or the highway is never the answer but if you believe [let's leave thinking out of this] YOU deserve special consideration because that's what you want [it will make you 'happy'...for a moment or two] then you are invited to find happiness in a place where your pursuit of it will not harm others.

That is what the H.A.E. is all about.

If only we could get people behind a prohibition against exploiting one another rather than our inclination to devote heart and soul to an imaginary superbeing, the world may stand a chance of surviving its 'human infestation'.

Funny how the term 'plague' is 'relative' too, eh?

First post using Grammarly and I'm quite pleased, hopefully, YOU will find them more 'readable!'

Until next time Head,


Saturday, March 14, 2020


Greetings C.L., seems the media's gotcha right where they want ya!

Worst president ever is up for re-election and the state of emergency could suspend elections due to the threat to public health.

Um, totally rhetorical asking a bunch of morons that bought up all the toilet paper for an event that doesn't include intestinal distress? What's up with that? Got stock in a paper company? Don't understand what 'jaw-bone' means?

If the morons running things declare martial law [given how the Blue Suits have been acting, we're already there] what, precisely, do you think you are going to do about it? Same thing you did about predatory capitalism?

The cognizant know but I can't resist poking the stick in the cage, the difference between 'normal' and 'martial' law (enforcement) is shoot first and no questions EVER. Under martial law the Blue suits become judge, jury and uncontested executioner.

Feeling 'safer'? The criminals are more than ready to quiet dissent regarding their practices.

[Again, the cognizant know but I can't resist, The people the Blue Suits work for, those criminals there are the ones we are talking about.]

Want to live? Get used to studying what the tops of your shoes look like because looking at anyone's face will earn you a bullet....even murder's need to sleep, which will make our 'protectors' more than a little 'jumpy'.

Did I mention you ain't seen nothin yet?

Picture snipers EVERYWHERE (on BOTH sides.)

Once martial law begins badges become targets. Suspicious movement is anyone that isn't traveling alone. Depending on the sniper even couples aren't safe. I mention this because THINKING doesn't appear to be anyone's 'strong suit'...

Only a matter of time before adults start playing 'cops & peasants' with real guns.

[All money is funny and the cops are NOT your 'friends', they work for the criminals.] This is what comes from playing 'the ones with the guns make the rules' instead of the law belongs to everyone like it should be. A jury is made up of 'your peers' for a reason.

The 'Lone Wolf' will ALWAYS decides in its own favor, that's why 'the armed thugs' will disappear, literally.

Your failure to think has blinded you to 'reality'...but thinking 'frightens you' because if the ones with the guns don't like what you think they will use YOU/yours for target practice.

Should you be 'afraid'? Fear isn't something to consider, it is a natural defensive response we are all born with, it's how you 'use' fear that matters. Recognize danger but ACT because your failure to act is what is going to get YOU killed.

Um, if you don't want to find yourself in a sniper's scope, don't go blowing people away because the boss told you THEY were 'terrorists'.

Time to go all cryptic on you. The Darkness looms before you, turn back towards the light now if you want your family to live.

Doesn't help to point out that the cognizant know what this means and that the dumb won't understand it means precisely what it says because they have been lied to about what is dark and what is light.

Thanks to the nitwits with the guns what should be honesty has turned into a litmus test.

Good luck, Head.


Friday, March 13, 2020

Life Support

Greetings vulnerable and unaware, testing their awe inspiring power over your total lack of critical thinking skills, the feckless media has succeeded in creating a state of panic in order to cover the fact that capitalism is on 'life support'.

Did you know the number that dwarfs the unemployment rate? [The neglected repository of capitalism's failure, the 'not in the workforce' figure that accounts for over fifty percent of working aged Americans...and is even worse worldwide.]

Hello, worldwide refugee crisis...(are you paying attention?)

Now let's 'ice' this shit sundae. ALL Money is 'Funny' as in fake/meaningless.

So WTF are the fools in congress doing planning on giving more 'nothing' to those who already have more than they know what to do with?

Money is no laughing matter in any case so when the morons who 'taught' you how the world works they left out a critical detail. [debatable here is if they knew it...]


Money is only useful TO THE INDIVIDUAL! Beyond that it is meaningless!

This is why under ASP YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU AND YOU ALONE! YOU 'can't' give it to anyone nor can anyone give it to you, the ONLY way to get money is to surrender your labor for it. [and the ONLY place to spend your earnings is at the 'Everything Store' which will no longer belong to Mr. Bezos.

