Sunday, March 22, 2020


Greetings headcount, as the f'n media writes Bernie's epitaph they are also preparing us for the bleak outlook left to us by the Service economy [better known as the dependent economy but that reality has 'bad optics'] where the further you are from the spigot, the less you are going to get/have to work with.

How did the 'Land of Opportunity' become the big empty? There is literally NOTHING here...but you are too, er, deluded to realize that, proud 'patriot' that you pretend to be.

We all WANT TO support the greatest nation on the planet but that claim is as empty as the heads that pretend it is true.

How many of you understand/appreciate that 'jaw-boning' is lying?

You know but what are you going to do? You are a 'captive audience' with a media that isn't constrained to report 'responsibly'.

Is money mismanaged? [Dumb question.]

Think the wish fairy will bring us a new, reliable social structure and implement it while we sleep?

Sadly the feckless are on the job and your 'new' social system will be a repeat of the Dark Ages when we played Comply or Die with Spirit in the Sky.

This is what the 'devout' are hoping you will forget after 300 years of pretending 'God is love.' God doesn't want your praise, God demands your OBEDIENCE!

Something the 'modern church' downplays.

Is anyone else wondering why the liars who will say anything for a paycheck aren't offering how this pandemic differs from a 'normal' flu season? [The true curse here is how they lie with numbers all the time (unemployment that excludes the 'not in the workforce' population.) worse, with the right 'spin' your perceptions are easily manipulated. In the end, it's all about 'compliance'.

Thousands dead but thousands dead is 'typical' during the outbreak of any flu season. WHERE ARE WE as compared to previous flu seasons? It seems nobody is interested in FACTS, they want you shitting your pants because YOU DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER!

This pandemic is economically devastating but SO IS CAPITALISM!

Any system totally reliant upon 'trust' is easily gamed.

Here reality meets 'what are YOU going to DO about it?'

Zero irony they already know what you will do, it's the same thing you always do.

What's the 'take away'?

As the media writes Bernie Sanders's epitaph, remember why things are the way they are, including this pandemic of stupendous proportions that has no facts to back it up.

Chant the refrain, good citizen to truly appreciate just what 'our betters' think of you.

How f'n dumb are you?

Later Head,



  1. We all WANT TO support the greatest nation on the planet but that claim is as empty as the heads that pretend it is true.

  2. As the media writes Bernie Sanders's epitaph, remember why things are the way they are, including this pandemic of stupendous proportions that has no facts to back it up.

  3. What do you suppose 'the overlord's credo' {"If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit"} means 'in context?

    What part of they are lying to you don't you get?

  4. How did the 'Land of Opportunity' become the big empty? There is literally NOTHING here...but you are too, er, deluded to realize that, proud 'patriot' that you pretend to be.


  5. How many of you understand/appreciate that 'jaw-boning' is lying?

    You know but what are you going to do? You are a 'captive audience' with a media that isn't constrained to report 'responsibly'.

  6. as the f'n media writes Bernie's epitaph they are also preparing us for the bleak outlook left to us by the Service economy [better known as the dependent economy but that reality has 'bad optics'] where the further you are from the spigot, the less you are going to get/have to work with.

  7. Thousands dead but thousands dead is 'typical' during the outbreak of any flu season. WHERE ARE WE as compared to previous flu seasons? It seems nobody is interested in FACTS, they want you shitting your pants because YOU DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER!

  8. Chant the refrain, good citizen to truly appreciate just what 'our betters' think of you.

    How f'n dumb are you?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...