Sunday, July 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, once more into the breach, eh? I received my RSVP to July's conference call
We are excited to announce that our monthly membership call will be through Zoom. This video conferencing software will provide this month’s call with visuals and interactive questions! RSVP below to join us for the Our Revolution Monthly Membership Call on Wednesday, July 18, at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT.


July’s call will focus on class and race narratives in progressive politics, featuring Anat Shenker-Osorio of ASO Communications. For the past year, Ms. Shenker-Osorio, Ian Haney López, author of Dog Whistle Politics, and Demos Action partnered in an ambitious multi-phase project to build an effective new narrative on race, class, and democracy.

Our Revolution President Nina Turner will join us and introduce this month’s speaker. To best participate in this month’s call, we recommend joining via computer or smartphone!

Let's leave aside the issue of who are these people and why do they think I care about their 'clueless' agenda. I know 'why' I've been invited. They aren't interested in my ideas, input or my concerns but they are interested in providing me with the ILLUSION they are doing something EFFECTIVE [although color me skeptical when the only definitive item on the invite is a speaker that wants to share THEIR "ambitious multi-phase project to build an effective new narrative on race, class, and democracy."


War without end, an economy in shambles and half of working aged adults unemployed...I don't think 'a new narrative' is the cure all our battered and bruised society is looking for.

What will this 'new narrative' do about trigger happy cops and the prosecutors who pretend that anyone wearing a badge made a 'good shoot' even in the absence of the victim being armed?

Ya don't think we need to start holding these people accountable.

{and if they give us a defiant, 'you do it' we will and we'll start by jailing them.}

Let us not lose sight of the 'Out of Control' Executive...when did leader transform into ruler? [nearly as curious as how 'representative' somehow morphed into 'legislator'?]

Democracy, WE'RE DOING IT WRONG! [Don't even get me started on the predatory commerce system!]

No, 'our revolutionaries' want to 'crusade' against race, class, 'democracy'?

THIS IS YOU'RE 'ALTERNATIVE'. Either vote for the feckless Republican's who think 50% of working aged adults being listed as not in the workforce means unemployment is at 2% [now THAT is 'some kind of stupid'...and we can only wonder who is gullible enough to swallow that load.]

Yet the media trots out these 'alternative facts' because W. legalized 'propagandizing' the US public.

For those of you inclined to believe the propaganda it is my intention to point out the painfully obvious; NEITHER side has YOUR back!

The Republicans are LIARS [in case you are TOO STUPID to figure it out for yourself...and a few of you know who I am looking at!]

Because the ALTERNATIVE is just as bad doesn't mean you should 'vote for them' [like *3M tells you to!]

What I am tripping over myself to accomplish is to open the minds of the people who recognize none of the legal avenues provide any relief that it is TIME to revolt.

Problem is the same as it's always been. It seems nobody can figure out what to revolt 'FOR'...mostly because they stupidly believe money is real...and that the feckless rich will 'buy' the revolution.

A danger but not a real one. Some in the movement will be corruptible and those who will assist the revolt to gain favor with the rebels (but choose to act 'behind the scenes' will be taken for what they are, opportunists NO DIFFERENT THAN 'OUR REVOLUTIONAIRES'!

I grandstand a lot and it is a regrettable weakness. Please accept my apology.

Before you you have 3 'alternatives'. You can continue to vote for the Republicans and act surprised as the conservative noose robs you of your most basic freedoms [in the name of 'public safety'.]

Or you can vote for 'Republican lite' who used to call themselves Democrats and for media/propaganda purposes are still identified as such. As we see above these people will fight for their nebulous agenda that threatens no one currently in power.

Keep voting Republican and you will within two presidencies be living in a Christian Nation [and make not mistake about iit, it will be an evangelical protestant nation! These people are militants for God...and you understand the danger presented by God's representatives on Earth!]

Or you can vote for Republican lite and watch your liberty vanish under the PC police's crusade against persecution of the 'underprivileged'.

Or there is option 3, return money to its intended purpose [to compensate the individual for 'specializing'] instituting a true supply and demand economy [instead of this 'whatever the market will bear' crap] because it will be ILLEGAL (for ANYONE) to claim ownership of the receipts of retail sales!

Homes will be 'free' and their associated utilities will also be free. Maintaining these properties will become the responsibility of the construction division, which will welcome those who used to work in the now defunct banking/insurance industry!

Creating debt will become a capital crime. [Even the Bible recognizes that ownership is both selfish and impractical.]

Literally your choices are stark. Stay the course and condemn your children to live in perpetual fear and squalor, likely doing jobs that no self-respecting American should do, sure, they COULD automate those jobs out of existence but it 'amuses' them to watch the rabble (you to be specific) humiliated.

Or you can return the Republican lite to power and watch in horror as life as you have come to know it disappears under a 'wrong side of the tracks' scenario...and YOU will perpetually live on the 'wrong side'. That die was cast long ago.

Or you can share this world and prosper equally under a just government that YOU control!

Thanks for taking a moment and opening your mind,


* Mahar, Maddow and Moore

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