Commerce doesn't exist to enrich its owners, it exists to support humanity. Simply put, commerce is the avenue where the individual contributes to society and is rewarded with 'choices' in return.

Did I mention the current system is WRONG? [Did you need me to tell you?]

Kids can't get their legs under 'em? Not because of lack of things that need doing but because the feckless are keeping 'the lid' on opportunity. [This comes from the royal distinction between good people and worthless rabble, it is also a 'power' no one should even have, never mind be able to wield. [Can you say hiring decision?]

ASP provides exile as the answer to those who believe they are 'too good' to follow the rules the rest of us AGREE to live by. {There WILL be a formal 'signing on' ceremony when an individual reaches their 18th birthday The age when all of the 'rights of citizenship' convey.}

So yes, unlike now, you WILL be given a choice...what you do with that choice is entirely up to you.

But I digress, time to address the 'elephant in the room'. [Do you see it?]

When I was young I used to (foolishly) believe that you could 'bankrupt' capitalism and bring it to its knees.

That is IMPOSSIBLE, it's like the now ancient checkbook joke only it's real...I can't be broke, I still have checks!

Considering how you've been taught to believe that money is a storehouse of value we keep coming back to the truth, your money only matters to you! All fucktard has to do is raise the price and 'value' goes sailing right out the window.

The Stock Market, where your 'retirement savings' are, er, 'invested' is completely fake, you are being DECEIVED. Money doesn't make money nor can it store value when it is so easily 'diluted'

Fridays are tough and today has particular significance for the frightened and superstitious.

Given the long ignored population crisis which has led to the collapse of Capitalism [ironic now that it has expanded encompass the entire planet, isn't it. Once it stops expanding, it starts dying because IT IS UNSUSTAINABLE.

Rest up, it's going to be a rough ride...and the A-holes are going to fight you every step of the way.


Thursday, March 12, 2020


Greetings fellow human, there are still a few of you out there but it hasn't been a popular choice to self identify as since Morning in America started using patriotism as the yardstick for inclusiveness in an increasingly secular and exclusive world.

[The 'meatsuit' is definitely human but inside the 'hearts' are all over the map and don't even get started on the fetid swamps they call 'minds'.]

Nothing 'new' about this, for centuries WASPS everywhere have been thumbing their noses in the faces of those they found wanting, in particular 'papists', a word they made up themselves because 'White and Anglo-Saxon' weren't discriminatory enough.

What does this have to do with the global pandemic?

Humans know. Only the humans are in this together, the rest are hoping the plague is being guided by their make believe super-being to wipe out their 'enemies', (which are legion.)

Worse than a giant blizzard, basics are disappearing from store shelves as people snap up all the 'hand sanitizer' and 'toilet paper' they can get their hands on...don't want to get caught short, do you?

The most recent edict from the clueless will be interpreted as the signal the 'preppers' have been waiting for to head to 'their' bug out locations and learn (much to their dismay) that they aren't the only ones who knew about that 'perfect' secluded spot just off the highway.

Worse, the 'owner' of that perfect place is going to have the cops evict the bastards who didn't check to see that it was private property in the first place! [while kicking themselves in the ass for not putting a fence up a long time ago.]

Um, just a thought experiment here but should we EVER encounter an alien race FOOLISH enough to make contact with the naval gazing savages that infest this rock, what do you suppose would be the first thing that would set them apart from 'us'? [even if they were (physically) indistinguishable from us, which is far more likely than you might imagine.]

If they managed to cross the endless void with ship and crew still intact the thing that would 'amaze' even the most casual observer is their 'unity and fluidity'.

Lose your 'humanity' and you lose your 'unity of purpose'.

This is WHY mankind isn't working together to save itself. What you are witnessing is 'factions' working to save THEMSELVES and in MOST cases that translates to individuals trying to figure out how they are going to survive on their own without ever realizing just what that means.

Only a united entity that truly appreciates how the individual is an integral part of a greater whole will be capable of surviving what the treacherous cosmos has to throw at them.

Humans that value their individuality ahead of their humanity are rogues.

That's not what 'theater' tells us. The feckless media glorifies the rugged individual above all else, teaching you that this is 'normal' when it is an aberration! UNITY is the message reality needs us to accept and embrace.

Guess what? There can be no unity without EQUALITY!

Is this 'the end'?

