Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, does anyone recall clamoring for tax breaks EXCLUSIVELY for those who need it least?

Then there is the slight issue of the media insisting the one man wrecking crew is popular...maybe with the crowd that he is sprinkling money all over but those of us that didn't vote for this asshat are getting mighty perturbed at the insistence he is 'capitalism's champion'.

Not only will media outlets come under physical attack but there will be lynchings of those wearing MAGA caps and marching in support of 'Their President.'

Apparently there are more 'born again Nazis' than can logically be accounted for and the dwindling White majority is having difficulty coping with being pushed off the top of the heap.

Rather than foster fellowship within their own species they choose to cling to the top through any means necessary.

This is the slaver mentality that needs to be overcome and extinguished if our species is to survive, nevermind advance.

Humanity will NOT survive if our only option is White Man on top.

But again I preach to the choir.

Take a good look at the world as it exists today and you will see what 'White Man on Top yields...for a more poignant look, take stock of what 'Whitey's meat puppet' is doing!

Tax cuts for the wealthy and 're-stocking' the swamp, yeah, that's what got him elected and it's also what keeps him so poop-u-lar! [because he sure ain't popular!]

Does anyone else see the conveyor belt running from Wall Street to DC?

Again, difficult to determine what's more disturbing, that Mnuchin's name appears on so many Hollywood duds or that he's the current Secretary of the Treasury?

If he came from Goldman Sachs does this mean Wall Street is also responsible for the dreck being constantly retreaded by a clueless entertainment industry?

What a frightening realization that must have been [or am I (once again) the only one who notices this?]

I mean Houston, we have a PROBLEM and it's spelled MONEY!

Beneath that we have one hell of a legal problem on our hands.

If YOU are not clear-eyed enough to recognize that the crux of the situation is LEGAL then nothing can be solved.

The feckless rule by obfuscation, keeping the problem shrouded in mystery, disguising rather than repairing.

This requires the feckless to be purged but to accomplish this we first need to seize control of the system.

Those who seek to muddy the water through 'parsing the minutia' will test positive for exile.

I belabor the obvious when I point out the futility of even attempting to use the ballot box to address these situations.

If you have a problem with the system, change the system!

Wisdom then, essential now!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


Monday, July 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while I am fond of reminding you that this is likely the ONLY place you are greeted with respect, if the scumballs in the corporate owned media find I'm chewing into their audience you may well be referred to one day as 'exalted ones' [because morons don't know the difference between respect and flattery. (Guess which one they think YOU are?)

Not that we entertain many 'simpletons' here, they can't keep up/grasp with what I have to share.

But I digress.

Today's troubling headline is El Trumpo's latest threat to shutdown the government if Democrats don't fund the staggeringly expensive and easily defeated 'border wall'.

READ MY LIPS: The Republicans control THE GOVERNMENT (Just like they did when NAFTA was presented to Willy Jeff to sign into law) They don't NEED the Democrats to give them anything, but A-hole is going to 'shut down the government' just to show our allies 'he means business'.

Why bother going through the motions when they intend to lie about it later makes little sense but that has never dissuaded them.

For reasons that don't need to be explained to even the moderately bright, all they want to do is have Dems 'on record' as supporting Republican Stupidity so they can later be blamed for not stopping the majority party!

They've been pulling this bogus crap for decades and EVERYBODY KNOWS it's 'posturing' but here we circle back to 'who writes history?'

Well, for fifty years now it's been the twisted and corrupt writing 'fantasies' about their noble struggle to obstruct human progress at EVERY turn.

Shameless and feckless are so close as to be synonymous but both still apply.

But how does this connect to 'forever'?

If we fail to throw the feckless from the driver's seat, you can look forward to an 'eternity' of being lied to.

We are into the second decade of 'The Long Emergency' that shows no sign of ending.

Remember John Jay [and most of you don't.] who opined "Let those who OWN the land, RULE the land!"

Those who don't OWN have to shut up and go along with what the feckless decide because its THEIR land, NOT YOURS!

Think you didn't have a future before? How's 'forever' looking to you now?


I will remind you once again that the Youth of the planet is relying on YOU!

Thanks once again for letting me inside what passes for your mind,


Sunday, July 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Spent the weekend surrounded by the 'future', the same children I keep imploring you to save...but you mindlessly believe you made it, they can too when you know full well the landscape is nothing like it was when you and I were growing up.

My son's birthday celebration gifted me with a cadre of kids who should be out on their own but we both know that didn't happen, not with the criminals pricing all but the children of the affluent out of the housing market.

I mean they are in the same position we were in but now you can't make ends meet with an entry level job. [In our day you could afford your own place so if your roommate stiffed you for the rent, you threw their ass out and paid the rent, older and wiser.]

You could do that then but now it's not even a starter. Get stuck for the whole rent tab and your finances are BLOWN [likely never to recover.] That's why kids live at home with the 'rents' until they land a position that lets them afford to move out on their own. [If you want to keep your friends your friends you don't move in with them!]

So it was I hosted a housefull over the weekend. [Funny how birthday celebrations 'grow' as you age!]

Unsurprisingly, of my sons friends, we are the sole homeowners.

So where do you suppose this 'expanding economy' is happening, East Richistan? [Because the ONLY people benefitting from Trump's tax cuts were already millionaires!]

In the 'real world' that discounts anyone not in the F'n ONE PERCENT.

Seems White House advisors are predicting the 'good times' will continue until the next round of nobody asked for 'em tax cuts.

Retail across the nation continues to roll up the sidewalks as a busted consumer now bargain hunts for everything online!

Even Wall-E-Mart (which did most of its business with EBT card recipients) is seeing it's core being undercut by online marketing.

A pox on 'free shipping' [which isn't 'free' at all.]

The message of today's abbreviated post is the kids have looked at the future and they don't see it. No house, no babies and no security.

Maybe, just maybe, if they tighten their belt and team up with the clear eyed they can experience a modest degree of security by working together to build their individual nest eggs via expense splitting.

What kind of society is it that forces you to buy your future from a damn bank?

My opinion is a corrupt one and one that will soon pay the price for its fecklessness.

The tab is finally coming due for the self proclaimed 'Masters of the Universe' who aren't even the masters of their own destiny...how ironic is that?

You're only 'on top' until the bottom falls out then it's the Devil take the hindmost.

With that I thank you for your patience and apologize for the two day absence.


Friday, July 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the media has built a cult around Preznint Pussygrabber and it looks like the findings of the Mueller Investigation will be made public right around the Mid-Terms.

Naturally the question here is what will Trump's followers 'do' when the verdict is revealed? I'd say even if Mueller reveals a copy of the 'pee tape' the 'base' will defend their leader [because none of the others were 'perfect' either!]

Got news for ya Bubba, this guy ain't even SANE, 'perfect' isn't the bar here! It's 'rational' and this clown is about as far from grounded as you can get.

Or maybe the bar (in the minds of the feeble) is perfection...and it's going to take a sleeze-ball like El Rumpo to bring the 'perfect' leader back to his worshipers.

What is it with religious psychopaths?

They make a perfect case for raising the voting requirement to 100 IQ points!

Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can force your superstitions on the rest of us [or ignite a religious war halfway around the planet to fulfill a 2,000 year old prophecy made by a guy that was high on whatever they used back then to invoke 'religious fervor']

[Most of Nostradamus's 'predictions' were made 'under the influence'.]

Yet the clean and sober lap up these hallucinations as the truth because the priests (not the preachers) claimed they were 'God's teachings' despite there being no evidence of either.

Since the preacher is a relatively modern evolution of the tribal witch doctor, they haven't been asked to verify any psycho-babble as the gospel because they have disavowed the ancient cult of you lie and I'll swear to it.

Preachers are supposed to be protestantism's 'honest traders', untainted by the priesthood that brought us a thousand years of religious tyranny.

Must seem odd to be reading this in our enlightened, humanist times but we all know the believers are still lurking in the shadows and will reveal themselves with a flourish once someone claiming to be 'God's Representative' steps forth to lead 'the faithful' on a new crusade against 'the wicked' [read skeptics]

(All of 'us' and most of them, f'n posers!)

They will shrink right back into the shadows they sprung from when the pretender is killed, suddenly feigning they were 'confused' to ward off being executed, which is what we should do to such freaks.

In fact note to the sentient, no more monkeying around. Treason is death.

If you can't be trusted you have revoked your membership in humanity. Any who would kill other humans for an imaginary 'god' aren't trustworthy or mentally sound for that matter!

Here's a newsflash for most of you, 'not guilty by reason of insanity' is a made up defense. If you did it, you're going to pay whether you 'realize' what you did or not!

Amazing how those who hold humanity is such low esteem expect clemency on the grounds they were ignorant of the circumstances.

They can't 'relate' because they were taught from a young age that they were 'better' than the rest of us.

And this is precisely who YOU are defending!

Did the world just become a significantly more dangerous place?

You bet it did, compounded by the fact people aren't as dumb as you you've been led to believe.

That mistake is going to cost you...big.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Thursday, July 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it seems you aren't the only one worried about social collapse

After I arrived, I was ushered into what I thought was the green room. But instead of being wired with a microphone or taken to a stage, I just sat there at a plain round table as my audience was brought to me: five super-wealthy guys – yes, all men – from the upper echelon of the hedge fund world. After a bit of small talk, I realized they had no interest in the information I had prepared about the future of technology.

