Monday, July 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while I am fond of reminding you that this is likely the ONLY place you are greeted with respect, if the scumballs in the corporate owned media find I'm chewing into their audience you may well be referred to one day as 'exalted ones' [because morons don't know the difference between respect and flattery. (Guess which one they think YOU are?)

Not that we entertain many 'simpletons' here, they can't keep up/grasp with what I have to share.

But I digress.

Today's troubling headline is El Trumpo's latest threat to shutdown the government if Democrats don't fund the staggeringly expensive and easily defeated 'border wall'.

READ MY LIPS: The Republicans control THE GOVERNMENT (Just like they did when NAFTA was presented to Willy Jeff to sign into law) They don't NEED the Democrats to give them anything, but A-hole is going to 'shut down the government' just to show our allies 'he means business'.

Why bother going through the motions when they intend to lie about it later makes little sense but that has never dissuaded them.

For reasons that don't need to be explained to even the moderately bright, all they want to do is have Dems 'on record' as supporting Republican Stupidity so they can later be blamed for not stopping the majority party!

They've been pulling this bogus crap for decades and EVERYBODY KNOWS it's 'posturing' but here we circle back to 'who writes history?'

Well, for fifty years now it's been the twisted and corrupt writing 'fantasies' about their noble struggle to obstruct human progress at EVERY turn.

Shameless and feckless are so close as to be synonymous but both still apply.

But how does this connect to 'forever'?

If we fail to throw the feckless from the driver's seat, you can look forward to an 'eternity' of being lied to.

We are into the second decade of 'The Long Emergency' that shows no sign of ending.

Remember John Jay [and most of you don't.] who opined "Let those who OWN the land, RULE the land!"

Those who don't OWN have to shut up and go along with what the feckless decide because its THEIR land, NOT YOURS!

Think you didn't have a future before? How's 'forever' looking to you now?


I will remind you once again that the Youth of the planet is relying on YOU!

Thanks once again for letting me inside what passes for your mind,


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