Nope. Much to the chagrin of the haters the virus will leave billions of survivors, even if the feckless few use THEIR nuclear arsenal to give things a push in 'the desired direction'.

Nothing terrifies the thieves more than a unified posse. Should the victims of capitalism ever unite, who do you think they will go gunning for? [The OWNERS!]

Thing to understand about BOZO is they are all about NUMBER ONE, F the rest of you!

Stop 'poning the libs' the anus you think your fucking is attached to YOU!

The Media Machine does not work 'for you'.

Care to think about what happens when this little 'scare' blows over?

Good luck with that.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Greetings broken and downtrodden, how are ya huddling with the news that Joltin' Joe is kicking Bernie's ass on the campaign trail, ready for four more years of the Flag Humpin' Pussygrabber? Too bad for Trump that 'Bandersnatch' is already taken, eh?]

Thanks to the media we will have another shit decision to make come November and we all know who is going to be coronated...again.

Who cares, the 'Free World' is a lie anyway, pure propaganda. If you can't prosper it doesn't matter who or what is holding you back except the nonexistent we are being held back by the dumb and the frightened who have been manipulated by a media you can't trust under any circumstances.

They aren't there to report the news, they are there for a paycheck...and that is NEWS TO NO ONE.

Did Bernie lose? Unlikely, just as it is unlikely that 'Mr. Nuthin' won because he stands for nuthin.

Chant the refrain children, how f'n dumb are you?

Google 'empty suit' and the response is a picture of Joe Biden.

He's the 'ideal candidate' because he stands for nothing, which is precisely what he will accomplish.

You only think you are tired of being lied to but like the song says, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

It's only broken if those who fund the system think its broken. Nobody, particularly those who rob you of yours gives a flyin' fuck what you think, troublemaker!

Maybe if you smarten up and burn down the polls and a Statehouse or two for good measure maybe they'll get the hint.

They know you don't like being jerked but they are also confident that you won't DO anything because you're scared.

Is uprooting a corrupt government really what you want to be doing amid a global pandemic?

The infamous they are dropping the ball left and right, driving the death toll as high as they can get it because a frightened populace is an obedient populace...

Can I get a 'cluck, cluck, cluck?'

Chant the refrain while you try to figure out the difference between a dead victim and a dead patriot. If you don't fight you're gonna die anyway. [What part of 'dead is dead' don't you understand?]

Wait until the vaccine kills more than it cures. [What better way to 'thin the herd?']

(I didn't tell you to stop chanting, pay attention!)

Is Bernie losing because the DNC wants a centrist? Find it curious that you don't know anyone who is personally involved with the DNC or how those people are selected.

Behind those mysteries lay the answer to shitshows like the one unfolding before your weary eyes right now.

Question is how long will you do NOTHING? [Sort of makes Biden your man, doesn't it?]

They've already started shooting...and when somebody you love gets gunned down it will be too late.

Not 'what to think' but definitely something to think about...

Later Head,


[You'd think you'd have put a dent in all the raw sewage in here but it's getting WORSE, Ugh!]

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Greetings morons, as you are frog-marched down 'the primrose path' the totally fictitious stock markets are simultaneously tanking AND recovering...go figure?

You KNOW it's all lies but you just live here and 'technically' none of it has anything to do with 'you'.

Again, the 'stock market' is why our self professed 'betters' are rich (but only on paper) and you're not.

Understand, the entire stock market wasn't worth 2,000 points when it 'crashed' causing the decades long Great Depression.

With the 'Dow' falling 2,000 point in a single session but being over 30,000 the earth shattering movement that translates to trillions in losses is now viewed as a hiccup.


Because it is all bullshit. There's 'nothing' there, just like spirit in the sky, it's all a LIE.

Like a scab over a minor wound, humanity can't seem to leave the fact that we are all alone, alone. It is indeed a psychological defect that compels us to believe we are part of something 'greater' than ourselves.

Why do we believe that? Because they had to tell us SOMETHING to stem the tendency towards suicide that lurks just beneath the surface of the human psyche.

God is the answer to if none of this leads anywhere, why bother? It is the original conundrum posed by sentience/self awareness. Dog spelled backwards provides a fig leaf behind which the weak minded can justify an otherwise pointless existence.

Now Humanity has hit the 'far wall' of the 'be fruitful and multiply' command that they threw in there to provide the mentally rudderless with a 'star' to steer by. In order to 'save' ourselves we need to STOP breeding for the sake of breeding, the whole while PRETENDING it is our PURPOSE in life.