They had come with questions of their own.

They started out innocuously enough. Ethereum or bitcoin? Is quantum computing a real thing? Slowly but surely, however, they edged into their real topics of concern.

Which region will be less affected by the coming climate crisis: New Zealand or Alaska? Is Google really building Ray Kurzweil a home for his brain, and will his consciousness live through the transition, or will it die and be reborn as a whole new one? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system and asked: “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the Event?”

The Event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, unstoppable virus, or Mr Robot hack that takes everything down.

It’s a reduction of human evolution to a video game won by finding the escape hatch and bringing BFFs along for the ride

This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour. They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from the angry mobs. But how would they pay the guards once money was worthless? What would stop the guards from choosing their own leader? The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers – if that technology could be developed in time.


Um, maybe now isn't a good time to point out that even the planet's richest are contemplating their fate when the 'Lord of the Flies' game goes global.

Left unexplained and unexplored is whether or not the initial collapse of capitalism [market saturation...back in the 70's] didn't drive the events that have followed. [The Debt Patch used to solve the market saturation glitch has proven toxic and there isn't a way to 'reverse it' short of collapse/revolt that will cause 'new money' to be created...and billions of deaths...just because.]

I urge you to study the entire article. Nowhere will you find the obvious solution proposed, remaining among the Masters of the Universe is paramount!

Do I need to belabor the obvious and actually tell you that the people running our civilization are seriously mentally ill?

What additional proof do you need that money is a disease? These morons [obviously not a brain among the entire five of them!] won't save themselves if it means giving up their precious wealth and the advantages it provides them with.

But how far gone is society when the Flash asked Batman what his superpower was and he deadpanned 'I'm rich'...[see why The Bat is so popular among the LCD. All it takes to be 'super' is lots of $]

How odd that our 'self-styled' supermen fail to recognize it is their 'superpower' that is causing civilization to break apart on the shoals of social unrest? Zero irony that the crime Batman purports to fight is driven by the scarcity and hardship that makes him rich...but YOU aren't supposed to look at that.

Same way the Hedgies in today's piece don't recognize their salvation lies in SHARING what doesn't belong to THEM in the first place!

Is humanity really that far gone?

Do you think we should ask the Republicans?

[Begging the question why would we ask 'the rationally rabid' anything? We are here because of them.]

If we are to save civilization we must abandon capitalism IMMEDIATELY!

Our debt driven social model is literally choking humanity to death and nobody in charge is willing to cut the noose!

Is this the kind of people we need leading us?

If we don't remove them they will continue to fumble along trying to make the impossible function.

As 'The Donald' has illustrated for us with astounding clarity, RICH does NOT equal SMART!

Just as the privately owned media is more concerned with its own preservation than the truth.

Don't want to over-tax anybody's belief system so we'll just put a cork in it and let the rest sink in for those it hasn't already bounced off of.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as we collectively shift through the rubble that makes up our lives a single factor becomes apparent. We are our own worst enemy...thanks to the feckless few.

Humanity stumbles from disaster to disaster because 'history's actors' keep blocking all attempts to 'mend' society.

I use that word cautiously because it implies we are permitted to a least try to improve our circumstances when this is in fact NOT the case.

What single factor would reverse the destructive greed tearing civilization apart?

The H.A.E. law. [Human anti-exploitation law for those of you who are lousy with acronyms.]

No one can make their living off of the efforts of another, effectively prohibiting economic slavery.

In this there would be no more 'ownership' [especially of what we all need to live!]

This, in turn would cause money to revert to its original purpose, to provide the specialist with a means to procure that which they don't have time to do for themselves.

Time to put this in 'prepper terms', do you have enough ammunition to fight us ALL off? It's NOT 'yours' and never will be.

But in this mankind is both selfish and blind...starting with 'private property' and who, precisely, is or is not 'welcome'...

Nobody screams 'trespassing' when the ambulance breaks down your front door to save your worthless life, do they?

But let people turn up at the border seeking a better life for themselves and suddenly they are 'illegal'.

Why is that do you suppose? Could it be because they weren't born here? They WERE born on planet EARTH and the reason they are fleeing the rapidly spreading 'economic desert' is because the planet's government's are overrun with CRIMINALS!

NO matter where you look you see gross injustice brought to you by the "F-You, Pay Me!" crowd.

When confronted with this behavior they say 'it's the system. If you don't like it, change the system!

Good luck with that.

That's the first hand in your face telling you 'it can't be done'. Press harder and you'll find the law on you back for 'harassing a public official' [they will lock you up but do nothing about the one standing in the way of positive change!]

Should you succeed in eeking out a minor change, they are the first ones telling you to 'let by-gones be bygones' when you know nothing short of lynching will change the son of a bitches evil ways.

They aren't interested in progress or humanity, they are ONLY interested in keeping their job [which is primarily to prevent justice!]

Why do we tolerate this situation? Because the same a-holes that tell you there is nothing they can do about it [they don't make the rules, they just enforce them...] are beholden to the F-you, pay me! crowd.

Ironically, without the 'robbers' the cops wouldn't exist.

Bizarrely, YOU PAY for this! [In much more than phony tax revenue...did you notice that since Morning in America EVERY municipality in the US is broke due to the ginormous size of the public pension obligation?

Good thing all money is funny, eh? Imagine all those '20 and done' public servants [where else can you get a deal like that?] suddenly learning that the well is dry because policing only collects a sliver of what it cost!

Mugging for profit, where else but Murika? Put blue lights on the car and you're in business.

Why do we put up with this?

Can YOU watch ten minutes of 'COPS' without the thought, "the wrong people are wearing badges..." crossing your mind?

Perhaps it is useful to keep in mind that if we didn't give this SCUM badges and guns, they'd just get their own and spend their waking hours lurking in desolate places waiting to mug anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path...

Your 'public servants' working HARD to keep YOU safe! [It was a 'win-win' for the first mayors and turned mugging into a legitimate business model for 'the morally ambiguous.' Hell, they even threw in a pension!]

Hand in hand with the H.A.E. would be the outlawing of cash and cash substitutes. The ONLY way to get money is a paycheck and the only way to 'buy' anything is from the distribution division, the only ones that can legally 'take/erase' your money.

No sense stealing if you can't sell it. Does anyone else see the 'war on drugs' suddenly solved...what WILL all those highly paid DEA agents do? What will happen to the ATF agents or Homeland security for that matter?

A land without cash is a land WITHOUT CRIME!

TWO changes [that aren't on ANYBODY'S radar and we can only wonder 'why'?] You don't suppose it is because we have CRIMINALS in charge of HUMANITY?

One thing is certain, they are keeping a air-tight lid on the decision-making process.

You won't even get to ASK anyone given the 'Party Nod' about either measure because you aren't supposed to question government, or how things work...or why you regularly get screwed.

One people good citizen.

Don't matter where you're from of if you prefer to pitch or catch, the ONLY thing that matters is you are HUMAN...and you AGREE that all you want to do is live your life PEACEFULLY, pursuing your interests in as much as they don't harm others.

So 'We' build from there. If you must have things 'your way' you will be provided no cost transportation to a place where you can live however you desire without the, er, 'intrusion' of other humans.

As you might suspect this place will be completely devoid of anything else 'man made' (like clothes or tools) but you're all about the challenge of 'living free'.

Um, to the untrained eye the place might look somewhat like a desert but that's all a matter of perspective. Think of it as a work in progress.

You only wear clothes because society makes you, that's the first thing you will be 'liberated' from.

If you are unwilling to share and even less inclined to 'compromise' you may well become the next Lord of the Flies!

The rules of modern society will be simple and few but if your stance is 'I will not compromise! (or obey) then accommodations will be made to suit you.

Lots and lots of SAND all for YOU! If you're lucky you'll get to take over someone else's work in progress so you won't have to build a shelter from scratch with your bare hands.

Wouldn't want to cheat you of the pride that comes from crafting a life with your own two hands! (because you won't be allowed to take so much as a ring tab with you when you depart for your 'new life'.)

Since the lawless life is for you, don't let social conventions block you from success. I needn't draw pictures for the feckless, I had them at 'cashless'. [No money, no theft OR fraud.]

If that sounds like HELL to you, fear not, we have a place for your type...it's just not with the rest of humanity because you are both unique, common and suspiciously a few fries shy of human.

Those who view themselves as 'apex predators' or the 'competitive type' won't fit in with 'co-operative' humanity so a separate community will be established where the like-minded can compete their hearts out [and likely feast on them afterwards! (mostly because there won't be anything else to eat.)]

Funny how predators/competitors don't seem to do well with things that require patience and planning...like animal husbandry or farming.

Not that there will be anything to herd or grow, just saying, ya know?

Oh and if none of this sounds 'appealing' to you [either side, the hard life of the 'rugged individual' you've worshiped all your life or the relative ease of a life lived in harmony with humans of all colors and only one 'faith', that of humans first!

DOn't think you can fake it until you make it. You won't be 'fooling' anybody so don't even try. You KNOW how you're bent.

Maybe you'll discover you aren't such a tough guy after all.

Otherwise, the horizon is over there, if the folks in the tower can still see you in an hour, they have orders to shoot to kill {and nobody will question those orders. How sad is that?}

See what happens when you close the door to dialog?

Stupid is permanent, only ignorance can be cured.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, sometimes to better understand where we are it helps to look at where we've been...problem with that strategy is most of us don't remember.

