Monday, March 23, 2020


Greetings casualty/collateral damage, as today's title suggests this post is for the record books should anyone come looking to learn what happened to the hostile, ill-tempered race that once flourished (well, some of them did.) on this once verdant rock orbiting an insignificant star at the outer edge of the Milky Way.

As of this moment, the general public remains ignorant of the 'true source' of the virus sweeping the planet but there is a growing consensus, right, wrong or indifferent that CRISPR was involved somewhere along the line.

Let's state FOR THE RECORD that even if it is eventually learned that Corovid-19 was an 'oopsie' caused by some moron with more money than brains it doesn't alter the end result.

What will be learned from the gross incompetence that this outbreak has unmasked? Will CRISPR technology be seized and access to it be severely restricted in the future?

Again the 'problem' here is more money than brains, how do you 'fix' that? What constitutes a 'responsible parent'?

[No such thing as a responsible parent so the question is unanswerable.]

Again, these are the same IMBECILES in hot pursuit of AI that also want to colonize Mars as the solution to the over-population problem that is causing the social system to collapse.

Did I mention our leaders are IMBECILES?

Again, FOR THE RECORD the infamous THEY are proposing a multi-trillion-dollar bailout of predatory capitalism. This is like trying to extinguish a fire with gasoline!

The capitalists tried to bolster their failing system by inflating the Real Estate market but it caused inflation to go haywire and Hello Reagan administration. Once they seized the government [Morning in America] they proceeded to seize control of the financial system so when they tried to inflate the Real Estate markets again it caused massive 'deflation' resulting in money becoming totally disconnected from 'value', a phenomenon you are too dumb to comprehend until a wheelbarrow filled with cash isn't enough to buy water with.

These are the 'geniuses' you haven't lifted a finger to remove from power.

We go on 'lockdown' at noon tomorrow and make no mistake about it, this time it will be T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.

What comes out of what will eventually become a 'global lockdown' won't even remotely resemble what went in.

Now would be a prudent time to ask yourself if you are okay with being a 'slave' in exchange for the 'safety' of the human race?

How f'n DUMB are you?


PS. It's not 'your' safety they are interested in. They are using the crisis to ensure THEIR continued supremacy, if you starve to death in the process it's just 'collateral damage'.

Have I mentioned that our leaders are boot-licking empty suits? F'n tough thing to have to learn on your own.


  1. Now would be a prudent time to ask yourself if you are okay with being a 'slave' in exchange for the 'safety' of the human race?

  2. PS. It's not 'your' safety they are interested in. They are using the crisis to ensure THEIR continued supremacy, if you starve to death in the process it's just 'collateral damage'.

    REMEMBER: this is being done TO you, NOT for you...

  3. As of this moment, the general public remains ignorant of the 'true source' of the virus sweeping the planet but there is a growing consensus, right, wrong or indifferent that CRISPR was involved somewhere along the line.

  4. Again, these are the same IMBECILES in hot pursuit of AI that also want to colonize Mars as the solution to the over-population problem that is causing the social system to collapse.

  5. The capitalists tried to bolster their failing system by inflating the Real Estate market but it caused inflation to go haywire and Hello Reagan administration. Once they seized the government [Morning in America] they proceeded to seize control of the financial system so when they tried to inflate the Real Estate markets again it caused massive 'deflation' resulting in money becoming totally disconnected from 'value', a phenomenon you are too dumb to comprehend until a wheelbarrow filled with cash isn't enough to buy a sip of water with.

  6. Have I mentioned that our leaders are boot-licking empty suits? F'n tough thing to have to learn on your own.

  7. Greetings casualty/collateral damage, as today's title suggests this post is for the record books should anyone come looking to learn what happened to the hostile, ill-tempered race that once flourished (well, some of them did.) on this once verdant rock orbiting an insignificant star at the outer edge of the Milky Way.

  8. PS. It's not 'your' safety they are interested in. They are using the crisis to ensure THEIR continued supremacy, if you starve to death in the process it's just 'collateral damage'.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...