Humanity is being 'jerked' (mercilessly by the feckless who think this is the greatest prank ever! First tell pinhead that resources are infinite then watch as the morons 'go for it'...they consider it more fun than watching the dog hit the end of its leash at full gallop!)

Remember the lesson of our imaginary bottle of fruit flies?

Yeah, it's those 'savages' I'm pointing at. They don't care and neither will you UNTIL YOU SUDDENLY REALIZE THAT YOU ARE A FRUIT FLY!

Shocked? [Your brain is the same size for all the 'good' it does you.]

Sorry. Were that true this whole exercise would be pointless. The true problem here is YOU are gullible beyond belief and far too trusting solely because the perps 'look like you'.

Lotteries were banned because they provide 'false hope' but it is a damning fact of life that most people live from drawing to drawing hoping their otherwise meaningless life will change...while never considering why their life is meaningless in the first place.

The ONLY way we get over OURSELVES is by accepting the fact life is pointless. If you can make peace with the idea that life is futile but the cosmos is our 'playground' and the undisputed fact that LOVE makes it all 'worth it' then maybe we can put an end to the manipulators who rob us blind for their own comfort.

That's criminal in anyone's book, even theirs.

Exile is the answer. If you can't live in cooperation with your fellow humans then you forfeit your membership in society.

As it stands today you have no way to escape your victimhood, the exploiters have you 'boxed in' [by your need for paper with numbers that only they can print...nothing 'secret' about the secret service except they are all criminals, protecting other criminals and YOU can't do a thing about it.

So as the corona virus sends the media into drawing allusions to 'The Stand' by Stephen King be comforted by the fact that even The Black Death had a 50% survival rate. [The 'plot hole' you can drive a truck through in that tale is Captain Tripps should have been 100% effective due to its ability to mutate faster than the bodies defenses...good to be the 'God of the Book', even got the idea from Dog itself!]

Um, stop buying the BS, starting with yet another election where your choices are between 'past his sell date' and 'what's this still doing here?'

You're gonna end up with four more years of Dr. Demento, the whole time marveling that NO ONE has the nads to shoot the mo'fo in the face.

Never what to think but always something to think about. Time to wake up and smell the napalm!


Monday, March 9, 2020


To whom it may concern: While I am the model for Captain Obvious (caveat, not all things are obvious to all people.) Reality is most definitely not the same for everyone. While you could make the case that the dark and light things are universal, how they are personally 'perceived' varies somewhat between individuals, sort of like supper and dinner. [Can I get a touche`?]

If (and for some bizarre reason it most definitely isn't) the goal is unity [which may be asking too much from a herd of navel-gazers] is 'consensus' even possible?

In the 'way back when' the 'drive' to differentiate oneself from the herd wasn't as strong as it is today. [Parents encourage their children to 'stand out' and in a landscape where academic achievement isn't enough, those kids will adopt just about anything to showcase their 'uniqueness'. (wtf...)

How unfortunate for the easily led that they failed to see how this 'encouragement would mesh with the Kevlar ceiling of My way or the Highway!

The 'glass ceiling' has given way to the hardened bunker, wake up and smell the napalm. That 'room at the top' is to be seen and NOT filled, especially by the filthy rabble!

There has been nothing NEW since the PC (and it's bazillion tiny clones) improved only by their ability to report on your activities/whereabouts (should the extermination squad need to be dispatched.) Being mindful of that 'room at the top' we were just LOOKING at, this is why nothing new is coming to market, that 'space' is reserved to show morons it is still there.

Without innovation capitalism dies and society dies along with it, capisce? Those who rode the last wave of innovation to the top are intent on staying there.

Beginning to understand what I'm talking about concerning today's title?

What you believe and what's actually going on are two completely different things...and the road we are currently on is labeled 'Extinction Street'.

Are You really that trusting/clueless?


(You may disagree but the evidence is on MY side.)

If we can't SHARE this planet the alternative is self-destruction at the hands of the feckless few that believe they matter more than the rest of us combined...

Thanks for opening YOUR mind,

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, March 8, 2020


Hola Lugdush, today's topic is something everybody claims to cherish but almost nobody can identify much less successfully articulate.