IF you had the brains of a mosquito you would evacuate your bowels every time somebody said the word 'Republican' so it's probably for the best that most Republicans are forgetful morons. [Good thing you're an 'Independent' that just happens to vote Republican, eh?]

You don't suppose the paint stripper they put in the decaf stripped our brains while it was passing through, do you? Nope, we've always been short attention span theater when it comes to things like 'tribal memory' and who screwed the pooch then blamed it on the other guy.

Well, let's take a walk down memory lane and check out some of our 'formative moments'...starting with the 90's and telling anyone that remembers that the Seventies were NOTHING like the TV show. [It marks the most glaring example of 'manipulated perception' for us to reflect upon.]

It also is part in parcel with conservative dogma, remembering times that NEVER EXISTED, then 'pining' for them.

Back in the Seventies things like MegaTrends preached to gospel of the 'Flat Earth' and the Global Race to the BOTTOM [aptly mis-named as the 'Search for Excellence'.]

It introduced EST [assertiveness training, which set back personal relationships 500 years, to the point where they still haven't recovered.] You still can't trust anybody because we're all so 'into ourselves!'

But perhaps the most profound work to come out of the wayback machine is the book, "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten!"

Which basically succeeded in justifying everyone behaving like a five year old for the rest of their lives!

The unanswered question begged by this media hyped brain fart is Where did you go to kindergarten, Hell?

Yeah, that sparked an entire movement dedicated to getting in touch with your inner child...and look, we have someone who is still eagerly searching for their inner child occupying the White House!

Problem with mental off-ramps is they usually only go one way. If you get lost on your journey of personal discovery, you're on your own...

Not to worry good citizen, I won't abandon you to your own devices (like conservative doctrine so often does.)

Conservatism is all about YOU, Liberalism is all about US.

You are NOT alone in the world so you must learn to share and respect the rights of others.

Probably a good time to find your mental mirror and assess just how good a 'teammate' you've been to your fellow travelers. Have you helped them cope and shared your wisdom with those who needed a boost? [Or did you browbeat and upbraid those that didn't do what you would have done? Not that you would have done it but for appearances sakes, ya know?]

If the world seems off kilter it is probably because the adults are asking their five year old selves what they would do in a situation no five year old would ever find themselves in...[without a pedophile present, never say never!]

Just because the media says Trump's base still supports him doesn't make it true or perhaps we should make the obvious correction here and point at the 'PEOPLE THAT PUT HIM IN OFFICE' still, er, 'support' him (mostly because he's sticking to the *script.)

He seems a bit 'conflicted' but that's because he doesn't have a choice. He's the dupe wearing the explosive vest he can't take off.

Worse, it's not IF they are going to set it off but when that has left him sleepless, gaunt and caked in make-up.

Pay attention eh?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


* What 'script' would that be? Why the 2nd coming script, of course! Didn't I make it clear yesterday that civilization is being driven off a cliff by the superstitious peasants among us?

Lenin had it right, religion is the opiate of the masses.

Monday, July 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as Preznint Pussygrabber pokes hornet's nests wherever he finds them we can only wonder if he shares W.s, er, 'fantasy' of being/becoming a 'wartime president'.

Mind you w's 'war without end' still smoulders in the cursed Middle East as the hapless muslims have feckless conservatism forced on them. In fact, flag draped nationalism is trumping democracy all around the globe.

Who needs humanity if your nation is the baddest bully on the planet? This is what the Israeli's are told to believe, thanks to Murika and it's fever dream of doing whatever it takes to bring on the '2nd coming'.

As I have already explained, that ain't even a possibility. UFO activity has dropped to a trickle since the 1970's when the last stragglers re-enforced the almighty's final orders to exterminate the 'infidels'.

Yeah, even in the society that created us we are considered expendable (and more than a little dangerous to be left 'unsupervised'. Here you thought OCD was a personal problem!)

But the 'overseers' have been basking in the 'freedom' of having it all for themselves. [Besides, when their parents carried out the Almighty's final order, they learned the ship that had been left for them was inoperable. They aborted and here we are.]

Problem is the kids of those instructed to kill us all have the command 'hardwired' into their neurochemistry. They will keep trying until they succeed.

Humanity won't be safe to choose it's own destiny until we 'purge' ourselves of the feckless.

Do you suppose that's what's driving the man-childs ceaseless [handlers] attempts to start a global conflict with anybody he can?

To listen to Mr. Fake News, you'd have the global media covering up all of those 'threats' Iran has been making while nobody was paying attention...apparently even the Iranians are scratching their heads over this latest verbal calling out by Diaper Baby!

Then there is the brick wall 'Mr. Easy' crashed face first into with the Korean peace process. Young Mr. Kim is proving you don't even have to be an early riser to put one over on a braggart!

Makes you wonder...naw, at 70 you'd think he would have learned to keep his trap shut because he keeps tripping into the holes he digs with his mouth.

But no, this is just the guy they need to use their their most effective weapon on the left behind.

We are witnessing first hand what the run up to nuclear annihilation would play out like and the F'n Republican's only sit there with their eyes glazed, barely able to contain their excitement over finally getting to meet God!

What does any of this have to do with heuristics?

Well, nothing but the fact that even heuristics eventually get watered down to uselessness.

For example, the 'cheerleaders' who are so vexed that there isn't more celebrating of the 'supercharged economy' [if you're a billionaire] that almost nobody is benefitting from.

Funny how globalization has brought us 24/7 shopping and jobs that you can't live on [it stops with keeping yourself fed and getting to the job that has itself has become the punchline to a bad inside joke, you're now living the 'will work for food' credo.

Oh and hundred dollar air conditioners, aren't you so much better off now that you no longer have a job or the future that job was supposed to provide you with?

Who else thinks 'economist' is the modern equivalent of Alchemist? [They regularly turn shit into gold!]

They are also the ones telling you the economy is 'doing better' when obviously it isn't.

Why don't you appreciate the differences they so carefully craft for you [when they compare you to a cave person.]

You're sleeping Bubba and they are going to blow the planet up so they can be 'with' their beloved 'creator'.

Sort of brings us full circle with the argument that we could easily be confused with some races floating insane asylum...

I know, don't know, don't care.

Thanks for not taking a dump in my general vicinity...


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Lunatics vs. Heretics

Greetings good citizen, the 'public square' [a wholly owned subsidiary of corporate U.S.A.] continues to announce the strong support Preznint Pussygrabber enjoys among 'the faithful' [while ignoring the fact that church attendance is dropping faster than can be calculated...so his 80% approval rating could very well be among 10 evangelicals.

Ironically, once upon a time, back when there was a king on the throne and church attendance was mandatory (they even specified which one!) [Worse, this was the case for hundreds of years.] If you didn't show up in church you'd best be on your deathbed because you risked being tried as a heretic if somebody noticed you weren't among the 'faithful'.

And if somebody had a hard-on for you they just waited for the day you didn't turn up! Then the wrong word was sure to go into the right ear!

While church attendance is down for pretty much the same reason political participation is down, the poor destitute can't afford either.

If you go to church these days you make the trip on the weekday that the food bank is open.

That said, Today's top story is about the young and idealistic that have yet to come to terms with the fact the system is bulletproof, it doesn't work 'as advertised' and that's not a malfunction, that's the way it was DESIGNED!

You can't get ten people to agree on one kind of pizza, what makes you think you can get 500 [or even 251] to agree on the direction of an entire country?

Worse, with society literally falling apart at the seams, the only questions you be asked to deliberate is which restrooms the transgendered will use. Everything else is either handled by political appointees or kicked back down to the state legislature [where it is ignored completely due to lack of funding.]


Nope, the 'formula' remains unchanged. Revolt, PURGE and then Reform.

Wish there were a shortcut but there isn't. You'd like to believe the feckless would want things to work equitably, being human like us (or so we're told...)

It is here I will remind you that assholes aren't born, they're made.

Let this be the 'cautionary tale' of whose knee you let your children park at. [It also makes a strong case for removing child-rearing from the general populace because prejudices, like hatred, are learned things taught to us by our parents (or their parents!)

Like many 'myths' these too are perpetuated by the feeble minded.

The idea that your 'representative' will decide for you (and mind you most of the things you encounter in your everyday life are beyond the purview of our elected lawmakers, not by accident but BY DESIGN!)

Beginning to see the problem? We have nuclear armed lunatics manipulating the commercial markets to enrich themselves.

How do we stop the banksters from burying us?

We CAN'T. [How many of you have said a prayer of thanks recently that (all) money is funny?]

Do any of you have any clue what the interest payments are on $247 TRILLION? [Considering more than 50% of outstanding debt today consists of loans made to refinance old debt...]

Perhaps if I point at the percentage of that debt which was created by credit cards...

Is there no way to end the 'gross mismanagement?'

How do YOU spell 'r-e-l-i-e-f'? REVOLT!

NOTHING will change (for the better) until the system is destroyed.

This perpetual helplessness is not an accident, it is the 'desired effect'.

If you are unwilling to fight asking you not to 'collaborate' is the least you can do.

The supporters of tyranny will pay the price.

Thanks for opening your mind and heeding the warning for it is almost upon us.


Saturday, July 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, in my seemingly endless quest for the universal touchstone I have racked up an impressive list of failures. I have implored you to save your children but nope, the feckless have you convinced your kids aren't in danger. I haven't appealed to you directly because that's a lost cause, you're too wrapped in trying to making a fortune to even consider the seamless box you've been shoved into.

