Friday, March 6, 2020


Dear Bumbolini, in a society that anguishes over which toilet the trans-sexual will use we have a MEDIA that seems unable to end its fascination with a female potus.

News for the sake of news is what happens when it is you 'job' to make the mundane interesting while ignoring life's true catastrophes.

Not that it is the 'focus' of the plague dominated reporting but you'd think Beth Warren dropping her campaign was just as vital to a hopeful nation as the preservation of the last Dodo...although it's too late for the Dodo, females are the 'unacknowledged' majority of the population.

Is that another 'product' of an off the leash media?

Hard to be in the majority AND PLAY THE VICTIM simultaneously...

It's complicated and the above is a 'gross simplification' but the hope here is acknowledging and raising awareness of this situation might restore some semblance of sanity to a distracted and disorientated populace.

STOP fixing the blame and START fixing the f'n PROBLEM! (s)

Can't even begin to work on the solution to anything as long as a single dissenter can derail any effort. One isn't enough, like Trump supporters central casting will supply all the 'extras' you need.

Anybody notice it's always THE SAME PEOPLE at EVERY Trump rally?

Which is NOT the half of it. 'audiences' everywhere are straight from cattle calls for actors wanted, just show up and get paid.

Where's that 'booming economy'? There are too many people with nothing to do out there. But our panty twisting media can't point its cameras at that because it would piss off the people who don't want to accept the heat for those on various public support programs.

Nearly HALF of Murikans are on some type of food assistance just as MORE THAN HALF of US households have only one 'breadwinner'.

Isn't Capitalism 'wunnerful'?

When isn't welfare, welfare? When the political class decides abject poverty doesn't win elections.

Got a roof over you head and don't skip too many meals? [You're as big as a house not because of abundant nutrition but because you are allergic to Frankenfood and you don't have regular meals because you 'browse' (on crap) all day long.

Ginormous people will tell you to your incredulous face that they 'don't eat'...the distinction here is they don't stop eating so they don't have regular meals because they are never hungry.

Don't think capitalism is broke? We have a whole generation with nothing to do but stuff their face because they're BORED.

Can we learn something from our barnyard friend the cow? It too eats because it has nothing better to do.

Now we pause for a word from our sponsor: Thinking, it's the 'anti-dope!'

[We now return to your regularly scheduled rant.]

If we are distracted from the endless mindless drivel the media bombards your mind with you have the sudden epiphany that there is a whole laundry list of items the 'paycheck media' studiously ignores.

Most of the BS they immerse you in, every day, all day is crap you are sick of hearing by the time you are old enough to start paying attention.

How many more tax cuts does it take before you realize no amount of tax relief will stimulate 'job creating investment'.

There is 'nothing new' to invest in.

Gonna get in on the cannabis train? How does 'grow your own' work for your investment strategy?

Wanna invest in pot AND Narcs?

Chant the refrain, children. [How f'n DUMB are you?]

Well head, what's it going to be?



  1. There is 'nothing new' to invest in.

    Gonna get in on the cannabis train? How does 'grow your own' work for your investment strategy?

    Wanna invest in pot AND Narcs?

  2. News for the sake of news is what happens when it is you 'job' to make the mundane interesting while ignoring life's true catastrophes.


  3. Nearly HALF of Murikans are on some type of food assistance just as MORE THAN HALF of US households have only one 'breadwinner'.

    Isn't Capitalism 'wunnerful'?

    Y'all think the entire social contract night need some attention? [beyond the healthcare that St. Ronnie 'privatized' thereby screwing it up royally!]

  4. How many more tax cuts does it take before you realize no amount of tax relief will stimulate 'job creating investment'.

    There is 'nothing new' to invest in.

  5. Not that it is the 'focus' of the plague dominated reporting but you'd think Beth Warren dropping her campaign was just as vital to a hopeful nation as the preservation of the last Dodo...although it's too late for the Dodo, females are the 'unacknowledged' majority of the population.

  6. Now we pause for a word from our sponsor: Thinking, it's the 'anti-dope!'

  7. Wanna invest in pot AND Narcs?

    Chant the refrain, children. [How f'n DUMB are you?]

  8. Gonna get in on the cannabis train? How does 'grow your own' work for your investment strategy?

    Wanna invest in pot AND Narcs?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...