If your 'truth' centers on Spirit in the Sky you have zero connection to the 'reality based' world. Your superhero possesses infinite power and wisdom yet calls this cesspool it's (his) workshop where (he sits on his thumb doing nothing, laughing maniacally as his latest 'experiment' goes terribly wrong.) [Consensus tells us that the majority of 'believers' (who are female) 'automatically' believe that 'their supreme being' is male because all the prayers refer to 'the almighty' using the male pronoun...when the evidence says it is far more likely that 'dog spelled backwards' is some psycho bitch!]

Flipping the 'truth' rock over we have the 'primitives' who hold that the 'Law of the jungle' reigns supreme. The whole while refusing to acknowledge that we'd all be dead if not for the flickering 'spirit of cooperation' kept alive by the nurturer's among us.

It was, after all, the benefits of cooperation that allowed mankind to crawl over the corpses of nature's solitary apex predators that the truly addled consistently fail to appreciate/understand.

'Mine' is defended by those who 'refuse to acknowledge' that victory is born of planning and team effort rather than the cleverness and stealth they only think they possess.

Is it a truth that most of us are 'deluded'? [Verily!]

It is the original 'rhetorical question'.

Let's sidestep this highly relative pissing contest for a moment and take a quick trip in the 'wayback machine' to Jr. High where everyone remembers the science teacher explaining what happens when you put a piece of fruit fly infested fruit in a sealed container and waited for the 'inevitable' to happen.The 'few' fruit flies that were visible quickly multiplied into thousands and in a short time all of the fruit was consumed, leaving the flies to...suffocate?

Turns out available oxygen wasn't the limiting factor in this 'experiment/demonstration' of the perils of overpopulation.

Run out of food and the remaining flies committed suicide because their sole purpose was denied to them.

Would that it were such a simplistic explanation but humans, the 'alleged' smartest beings ever (besides Spirit in the Sky and those damn aliens that keep refusing to show themselves!) believe that and dumber because believing is 'easier' than thinking.

Remove all the food and what happens? [God sends more?]

Um, I will once again remind you that I don't pen these for the morons who readily accept that a lack of food leads to starvation but fail to grasp that if we can figure this out why the FUCK isn't anyone doing anything about the overpopulation problem?

A.) do the truly stupid believe (because BELIEVING is 'easier' than 'thinking' regardless of how ridiculous!) that SCIENCE will find a solution?

B.) The 'waffling' herd will deny god but when catastrophe strikes pull the almighty out of their hip pocket and pray like a demon (literally) for 'salvation'. Countless billions have died with their final words being "God save us!"

Chant the refrain. Did 'God' save them? Chant the refrain some more, you're still not rational yet.

It's not 'mansplaining' because what you believe is what you believe and I don't care 'what you believe'.

Today's dummy-slap is about a political process that ignores the REALITY of your everyday life, which the morons among us blithely chalk up to 'luck'.

One planet, one people and only one purpose.

But 'believing' is easier than thinking and no amount of chanting will change any of it.

The 'choice' such as it is, remains YOURS.


Saturday, March 7, 2020


Greetings proud patriot, humanity is circling the drain and nobody vested with the power to do something about it has lifted a finger.


Not YOUR problem...until it is.

The part the proud fail to appreciate is what will happen when the go along to get along crowd realizes they are on their own. Pride is vanity and vanity is dumb, making the 'proud' stupid (for believing 'dumb things'.)

Not what to think but something to think about, whether you want to or not...because in the not too distant future your survival will DEPEND on your ability to 'think clearly' and understand the consequences of your choices.

Um, why do I point at this?

Look at Pussygrabber the flag humper. Not only did he not possess the sense not to actually do either but the people 'handling him' weren't smart enough to stop him and turn the cameras away...

You only see/hear what they want you to see and much of what we are seeing raises serious questions about the 'competence' of the people handling things.

Take a deep breath and step away from the TV for a moment. Now look with your rational mind at the Big Picture the f'n media is doing its damndest to distract you from.

Do you see a power struggle or do you see a clusterfuck?

There is NO VACUUM.

Them that 'has' are 'collaborating' to keep as much as they can for themselves. Thus the 'brushfire' wars circling the planet and the ensuing 'refugee crisis' which is also 'planet wide'.

Wage slavery [better known as capitalism] has hit the end of its leash. There are too many 'slaves' and not enough work, a crisis they can't use wage slavery to solve...and what do the 'desperate' do with abandon when faced with annihilation?

Screw like minks because it provides 'comfort', albeit a false one.