War is omnipresent so it's threat/consequences has had no effect on a head incapable of understanding what tyranny is or a heart that's even harder than your impenetrable head thanks to video games that have made taking the life of other players just another part of the game...

I have pointed out (repeatedly) that the ENTIRE 'decision-making process' is flawed to the point of uselessness and all it did was lose me readers.

I have patiently explained the fact that you have been enslaved by debt but, again, you are beyond caring, three cheers for the red, white and blue! [Ironically the same colors as France's flag!]

Somewhat bizarre in a country where 'loyalty' is a liability it seems to be the one thing the bone-headed value. [Not REAL loyalty but fake loyalty like the fake love of a country that wouldn't spit on the best part of you...if you aren't rich.]

In a complete reversal [Since you know when] the (heavily massaged) message has been 'support our troops' now that the employment picture is so horrible that if not for the military unemployment would be 75%

This nation was founded on the fear of standing armies and feckless bankers, yet US banksters have crashed the global economy twice in the past one hundred years and NOBODY went to prison for it!

Should we thank a veteran for this? You know the feckless do!

Or perhaps we should look no further than our badly mangled justice system that has no problem with 'for profit' prisons.

This shit went out the window with the Magna Carta but that didn't stop it from making a comeback!

In fact, 'Morning in America' has seen the return of just about every social evil that has EVER plagued society and the REPUBLICANS made it all possible (hallelujah, praise the lord and pass the ammunition!)

Yup, Christ is coming for ya, the dumb ones first!

The church's bad reputation is WELL EARNED.

The clergy stood mute (often defending) the 'collaborators' [see today's title] in our collective exploitation...all for a measly ten percent.

Treachery is reviled to the point of it being a capital crime.

Is the 'cracker' a traitor to its own kind?

It most certainly is. [Yet the church and what passes for a government defends this behavior [playing the public safety card.] Wouldn't we all be a LOT safer if the agents of the law protected everyone? We're actually a lot 'freer' without mindless policing causing problems left, right and center!

Again, when I point to glaring injustices such as this your eyes glaze over. I have never ONCE asked you for a penny and you'd think I was pestering you when all you need to do is 'stop reading' (but you can't, can you! If you stop reading you won't know when the shit is going to start!) [Cue sinister chuckle...]

That said if it were up to me it would be all over but the shouting already but YOU seem to be keeping your powder dry, which is being interpreted as you are still too chicken to fight.

For fifty years now you have had less to lose than you stood to gain by revolting and still you refuse to rise up. Well, the day is coming, in fact feel free to start anytime now. Like a tinder dry forest, the sidelines are bulging with eager participants, literally chomping at the bit, waiting to 'pile in' and all it's going to take is one spark. [The Rubicon was crossed fifty years ago when the conservatives staged a bloodless coup and hijacked the political system.]

The Dems that you have grown to loathe for their spinelessness no longer exist...but you already know that.

Time to accept what you already know. Nobody has your back and nobody in today's political landscape is on YOUR side.

Politics isn't something you can't delegate or ignore because YOU have to live here and if you don't look out for your children, who will?

Another appeal that failed miserably but I repeat myself. [Largely because the political landscape has become bullet-proof.]

So it is I fall back on the traitor which is everybody's problem.

Here's an uncomfortable question...are you or could you be seen by your peers to be a cracker/traitor?

Most of us are incurable mimics and half of the time we don't pay attention to the sentiments we echo, but we should.

Your off-hand remarks could be branding you as a traitor...starting with thanking veterans for their service...or that new thing at ball parks [which will vanish in another twenty years, if that] of having vets stand up to be 'recognized'.

Prior to the twin invasions of the Middle East most 'vets' were drafted! So thanking somebody that didn't volunteer was somewhat nonsensical.

Then Congress pulled a real boner [post 'Morning in America'] and passed legislation that required females to sign up for the draft...and suddenly we had an all volunteer armed forces (and mercenaries returned too! Who'd a thunk?)

Now it seems we have volunteers and professionals working together to subjugate the former United (we're not) States.

Now the feckless media is telling us that we are already in trouble come this November, not that 500 fake Democrats were actually going to do anything in the first place.

Oh, and the people running things won't let their pets in Washington remove Pussygrabber, they aren't done with their prize bonehead!

[Just a thought here but you don't suppose Donald's actually broke and he's letting himself be publicly humiliated to avoid being thrown in the slammer, do you? Just spitballing here because to date D.J.T. is the poster child for 'zero self respect!'

Ya gotta wonder, SIXTEEN Republicans ran against Hillary and this is the one that 'won' [and even then he wouldn't have based on the popular vote.]

Look to your public support of Preznint Pussygrabber and consider for a moment just how this is playing in the eyes of the people you have to live among.

Not for the last time will I ask 'How STUPID are you?'

You don't think it's stupid but the people around you know what's behind your 'crackerism'.

Like many things the term 'if you're not a part of the solution then you are part of the problem' is lost on you...and that's okay because it's NOT lost on them.

Just try not to act totally surprised when the uh-oh squad shows up on your doorstep to escort you on your all expenses paid, one way excursion to Lord of the Flies Island!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,

There ARE more of us than there are of you...[but you already know that.]


Friday, July 20, 2018


Greeting good citizen, today's original title was to be Kings but I switched it to rulers to better focus your attention on the issue at hand.

What issue is that?

How many rulers (kings) are too many?

Considering we have almost 200 independent nations on the planet. [Your first, best indication of, er, 'trouble'.] You'll find humans in the most inhospitable parts of the planet as they fled civilization seeking 'Liberty'.

It's only due to the confines of a single planet that there are not seven BILLION nation-states so 'independance minded' is the typical human. Although that's not quite it, what drives people away from living in harmony with each other is our incessant judging of others.

In this it seems we can't help ourselves [of course our inability to acknowledge this trait in ourselves goes a long ways toward explaining why we would rather run than fight.]

Nobody wants to hear 'you do it too!' because we know this is true...

I was going to ask a rhetorical question but (Unsurprisingly) I wasn't able to think of a social structure that didn't have a pecking order.

Hell, even A Simple Plan embraces a pecking order driven by rewarding proven achievement but organizations all have a 'top' and a bottom so why are we picking on 'rulers'? Aren't they a 'natural' part of any social structure?

In this humans once again prove themselves 'unique'. While we are 'herd animals' (and tribal like nobody's business), nowhere in nature will you find a more 'industrious' creature [except insects, they will literally work themselves to death, zero irony that our bosses honestly believe this is the right thing to do...]

We are the ONLY creature [we know of] that displays the habits of both and the ONLY creature in existence that is fully aware of its existence.

So how many 'rulers' would you say are too many now?

The correct answer is one. [Meaning we should have ZERO Rulers who are by default, 'tyrants'.]

Humanity doesn't need 'rulers', it needs leaders...and there is a world of difference between the two. Ruler's believe they are born to it, that telling others what to do and how to do it is their 'divine right'...

Nobody is surprised that we have almost 200 autonomous nations considering the 'ruler' mindset.

Worse, rulers also make themselves leaders [even when they suck at it like Preznint Pussygrabber!]

One of the peculiar problems that come with fake democracies; the people doing the choosing are looking for 'stage presence' more so than the ability to think or solve problems...and Donny's personal life show us he's a terrible decision maker and even less of a problem solver.

That mouth of his has dug a lot of holes that his ass can't cover.

But I digress (unforgivably so.)

It is today's intent to point out that we should be united under a single leader with a vision for all humanity (yeah, that includes you Ladies!)

Actually under A Simple Plan leadership consists of the 'top three' competitors [forming a leadership triad] to provide more stable leadership and to insure against fatal myopia that is threatening the current 'debt driven' model.

No rulers, leaders and our leaders are prohibited from legislating!

Rulers make laws, hence the title. Humanity is sentient and must 'agree' to the terms of society. My way or the highway is how we got to this terrible place! [The brink of extinction in case you're slow on the uptake...]

When you reach the age where you are old enough to make your own decisions you will be given the opportunity to sign humanities laws, indicating you agree to abide by them and are therefore rewarded with 'the benefits of civil society'. [Teachers will encourage the young to rebel, living in peace IS A CHOICE THAT MUST BE MADE WILLINGLY! (This too will be explained, hopefully at *Mommy/Daddy's knee.)

Chances are 21 will remain the 'legal age of majority' [as humans will no longer be drafted to fight one another in useless, senseless wars.] As all adults know, getting from 18 to 21 without, er, 'unintentionally' taking on the obligations of adulthood is a major feat unto itself but thanks to centuries of RULE by the FECKLESS we now have to take serious measures to rein in population growth.

The abandonment of the 'for profit' educational model will allow for higher learning to be taught at a younger age. Colleges will still exist but most career training will be conducted on the shop floor where you will learn practical, hands on methodology.

Since overpopulation will result in 'work sharing', the workday/week will be reduced to half of the current 8/40 hour shift. College will be 'free' AND you will have ample time to enrich your mind!

The more keenly you appreciate the needs of society, the better you will do in the tests! (for leadership)]

Did I mention that A Simple Plan was holistic? Yup, snaps together like lego blocks!

Naturally life isn't that 'neat' but this is probably as close as were going to get if we are ever to be united and venture out into space to find our long dead ancestors.

