Greetings good citizen, in my seemingly endless quest for the universal touchstone I have racked up an impressive list of failures. I have implored you to save your children but nope, the feckless have you convinced your kids aren't in danger. I haven't appealed to you directly because that's a lost cause, you're too wrapped in trying to making a fortune to even consider the seamless box you've been shoved into.
War is omnipresent so it's threat/consequences has had no effect on a head incapable of understanding what tyranny is or a heart that's even harder than your impenetrable head thanks to video games that have made taking the life of other players just another part of the game...
I have pointed out (repeatedly) that the ENTIRE 'decision-making process' is flawed to the point of uselessness and all it did was lose me readers.
I have patiently explained the fact that you have been enslaved by debt but, again, you are beyond caring, three cheers for the red, white and blue! [Ironically the same colors as France's flag!]
Somewhat bizarre in a country where 'loyalty' is a liability it seems to be the one thing the bone-headed value. [Not REAL loyalty but fake loyalty like the fake love of a country that wouldn't spit on the best part of you...if you aren't rich.]
In a complete reversal [Since you know when] the (heavily massaged) message has been 'support our troops' now that the employment picture is so horrible that if not for the military unemployment would be 75%
This nation was founded on the fear of standing armies and feckless bankers, yet US banksters have crashed the global economy twice in the past one hundred years and NOBODY went to prison for it!
Should we thank a veteran for this? You know the feckless do!
Or perhaps we should look no further than our badly mangled justice system that has no problem with 'for profit' prisons.
This shit went out the window with the Magna Carta but that didn't stop it from making a comeback!
In fact, 'Morning in America' has seen the return of just about every social evil that has EVER plagued society and the REPUBLICANS made it all possible (hallelujah, praise the lord and pass the ammunition!)
Yup, Christ is coming for ya, the dumb ones first!
The church's bad reputation is WELL EARNED.
The clergy stood mute (often defending) the 'collaborators' [see today's title] in our collective exploitation...all for a measly ten percent.
Treachery is reviled to the point of it being a capital crime.
Is the 'cracker' a traitor to its own kind?
It most certainly is. [Yet the church and what passes for a government defends this behavior [playing the public safety card.] Wouldn't we all be a LOT safer if the agents of the law protected everyone? We're actually a lot 'freer' without mindless policing causing problems left, right and center!
Again, when I point to glaring injustices such as this your eyes glaze over. I have never ONCE asked you for a penny and you'd think I was pestering you when all you need to do is 'stop reading' (but you can't, can you! If you stop reading you won't know when the shit is going to start!) [Cue sinister chuckle...]
That said if it were up to me it would be all over but the shouting already but YOU seem to be keeping your powder dry, which is being interpreted as you are still too chicken to fight.
For fifty years now you have had less to lose than you stood to gain by revolting and still you refuse to rise up. Well, the day is coming, in fact feel free to start anytime now. Like a tinder dry forest, the sidelines are bulging with eager participants, literally chomping at the bit, waiting to 'pile in' and all it's going to take is one spark. [The Rubicon was crossed fifty years ago when the conservatives staged a bloodless coup and hijacked the political system.]
The Dems that you have grown to loathe for their spinelessness no longer exist...but you already know that.
Time to accept what you already know. Nobody has your back and nobody in today's political landscape is on YOUR side.
Politics isn't something you can't delegate or ignore because YOU have to live here and if you don't look out for your children, who will?
Another appeal that failed miserably but I repeat myself. [Largely because the political landscape has become bullet-proof.]
So it is I fall back on the traitor which is everybody's problem.
Here's an uncomfortable question...are you or could you be seen by your peers to be a cracker/traitor?
Most of us are incurable mimics and half of the time we don't pay attention to the sentiments we echo, but we should.
Your off-hand remarks could be branding you as a traitor...starting with thanking veterans for their service...or that new thing at ball parks [which will vanish in another twenty years, if that] of having vets stand up to be 'recognized'.
Prior to the twin invasions of the Middle East most 'vets' were drafted! So thanking somebody that didn't volunteer was somewhat nonsensical.
Then Congress pulled a real boner [post 'Morning in America'] and passed legislation that required females to sign up for the draft...and suddenly we had an all volunteer armed forces (and mercenaries returned too! Who'd a thunk?)
Now it seems we have volunteers and professionals working together to subjugate the former United (we're not) States.
Now the feckless media is telling us that we are already in trouble come this November, not that 500 fake Democrats were actually going to do anything in the first place.
Oh, and the people running things won't let their pets in Washington remove Pussygrabber, they aren't done with their prize bonehead!
[Just a thought here but you don't suppose Donald's actually broke and he's letting himself be publicly humiliated to avoid being thrown in the slammer, do you? Just spitballing here because to date D.J.T. is the poster child for 'zero self respect!'
Ya gotta wonder, SIXTEEN Republicans ran against Hillary and this is the one that 'won' [and even then he wouldn't have based on the popular vote.]
Look to your public support of Preznint Pussygrabber and consider for a moment just how this is playing in the eyes of the people you have to live among.
Not for the last time will I ask 'How STUPID are you?'
You don't think it's stupid but the people around you know what's behind your 'crackerism'.
Like many things the term 'if you're not a part of the solution then you are part of the problem' is lost on you...and that's okay because it's NOT lost on them.