Does the situation look 'insoluble' to you? You have been trained to believe that there is nothing better than capitalism, which is actually wage slavery...[if you can't live on what you are paid it is not the systems problem, it's YOURS!]

Too many people, not enough 'profitable' work...what would YOU do? [Fire up the murder machine?]

That's the capitalist's choice for dealing with Dicken's 'surplus population' but the 'humane solution' is dropping the ownership BS and SHARING what literally belongs to us all.


This 'logical' solution comes at a price. That price is the abandonment of 'free agency' more commonly known as 'natural selection'.

Humans are, at best, only 'adequate' parents and removing that responsibility from the average individual my cause psychological, er, 'harm' but humans are also 'damaged goods' under the best of circumstances.

Now the '3 things' are threatening to push us back toward not dealing 'rationally' with the situation. What three things? Cameras, mirrors and the truth which NOBODY likes dealing with.

Ending wage slavery is only a 'half solution'. The 'I have all I want and fuck the rest of ya!' crowd USES the 'parenting' card as the 'justification' for their selfishness.

Something, (like equality) that you are TAUGHT not to think about. When you question their failure to see the consequences of their reckless judgement you are hit with the brick wall of 'it's the 'natural order of things' when there is NOTHING 'natural' about it!

Because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD!

But this is what passes for 'thinking' from the Do as I say and not as I do crowd.

Can you look at this 'rationally'? Sometimes the 'conditioning' goes too deep and prevents you from seeing the 'implications'.

Let's go back to our violent 'bigger picture'.

Why did 'The System' STOP working?


People are NOT going to stop screwing but we CAN stop them from breeding.

If we don't the alternative is to start euthanizing them...just like the selfish are doing with their (pointless) wars.

Um, now for a word from our sponsor...

Thinking, it's the 'Anti-Dope!'

Back to your regularly scheduled emergency escape plan.

If you fail to engage your mind and stand up for the future of the species our species won't have one...on this planet.

Time to kick the feckless few to the curb.

Remember Head, this one is YOURS, it's the ONLY thing that actually belongs to YOU and you alone.

Treat it right and, er...hope for the best [but prepare for the worst]


Friday, March 6, 2020


Dear Bumbolini, in a society that anguishes over which toilet the trans-sexual will use we have a MEDIA that seems unable to end its fascination with a female potus.

News for the sake of news is what happens when it is you 'job' to make the mundane interesting while ignoring life's true catastrophes.

Not that it is the 'focus' of the plague dominated reporting but you'd think Beth Warren dropping her campaign was just as vital to a hopeful nation as the preservation of the last Dodo...although it's too late for the Dodo, females are the 'unacknowledged' majority of the population.

Is that another 'product' of an off the leash media?

Hard to be in the majority AND PLAY THE VICTIM simultaneously...

It's complicated and the above is a 'gross simplification' but the hope here is acknowledging and raising awareness of this situation might restore some semblance of sanity to a distracted and disorientated populace.

STOP fixing the blame and START fixing the f'n PROBLEM! (s)

Can't even begin to work on the solution to anything as long as a single dissenter can derail any effort. One isn't enough, like Trump supporters central casting will supply all the 'extras' you need.

Anybody notice it's always THE SAME PEOPLE at EVERY Trump rally?

Which is NOT the half of it. 'audiences' everywhere are straight from cattle calls for actors wanted, just show up and get paid.

Where's that 'booming economy'? There are too many people with nothing to do out there. But our panty twisting media can't point its cameras at that because it would piss off the people who don't want to accept the heat for those on various public support programs.

Nearly HALF of Murikans are on some type of food assistance just as MORE THAN HALF of US households have only one 'breadwinner'.

Isn't Capitalism 'wunnerful'?

When isn't welfare, welfare? When the political class decides abject poverty doesn't win elections.

Got a roof over you head and don't skip too many meals? [You're as big as a house not because of abundant nutrition but because you are allergic to Frankenfood and you don't have regular meals because you 'browse' (on crap) all day long.

Ginormous people will tell you to your incredulous face that they 'don't eat'...the distinction here is they don't stop eating so they don't have regular meals because they are never hungry.

Don't think capitalism is broke? We have a whole generation with nothing to do but stuff their face because they're BORED.

Can we learn something from our barnyard friend the cow? It too eats because it has nothing better to do.

Now we pause for a word from our sponsor: Thinking, it's the 'anti-dope!'

