Friday, November 6, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, in the previous post we addressed the self-serving, who view the world through a very narrow and decidedly selfish focus.

Since the criminals among us usurped the law and interpret it as it pleases them they pretend they are not 'criminals' but 'entrepreneurs'!

Adam Smith, the original Gordon Gecko (and author of The Wealth of Nations) was an idiot that couldn't see past his own self-interest.

The only way greed; personal 'works' is when resources are set to infinite [impossible on a single planet] and value is so narrowly defined that only a few benefit from its definition.

Remind you of anybody?

Bueller? Trumpsters? Anyone?

We allow the self-interested to dictate the teaching of nonsense to our children and expect those children to behave rationally for no rational reason, how's that for insane?

What's the most disturbing takeaway from the as yet undetermined election?

That it wasn't the blow-out it should have been.

How, in any sane world, did Republicans not lose the Senate after REFUSING TO HEAR EVIDENCE of criminal wrong-doing when the Flag Humping Pussygrabber coerced a foreign government to gin up evidence against one of his rivals?

How did Mitch Mc Connell retain his seat?

Can anyone say criminal skullduggery?

This voting thing isn't working because we don't vote for the right things. Voting to see who will decide for us has proven to be a scam from the beginning.

Everybody Knows and there isn't anything you can do about it short of revolt.

Conventional wisdom says, 'things aren't so bad' but your mind tells you otherwise. Our kids can't find jobs that pay them enough to move out of the house and numbnuts is crowing about the booming economy his boondoggle of a trillion-dollar tax cut DIDN'T create!

I truly hate to keep asking you this but how f'n DUMB are you? [Stupid is the belief in dumb things like MONEY and Spirit in the Sky (a.k.a God.)]

Who are the biggest supporters of both? Evangelical Republicans.

There is no evidence a 'supreme entity' exists (and if it does it is decidedly MALEVOLENT!) Ask any officer of the court and they will readily admit that money IN ANY FORM is a LEGAL FICTION.

We won't survive following swindlers and cheats.

ASP solves the problem of those who refuse to put humanity first.

Now it's YOUR TURN to choose a side. Will you chose humanity or individuality?

Exile proves that alone on your own you are DEAD. The collective we can only prosper as a team, there aren't enough hours in the day to perform all the tasks nature demands of us.

When are you going to reject the lie that you are on your own?

Chant the refrain, good citizen, 'How f'n dumb are you?'

Again with the abrupt ending but I have already laid too much on your feeble mind.

Find your solid ground and work toward building a team that will end leadership by the reckless individuals among us.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the vast majority of us are too busy putting one foot in front of the other to spare any time contemplating criminality and the poor job our (appointed, not elected) leaders have done dealing with it.

So yesterday was the national elections and again the same incompetents who have balled the whole situation up got re-elected despite their poor performance and we have to wonder why?

Who isn't amazed that Moscow Mitch kept his senate seat? Do you think there will be a Senate panel looking into this unseemly turn of events? Will anyone dig to the bottom of the question of what the hell is wrong with Kentucky?

We all know the answer, don't we?

Our government is run by criminals and we have no way to correct the situation.

[Ironically, the criminals dare us to try and correct it, which would be a huge mistake.]

Everybody has to sleep sometime, that card offers no advantage to either side.

They may have the authority and the courts on their side but we have numbers and legitimacy on ours... They chose to wear badges and robes, where we are all the same to them.

Nobody can watch their back 24/7, nobody.

So in any 'war of attrition', numbers win.

Nobody can be chief if they can't trust anyone long enough to blink. Thus what we call civilization crumbles to dust.

Without trust, we are just a collection of savages.

Why do you suppose the bought and paid for media insists we are 'evenly divided?' So no one can challenge the treachery.

To be avoided at all costs [if you serve the criminal cabal] is rooting out the traitors and bringing them to justice in an attempt to restore trust and some semblance of civilization.


What do you KNOW about criminality and civilization? It seems most of you forgot [or failed to grasp] that politics is a process and not a team sport.

Our prisons are bulging with criminals but are they really? Most of the inhabitants of the criminal justice system are there for committing victimless crimes, not against humanity but COMMERCE!

When criminals decide what is a crime the whole system gets warped. It stops being about justice and exists to exert control and enforce obedience to a system that routinely exploits them.

Is our justice system wrong? It gets criminals off the streets by handing them guns and badges and a paycheck. The armed thugs are NOT 'heroes', They just turned on their fellows in exchange for a pension and a pretty darn good one at your expense!

The idea of "I can pay half of you to kill the other half " isn't new nor is it unique. What you aren't aware of is it's the bargain early politicians stuck with the robbers terrorizing their villages.

Didn't take long for this arrangement to descend into 'organized crime' as the thugs saw as a win-win from working both sides of the proposition. The chieftains of old were swept aside by a more 'polished' set of scammers.

There are now billions of us and is 'criminality' a problem? Only in the most impoverished areas and that's because the criminals play King of the Hill' among one another on the lower rungs of the artificial 'worlds' they carved out for themselves.

Like the Royalty of old, the criminal 'families' set up their fiefdoms using the models they were familiar with. [Not a bunch of original thinkers these criminal types!]

Worse, they modeled their worlds on the Empires of old where commanders worked on 'commission' preying on one another...which is why our prisons a bulging with the criminal 'competitors'.

What you don't see is the 'long game'.

This is what the fourth or fifth consecutive 'dead heat' in a presidential election while the term republican became synonymous with criminally psychotic?

How does THAT happen, good citizen?

Pussy-Grabber the Flag Humper is in a dead heat with Joe Biden and the ONLY thing Joe has to do is not be TRUMP.


Trumpsters: Be VERY afraid, the world is watching YOU.