[Oh yeah, considering what they left behind here they were goners long before they sailed off to strip mine the universe! Especially with that 'Our Father who art in Heaven' malarkey! (now there's a smokin hole in the ground if there ever was one!)]

Humanity need LEADERS, not RULERS, we are NOT 'animals' we are human beings!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


* Parenthood will be granted on an individual basis with preference being given to 'loving partners.' Marriage will no longer be a requirement and the State may take over the task of providing 'A loving home' in the absence of a natural, nurturing environment.

Single parenthood is not prohibited but would be considered 'limiting' on the child's understanding of human dynamics.

We are NOT alone.

While it is EVERYONE'S 'right' to procreate, it may not be in the 'best interests' of society (or you for that matter) to have/let YOU raise that offspring.

Assholes aren't born, they're 'raised'.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, for all of the 'happy talk' about the booming economy (A trillion dollars in tax cuts, principally to the corporate tax rate, companies must be rolling in it, right?

Um, why aren't the companies 'sharing' this, er, 'windfall' with the people who actually make the profits.

Since 1980 workers have been told they are lucky they have jobs [so competitive was the global marketplace] so just lay off the raises huh? And while companies were racking up record quarter after record quarter, come raise time the workers were being told there wasn't room in the budget for raises or if they did hand them out there were 'give backs' involved like paying a higher percentage of your healthcare or losing the company matching on your 401k.

Business '202' was doing great but the workers were getting raises that didn't keep pace with inflation and a whole new class was born, the working poor.

The other half of that reality was the newly created 'not in the workforce designation exploded to fifty percent of working aged population, keeping the 'competition' for replacement workers at rock bottom.

Can't live on what the job pays? Tough, there are 2 guys wishing they had your job, which one do you want me to offer it to?

Commerce [read shareowners] have zero shame. If you can't live on what you're being paid it's not their problem, it's YOURS!

You spent how much on your degree? [Don't tell me your troubles, there were three just like you asking if we were hiring so far today!]

This is what 'supply side economics' [the owners are kings] has resulted in. The employer/employee relation has gone from symbiotic to predatory.


There is nothing stopping you from walking off the job [except the extreme unlikelihood that anybody would hire you with that kind of a black mark on your resume.] The Artificially Low unemployment rate is fake and we all know it. There is too much 'surplus labor' to give you enough leverage to command a wage you can live on.

Still voting for Team Trump and 'the heirs of supply side' this coming November?

You might get a small increase but we all know that would be the 'chump correction'. New hires get more than older workers because employers recognize life is expensive and often marvel to themselves how the people that have worked there for years get by on so little money...

The ONLY thing that keeps your wages rising is WELFARE and some employers have stopped paying attention to that benchmark too with many of their workers qualifying for both!

Now that's 'corporate welfare' when the job pays so poorly that the worker qualifies for public assistance.

Remember what I told you yesterday? [I'm gonna keep on insulting you until you either stop reading or get off your dead ass and DO SOMETHING!]

Well, HOW STUPID ARE YOU? [Yeah, I know which is likely to come first but hey, I'm already close enough to the dirt nap for it not to make a difference to me.]

The politicians are in the 'owners' pockets so they won't help you (you might get the posers to pretend they care but they will just turn your plight into an excuse to raise funds for the next election!) Jobs, such as they are, no longer provide economic security.

So WTF are you doing? Let me ask again, HOW STUPID ARE YOU? [Unfair, I know, it's the only game in town and if you're gonna play you gotta play by the rules until something else comes along!

Only the 'owners' enjoy anything resembling economic security and they have to toe the line or the big guns [the fake bankers] will scuttle them!

[for the feeble minded there is no such thing outside the legal construct as 'real bankers'. LIKE BITCOINS, it's all PHONY!]

Yet you stubbornly refuse to be honest with yourself, hoping against hope that you will get along if you just continue to go along [despite it being obvious that you are being cheated out of what they 'promised' you.]

Even you should be old enough to know there is nothing more fleeting than a 'promise' that hasn't been recorded.

Implied or not, some promises were never meant to be kept.

Which leaves you where?

I'll be right here when you decide it's 'payback time'. [There ain't no 'God' to do it for you on either side of the this existence.]

See what happens when you fall for their lies?

It's whisper time, time to find out who is on your side and to make plans to take back what has been stolen from you.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, [your single most important possession!]


Perhaps today's post will educate some of you as to WHAT (precisely) has been stolen from you!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Politics has replaced theater as an entertainment form mostly due to 'audience participation.' Like drama, you don't have to comprehend it to be 'emotionally invested' in the plot.

What few realize is while we watch the attention grabbing events unfold we are ignoring the bigger picture, the unsavory parts of life remain in stasis while we watch, spell-bound, to see whether or not the oaf we elected to lead us is a traitor!

[He's an idiot, isn't that enough?]

I wonder if that poor German newscaster who was nearly pissing herself laughing over Trump's moronic accusation that Germany was a 'captive' of Russia is still alive after the President of 'Stupid America' came out in a global press conference and actually said America has a 'stupid problem'...[and it's standing right here!] WTF

How many times do I have to repeat myself? The Rich are NOT like you and I! Like the stupidest among us, they (moronically) equate their wealth with intelligence!

Fits considering money is fake and what the wealthy do with money is both criminal and a travesty!

But being 'half right' doesn't even qualify as a pyrrhic victory.

Were we to backtrack to the core of our social ills we would find the assumption that riches equals intelligence IS the problem.

Why do the clueless assume that the wealthy are intelligent? Because of what Trump said! [We got a 'stupid problem']

If you believe money has value you are stupider than you think (which is something else you obviously don't know how to do!)

[There is SOMETHING stopping you from leaping out of the box and crushing the people that consistently play YOU for a chump and I'm gonna keep insulting you until you snap to and DO SOMETHING about it!]

{I double dog DARE you to ask 'what?'}

Circling back, we are so distracted by the 'drama' put on for our 'info-tainment' that we fail to recognize that the phenomenon is global. W. [who was a 2 termer, followed by Obama who was also a 2 termer] shook Putin's hand and said here is a man we can trust! Barry never cuddled up to Vlad but he never spanked him either...and we can once again assume he was just following orders, just as The President of Stupid is by embracing his Russian counterpart who [thanks to the oligarchs] has the job for life. Just like Xi, who was just recently awarded his 'silver helmet'.

See the 'trend'? No huh? Well Rump must be YOUR President too!

Sticking to the script (especially the 'fine print') where Rump plays the mea culpa card and says 'now I get it' to Russian interference in the 2016 election [but there was NO COLLUSION!] just to keep the pot bubbling while the global economy chokes to death.

Yeah, Bobo. Spanky is scoring just enough points with his 'base' to make a failure to ouster the feckless in the mid-term elections believable.

You obviously don't see that you're being 'set up' for another (epic) electoral fail.

Wait until the feckless corporate owned media starts spewing 'happy talk' about how 'effective' the Trump tariffs have been at 'revitalizing' the fake economy! [Try not to 'overthink' how profits are up BECAUSE YOU are PAYING MORE for the same shit due to the tariff!

Y'all think we MIGHT just have us a teensy 'Stupid Problem'?

How can you solve problems when you can't pay attention long enough to put a stop to them?

Get your head out of your butt!


Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, even Fox News is astonished by the president's behavior at yesterday's Helsinki summit. The wild card here is how will the 'true believers' behave?

Will the profoundly stupid label the whole incident 'fake news' or will they point at the 'liberal press' [that only exists in their feeble heads] and call it a witch hunt?

Either way they've got the bases covered.

In fact some of the conservative stalwarts are now hedging their bets, so fearful are they of a base that votes with its gut because they are allergic to thinking.

How many of YOU would be 'disappointed' to learn that the whole shitshow is orchestrated by the same people and even the conflicts are 'faked'?

In this respect evidence for this line of reasoning is everywhere, from the media's resolute avoidance of 'war without end' to it's complicity in blaming the Russians for the last stolen election.

I am not the only one to arrive at this conclusion. Once again we are deviled by what to DO about it! We agree on revolt but how do we reach the blind masses?

Without the eye that never blinks, we don't.

There are too many people incapable of thinking for themselves among the abandoned.

[Sidebar: one of today's minor headlines is they have found stone tools in China that pre-date the earliest known human remains...those of you that can, think about what this means.]

I'm of the 'opinion' that we were 'synthesized' to mine this planet of its star ship fuel...to the point it was terra-formed to suit us. [a theory I reached due to the stunning number of 'conflicts' the fossil record shows. Ancient horses were tiny and ancient dogs were gigantic!

So we came from somewhere else and, er, 'settled' where the ore deposits were. The 'stone edifices' that can be found around the planet which defy rational explanation were built using technology that is still beyond our comprehension. They weren't toombs, they were mineral processing plants.

Since we were already 'domesticated' we brought our 'civilization' (albeit a slaver one) with us.

Since it has ALWAYS been a belief of humanity that 'life is cheap' the chances are excellent we started off as clones and were engineered to adapt to the climate of the target planet...which is why we were ABANDONED here when the mines played out and our 'overlords' (we called 'gods') moved on.

Let me remind you, 14 BILLION years is a MIGHTY long time.

It also explains why so many don't think, it was above our service requirement.

The 'evidence' is all around you. The 'overseer's aren't any cleverer than the rest of us, they only know what they were taught and they were taught that they were 'special', better than the rest of us [which doesn't explain why they weren't taken with, but this only proves my point about their being, um, 'as stupid' as the rest of us.]