[We now return to your regularly scheduled rant.]

If we are distracted from the endless mindless drivel the media bombards your mind with you have the sudden epiphany that there is a whole laundry list of items the 'paycheck media' studiously ignores.

Most of the BS they immerse you in, every day, all day is crap you are sick of hearing by the time you are old enough to start paying attention.

How many more tax cuts does it take before you realize no amount of tax relief will stimulate 'job creating investment'.

There is 'nothing new' to invest in.

Gonna get in on the cannabis train? How does 'grow your own' work for your investment strategy?

Wanna invest in pot AND Narcs?

Chant the refrain, children. [How f'n DUMB are you?]

Well head, what's it going to be?


Thursday, March 5, 2020


Greetings C.L., Since the bloodless coup more commonly known as Morning in America this nation had a new term added to our political lexicon and that word serves as today's title.

Once St. Ronnie crushed the labor movement via the Patco debacle and defunded the Democrats, 'conservative leaning' Democrats took control of the entity that used to support the labor side of the equation, Republicans ALWAYS put 'commerce' (and the OWNERS thereof) First so what we literally had was a coup by people that were too ashamed to admit they were 'closet Republicans'.

After the first 'Centrist' Left office, a political unknown from Arkansas, there was a 'counter-revolt' to take back the party of the working class mysteriously disappeared with the end of St. Ronnie's presidency.

Today's headline says Joltin' Joe, the man Trump can beat with his eyes closed (but only if he closes his mouth and wears a straight jacket until after November 3rd.) is finally seeing something he's been operating without until now and that something is MONEY.


How did 'the man without a clue' even get into the political arena? His support is wholly second hand. Word is Beth Warren has also announced she is parking her kippy car and abandoning the race for glory making us wonder just how presidential ANY of these jellyfish were?

If you can't spot a 'set-up' when it's this obvious you deserve what's coming next.

How many political parties are there in the USA?

ONE...and it is the owner controlled media.

Can't lose if the opposition doesn't even have a seat at the table and guess who the opposition is?

The worker vs. the owners.

Capitalism gulls you into believing that you work for yourself, keep your customer/employer happy and you have nothing to 'worry' about.

That was BEFORE Morning in America which kicked off the Global race to the Bottom. Suddenly competitiveness mattered more than loyalty DESPITE ALL MONEY BEING 'FUNNY'.

Suddenly your wife had to get a job and your kids were tasked with raising themselves because if you were going to remain competitive you HAD TO 'do more with less'.

If you worked in certain (exportable) sectors it didn't matter how 'loyal' you were, you had to pick something that couldn't be done over a wire or face repeated plant closures.

Your life is a lie.

The commerce system is unviable.

They are going to blame the famine on the 'plague'...and you will be left to twist in the wind.

When this comes to pass you won't be (still) drawing circles around your ears and muttering 'what a whacko!' to yourself. You'll be 'wishing' you listened and disproved by label that brands you a coward.

Like I keep pointing out, Bucky cluck-cluck, it's YOUR head!


Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Greetings Chicken Little, today's title is cryptic until you break the puzzle. How the hell did the one guy whose campaign was so 'plain vanilla' I can't remember a SINGLE ISSUE he is running on suddenly becomes a contender, so much so that Mike Bloomberg is DONE and has parked his 'git 'er done' dune buggy, winnowing down the field to a determined few.

YOU are being played and if the f'n media can do that for Biden, they are going to have Trump pummel him into socialist mincemeat.

BIDEN is the answer to the question of "who can Trump beat the easiest?"

Zero irony Hillary was the same solution set that gave us Trump's 'electoral victory'.

Trump beating Bernie is 'less credible' whereas no one has a problem with Trump beating Joe 'foot in his mouth' Biden.

But nobody actually supports Biden or a Biden presidency so how can stumblin' Joe be enjoying an 'inexplicable' comeback that the MEDIA is explaining as the Centrist 'branch' of the Democratic party revolting against the Progressive branch when the most disturbing factor of all is nobody outside the party has any clue how this came to be?

Is the Democratic party washed up?

Rhetorical question; everybody knows...just as everybody knows those pretending to be Republicans are actually psychopaths that have zero interest in cooperating with anyone or anything.

Welcome to the shores of reality. Yes, you live here despite being unable to recognize the place because it is constantly being 'redecorated' by the LYING 'media'.

