Saturday, March 21, 2020


Greetings luckless passerby, Had to perform the title function today so thus the lateness of the post, not than many of you missed it.

Again given the lateness of the hour, I'll keep today's missive brief. The Trumpster is claiming he's 'reluctant' to commandeer manufacturing capacity to produce needed medical supplies when the truth is there isn't any DOMESTIC manufacturing capacity to commandeer.

Starting from scratch (in some third world hell hole) will take months (at best) and cost a fortune but need is need and there are few things the feckless capitalist likes LOVES more than need!

So the truth is there isn't any 'manufacturing capacity' to commandeer and it is going to take a considerable while for someone to start from scratch. Considering there is already a formidable amount of foreign capacity dedicated to precisely what they will be making we can also be assured that 'quality' will suffer proportionately.

The stupid will buy the excuse but the cognizant know the capacity doesn't exist and hasn't for quite a while.

So we once again confront the other lie the capitalist keeps repeating, that the economy is smoking hot when there is zero evidence to corroborate such a feckless claim.

They only need to 'fool' you 50% of the time, your own feeble mind will do the rest.

Leading us to ask (rhetorically of course) how f'n dumb are you?

Naturally, everybody knows.

Try not to accept too many wooden nickles.


1 comment:

  1. Leading us to ask (rhetorically of course) how f'n dumb are you?

    Naturally, everybody knows.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...