Greetings good citizen, most (and we're talking 99% here) 'pose' rather than admit they disagree/take issue with the handed down wisdom of the day moment by the 'opinion-makers' on the little screen.
In a more damning development, one that is shamefully older than civilization itself, we encounter those who claim they speak for the almighty, from their political bully-pulpit.
Most of the time it is incumbents that claim to be in regular communication with Spirit in the Sky but some candidates play the 'divine inspiration card' up to and after winning public office (which tells ya something about the depth of stupid in the world.)
When circumstances don't go the way 'poser' told you God wanted them to go was he 'wrong'? Heck no! God looked at YOU and found you UNWORTHY!
This is why politicians of all stripes love hiding behind the Divine. If things don't go the way the voters want them to go [usually due to insider double dealing and the fear of very real retribution] all the politician has to do is pull out his 'god card' and wave it at the public and invoke 'God's will'.
Who among you understands that these truths we hold to be 'self-evident' are in no way 'god given'?
Equality may be the [eventual] goal of civilization but those who pretend they are the 'elect of God' just want to bask in their uniqueness for a few moments more. [It's been 50,000 years but who's counting?]
While we're on the topic perhaps we should use this as a teaching moment. How many of you have pondered the pose we know as the illusion of representation or the illusion of justice?
How about that illusion of equality or what passes for 'education'?
Fill a young person's head full of lies and pronounce them 'educated' then it takes them the rest of their lives to figure out they were being lied to all along...and nothing is 'as advertised'.
What lies are we talking about? Why don't we start with the inescapable ones like pray all you want, Spirit in the Sky is an IDEA! Like money it is 'meaningless'.
Our entire commercial system is based on the 'value of money' when money itself is an ethereal concept with only the 'value' we give it.
Sort of makes you and God 'mates', doesn't it? ['It' being imaginary and you being the imaginer, without which neither would exist. Were you born 'of sound mind' spirit in the sky wouldn't exist at all...]
While the 'conscious mind' can accept that reality our 'faith' is compartmentalized, away from the rational part of our being. Probably a good thing because without LOVE (that other product of the human imagination) we'd have gone extinct a long time ago.
Then there is always the possibility we are a failed AND abandoned experiment in the quest to create a fully realized being.
We can only speculate what journey such a being might have been sent on, all we know for sure is that we were found wanting...for a variety of reasons.
Do not discount the very distinct likelihood that we are the result of a botched attempt to exterminate our kind once this outpost was deserted.
Only a few of you can accept the idea that our entire civilization is based on lies and that we are the authors of our misery.
Is this the 'TRUTH' Nicholson was talking about? The one the collective 'we' can't handle?
Is it our curse to be so clever as to consistently be able to 'fool' ourselves?
Looks that way...
From here 'reality' has oh so many 'possibilities'.
Leaving us to ask 'what IS real?' [And yeah it DOES matter.]
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind!
In a more damning development, one that is shamefully older than civilization itself, we encounter those who claim they speak for the almighty, from their political bully-pulpit.
Most of the time it is incumbents that claim to be in regular communication with Spirit in the Sky but some candidates play the 'divine inspiration card' up to and after winning public office (which tells ya something about the depth of stupid in the world.)
When circumstances don't go the way 'poser' told you God wanted them to go was he 'wrong'? Heck no! God looked at YOU and found you UNWORTHY!
This is why politicians of all stripes love hiding behind the Divine. If things don't go the way the voters want them to go [usually due to insider double dealing and the fear of very real retribution] all the politician has to do is pull out his 'god card' and wave it at the public and invoke 'God's will'.
Who among you understands that these truths we hold to be 'self-evident' are in no way 'god given'?
Equality may be the [eventual] goal of civilization but those who pretend they are the 'elect of God' just want to bask in their uniqueness for a few moments more. [It's been 50,000 years but who's counting?]
While we're on the topic perhaps we should use this as a teaching moment. How many of you have pondered the pose we know as the illusion of representation or the illusion of justice?
How about that illusion of equality or what passes for 'education'?
Fill a young person's head full of lies and pronounce them 'educated' then it takes them the rest of their lives to figure out they were being lied to all along...and nothing is 'as advertised'.
What lies are we talking about? Why don't we start with the inescapable ones like pray all you want, Spirit in the Sky is an IDEA! Like money it is 'meaningless'.
Our entire commercial system is based on the 'value of money' when money itself is an ethereal concept with only the 'value' we give it.
Sort of makes you and God 'mates', doesn't it? ['It' being imaginary and you being the imaginer, without which neither would exist. Were you born 'of sound mind' spirit in the sky wouldn't exist at all...]
While the 'conscious mind' can accept that reality our 'faith' is compartmentalized, away from the rational part of our being. Probably a good thing because without LOVE (that other product of the human imagination) we'd have gone extinct a long time ago.
Then there is always the possibility we are a failed AND abandoned experiment in the quest to create a fully realized being.
We can only speculate what journey such a being might have been sent on, all we know for sure is that we were found wanting...for a variety of reasons.
Do not discount the very distinct likelihood that we are the result of a botched attempt to exterminate our kind once this outpost was deserted.
Only a few of you can accept the idea that our entire civilization is based on lies and that we are the authors of our misery.
Is this the 'TRUTH' Nicholson was talking about? The one the collective 'we' can't handle?
Is it our curse to be so clever as to consistently be able to 'fool' ourselves?
Looks that way...
From here 'reality' has oh so many 'possibilities'.
Leaving us to ask 'what IS real?' [And yeah it DOES matter.]
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind!
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