Won't stop until we remove the profit motive and the fake 'competition' between so called 'news organizations'.

How can you 'trust' the news when every outlet claims it has the 'lock on accuracy' and is repeatedly proven to lie?

Can't trust yesterday's 'reporting' regardless because it was 100% 'spin'.

What we witnessed last night was pure propaganda, the byproduct of the media insisting the nation is divided between Idiots and Morons.

Have you figured out which label fits you? Oh, that's right. You aren't on the list. You is all alone.

Can YOU spell fucked?

This is how we get 4 more years of Trump, marveling the whole time why nobody drops him to put the nation (and the world) out of its misery.

Pence, like Biden isn't 'Presidential Timber' but both make great 'pull toys'/apparatchiks loyal to the 'party line'.

Seems like 'we' [same problem as you, it isn't on the list.] have a 'political problem on our hands but when your entire existence is a lie the problem is obviously much, much deeper.

Truth is 'hard won.' So much so that few dare to speak it.

Um, today's moniker change reflects the reality that you also refuse to acknowledge.

Knowing the truth and refusing to do anything about it is another issue altogether. Most vote for live chicken rather than being a dead duck.

Remember, the 'tree of liberty' needs vigilant watering with the blood of patriots. Such a pity that the blood of scoundrels, which we have in abundance, drowns the tree.

In keeping with the namesake of this site allow me to share with you a summary of an article I read yesterday about mankind's, er, possible venture into near space and how that will multiply the forces conspiring to eradicate humanity.

First 'fallacy' to address is that humanity ever succeeds in leaving this planet in meaningful numbers. Our 'imagineer' lept to the conclusion that the multiple challenges presented by the multiple environments presented by near space, nevermind potentially 'habitable' worlds will be 'solved' via bio-engineering which holds a far higher potential to 'accidentally' remove/modify/defeat a natural defense killing us all right out of the box.

We aren't advanced enough to share the only planet we have so what are our chances that the feckless few are going to 'share' the fruits of space colonization, which will, without a doubt, utilize prisoners as 'slave labor'.

How many of you Biden voters read the last line without blinking?

Mankind will NEVER leave this planet, they will destroy it first but not without sending a desperate plea to the cosmos for 'someone' to 'save' us...from the people that should NEVER have been trusted with power in the first place.

Never what to think but always something to think about.

Remember, this is YOUr head.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Greetings Bump! It is a beautiful day out weatherwise but this is Boston, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute. I mosey'd down to the polls this morning and cast my vote for BERNIE after learning that THE Prince of Darkness, 'Neutron Jack' is dead!

Wall Street may mourn but Boomer nation is celebrating! A million jobs burned and as many families ruined so that A-hole could be rich.

Um, if you find my 'dance of joy' inappropriate, suck it. Prick got me TWICE...and about a hundred other times via 'collateral damage' as customers who relied on GE contracts went bust, thanks to Jack who kicked off the global race to the bottom. [That resulted in lower wages for employers and lower prices for NOBODY.]

In case you're wondering why everything sucks, this IS what 'the bottom' looks like.

Talk about 'tools' both Buttigeig AND Klobuchar dropped out and endorsed the 'centrist', BIDEN. Still think they weren't 'plants'?

I WAS leaning towards Gabbard but then she publicly admitted to keeping her 'powder dry' [read protecting her military pension] by voting AGAINST impeachment.

Last thing we need is ANOTHER president who is 'confused' about what JUSTICE is.

I am standing behind the dire predictions I made should a Sanders - Warren ticket make it to the White house but this is WAR people, the OWNERS vs the rest of us.

Think YOU are an OWNER? Think again.

Everybody Believes they are middle class, even the homeless think so.

Dumb is dumb, pointing out how many people are morons doesn't help.

The majority of the 'voting public' can't SPELL 'gradualism' much less define it despite it being in their face every moment of everyday.

Trump is the most prominent example of the Overton Window in action and the lasting effects of 'outrage fatigue'.

This is war, not a game.

You can't unite because you can't decide what angers you more...and they just keep pushing your buttons so 'unity' becomes an impossibility but they still keep you 'off balance' with the endless attacks.

Want to 'stop' the vicious circle?

It won't end til YOU end it.

Time to Leap.

(Go back and read it...as many times as necessary, don't worry, you won't wear it out.)

Again, mischief managed. Remember this isn't my head, it's YOURS (or at least its supposed to be.)
