Sunday, July 8, 2018


Greetings good citizen, civilizations, like stories, travel along arcs. Few would disagree that the latest arc '*our civilization' is traversing is rapidly reaching its zenith (as empty as that destination appears to be [because the feckless are once again attempting to set up another 'thousand year reign' for THEIR Children to rule.]

History shows us that all attempts after the Egyptians at the 1,000 year goal have failed miserably. While the two successful examples have histories gushing in the blood of the innocent.

Hitler even called his attempt the Third Reich. [Somehow I suspect there were more than that (3 attempts) but he was probably working the 'third time's the charm' angle...]

This isn't a history lesson but if we fail to be mindful of history we would fail to appreciate that we are locked on a track intended to keep our species perpetually at war [With OURSELVES!]

Naturally the conflict without end stratagem is a distraction intended to keep the 'drones' from noticing that a certain segment of society is milking the rest of us for all we're worth.

Worse, they consider this 'the natural order of things'.

[Careful whose knee you sit your children at...superiority is a first cousin of hatred...and they are both 'learned' from well-intentioned (albeit clueless) others.]

Sidebar: Where do you suppose the entire idea of 'jobs Americans don't want to do' comes from? Those who teach their children that they are 'too good' for that kind of work.

Walk that back and we find ourselves at where do the privileged set the bar? Bankster, then lawyer [or both, lawyer for a bank/insurance company.] Everything else is beneath them.

Kids take this sort of stuff to heart but once divorced from the hard facts of survival they quickly learn it's much easier to order somebody else to deal with life's messy parts.

How unfortunate for the rest of us that this mindset was quickly adopted by those who didn't want THEIR children to be 'peasants'.

Because work 'unfit' for the well-born soon got knocked down to work unbecoming of a 'self-respecting American'...

Yup, no sooner did a few pick their feet up out of the mud did everybody want out.

Well, lesson one children is nature is a relentless taskmaster. [Cooperatively she is easily tamed but SOMEBODY has to step in the mud some of the time, it's unavoidable.] If the feckless EVER get their heads out of their rectum maybe we could automate all of that stuff but until then [the feckless are in no hurry to ease the burden of those they purposefully keep destitute. They find humiliating their lessers entertaining as well as 'instructive' because it serves to teach them 'their proper place'.]

Back to our 'Arc':

Which is to belabor the obvious, the Us vs Them state that is perpetuated by the criminals among us.

How do we remove the criminals from the corridors of power?


Turning positions of responsibility into popularity contests is how this whole situation got out of hand in the first place.

Ironic the Native Americans made those who wanted to wear the mantle of leadership first prove they were worthy. [While the feckless still label them 'savages'!]

This isn't just a marvelous idea for the leadership of humanity but it is so crucial to the advancement of our species that EVERYBODY should participate! [Only the best will succeed!]

Which is how things are done under A Simple Plan. [So crucial is this to the peaceful development of our species that tampering with **any aspect of the tests shall be an exile offense!]

Again, I admonish you to remember WHY I end my offerings where I end them.

It's a sin to bury GOOD ideas under tons of blah, blah, blah...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


*ours by virtue that we are here and have no choice but to follow the course laid by the actions of the clueless.

**Since 'ties' on the academic portion will be common the test will be decided on the 'character' of the candidates and how they are regarded by their co-workers. (If you're miserable to work WITH it need not tax the imagination to consider what it would like to work FOR you.) Civil society will truly become civil again and not the fakery so common with today's backstabbers.

If you can't be trusted your co-workers know it.

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