Just try not to act totally surprised when the uh-oh squad shows up on your doorstep to escort you on your all expenses paid, one way excursion to Lord of the Flies Island!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
There ARE more of us than there are of you...[but you already know that.]
War is omnipresent so it's threat/consequences has had no effect on a head incapable of understanding what tyranny is or a heart that's even harder than your impenetrable head thanks to video games that have made taking the life of other players just another part of the game...
I have pointed out (repeatedly) that the ENTIRE 'decision-making process' is flawed to the point of uselessness and all it did was lose me readers.
I have patiently explained the fact that you have been enslaved by debt but, again, you are beyond caring, three cheers for the red, white and blue! [Ironically the same colors as France's flag!]
Somewhat bizarre in a country where 'loyalty' is a liability it seems to be the one thing the bone-headed value. [Not REAL loyalty but fake loyalty like the fake love of a country that wouldn't spit on the best part of you...if you aren't rich.]
In a complete reversal [Since you know when] the (heavily massaged) message has been 'support our troops' now that the employment picture is so horrible that if not for the military unemployment would be 75%
This nation was founded on the fear of standing armies and feckless bankers, yet US banksters have crashed the global economy twice in the past one hundred years and NOBODY went to prison for it!
Should we thank a veteran for this? You know the feckless do!
Or perhaps we should look no further than our badly mangled justice system that has no problem with 'for profit' prisons.
This shit went out the window with the Magna Carta but that didn't stop it from making a comeback!
In fact, 'Morning in America' has seen the return of just about every social evil that has EVER plagued society and the REPUBLICANS made it all possible (hallelujah, praise the lord and pass the ammunition!)
Yup, Christ is coming for ya, the dumb ones first!
The church's bad reputation is WELL EARNED.
The clergy stood mute (often defending) the 'collaborators' [see today's title] in our collective exploitation...all for a measly ten percent.
Treachery is reviled to the point of it being a capital crime.
Is the 'cracker' a traitor to its own kind?
It most certainly is. [Yet the church and what passes for a government defends this behavior [playing the public safety card.] Wouldn't we all be a LOT safer if the agents of the law protected everyone? We're actually a lot 'freer' without mindless policing causing problems left, right and center!
Again, when I point to glaring injustices such as this your eyes glaze over. I have never ONCE asked you for a penny and you'd think I was pestering you when all you need to do is 'stop reading' (but you can't, can you! If you stop reading you won't know when the shit is going to start!) [Cue sinister chuckle...]
That said if it were up to me it would be all over but the shouting already but YOU seem to be keeping your powder dry, which is being interpreted as you are still too chicken to fight.
For fifty years now you have had less to lose than you stood to gain by revolting and still you refuse to rise up. Well, the day is coming, in fact feel free to start anytime now. Like a tinder dry forest, the sidelines are bulging with eager participants, literally chomping at the bit, waiting to 'pile in' and all it's going to take is one spark. [The Rubicon was crossed fifty years ago when the conservatives staged a bloodless coup and hijacked the political system.]
The Dems that you have grown to loathe for their spinelessness no longer exist...but you already know that.
Time to accept what you already know. Nobody has your back and nobody in today's political landscape is on YOUR side.
Politics isn't something you can't delegate or ignore because YOU have to live here and if you don't look out for your children, who will?
Another appeal that failed miserably but I repeat myself. [Largely because the political landscape has become bullet-proof.]
So it is I fall back on the traitor which is everybody's problem.
Here's an uncomfortable question...are you or could you be seen by your peers to be a cracker/traitor?
Most of us are incurable mimics and half of the time we don't pay attention to the sentiments we echo, but we should.
Your off-hand remarks could be branding you as a traitor...starting with thanking veterans for their service...or that new thing at ball parks [which will vanish in another twenty years, if that] of having vets stand up to be 'recognized'.
Prior to the twin invasions of the Middle East most 'vets' were drafted! So thanking somebody that didn't volunteer was somewhat nonsensical.
Then Congress pulled a real boner [post 'Morning in America'] and passed legislation that required females to sign up for the draft...and suddenly we had an all volunteer armed forces (and mercenaries returned too! Who'd a thunk?)
Now it seems we have volunteers and professionals working together to subjugate the former United (we're not) States.
Now the feckless media is telling us that we are already in trouble come this November, not that 500 fake Democrats were actually going to do anything in the first place.
Oh, and the people running things won't let their pets in Washington remove Pussygrabber, they aren't done with their prize bonehead!
[Just a thought here but you don't suppose Donald's actually broke and he's letting himself be publicly humiliated to avoid being thrown in the slammer, do you? Just spitballing here because to date D.J.T. is the poster child for 'zero self respect!'
Ya gotta wonder, SIXTEEN Republicans ran against Hillary and this is the one that 'won' [and even then he wouldn't have based on the popular vote.]
Look to your public support of Preznint Pussygrabber and consider for a moment just how this is playing in the eyes of the people you have to live among.
Not for the last time will I ask 'How STUPID are you?'
You don't think it's stupid but the people around you know what's behind your 'crackerism'.
Like many things the term 'if you're not a part of the solution then you are part of the problem' is lost on you...and that's okay because it's NOT lost on them.
Just try not to act totally surprised when the uh-oh squad shows up on your doorstep to escort you on your all expenses paid, one way excursion to Lord of the Flies Island!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
There ARE more of us than there are of you...[but you already know that.]
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