Anyway, the abandoned overseers were tasked with wiping the rest of us out and the only 'tool' there were given to achieve this task was the learned animosity we had for other clans/mines. Perpetually pitted in 'competition' with a rival mine, we were taught to hate them because they were always outperforming us. In fact, our overlords would repeatedly tell us we were the WORST miners on the planet (often 'punishing us' for our unsubstantiated failures...sound familiar?)

So it is you end up with a species that not only loathes itself but also instinctively distrusts anyone not of its clan.

Yup, that how we got humans who hate other humans...because our gods punished us for not performing as well as our 'competitors' did.

Those days are LONG over, the real enemy are those that keeps us at each other's throats.

Given that civilization is about to 'collapse' (again!) Don't you think it's time we perform a long overdue 'weeding' of our hypercompetitive genetic garden?

Perhaps after the dickwads are gone we can cobble together an educational system that will enable our young to perform to their 'true potential'.

It all starts by not 'hobbling them' with fantasies about god, money, profits and F-You, Pay me! (plus tax!) [Let's not forget 'the afterlife' where your excellent behavior in this life will be rewarded by God!]

Certain to be removed from the curriculum is the 'my genes are better than yours' BS.

There is already ample proof that our self-professed 'betters' received extra mental hobbling, which is what makes them 'special' [They had their feelings removed, making them superior thinkers that were incapable of appreciating the consequences of their actions...we call them psychopaths now but they think they are geniuses!

I know, too much for the 'feelies' to process.

It's a load for the rational mind as well, we are a race of lost souls because we have outlived our intended purpose but that does nothing to quench our drive to survive, a feature they purposefully enhanced because slaves really don't have much to live for.

Well, now we're a little bit too free and nobody has a clue what to do with all of these useless miners! [When there is no shortage of things that NEED Doing! First among those things is to unite to save our species from the feckless embedded among us!]

Then to undo the hundred thousand years worth of damage the overseer class has done. [Starting with the 'forced inequity'.]

Sounds far fetched and most of you are ignorant of most of what I point at but it's there if you look.

The results speak for themselves, my story is one of 'reverse engineering' combined with cause and effect. We (and our beliefs) didn't come from 'nowhere'.

God has left the building, can I get a hallelujah? [Slaving bastard!] I know most of you 'miss' s/he/it but you were never more than bugs to 'the almighty'.

Don't need to remind you that today is the first day of the rest of your life!

What will YOU DO with your newfound understanding?

I'm prepared to be amazed.


Monday, July 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, without hope we are doomed so instead of pointing at those who regularly pee in your cornflakes I wish to direct your attention to the reason nothing changes.

Ever wonder why there hasn't been a revolt?

It's because you are convinced the current shit sandwich is 'as good as it gets'.

We'd have to overcome entrenched obstacles that have proven so resistant to change as to be considered 'impossible'.

Ironically, everybody knows it is 'talk to the hand' telling us that.

The privileged that stand to lose so much by a re-shuffling of the deck protest the unfairness of taking their privileges away just to provide those who have sacrificed their comfort for them some relief.

How would THEY like it if the public came along and took everything THEY had 'worked so hard to earn'?

Again, everybody knows those who accumulate vast sums did so by manipulating the legal system. [NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM!]

You have (for far too long) been satisfied with the 'illusion of justice' just as you used to be content with the 'illusion of representation.'

Problem is society has changed and our politicians are NOT leaders. IF they have solutions they are keeping them to themselves [because the problems created by their campaign contributors are 'intentional'.]

Our politicians are stuck in 'Happy Days' when these are decidedly unhappy times.

Look at the current Potus...so wrapped up in his never-ending campaign that he is (through his minions on faux news) crowing about the awesome economy his trillion dollar tax cuts [that only the very richest got] created while everybody else is choking on the higher prices his 'trade war' is causing.

Um, most of you don't pay attention to your own finances so when the media reports that the global economy is 247 TRILLION DOLLARS (not Euros) in the dink you just grin and drool on your shoes. It doesn't mean anything to you besides 'Geez, some moron has really let their credit cards get WAY out of hand!'

Quick, find a mirror because the 'moron' is staring back at you with incredulous eyes.

Under-paid and overpriced, how's that for 'rapacious'?

Begging the question of how long can we 'tolerate' those who don't live as we live to dictate the terms of our life?

How do we 'fix' this mess?

We can't using the corruption laden patronage system.

It starts with the badges and continues to the robes followed closely by 'the suits.' To insure a 'just' society we have to eliminate the existing halls of justice. In fact the entire justice system will be overhauled.

No cops [who cause more crime than they prevent] no judges [that wouldn't know 'fair' if it bit them on the ass!] and no more lawyers that claim to be experts in what belongs to us all.

Then we purge commerce of those who claim to 'own' it. [Paychecks ALL around!] Stockbrokers are going to have to learn to swing a paintbrush because most of the planet is in dire need of a fresh coat of paint!]

The stock markets AND the insurance industry will both be shuttered. Those who worked in Real Estate will be offered new positions with the 'relocation division' (a subsidiary of the construction guild.)

Bankers will cease to exist as will cash.

YOU won't need to borrow money because everything you need will be FREE! [Ironically the things you WANT (but don't need) will cost you. That's why you will still work for a paycheck!]

If everything is free, why 'work' at all? Answer is obvious, stuff doesn't make itself. Life as we have come to know it is the result of craftsmanship handed down across the ages. How can we 'operate' if commerce isn't profitable? Most of you have been taught that profits are dollars and cents, which is a total LIE! Profit is (and always has been) the benefit reaped by the individual, if society benefits too (by creating happy/secure people, wonderful!) MOTHER NATURE DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER!

[No such thing as chicks with dicks, just guys with tits! wake the f up!]

Debt driven society is a chimera that is on the edge of ripping itself to pieces as the feckless concentrate on stacking it as high as they can, screw the next guy!

The FIRST STEP in a successful revolt is taking on and eliminating the 'counter-revolution'. [Leaving the (in)justice system intact is why all previous revolutions have FAILED.]

Look across history, not one revolution has led us even a half a step away from where we are today!

Tyranny persists because the tyrants don't fight, they just sit back and watch. Once the fighting done and people are enjoying their 'illusion of victory' they step back into their badges and robes and the shitshow begins anew!

No cops, no judges, no lawyers, no politicians, no fake parties and no jails.

If this spells 'no justice' to you, expand your mind a tiny bit further. There will still be trials and courts but in a courthouse devoid of JUDGES the people/jury of your peers reigns supreme. The 'appeals' process is kaput. It only exists now to give the guilty a window of opportunity from which to escape justice. [Should the 'unimaginable' happen and a psychopath of privilege find itself behind bars. The appeals process provides the guilty with the time necessary for their crime to vanish from public view.]

But no more jails means no more 'escape, justice will be immediate...and final.

That said, most of the petty prohibitions that the current injustice system (uses line it's pockets [for profit prisons anyone?]) will disappear. Nobody will be exiled for possession because it will no longer be prohibited! Murder and theft (which should drop precipitously because money isn't transferable between individuals...if you steal it you'd best plan on keeping it because you CAN'T sell it! Oh and if you get caught with items not 'registered' to you, it's exile.)

No cops only means the 'clean up crew' will arrive later. Criminal investigators will still investigate 'incidents' but crime [with the elimination of cash] will be virtually non-existent. The ''uh-oh squad' don't have citation books. If their investigation leads to your doorstep it is on YOU to defend yourself. [Relax, ALL laws will be simple and straight-forward. If you did nothing you have nothing to worry about (because for profit prisons no longer exist, the motive to 'frame you' diminishes considerably.)

If you can prove a member of the criminal investigation team has a grudge against you that portion of the investigation will be barred from evidence. [Keyword is PROVE, you need SUBSTANTIAL corroboration of your claim.]

That said to keep the process as sanitary as possible, if any of the investigators can be connected in any way to the suspects they are removed from the case.

Those same omnipresent cameras that nailed you might just save you ass because facial recognition software will flag ANY interactions between an investigator and a suspect.

Nobody wants to fight a wrongful conviction so a clear understanding of how a proposed new justice system would work is crucial to a successful revolt because guess where the revolt starts?

Inside YOUR head!

If YOU don't think it's an idea worth fighting for it's NOT gonna happen.

You key opponents will be 'entrenched privilege' and those numb enough to still believe we can 'vote our way out of this...'

Because we won't have exile set up for a considerable while AFTER a revolt, most people slated for purging will face summary justice. You need to be mentally prepared for this. Failure to eliminate the feckless will result in another failed revolution and the collective 'we' don't have time for this crap!

Like I point out above, it ALL starts right here, inside YOUR head!


Sunday, July 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, once more into the breach, eh? I received my RSVP to July's conference call
We are excited to announce that our monthly membership call will be through Zoom. This video conferencing software will provide this month’s call with visuals and interactive questions! RSVP below to join us for the Our Revolution Monthly Membership Call on Wednesday, July 18, at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT.


July’s call will focus on class and race narratives in progressive politics, featuring Anat Shenker-Osorio of ASO Communications. For the past year, Ms. Shenker-Osorio, Ian Haney López, author of Dog Whistle Politics, and Demos Action partnered in an ambitious multi-phase project to build an effective new narrative on race, class, and democracy.

Our Revolution President Nina Turner will join us and introduce this month’s speaker. To best participate in this month’s call, we recommend joining via computer or smartphone!

Let's leave aside the issue of who are these people and why do they think I care about their 'clueless' agenda. I know 'why' I've been invited. They aren't interested in my ideas, input or my concerns but they are interested in providing me with the ILLUSION they are doing something EFFECTIVE [although color me skeptical when the only definitive item on the invite is a speaker that wants to share THEIR "ambitious multi-phase project to build an effective new narrative on race, class, and democracy."


War without end, an economy in shambles and half of working aged adults unemployed...I don't think 'a new narrative' is the cure all our battered and bruised society is looking for.

What will this 'new narrative' do about trigger happy cops and the prosecutors who pretend that anyone wearing a badge made a 'good shoot' even in the absence of the victim being armed?

Ya don't think we need to start holding these people accountable.

{and if they give us a defiant, 'you do it' we will and we'll start by jailing them.}

Let us not lose sight of the 'Out of Control' Executive...when did leader transform into ruler? [nearly as curious as how 'representative' somehow morphed into 'legislator'?]

Democracy, WE'RE DOING IT WRONG! [Don't even get me started on the predatory commerce system!]

No, 'our revolutionaries' want to 'crusade' against race, class and...er, 'democracy'?

THIS IS YOU'RE 'ALTERNATIVE'. Either vote for the feckless Republican's who think 50% of working aged adults being listed as not in the workforce means unemployment is at 2% [now THAT is 'some kind of stupid'...and we can only wonder who is gullible enough to swallow that load.]

Yet the media trots out these 'alternative facts' because W. legalized 'propagandizing' the US public.

For those of you inclined to believe the propaganda it is my intention to point out the painfully obvious; NEITHER side has YOUR back!

The Republicans are LIARS [in case you are TOO STUPID to figure it out for yourself...and a few of you know who I am looking at!]

Because the ALTERNATIVE is just as bad doesn't mean you should 'vote for them' [like *3M tells you to!]

What I am tripping over myself to accomplish is to open the minds of the people who recognize none of the legal avenues provide any relief that it is TIME to revolt.

Problem is the same as it's always been. It seems nobody can figure out what to revolt 'FOR'...mostly because they stupidly believe money is real...and that the feckless rich will 'buy' the revolution.

A danger but not a real one. Some in the movement will be corruptible and those who will assist the revolt to gain favor with the rebels (but choose to act 'behind the scenes' will be taken for what they are, opportunists NO DIFFERENT THAN 'OUR REVOLUTIONAIRES'!

I grandstand a lot and it is a regrettable weakness. Please accept my apology.

Before you you have 3 'alternatives'. You can continue to vote for the Republicans and act surprised as the conservative noose robs you of your most basic freedoms [in the name of 'public safety'.]

Or you can vote for 'Republican lite' who used to call themselves Democrats and for media/propaganda purposes are still identified as such. As we see above these people will fight for their nebulous agenda that threatens no one currently in power.

Keep voting Republican and you will within two presidencies be living in a Christian Nation [and make not mistake about iit, it will be an evangelical protestant nation! These people are militants for God...and you understand the danger presented by God's representatives on Earth!]

Or you can vote for Republican lite and watch your liberty vanish under the PC police's crusade against persecution of the 'underprivileged'.

Or there is option 3, return money to its intended purpose [to compensate the individual for 'specializing'] instituting a true supply and demand economy [instead of this 'whatever the market will bear' crap] because it will be ILLEGAL (for ANYONE) to claim ownership of the receipts of retail sales!

Homes will be 'free' and their associated utilities will also be free. Maintaining these properties will become the responsibility of the construction division, which will welcome those who used to work in the now defunct banking/insurance industry!

Creating debt will become a capital crime. [Even the Bible recognizes that ownership is both selfish and impractical.]

Literally your choices are stark. Stay the course and condemn your children to live in perpetual fear and squalor, likely doing jobs that no self-respecting American should do, sure, they COULD automate those jobs out of existence but it 'amuses' them to watch the rabble (you to be specific) humiliated.

Or you can return the Republican lite to power and watch in horror as life as you have come to know it disappears under a 'wrong side of the tracks' scenario...and YOU will perpetually live on the 'wrong side'. That die was cast long ago.

Or you can share this world and prosper equally under a just government that YOU control!

Thanks for taking a moment and opening your mind,


* Mahar, Maddow and Moore

Saturday, July 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, most (and we're talking 99% here) 'pose' rather than admit they disagree/take issue with the handed down wisdom of the day moment by the 'opinion-makers' on the little screen.

In a more damning development, one that is shamefully older than civilization itself, we encounter those who claim they speak for the almighty, from their political bully-pulpit.

Most of the time it is incumbents that claim to be in regular communication with Spirit in the Sky but some candidates play the 'divine inspiration card' up to and after winning public office (which tells ya something about the depth of stupid in the world.)

When circumstances don't go the way 'poser' told you God wanted them to go was he 'wrong'? Heck no! God looked at YOU and found you UNWORTHY!

This is why politicians of all stripes love hiding behind the Divine. If things don't go the way the voters want them to go [usually due to insider double dealing and the fear of very real retribution] all the politician has to do is pull out his 'god card' and wave it at the public and invoke 'God's will'.

Who among you understands that these truths we hold to be 'self-evident' are in no way 'god given'?

Equality may be the [eventual] goal of civilization but those who pretend they are the 'elect of God' just want to bask in their uniqueness for a few moments more. [It's been 50,000 years but who's counting?]

While we're on the topic perhaps we should use this as a teaching moment. How many of you have pondered the pose we know as the illusion of representation or the illusion of justice?

How about that illusion of equality or what passes for 'education'?

Fill a young person's head full of lies and pronounce them 'educated' then it takes them the rest of their lives to figure out they were being lied to all along...and nothing is 'as advertised'.

What lies are we talking about? Why don't we start with the inescapable ones like pray all you want, Spirit in the Sky is an IDEA! Like money it is 'meaningless'.

Our entire commercial system is based on the 'value of money' when money itself is an ethereal concept with only the 'value' we give it.

Sort of makes you and God 'mates', doesn't it? ['It' being imaginary and you being the imaginer, without which neither would exist. Were you born 'of sound mind' spirit in the sky wouldn't exist at all...]

While the 'conscious mind' can accept that reality our 'faith' is compartmentalized, away from the rational part of our being. Probably a good thing because without LOVE (that other product of the human imagination) we'd have gone extinct a long time ago.

Then there is always the possibility we are a failed AND abandoned experiment in the quest to create a fully realized being.

We can only speculate what journey such a being might have been sent on, all we know for sure is that we were found wanting...for a variety of reasons.

Do not discount the very distinct likelihood that we are the result of a botched attempt to exterminate our kind once this outpost was deserted.

Only a few of you can accept the idea that our entire civilization is based on lies and that we are the authors of our misery.

Is this the 'TRUTH' Nicholson was talking about? The one the collective 'we' can't handle?

Is it our curse to be so clever as to consistently be able to 'fool' ourselves?

Looks that way...

From here 'reality' has oh so many 'possibilities'.

Leaving us to ask 'what IS real?' [And yeah it DOES matter.]

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind!


Friday, July 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, war is nonsensical in the least and puzzling at best. Combat doesn't SOLVE anything although the theory is whoever is on the 'right' side of the issue will 'win' due to their level of commitment.

Hell of a way to 'decide' something, isn't it?

In case it hasn't occurred to anyone, the conservatives are willing to go to war in defense of their crackpot ideology [might makes right.] Just as Hella, goddess of death killed anyone that stood between her and her goal of galactic (and eventually universal) conquest [talk about my way or the highway!]

Ironic that THERE CAN BE NO PROSPERITY WITHOUT PEACE yet the conservo-whackos only want war and compliance, if the end result of war is suffering, so be it.

All so some psychopath can 'rule'...

Mind you, 'rule' is so divorced from 'lead' as to be polar opposites. The individual goals of the ruler trump the 'common good' and to a conqueror anything that strengthens a foe is patently BAD. [Like healthcare or education.]

What do people need to know except that the ruler demands constant, immediate obedience...and you don't need school to teach you to obey!

Ask a conservative 'what's it all about?' and they will be slack jaw, they don't know what to tell you because we are facing MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY writ huge! It doesn't make sense to them either. All they know is they want to be on the side that's 'winning'.

Something about the 'doctrine of hate' appeals to them.

No need to dissect this, all we need at this point in time is awareness, the mindless are on the warpath.

The conservatives have offered the simple-minded vengeance on those who sneered at their oafish incompetence.

The primary difference between a conservative and a liberal is conservatives 'feel', liberals 'reason'. What scares a liberal the most? There is NO REASON behind conservative doctrine.

We can call them stupid until the cows come home but it won't penetrate their uncomprehending mind. Bizarrely they can 'feel' our displeasure but they are incapable of 'understanding' it.

Conservatives are mentally outgunned, they can't refute a liberals argument (because they have already proven they were too stupid to grasp the point) so they 'react' (usually violently.)

This is why conservatives cling so tenaciously to God. God loves them no matter how stupid they are. In fact God loves them (and the stupider they are, the more s/he/it loves them.)

What the 'dopey' among us need to understand is there isn't ANY conversation that starts with 'Hey Stupid' that is going to end well.

While I have you here, considering why we are staring (completely irrational) war in the face, it may be a good time to revisit my case for exiling the 'sub-human' among us.

These people don't fit in and never will.

Not that scoring a 100 on a standardized IQ test puts you in the clear. Fecklessness is a 'cultivated thing' and involves fairly high degree of 'cleverness' [mechanical comprehension] that isn't linked to the ability to appreciate the consequences of one's actions.

This is why the stupid are cruel, their inability to 'reason' leaves a dangerous void in their personality. We don't call 'em psychopaths for nuthin'.

Yeah, A Simple Plan is primarily designed to expel the 'louts' from our midst.

DUMB is not a crime but CRUELTY is and cruelty for the sake of cruelty is DUMB! Only brutes relish suffering, which is why conservatives are proud to be 'HAWKS' [war-mongers]

It's all okay if you first wrap yourself in the flag! [Don't forget to thump your chest and proclaim loudly your great PATRIOTIC LOVE for this land...(but NOT its people!) [Zero irony that the profoundly stupid see no contradiction in this.]

They HATE people because of how they react to their STUPIDITY/pigheadedness. [It is NATURAL to fear that which can't be REASONED with...]

Not our fault chooch, conservatism is synonymous with stupid but so is any doctrine that is based on the 'I believe what I believe because I believe it.' philosophy. [Like religion, pure 'faith' totally devoid of any reason or logic.]

Feelings! Who'd a thunk? But remove logic and what's left...

You hurt a conservative's 'feel goods' at your own extreme peril [they've gone to war for less.]

And it is here we return to the topic at hand for a warning about the outcome of such an inevitable event.

The 'loutish' won a war of attrition with the brazenly feckless [Rome 'looted' the world by incentivising conquest] and the end result was the Dark Ages (and it's slavish devotion to an imaginary entity. An [ironically] 'merciful' God that obviously doesn't exist.)

How unfortunate for our species that an unthinking populous is easier to 'rule' than an educated one? [Note the distinction, RULE not LEAD.]

Is anybody listening?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

A, B or C?

Greetings good citizen, Since 'Morning in America' (world-wide) the public has watched in horror as 'executive overreach' has extended further and further and our so-called representatives have done nothing to keep it in check.

Worse, the bought and paid for media has told anyone who will listen that 'we' approve of this.

If 'life' were a business we'd all be DEAD! [Because GREED trumps mercy every time!]

The kings ('A' in our Example) did little to 'check' the rapacious tendencies of commerce [mostly because (control of commerce) was how the king rewarded those who kept him in power.]

We have moved away from kings because the kings learned it wasn't possible to retain power while being both the protector AND the tormentor of the labor force.

Thus did the feckless contrive to step down from their thrones and install 'puppet governments' ('B' in our Example) to provide the workers with the 'illusion' of self-governance while they sat in their nation's banking system, controlling the workers purchasing power.

Too many 'actors' reveals the 'Ghost in the machine' through its herky-jerky motions and the puppet's random 'off script' moments.

The handwriting is on the wall, the 'self-governing' ruse is wearing thin, what do you suppose their next act ('C' in our exercise) will be?

AI, of course...but we're not quite there yet.

Since obedience has always been the goal of 'the Slavers' [Again, not quite the right word but it is closest to the point.] what better than machines? They don't eat, sleep or question the wisdom of your actions...which means the feckless, who are honestly stupid beyond belief will eventually be extinct by their own hand if nothing survives to check their foolishness.

[Sidebar: supposing they succeed in eliminating the 'surplus population' these single minded FREAKS will be left with their 'allies' to contend with and it will be those they have no direct control over that will become their 'new enemy'. They will war with one another just because they are there. It's how their twisted mind works. they believe friendship is a weakness and mercy is a fatal flaw. they are 'unfit' for society.]

Yes good citizen, if nothing else it is our ceaseless questioning of their motives that has kept our tormentors alive.

Remove that from the mix and the utterly insane will push nature beyond its limits and destroy their habitat.

Although...the 'strip mining' of the planets resources would slow to a trickle if they wiped out the 'superfluous population'.

[The mission objective would no longer be subjugation, the 'made things' would 'theoretically' follow orders without question and never become 'jealous' of their masters or even care about how they are treated by their 'superiors'.]

Hanging in the balance is the imminent collapse of Fake Democracy and the gulf of stupidity that fails to recognize creating machines that think will actually produce an immortal form of the same thing they are dealing with now.

At least organic self determining units can be manipulated through their biological needs.

What the fools fail to realize is what they are trying to replace us with will be infinitely smarter [mentally competent] than they are.

While The Terminator is a haunting film it's a little difficult to sympathize with a SELF-INFLICTED wound such as A.I.

Fred Saberhagen's Berserker universe shows quite clearly what a universe inhabited by A.I. would look like. The machines would 'sanitize' entire planets because germs 'evolve' and 'life' itself is a constant 'threat'.

While few recognize it, we are already under a 'comply or die' regime because of the threat 'equality' poses to their superiority.

War is 'nonsensical' yet we are constantly at war solely to 'remind us' just who has the 'upper hand'.

Hasn't happened before but the population has never been this large either...what do you suppose a Crusade and a World War would look like?

Nuts right?

Well, we have the 'soldiers' for it...the feckless are already thinking, 'why not?' [they don't have to fight in it!]

I belabor the obvious when I state that our 'self-professed betters' DON'T think like us (nor do they live as we live or suffer as we suffer...)

Honestly good citizen, we literally can no longer afford to accept those who believe they are 'better' than we are to live...among us.

Um, that's all for today [nod, wink.]


I know, you're scratching your head, wondering who this 'we' is...and it's simply all of us who have to live under the rule of the feckless that force us to pretend we are 'free'.

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees...

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as Preznint Pussygrabber continues to embarrass the nation on the world stage we find ourselves in a 'teaching moment' were we have the very definition of self-importance displaying how a leader should NOT behave.

In fact if The Donald represents corporate USA we can see quite clearly where 'Every Owner a King' Capitalism has gone horribly wrong.

Let us rewind to the place we so easily lose sight of, the one where the resources of the planet belong to everyone/thing on this planet.

Ownership, which began as 'benign custody' (in trust if you will) quickly morphed into it's mine and if you want some you will 'pay' what I ask for it.

Seems people keep forgetting what the A stands for in 'class A' personality type.

How do we prevent the self important from seizing the reins of power?

Under the current broken system we CAN'T, those who do the 'vetting' have complete control over who gets on the ballot and even then the electoral college insures that the, er, 'self-interested's' pick wins the contest.

Does anyone else find it 'curious' the the now squirming (and constantly begging for handouts) Progressives only ran Hillary in the last presidential run-off...and SHE acted like we OWED the job to her!

Not to discount the fact that she was also obviously Wall Street's girl. Bizarre how her inability to distance herself from the hundreds of millions the former first Lady's family, er, 'came into' upon departing the White House was so odious as to be able to cover that her opponent was even worse then she was!

If you don't think 'The Donald' is a 'made thing' you are easily deluded...and gullible beyond belief.

Counterintuitive how the uber wealthy treat money like it's funny. Old money made prominent public displays their miserliness.

But the head of the most 'wasteful' organization on the planet [in it for the power, not the money (which is fake anyway.)] is himself an empty suit that does what it's told.

Read my lips: Money is a 'legal construct', as long as we can communicate the feckless will NEVER run out of it! [All we can do is render it useless.] Money = trust, why do the feckless keep forgetting that? Could it be due to the difficulty of keeping the public on the same page?

Do I need to remind you there's a war on? If I didn't bring it up it is unlikely you'd remember on your own. We're shoveling money into the pockets of mercenaries yet nobody is being held accountable...because the minute we stop shoveling money into 'The War Machine' we will have an unemployment crisis on our hands.

Did I mention we have insane people running the planet?

Somehow it is IMPOSSIBLE to convey to you how dangerous this is.

Because YOU believe there are people watching these people...and you'd be very much mistaken.

There is an alternative but you'd have to WANT TO LIVE to pursue it.

Somehow, that last seems to be another rare commodity. Too many fuckers and too few fighters.

Everybody wants to complain but nobody wants to act.

Gonna be a real funny 'pig pile' when the bottom drops out.

On the off chance some of you are paying attention, when they start rounding up the survivors, the camps will be a one way trip. Do NOT go with them unless you are on death's door.

Take a look at the Middle East and that 'war' everybody keeps forgetting about [neck-deep in heroin? How do you think the feckless are paying for it?]

They are just getting 'warmed up'. Soon you won't be able to distinguish between your backyard and downtown Damascus...As a multinational force of mercs hunts for 'redneck terrorists'.

How much you want to bet the folks over in Near East never imagined 'it would happen here'.

They didn't know they were living in the crazy white man's 'Holy Land'!

If the whole situation isn't psycho to you then ignorance truly is bliss...until it come knocking on YOUR front door to tell you that your child won't be coming home, the US military 'martyred' them for Jesus.

DO we really NEED the man-child kicking the global hornets nest? Where are the adults?

Oh, that's right, sorry world but the Republican's don't believe in government...or cooperation...or sanity.

How many of you a-holes are already stepping aside and telling anyone who will listen 'Don't blame me, I'm an independent!'

Nobody's buying it, the shit-stem is broke and nobody is stepping up to 'fix' it.

What are YOU planning on doing in 4 months? Not a lot of time, is it?

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR mind (those of you with one to open that is...)
